View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)
Good morning everyone...hope you all enjoy the day
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone...
hope this will be an other great day:D
goodmorning everyone...:D
another very hot day here.....and i have 10 days free from work to enjoy :D
have a nice day..
good evening to you all....
nice temperature here this evening.....been too hot and humid today...
goodmorning :D
quiet here....but not suprising for a sunday morning..:lol:
18 Jun 2006, 13:48
Good afternoon, hope you all have a nice and sunny day
Good morning to eveyone who is around, but wish it was good night:roll: :zzz:
30 Jun 2006, 09:27
Afternoon to you too
Hi everyone, hope your all havin' a FAB day ;)
no sleep for me this night or is it morning? let me see what is the time 03.12am:shock:
01 Jul 2006, 11:27
*whispers* Shhh! Be vewy vewy qwiet, Dottie's catching up on her lost sleep.
*still whispering* Hello everybody and good evening to you all.
*whispers* Shhh! Be vewy vewy qwiet, Dottie's catching up on her lost sleep.
*still whispering* Hello everybody and good evening to you all.
your an angel rockette:lol: yes I will be catching up on some sleep soon, hoe I don't sleep through the football:shock: didn't end up going to bed at all:roll:
01 Jul 2006, 15:08
I can sympathise. I was up until 3.30am myself, then hauled my sorry rotund rear end out of the sack at 9am and on the go all day since then. Found out that eyes closing whilst travelling at 100kph is not ideal. Opened 'em in time though. :D
Good evening one and all, by the way. :D
Good Afternoon to you all;)
I can sympathise. I was up until 3.30am myself, then hauled my sorry rotund rear end out of the sack at 9am and on the go all day since then. Found out that eyes closing whilst travelling at 100kph is not ideal. Opened 'em in time though. :D
Good evening one and all, by the way. :D
good afternoon rockette and all......
wish you'd come into the chat room.......;)
02 Jul 2006, 04:12
Good Morning!
Chat rooms and I don't mix well. Thanks all the same.
02 Jul 2006, 16:51
Good Afternoon All! :D
03 Jul 2006, 00:36
Evening everyone
03 Jul 2006, 06:20
Afternoon all. And lunch was just delicious too.
good morning..
it's gonna be another hot summer night..
good morning Loafers..
It's gonna ba an other hot summer day around here..
take care
05 Jul 2006, 20:29
good evening, still waiting for the thunder and rain:? o pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee i want it NOW
Good morning a very sleepy one.......
well do not know whether to say good morning again or good night, now I have a sore throat, blocked up nose, runny eyes, and a brain that will not stop buzzing:twisted:
Hi Dottie,
hope you'll have a good sleep after all and feel better soon...
Good morning Loafers..
the sun is shining:D
Good Morning all :yawn: :zzz: 4 am before I eventually fell asleep:shock:
I've heard of older persons not needing so much sleep, but this ridiculous:lol:
Good morning all... have a wonderful day..
13 Jul 2006, 11:29
Good Morning all :yawn: :zzz: 4 am before I eventually fell asleep:shock:
I've heard of older persons not needing so much sleep, but this ridiculous:lol:
;) Your partner asleep? I'd give him a good old nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more!
Evening all.
good morning all
lovely cool breeze here nice:D after all this hot sticky weather
May I be the first to say a good afternoon to everyone! (or whatever it is where you are)
good evening or afternoon where ever you are:D
good evening Caelan :D how are you?
good evening all:D
good evening Caelan :D how are you?
good evening all:D
Good eveing Bren..I'm fine..the weather is good and all is good at home
how are you?:D
Good evening Loafers...:-P
have a nice sunny day..
and have fun on this sweet just started day:D(for me it just started)
Good morning's hot humid and raining here....
hope you all have a good day.....
21 Jul 2006, 01:50
Good Night All!!
21 Jul 2006, 08:28
goodmorning, and again a very sunny and hot day here..
21 Jul 2006, 10:57
Morning All!! :D
TallyHo! I'm going now!:wave: :yawn: :zzz:
HELLO all Loafers....
have a good day..:D
good afternoon one and all :D
Right I better get going, need to wash my hair otherwise I won't get it done tonight!
Bye Benny and everyone :wave:
Bye Leah :wave: chat soon hun;)
I say say good bye...good bye, good bye...
evening all!!!How is everyone???
06 Aug 2006, 08:28
afternoon all!
Hi Rockette....Good morning...
And now I am away to bed.
12 Aug 2006, 07:25
2.30pm Saturday in Australia
12 Aug 2006, 09:55
Goodmorning and happy birthday Rockette!
12 Aug 2006, 10:33
thank you so muchly. it's now nearly time to get ready to go out and party!
good afternoon everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
12 Aug 2006, 19:04
Good nearly evening Hayley!
hi there!!!!!!!:wave: how are u tonight?recoverd from the night in the bat and belfry the other night?:lmao: it was so funny!!
13 Aug 2006, 11:02
Evening all good Loafers out there
hi there everyone!!!!:wave:
Lord Kagan
13 Aug 2006, 16:48
hey all
13 Aug 2006, 17:36
hi there!!!!!!!:wave: how are u tonight?recoverd from the night in the bat and belfry the other night?:lmao: it was so funny!!
:wave: Feeling much better now... don't think I'll risk another Loaferette tho', how're you and your new... ahem... 'friend' doing? :lol:
we were discussing baby names last night, like mike if its a boy and Night or Onenight for a girl, seeing as i would be Mrs Stand :lmao:
13 Aug 2006, 17:47
Have you considered Hand?
ohh dear it's afternoon already..:shock:
Hi all have a good day...:-P
hope the weather will be better someday:?
Good morning all!!!!!!!:wave:
Hi caelan :wave: how are u?
I'm fine..a little sad the weekend is over already..
they are never long enough..
how are you? had a nice weekend?
im ok thanks i had an ok weekend nothing special lol spent most of it in bed just out of sheer laziness!!!lol
14 Aug 2006, 14:36
:D evening Hayley. If you really want to rack up some posts, go and kill Fred again.:lmao:
afternoon all..have a good day..
15 Aug 2006, 17:35
I'm too tired to keep going. Night all.
I'm too tired to keep going. Night all.
night hun..take care
25 Aug 2006, 12:52
Morning.... too late for breakfast, too early for lunch... must be time for elevenses instead
25 Aug 2006, 13:37
Morning Hayley, how are you today? :wave:
im fine on this lovely morning!!!!just deciding whether to get up or stay in bed!!lol!
how are you?
Well think it is about time I went to bed, had a very enjoyable few hours:D
goodnight my friend...............
Lord Kagan
02 Sep 2006, 21:02
Afternoon all
good morning Loafers..have a nice sunday..
it is still weekend so enjoy it as long as it lasts..
good evening all :D
hope the weekends been good to you
The Flying Mouse
11 Sep 2006, 04:01
:twisted: I'm off to bed :zzz:
Night all :D
And PLEASE, try to play nice until tomorrow :pray:
11 Sep 2006, 04:02
Night Neil
The Flying Mouse
11 Sep 2006, 22:58
:twisted: I'm off for the night folks.
See thee tomorrow :mrgreen:
The Flying Mouse
12 Sep 2006, 22:44
:twisted: I'm off for the night folks.
See thee tomorrow :mrgreen:
:twisted: Ditto :wink:
goodmorning all.. a very early sunday morning.....
good morning Tim :D
good morning all..
evening one and all....:D
Good morning Leah
morning all
The Flying Mouse
18 Sep 2006, 14:20
:twisted: Morning folks :D
I know it' "technically" afternoon now, but I only got up about an hour ago, so it's still morning for me :mrgreen:
Still morning for good morning one and all!!!
good afternoon
enjoy the day
The Flying Mouse
18 Sep 2006, 23:00
:twisted: Right folks, time for me to head home for the night.
See thee all tomorrow :mrgreen:
good morning all:D
nice early start today..
GoodMorning fellow Laofers :D
I'll go blind before you stop
good day to you all
must return to work now,see you all later, its been a pleasure.........
Morning all!!! Or whatever you're having...
The Flying Mouse
19 Sep 2006, 22:29
:twisted: It be time fur pirats to be headin back to port.
I'll see thee all tomorrow ya skurvey dogs :mrgreen:
evening folks :D
hope you've all had a good day
Hi everybody, hope your all having a nice day:cool:
good morning on this bright sunny Autumn morning:D
have fun
09 Oct 2006, 18:17
Good evening to everyone... :D
hello skeleton
afternoon/evening one and all
Good Afternoon everybody :cool:
Thanks Benny. Same to you and everyone else :D
Good evening :D
Hi, Bren!
hi and good evening all :D
09 Nov 2006, 06:16
Ummm Good Night See you all later probably early morning over there
good morning all
have a good day..
please can someone send over a litttle bit of sunshine..
good morning all
have a good day..
please can someone send over a litttle bit of sunshine..
After a huge storm yesterday we have a can have a bit of that!!!
After a huge storm yesterday we have a can have a bit of that!!!thank you very much I just hate the rain..
Good morning, :D on this bright sunny and cold sunday.....
time to fly away ...
bye folks......have fun
19 Nov 2006, 12:11
thank you very much I just hate the rain..
I'll do you a trade. Your rain for our sunshine. :D
And good evening all.
Good afternoon all...flying visit.
..then must get back to work unfortunately :(
27 Nov 2006, 02:15
Nearly lunchtime. Hmm. What to eat.
Happy Saturday, everybody!!!
Good evening Bren,
How is everything in BrenWorld?
Lord Kagan
11 Dec 2006, 23:33
Evening Everyone :D
Good evening Bren,
How is everything in BrenWorld?
Hi Chris :D
..things are okay thanks. and with you?
A bit up, a bit down.
MrsChris is fling home to foreign parts tomorrow so i don;t get to see her for a whole month :(
On the other hand, I'm free for a whole month *puts on best pulling shirt*
a quick Goodmorning to you all :D ....then i must fly tp work.
i had a day off today....but now must work instead :(
.and good evening......
a tiring day its been......
good evening...
...i think i'm the only one who posts here :lol:
14 Dec 2006, 12:17
Good Evening, Bren.
Does that feel better now someone else has posted here?
ok good evening or morning where ever you are..
Good Evening, Bren.
Does that feel better now someone else has posted here?
:D hi
and hello caelan
15 Dec 2006, 10:20
Evening again. Is that my quiche I can smell cooking? MMMMMMMMM
And, damn, it ain't ready yet. there anybody there?.....:lol:
hi all :D
18 Dec 2006, 06:06
:( Think they've deserted this thread, Bren. :(
:D Good afternoon anyway. :D
18 Dec 2006, 11:59
:yawn: Morning....
18 Dec 2006, 15:11
And it's morning again here ~ just
19 Dec 2006, 23:18
good evening
30 Jun 2008, 22:47
cant believe no one has posted here since 7 Feb 07!!
so Good evening everyone!
The Flying Mouse
30 Jun 2008, 23:21
06 Jul 2008, 15:39
lol thanks mouse,
good afternoon, hope everyones havin a good one!
06 Jul 2008, 15:43
Good afternoon to you to,having a good one thanks, and you ?
08 Jul 2008, 22:45
had a great one thanks.
evenin folks!
09 Jul 2008, 11:11
Good morning everyone..
16 Jul 2008, 23:52
Good night to sensible people
good evening to not so sensible people...
17 Jul 2008, 00:05
will say good evening then....
17 Jul 2008, 09:49
A very good morning to every early riser...
17 Jul 2008, 19:01
A very good morning to every early riser...
Would have said good morning but I had left for school already!
Good evening
17 Jul 2008, 19:28
i barely know what day it is...let alone the time
17 Jul 2008, 22:39
evenin everyone!!!
18 Jul 2008, 00:58
its nearly over ,so i will say goodnight...
18 Jul 2008, 01:02
night - will you be up bright and early in the morning?
18 Jul 2008, 01:39
Meant to be..7.30am ...not early for some..but for me it
How about you ?
18 Jul 2008, 01:42
I usually get up at 6.30 and catch the bus at 7.30 so I should really go to bed soon - 6 1/2 hours sleep isnt enough for me...
18 Jul 2008, 01:45
I might turn in soon too,can feel my eyes slowly closing..need a couple of
18 Jul 2008, 09:28
Must go and catch my bus :evil:
18 Jul 2008, 09:31
Morning :D hope everyone has a great day.
ames xx
18 Jul 2008, 09:34
Good morning! :D
18 Jul 2008, 10:50
Good morning to all...
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