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31 Jul 2003, 23:24
Good evening to any one who's about


The Flying Mouse
31 Jul 2003, 23:26
:twisted: Hi everyone :D .
sorry to hear about you're day Chris.
ever thought about purchasing an electric cattle prod :lol:

01 Aug 2003, 00:01
Evening folks

Repeatedly, Mousie, Repeatedly!!!

Have come to the conclusion that it wouldn't be painful enough!! - Blunt toasting fork wired to the mains :twisted: Now we're talking

01 Aug 2003, 00:05
Evening folks

Repeatedly, Mousie, Repeatedly!!!

Have come to the conclusion that it wouldn't be painful enough!! - Blunt toasting fork wired to the mains :twisted: Now we're talking

Sounds like fun, Chris :P

01 Aug 2003, 00:39
night night all, have a great evening :D

01 Aug 2003, 00:53
Night guys. Take care.
I'm off now too...before midnight which is strange...

01 Aug 2003, 01:18
Well I'm off too, take care all

01 Aug 2003, 01:33
Aaah, tnx for all the kind words 8)

But goodnight everybody.... sleep well... I'll be in bed soon, i hope :lol:

01 Aug 2003, 08:54
Morning all. :D hope you all have a nice day. :wink:

01 Aug 2003, 10:28
Goodmorning Mrs Mouse,
how are you today?

Good morning everyone

Goedemorgen allemaal

Hope everyone has a good day


01 Aug 2003, 10:41
:D Goodmorning everyone

See there's been a few early birds around this morning! :lol:

How are you all?
Hope you've got a fun packed day ahead of you!

Luv Terri :D

01 Aug 2003, 15:35
'Lo Loafers :D

Hope everyones well today :P

The Flying Mouse
01 Aug 2003, 16:31
:twisted: Hi all.
Hope you're all well :D .
Talking of ways to harm customers,an old pal of mine in the childrens entertainment game had a great way of dealing with naughty children.He had a foam magic wand with a weight in one end.He'd run around hitting some of the children and mums and dads with the wand on the head.
When he got to the naughty child,he'd turn the wand round and give them a knock on the head.
If the child complained,one of the adults would usually say what are you crying for,it's only foam :lol: .

01 Aug 2003, 18:56
:lol: v funny mousie :lol:

Hello all!! hope your all having a nice day! :D

01 Aug 2003, 19:30
right im off to match a meaty vid :D

catch ya'll later :D

01 Aug 2003, 23:57
hi all just wanted to sayy gopd night and wooohooo i past my cbt im now on the road

02 Aug 2003, 00:07
Well the time has come to say goodnight, farewell, adieau,
leaving you makes me feel really blue,
come the morrow,
sun will shine and smile will bounce,
as about this forum I will flounce :lol:

02 Aug 2003, 01:46
well night night guys, enjoy your evening :D

The Flying Mouse
02 Aug 2003, 04:55
:twisted: Well,it's pretty quiet round here right now :roll: .
I was gonna start a conga line round the forums,maybe next time :lol:
Sleep well.
See you all tomorrow.
Flying & Mrs Mouse.

02 Aug 2003, 05:09
Flying Mouse,

The conga line sounds fun, count me in! With my 5 hour time lag, by the time I get here of an evening everyone has gone off to bed! Oh well, goodnight everyone anyway.


02 Aug 2003, 14:10
good morning all got to go to work later :( but im a bit happy going to work cos i get to ride my bike wooohoo

02 Aug 2003, 15:41
Morning peoples :D

Hope everyone is ok this fine day - i know i am :D

02 Aug 2003, 16:10
:D Hi everyone!

It's a beautiful day out there.

Hope the day's treating you well!!!!!!!

02 Aug 2003, 17:32
Good morning all! It's deadly hot here (upper 90's Fahrenheit), thank goodness for air conditioning! Hope everyone is doing well today.


02 Aug 2003, 18:13
Sounds like a beautiful day over there, Sherrie :D

02 Aug 2003, 18:16
It is Heat! As much as I complain about the hot weather, I would never want to live anywhere else- Florida is definately home for me. I'm off to shuck several dozen ears of corn that we brought back from our vacation in America's farm land. We brought nearly 100 ears home, thankfully we are down to the last few!


02 Aug 2003, 18:32
I read your post, Sherrie, and i thought you said...i'm off to SUCK several ears of corn.....

Methinks i may need an eye test 8O

02 Aug 2003, 18:59
That puts a whole new spin on it, does'nt it Heat? :oops:


02 Aug 2003, 19:05
Indeed it does, Sherrie... :oops: :oops: :oops:

02 Aug 2003, 21:59
Good evening everybody

In a dramtic break with recent events, I have had a wonderufl day at work. inspired by Humerous Lines topic I attempted to work as many meatloaf lyrics into what I said to custoemrs as possible. No one else at wokr is a meatloaf fan so didn't twig.

Worked hundreds in until 4pm when a lass sadi somehting adn I said "Well, i couldn't Have Said It Better Myself". At which pint she swung round adn burst into song singing all Patti's sections while I attempted to sing Meats. A very surreal moment.

02 Aug 2003, 22:17
Good evening all, how are you tonight?

I'm fine, haven't been on for a couple off days, but back now.


02 Aug 2003, 22:23
hi Asha im good how r u

02 Aug 2003, 22:33
Well it's been short and sweet,
just had to rest my feet,
gonna sit down for a while now,
as I take my final bow.

Nitey Nites

02 Aug 2003, 22:42
I was here but now I am not (although i am still here to type this)(but soon I won't be here) (unless any of us are really anywhere) (perhaps this is all a dream!!)

02 Aug 2003, 23:22
Goodnight everyone, I certainly wish that rock and roll dreams do indeed come through for each and every one of you but I'm sure that that simple phrase has been recited many times now. Sorry for the inconvenience.

02 Aug 2003, 23:26
hello all!! hope you've had a good day! :D

02 Aug 2003, 23:57
Good evening everybody

In a dramtic break with recent events, I have had a wonderufl day at work. inspired by Humerous Lines topic I attempted to work as many meatloaf lyrics into what I said to custoemrs as possible. No one else at wokr is a meatloaf fan so didn't twig.

Worked hundreds in until 4pm when a lass sadi somehting adn I said "Well, i couldn't Have Said It Better Myself". At which pint she swung round adn burst into song singing all Patti's sections while I attempted to sing Meats. A very surreal moment.

Sounds like you had a ball, Chris....

I must try that meself.... :wink:

03 Aug 2003, 00:08
Hello again

i ahve had a wonderful tes (duck breasts with a plum sauce), had a soak in a hot abth and am now chilling!

BTW, I have just been confirming my Xmas chocolates for work. if anyone wants some insider goss, the big thing this xmas is rumoured to be white chocolate. New products include white Maltesers and Cadbury's Dream in Xmas shapes!!

"Make it a white Xmas!!"

03 Aug 2003, 00:16
ohhhh mmmm chocolate.........maltesers.....mmmmm :P

03 Aug 2003, 00:33
wow - white malteasers.......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

03 Aug 2003, 01:27
goodnight everyone!! enjoy your evening :)

The Flying Mouse
03 Aug 2003, 04:07
:twisted: I'm off to blow Z's :zzz:
Night all.

03 Aug 2003, 05:48
Night all! I just watched the ML funny car on ESPN2, it looks pretty good! Off to bed now.


03 Aug 2003, 12:41
Good morning everyone ...it's a beautiful day :D

so i hope that the day is kind to you all


03 Aug 2003, 13:04
Greetings people :D


03 Aug 2003, 13:58
Morning All :D

Just finished all the domestic stuff - cleaning, hoovering, washing up, peeling spuds for dinner - so now i can comne and postwhore to my hearts content :D

Hope everyone is ok today - loveley day here :D

03 Aug 2003, 15:51
Howdy all,

I am just sat here chilling beofre i go get ready for my Barbeque (pronounced P..s-up) at the bosses house this afternoon!!

03 Aug 2003, 16:17
have fun at BBQ aka p..s up :D

I cant get near the TV cos the F1 racing! :wink:

hope you all have a nice day!! :D

03 Aug 2003, 16:22
Hey T :D

Hows you today???

03 Aug 2003, 16:27
Hey Heat!! :D im good, a lil hot but im good, i hope we dont have a sunday roast today, :wink:

Howz you?? what u bin upt to??

03 Aug 2003, 16:37
I is good, ty T :D

Just been doing geneeral housework today - gonna cook me a roast later tho :twisted:

03 Aug 2003, 16:43
could ya save me some pototoes??? just played that pac man game, is well adictive! :D

03 Aug 2003, 16:47
Sure, T :D I always do more then enough spuds :wink:

And that pac man is fab.... :lol:

03 Aug 2003, 16:50
spuds!! hehe i like that, aint used that in a while hehe.

we got chicken salad instead! hehe :D oh well roast dinner next week!

03 Aug 2003, 16:56
MMMMM...chicken salad - guess whats for dinner tomorrow :lol: :lol: :lol:

03 Aug 2003, 17:06
lol, well i gota go fetch some ice-creams in a mo. im just gonna have another look round and then im off, have a great day and i'll speak to you lot later :D

03 Aug 2003, 17:13
Byes T - see ya in Chat laters :D

03 Aug 2003, 17:15
:D Hi everyone

Hope you're all having a great day.
It's great to see the sun out there but it's too hot to do anthing!

How was your roast Heat? I love roast dinners, but I didn't cook one today as I didn't want to be stuck in a hot kitchen!

03 Aug 2003, 17:18
Hiya Terri :D

I'm clever see - ain't had the roast yet - gonna wait till it cools down later tonight - about 6ish :D

03 Aug 2003, 17:24
Hi Heat

I haven't really eaten today, it's been too hot (plenty of liquids instead)
A roast dinner later sounds good, but I don't think I can be bothered :roll: Tooo hot! Got enough for a guest? :wink:

03 Aug 2003, 17:28
Hi Heat

I haven't really eaten today, it's been too hot (plenty of liquids instead)
A roast dinner later sounds good, but I don't think I can be bothered :roll: Tooo hot! Got enough for a guest? :wink:

Sure :D Come on over - the more the merrier :wink:

03 Aug 2003, 17:34
Sure :D Come on over - the more the merrier :wink:

You're too nice Heat :D
You could live to regret that offer, we'll all be there! :lol:

I'm now gonna find myself a large ice cream and sit in the garden - speak to you all later - Have a nice day, whats left of it!!!!!

03 Aug 2003, 17:50
You could live to regret that offer, we'll all be there! :lol:

That's fine by me...just so long as someone brings the Tequilla :D :D :D

03 Aug 2003, 20:33
and im back! hehe, hope you lot have had a nice day!

hey Terri! :D

03 Aug 2003, 20:51
Hi everyone.......I'm back also!

I'm like a flippin yo yo today, here one min. gone the next :lol:

Hey Testify, hows you?

03 Aug 2003, 20:54
im good. u wanna talk in postwhore so we dont get told off??

i leave my message in there....

03 Aug 2003, 22:43
The time has come to say goodnight,
darkness falls,
on goes the light,
my bed beckons,
crisp and bright,
But I'll see you in the morning,
That'll be alright :!:

04 Aug 2003, 01:06
i see dottie is still floating around :D as long as ur still with us :D

well im off, night night :D

04 Aug 2003, 01:18
:D Goodnight All, Sleep Well!

04 Aug 2003, 01:27
Night Testify and the rest.

And i think i will go also to my nice bed!! Mmmm, love to sleep!!

The Butcher.

04 Aug 2003, 01:47
Night Tim ,take care sleep well. Cu soon. :wink:

The Flying Mouse
04 Aug 2003, 02:41
:twisted: Time to get some shut eye.
Night all.

04 Aug 2003, 11:43
The morn has come,
houseworks done,
shopping to do,
that will make me blue,
see you later,
alligator(s) :)

Sue K
04 Aug 2003, 11:59
...good morning troops....

04 Aug 2003, 15:37
:D Goodmorning Everyone!

Hope you are well.

It's a scorcher of a day out there today!!!!!!
I'm now gonna grab some lunch, some music, a nice cool drink and sit in the garden. 8)

Hope it's just as nice where you are :D

04 Aug 2003, 19:10
Hello Loafers :D

Tis bloody hot here today, but alas the sun is not shining - tis dead cloudy instead. Oh well....shall hafta put some Meat on the CD to cheer meself up :D 8)

Hope everyone is grand today :P

04 Aug 2003, 20:46
Hello everyone

It is absolutely roasting out there so i am contemplating what to have for tea!!

04 Aug 2003, 20:55
yes and so we wait with bated breath. 8O Come on Chris what are you having.? :roll:
hello all. :D

04 Aug 2003, 22:24
Good evening one and all
hope everyone has had a good day


04 Aug 2003, 22:42
Hello all

04 Aug 2003, 22:56

I ahve had my tea. It was very nice

and was

Fish Finger Sandwiches

04 Aug 2003, 23:01
Hello all!!

hope you are all well, bin very hot today. around 30'c here i think 8O
cant stand the heat!

well hope u all had a good day! :D

04 Aug 2003, 23:55
Hope all you wonderfull people had a good day too.
Mine was Hot...



05 Aug 2003, 00:56
I see that the mouse familly is always staying up late :D

05 Aug 2003, 01:03
Night Testify and the rest.

And i think i will go also to my nice bed!! Mmmm, love to sleep!!

The Butcher.

Me too, I just LOVE to sleep... :lol:



05 Aug 2003, 01:15
I see that the mouse familly is always staying up late :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: , not that late tonight Tim, gotta go to work in the morning.Only on till about, twelve tonight, u r soooooooooooooo funny Tim :wink:

05 Aug 2003, 01:16
Night all........sleep calls!

Catch you all tomorrow

05 Aug 2003, 01:23
Night, night Terri.Sweet dreams. :D

05 Aug 2003, 01:24
goodnight everyone! sleep tight and have a good night :D

05 Aug 2003, 01:27
I see that the mouse familly is always staying up late :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: , not that late tonight Tim, gotta go to work in the morning.Only on till about, twelve tonight, u r soooooooooooooo funny Tim :wink:

Heheh, funny Mrs Mouse. Well, sleep well, and have a good day of work tomorrow....

Sleep well testify and the rest of you all :D

05 Aug 2003, 01:30
Fish Finger Sandwiches

mmmmm sounds very nice :lol: Chris, hope you enjoyed them. :wink:

05 Aug 2003, 01:42
Thanx the mouses buddy Tim, :D goodnight my friend ,catchya tomorrow all. sleep well, do not put any mousetraps under your beds . :lol: :lol: :lmao:

05 Aug 2003, 10:32
good morning all hey guess what its my birthday today woohooo

05 Aug 2003, 11:45
Good morning Cerys, and in that case..Happy Birthday :D to you :D

Good Morning everyone


05 Aug 2003, 12:00
Morning all!! :D

Happy Birthday Cerys! :D

i would sing but im abit out of tune in the morning :lol:

must be morning all the time for me then :wink:

05 Aug 2003, 12:12
Right well i better be off. Got somethings to do :D

catch ya'll later :D

05 Aug 2003, 12:40
thank you Bren The Bat and Testify

05 Aug 2003, 13:16
:D Goodmorning everyone

Gonna be a mighty hot day out there again today, so don't work too hard :lol:
Hope you all have a good day!

:D Happy Birthday Cerys, hope you have a good one!!!!!

05 Aug 2003, 13:20
thankyou terri

05 Aug 2003, 14:04
Hi all,

Just chilling over lunch. i need to chill in this weather!!!!

Happy Birthday Cerys

05 Aug 2003, 14:05
:D See ya all later

Gonna go sit in the garden for a while..........too hot to do much else :lol:

Have a good day everyone!

05 Aug 2003, 14:36

Off back to work to viciously attack the mad customers.

Sorry, that should read, off back to work to have a wonderful time talking to my loverly customers!!!! If i say it enough, i might believe it!!!

05 Aug 2003, 14:56
thank you chris

05 Aug 2003, 18:06
....and im back :P

Just washed the dog hehe i was soaked!! :lol: :D must do it agen!! hehe :D very good when its hot! hehe she just kept shakin! she still wet bless her, she be all nice and fluffy when shez dry :twisted:

05 Aug 2003, 18:52
I must be off, got to brush the dog, tidy up and do a little hoovering. :D

catch ya'll later. :D

05 Aug 2003, 19:24
Happy Birthday Cerys - Hope your're having a good one :)

05 Aug 2003, 19:27
Birthday Congrats to Cerys from me too :D

Tis Hubb's birthday tomorrow - so don't think i'll be around a lot :roll:

Hope everyone's ok today :D

05 Aug 2003, 19:34
Birthday Congrats to Cerys from me too :D

Tis Hubb's birthday tomorrow - so don't think i'll be around a lot :roll:

Hope everyone's ok today :D

same hear Heat :lol: ...'tis my hubby's birthday tomorrow too


05 Aug 2003, 19:36
Birthday Congrats to Cerys from me too :D

Tis Hubb's birthday tomorrow - so don't think i'll be around a lot :roll:

Hope everyone's ok today :D

same hear Heat :lol: ...'tis my hubby's birthday tomorrow too


Ohhhhhhh...weird 8O

Perhaps they are twins seperated at birth????

Hubbs was born in 1940 - what about your hubbs???

05 Aug 2003, 20:29
Gotta go,
it's feeding time at the zoo (aka family) :lol: :lol:

Enjoy your evening!

05 Aug 2003, 20:47
Hello all

Happy birthday Cerys :D

05 Aug 2003, 21:44
thank you all for saying happy birthday

06 Aug 2003, 01:17
The Bat she needs to sleep and close her eyes
So away from the forum she now flies
To find somewhere to rest her head
And fall fast asleep in a nice warm bed :lol:


06 Aug 2003, 01:20
Bye bren and the rest.

Sleep well..... and let's dream of a nice cold winter landshape! :lmao:

06 Aug 2003, 10:39
good morning i have a grate bithday yesterday but there still one more thing to do go to get the storytellers cd hope u all have a nice day today chat to u all later

06 Aug 2003, 10:59
Good morning, enjoy the sunshine!! I can didn't work last night, we can't complain about this summer !!!!!!!!!!!!


06 Aug 2003, 11:34
Morning has broken,
The sun shows its head,
if it gets much hotter,
I might as well go back to bed :!: :lol:

06 Aug 2003, 11:36
morning dottie

06 Aug 2003, 11:42
Goodmorning everyone!
Cerys, sorry I missed your birthday. Hope you had a great day!
Michel, congratulations!
Bren and Heat, :lol: hope you and your family have a wonderful (hot) day!


Mariella (hope I didn't forget anyone!)

06 Aug 2003, 11:44
good morning mariella its ok

06 Aug 2003, 11:53
Morning all

Flying visit as I am off to buy a washing machine today!!!!

06 Aug 2003, 11:54
goodmorning chris

06 Aug 2003, 12:43
Good Mor ning everyone

Good morning Tim


06 Aug 2003, 13:03
Have to go do some work.....but it's really too hot to want to :(

see you this evening :D

Bye from Bren

The little Bat flies away in search of somewhere cool........

06 Aug 2003, 13:30
morning all you wonderful people you! :lol: :D

dont know why but im in a good mood. :D

tis very hot outside today! 8O

06 Aug 2003, 14:02
good morning Bren The Bat and testify

06 Aug 2003, 14:32
We are getting a bit Walton like, scary


06 Aug 2003, 17:03
:D Goodmorning!

Just taking a well earned break :lol:, thought I'd catch up on some posts.

Hope you're having a great day

Luv Terri

06 Aug 2003, 17:22
Have to go do some work.....but it's really too hot to want to :(
Know exactly what you mean Bren!

Bye everyone
Be back later if I haven't melted in the heat :lol:

06 Aug 2003, 17:47
Hiya Everyone :D

Just popped in to say Hi :P

06 Aug 2003, 19:16
We are getting a bit Walton like, scary


What do you mean John boy? :D

Hello all,

just a quick visit to say hi before tea!


06 Aug 2003, 19:52
Enjoy your tea John-Boy Grandma sends her love


06 Aug 2003, 19:59
Bren and Heat, :lol: hope you and your family have a wonderful (hot) day!


Mariella (hope I didn't forget anyone!)

Thanks Mariella :D How are you?
:lol: It's definately hot

Hello everyone, just a quick visit before i do tea


06 Aug 2003, 20:01
Bren darling it's too hot to cook I've thrown my lot a bottle of water and a lettuce.


06 Aug 2003, 20:05
:lol: Rosie,
i said i'd go and do tea......i said nothing about cooking :lol:

How are you Rosie?


06 Aug 2003, 20:08
Hi Bren, I'm fine You OK. Cooking should be banned this weather do you agree. I'm counting down to my hols , paid hundreds of pounds to go away to the sun, can you believe it's hotter here than Europe but I was always lucky. Take care


06 Aug 2003, 22:30
Hello all!!

hope you've all had a great day, even though it has been very hot!!! 8O was a lil over 30'C where i am today.

06 Aug 2003, 22:43
well im off to bed all chat to u all tomorrow

06 Aug 2003, 23:38
Goodnight everyone!

Sorry I 'missed' most of you.

Talk to you later.



07 Aug 2003, 00:03
Goodnight, Goodnight, I wish you adieau,
leaving you is making me blue,
I've wonder in and out these forums bright,
very rarely though ever in sight.

07 Aug 2003, 00:13
Hello Testify

Good evening everyone


07 Aug 2003, 00:16
Goodnight Dottie ,my little pipistrelle :lol:
sleep well my little bat.


07 Aug 2003, 00:19
Hello all!!

hope you've all had a great day, even though it has been very hot!!! 8O was a lil over 30'C where i am today.

Anyone know what the bloody sun looks like? 'cause i ain't seen hide nor hair of it all day :evil: Had grey cloud all day :evil:

Apart from that - i'm a happy bunny :bunny: :D

07 Aug 2003, 00:25
Goodnight out there...

...Whatever you are!!! :twisted:

07 Aug 2003, 00:27
Ooohhhh clouds....that sounds nice :D

send some in this direction please..The Bat she does not like the heat( i mean temperature!and not you Heat :lol: :lol: )


07 Aug 2003, 00:35
Willingly, Bren...Willingly :D

BTW - Did your hubbs have a nice b'day?

07 Aug 2003, 01:24
goodnight all!! enjoy yur evening :D

07 Aug 2003, 01:27
EVening??? TEstify???

It is the middle of the night!

07 Aug 2003, 01:27
Goodnight every body.... it is nap time!!

07 Aug 2003, 09:41
good morning all how r u all today im off to get the storytellers cd hopefully

07 Aug 2003, 09:59
Goodmorning everyone,

I am off to work. Would rather stay indoors and not do a thing today!
Hope you are all well.
Cerys, good 'mission' for today :D



07 Aug 2003, 10:03
morning mariella hope your day at work goes quick so u can come home to post on here hehe

07 Aug 2003, 11:26
Goodnight Dottie ,my little pipistrelle :lol:
sleep well my little bat.

Oh thank you Bren :)


07 Aug 2003, 11:56
Just a flying visit from The Bat ,must go and do some work now


07 Aug 2003, 12:05
Good Morning All,
Lets have ball,
posting here and everywhere,
Have a postwhore,
yes I dare!

07 Aug 2003, 12:24
This Bat must fly,
see you anon,
fingers aching,
body baking :oops:

Did say I was going,
but all this posting is mindblowing :oops:

Must go now, I take my bow :)

07 Aug 2003, 14:09
Hello all!! :D

Hope your having a great day so far. Im very bored where i am. Maybe i ought to go and do some more housework?? or brush up on my football skills, i havent touched a ball in a few months. Maybe organise a game :D

:D have a nice day :D

07 Aug 2003, 14:15
EVening??? TEstify???

It is the middle of the night!

still evening to me :P sowwy, tis just me.

i should of said enjoy your night?? :P

right im off in 10, just got a few more posts to look at....

....ok im going now, bye bye :D

07 Aug 2003, 15:20
Hey Loafers :D

Hope everyone is ok today - beautiful day here - lovely blue skies and the sun is shining :D

07 Aug 2003, 18:39
Got to go......today is not going well



07 Aug 2003, 18:44
Hello Bren,

What is wrong with you my dear??? Is it the Heat? Is it me? Is it something else?
Hope that you will be back soon.

Bye.... from the Butcher.

07 Aug 2003, 20:58
Hello folks

Just browsing before tea. (Fish & Chips!!)


07 Aug 2003, 21:30
Hi everyone

Hope you've had a great day.
I've been busy doing much of nothing today, it's been too hot to do much else :lol:

Hope you have a fun evening
Luv Terri

07 Aug 2003, 21:38
Night everyone

Hope you have a good evening!

:D Luv Terri

07 Aug 2003, 23:20
well im off to bed chat to u all later night night

08 Aug 2003, 00:18
Goodnight everyone

08 Aug 2003, 01:41
what is wrong with you my dear??? Is it the Heat? Is it me? Is it something else?

Bye.... from the Butcher.

Not you Tim, :D
just had a really bad day....not to worry these things happen......

The Bat says good night.........and flies away in to the darkness......


08 Aug 2003, 09:46
good morning all how r u all its still hot all the shops have sold out of fans here so im rosting

08 Aug 2003, 10:06
Morning all! wow, this is abit early for me :lol:

It is very cloudy where i am today, so if anyone wants any i will gladly blow some over! :wink: :D oh along with the smell of a smelly bonfire!!! :evil: not v nice in the morining! there not supposed to burn until after 6pm (is that right?)

Have a nice day :D

08 Aug 2003, 10:09
morning Testify

08 Aug 2003, 10:13
Morning All You Beautiful People :D

Tis a beautiful sunny day here - blue skies and blazing sun - so i'm probably gonna head off to the beach later :D

Having a great day, even though it's only jut started, my copy of RVM has just plopped through the letterbox :P So i'm gonna have a read of that later 8)

Hope evryone is doing grand today :P

08 Aug 2003, 10:49
hope everything is ok Bren!

well i'll be popping in and out all day, so i'll see some of you around, and maybe a few of u in chat? *hint*

:lol: ok im going, later days :D

08 Aug 2003, 11:26
The mornings here,
feel like a beer,
to cool me down,
and quench my thirst,
but must do the banking first.

08 Aug 2003, 11:40
Morning Dottie,
How are you?Just been reading your account of the Graham Norton show in the MLUKFC mag.......just had to smile. :lol:


08 Aug 2003, 13:01
What a terrible day this is. Over 30 degrees celcius, a broken computer, cause my brother toughed it..... a girlfriend that is complaining.

Please, give me my money back.... cause my life is a lemon!!

08 Aug 2003, 13:44
Good Morning Tim,
Sorry to hear you are having a bad day......i sympathise, i had a really bad day yesterday
Hope things improve for the rest of today
Go and play Life's A Lemon...very loud..good for relieving stress :D


08 Aug 2003, 14:37
Morning Dottie,
How are you?Just been reading your account of the Graham Norton show in the MLUKFC mag.......just had to smile. :lol:


Me too, still watching the video myself, sister from Oz rang last night, she's just received her copy, and thought it was fabulous.

In Dreams........

08 Aug 2003, 14:42
I am ok thanks,

Must go and do some work now , much a i don't want to :lol:


be back this evening


08 Aug 2003, 14:47
You enjoy Dottie :D
It does the heart good to know that sometimes dreams do come true..


08 Aug 2003, 14:49
:D Hi everyone

Hope you're having a great day.

We've lost the sun today, :? don't know where it's gone. Didn't mean to frighten it away by complaning about how hot it's been recently, really I didn't.........please come back!

Hope it's nice where you are! Have fun!

Luv Terri

08 Aug 2003, 15:01
Got an attack of the munchies...........so I'm gonna go munch :lol:

Bye for now

08 Aug 2003, 16:57
Hiya All :D

Now i know i said we were gonna go to the beach today...well..it's just too hot, for the boys especially - better to leave them in the paddling pool in the back garden methinks :twisted:

Hope everyones ok this fine afternoon :D

08 Aug 2003, 17:47
just a quik visit then im off agen.

Hope your all having a fab day!

still got clouds but i can see the sun. not too hot which is great! cant stand it when its hot!

08 Aug 2003, 18:03
see ya'll later!

AH!! this is my last evening!! :cry: noooo

ok im gona go b4 i cry :lol:

08 Aug 2003, 18:46
your last evening??? Testify

08 Aug 2003, 19:51
your last evening??? Testify

Yeah Bren, send here an email BOMB hahahahah :lmao:

But seriously... don't know what she is talking about.... maybe the weather has made her mad!!!
Or school is starting again... heheheh

The BUtcher.

08 Aug 2003, 21:48
Hello all,

Terribly rude of me but I started replying without saying hello first!!!

Once again, i am just here while I wait for tea to cook. I am having spaghetti today which should be interesting as my homemade apsta never seems to work!!!!


08 Aug 2003, 21:49
Flitting about I have done,
Turned red just like a currant bun :oops: ,
Now the time to rest has come,
A days work and posting,
is now done.

Nitey Nite you lovely people, see you tomorrow :)

08 Aug 2003, 21:52
Goodnight Dottie ,my little pipistrelle
pleasant dreams


08 Aug 2003, 21:58
Well, time for em to be disappearing

Tea is almost ready and there is a charodnnay i the fridge with my name on!!!!


08 Aug 2003, 22:58
your last evening??? Testify

Yeah Bren, send here an email BOMB hahahahah :lmao:
But seriously... don't know what she is talking about.... maybe the weather has made her mad!!!
Or school is starting again... heheheh

The BUtcher.

yours sooo loving Tim :lol:

read happy holidays.

have a nice tea chris :D

09 Aug 2003, 00:00
well ive got to be going to bed got to go to work oh one good thing i get to ride like a bat out of hell on my bike lol night all

09 Aug 2003, 00:54
Well, time i was in bed!!!!


09 Aug 2003, 01:21
Goodnight everyone

Sleep well!

09 Aug 2003, 02:00
right, well, this is my last post for a week n a lil bit. :cry:

i dont wanna leave!! :lol:

right well have a great week and dont post too much! lol.

be good cya ya'll soon :D bye bye :cry:

09 Aug 2003, 02:12
Bye T, take care, have fun... remember to come back :wink:

Bye for now all

09 Aug 2003, 11:49
Goodnight Dottie ,my little pipistrelle
pleasant dreams

Oh Bren - your lovely :wink:


09 Aug 2003, 11:56
Good Morning my friends - brand new pictures posted - Rock and Roll Dreams - General Messages - enjoy :lol:

09 Aug 2003, 12:11
morning all morning dottie hows u
i got out out bed the wrong side lol and im mad at ppl who carnt deliver post right.
im not kidding im mad so ive decided to set up a potition cos royal mail r taking the mick now :twisted:
1st there was the meat card
then there was my mother in laws parcal got lost and this morning my daughter has a post card off her friend and half of it was missing cos it got damaged so if any one has got any coplaints pm them to me cos im sending them all on

09 Aug 2003, 13:53
Morning Peoples :D

Hope everyone's ok today :wink:

09 Aug 2003, 13:56
Hi all,

I am writing this message from under the stairs where I am hiding!!!

If anone sees one of my customers, you haven't seen me, OK??

09 Aug 2003, 14:23
Oh Chris, you sound like you need help! I'll come round with my water pistol and soak them customers for you :lol:

09 Aug 2003, 14:26
morning chris

09 Aug 2003, 15:43
Well the time has come, my posting done,
to fly away, and come back another day.

Nitey Nights to you all, and you Chris make sure you peg the bedding down tonight :lol:

09 Aug 2003, 16:22
:D Hi everyone

Hope you're enjoying your weekend!

:lol: You still hiding Chris?............. :x customers can be a real pain in the bum eh? Hope your day gets better

Have fun
Luv Terri

09 Aug 2003, 16:33
Good Morning Everyone :D

I hope that everyone has a great weekend.

Chris, I think that you need a new hiding spot :twisted:


09 Aug 2003, 21:42
Good evening everyone


09 Aug 2003, 21:50
Hello all,

I have sneaked out of hiding!!!! Had one of them days where I am fed upw ith ignorant, miserable, moaning, rude awkward customers!!!!!


09 Aug 2003, 22:01
Well, caught up on the messages so I am off for food, beer and a good sleep!!!

Will try to be in chat tomorrow!!! - Exciting day tomorrow, my new washing machine gets delivered!!!

Dottie, tis too hot for bed covers!!

09 Aug 2003, 22:04
Good Night Chris


09 Aug 2003, 22:35
Im HERE!!! i niked my dads laptop!! hehehe :twisted:

not here for long tho mind :D

09 Aug 2003, 22:41
Hi Testify :lol: :lol: ...couldn't stay away then?


09 Aug 2003, 22:42
:D Hi Testify

8O Are my eyes decieving me :lol:

How are you? Hope you've had a good day!

Knew you couldn't survive without us :lol:

Hi everyone

hope you've had a good day, and now having a good evening!

09 Aug 2003, 22:44
Hi Terri ,
How are you this evening? hope all is well


09 Aug 2003, 22:46
i couldnt get on earlier! lol, i cant stay away from this place!! :lol:

what have you done to me?

yeh has been a good day today. bit hot!

hope your all ok!!

09 Aug 2003, 22:53
Testify, i think you should go see Aunty Sin, and tell her you are suffering from "forum deprivation" :lol: :lol:


09 Aug 2003, 22:58
i think i might lmao :lol:

anyone gonna come into chat?pleaaaseee! :P

09 Aug 2003, 22:59
i will for a sec

09 Aug 2003, 23:04
night all take care and keep rocking rock on fireball

09 Aug 2003, 23:08
Night everyone

Have a good evening
:lol: Take care

09 Aug 2003, 23:10
It really is hot
as hot as can be
The Bat must go make
A nice cup of tea

So she must fly
Away for a bit
But she'll be back .......later
You can be sure of it :lol:

The Bat's in a silly mood today...must be too much sun :lol:


09 Aug 2003, 23:55
well im off. night all! enjoy your night

09 Aug 2003, 23:59
Goodnight, Testify.

10 Aug 2003, 00:57
Hello from The Bat


10 Aug 2003, 05:39
Morning Everyone :D

Tis wayyyyyy too hot to be sleepin....just can't get comfy :evil:

Anyone about, or am i here all on me lonesome????

10 Aug 2003, 12:12
morning heat how u morning all hope you all have a nice day poor me has to go to work oh well iget to listion to meat and ride so carnt b all bad but some drives dont like my slow driving but its not my fault i can only go 30mph as i only have a 50cc

10 Aug 2003, 12:23
very sleepy bat says goodmorning... :zzz:


10 Aug 2003, 13:03
Bye for now.....

The Bat will be back later....


10 Aug 2003, 13:37
Its a fair dinkum day to all my little chooks :lol:

10 Aug 2003, 15:31
Another Good Morning to ya all :D

Managed to get a couple of hours snoozin, but it's truthfull to say i is fecked!!!

Hope everyone's ok this morning :D

10 Aug 2003, 22:16
:D Hi everyone

Hope you've all had a good day

I've been at the beach all day and had a really relaxing day 8) just what I needed :D

10 Aug 2003, 22:39
I've been at the beach all day and had a really relaxing day 8) just what I needed :D

Sounds great, Terri :D

10 Aug 2003, 23:07
im off now chat to u all soon bye nite

11 Aug 2003, 11:08
goodmorning all had a bit of thunder this morning but its gone now still hot hope you all have a nice day chat soon

11 Aug 2003, 12:20
Good morning all,
I greet this day with sorrow,
I fear my picture has been a borrow,
Ellis will try and put it right,
and then hopefully the future will be bright :)

11 Aug 2003, 12:49
Goodmorning all

Doesn't seem quiet so hot out there........it's just pleasent at the moment. Could do with it to stay just at this temp. for the rest of the day 8)

Whats up dottie? you don't sound your happy self, hope Ellis can put it right for you! keep smilin' :D

Hope you all have a good day

11 Aug 2003, 12:54
[quote="terri"]Goodmorning all


Whats up dottie? you don't sound your happy self, hope Ellis can put it right for you! keep smilin' :D

pictures keep disappearing - and i don't know why, and on top of that I think someone is trying to send me a virus, unknown sender with an attachment, which I keep deleting and it just comes back again Grrr! :lol:

11 Aug 2003, 12:56
morning terri and dottie sorry to here u having probs dottie

11 Aug 2003, 12:58
Morning All :D

Hope everyone's having a fab day - hope everythings sorted for you soon, dottie :D

11 Aug 2003, 12:59
morning terri and dottie sorry to here u having probs dottie

Yes its a pain in the arse, my mailbox keeps getting filled up with with this strange thing, I've tried virus scanning it and it says that the virus thingy isn't working, but it works for everything else!

11 Aug 2003, 13:03
Goodmorning all

Whats up dottie? you don't sound your happy self, hope Ellis can put it right for you! keep smilin' :D

pictures keep disappearing - and i don't know why, and on top of that I think someone is trying to send me a virus, unknown sender with an attachment, which I keep deleting and it just comes back again Grrr! :lol:

That's not good :evil:
must be sooooooo frustrating, hope the day gets better :D

Hi Cerys,Hi Heat , hope you are good today! :D

11 Aug 2003, 13:08
morning heat

11 Aug 2003, 13:09
morning terri and dottie sorry to here u having probs dottie

Yes its a pain in the [...], my mailbox keeps getting filled up with with this strange thing, I've tried virus scanning it and it says that the virus thingy isn't working, but it works for everything else!

I think Pete is having trouble with this one too, Dottie - perhaps you could mail him to find out how he's handling it?

11 Aug 2003, 13:19
morning terri and dottie sorry to here u having probs dottie

Yes its a pain in the [...], my mailbox keeps getting filled up with with this strange thing, I've tried virus scanning it and it says that the virus thingy isn't working, but it works for everything else!

I think Pete is having trouble with this one too, Dottie - perhaps you could mail him to find out how he's handling it?

Hi Heat, Ok Hun, do you mean Pete as in Peat Loaf?

11 Aug 2003, 13:53
Good morning everyone
Had thunderstorms here all morning...now the sun has come out and it is so sticky/humid :(


11 Aug 2003, 20:54
Got to go now
Hungry family, need food :lol:

i'll be back later


11 Aug 2003, 23:03
Good evening everyone

how is everybody


11 Aug 2003, 23:10
Hiya Bren :D

How's you this fine night?

Hope everyone's ok :D

Had a nightmare tonight - almost took me big toe off - dropped a plate on it, and it's all cut up, blood everywhere - gakky 8O

But i is fine apart form that :P

11 Aug 2003, 23:44
Had a nightmare tonight - almost took me big toe off - dropped a plate on it, and it's all cut up, blood everywhere - gakky 8O

But i is fine apart form that :P

Sounds nasty Heat!...hope you is ok

Me i'm fine....been on the beach this afternoon, as it was cooler and cloudy...bit rough for swimming though today


11 Aug 2003, 23:46
I is fine, Bren, ty :D

The beach sounds good though - dunno about the swimming in the sea bit - think they may hafta take all the fish out of it before i'd get in!!!! 8O 8O 8O