View Full Version : Official Time Of the Day Thread (Good Morning Good Night)
Well, just want to say, goodnight, i'm going to my bed!! .......yeah......let's sleep!!! Dreamland here i come!
See you back in the morning! :lol:
Nighty night tim
See ya in the morning
19 Apr 2003, 01:22
lol good night Tim. (I Bet hes still browsing this topic waiting to see who replies!)
original sin
19 Apr 2003, 01:26
this is probably too late but I cut cut off 8O but sweet dreams anyway :lol:
19 Apr 2003, 01:41
No, it's not too late. Goodnight everyone, will 'see' you all tomorrow!
It's been a great day (once again)
Sweet dreams, Tim, and don't let the bedbugs bite ya :D
Goodmorning everybody.
I think that can also be said in this topic.
'Morning, Tim. Sleep well???
Hope the bed bugs didnt bite too much....
What a wonderful day - another day to play meatie - its threatening to tip down outside and freezing - been awake since 4am should have gone on line might have found someone up
Goodmorning everyone!!
Everybody slept well?? I did, and no, not been bitten by the bedbugs :lol:
Me neiter, I just shouted BOOH at the bedbugs and they all got scared and decided not to bother me :lol:
I keep them as pets :lol:
I keep them as pets :lol: and do you also train them and can they do tricks? :lol:
original sin
19 Apr 2003, 14:32
:twisted: Morning 8)
What's this, is BOOH now bed bugs outta hell?
Yep they D.J. in their spare time at Kumaks in Tenerife playing Meatloaf Re: the drinks are on Meatloaf topic :lol:
:twisted: Morning 8)
What's this, is BOOH now bed bugs outta hell?
he he... something like that, yes :lol:
Yep they D.J. in their spare time at Kumaks in Tenerife playing Meatloaf Re: the drinks are on Meatloaf topic :lol:
Very talented bugs you got there, Dottiebat :lol:
The Flying Mouse
19 Apr 2003, 17:07
:twisted: I should put this in the stranger than fiction topic,but as we're talking bugs this is perfect for here...
Queen Christina of Sweden sufferd from entomophobia (fear of fleas).The mentally unbalanced seventeenth century monarch had a four inch cannon built so she could spend most of her time firing tiny cannonballs at the fleas in her bedroom 8O .
100% True.
Very Very Very Funny Flying Mouse :lol:
Going out now tolcub - chat to you some time tomorrow night nights
Night, dottiebat....... :zzz:
Think i'm gonna do something else, and wath tv for a while..... And then going to bed heheh :zzz:
The Flying Mouse
20 Apr 2003, 02:53
I'm going to bed soon myself :zzz: .
I'll have a quick look round to see what's new,then it's off to the land of nod :mrgreen: .
I won't be around much tomorrow because i'm working in the afternoon and in the night time :? .
Hope you all manage ok without me :lol: .
Flying Mouse, please come and help me!!! LOL.
No, not nessecarly (spelled it correctly??) But working on eastern weekend??
Good Afternoon - Check out WHERE!!! CHSIB forum comments please
Really am going now nighty nights pull the covers up tight so the bogeyman doesn't get you :zzz:
The Offtopic is Dottie's place hehehe. Very funny. But sleep well, within a couple of hours i will go to bed also.... but not for now, funny on the net!!
The Offtopic is Dottie's place hehehe. Very funny. But sleep well, within a couple of hours i will go to bed also.... but not for now, funny on the net!!
Your're very funny as well Tim
Good Morning Vietnam :!: - My house feels like that sometimes - Its Third World War sometimes - great film and music. Um I 'm feeling all nostaglic this morning
I GOT THE ALBUM :!: won't get a chance to play it though until tonight - as I am going out shortly - I'm so excited
White of High
21 Apr 2003, 13:20
In Vietnam the Sun has already gone down...
Maybe not yet! :lol:
In Vietnam the Sun has already gone down...
Maybe not yet! :lol:
Um Yes I think you are correct - but have you ever had a home/house that resembled a warzone - Get it :??: :lol:
Hahaha, Dottie, you are one funny blue haired woman!! :lol:
Goodmorning Vietnam is a great movie, but about movies is in the other topic. LOL
Hahaha, Dottie, you are one funny blue haired woman!! :lol:
Goodmorning Vietnam is a great movie, but about movies is in the other topic. LOL
Yes I boobed there :oops: sorry
yeah, i'm one tough mod!!! :lol:
But i'm goint to bed soon, just wait, stand up comedian on tv, yeah gonna look that, them i'm off to bed!!
Night you all!! :lol:
Good Morning I'm feeling FOREVER YOUNG - Um sounds a bit rude not literally :lol:
original sin
23 Apr 2003, 01:17
:zzz: night all :zzz: work tomorrow :cry:
Didn't get a chance to say Nighty Nights last evesong - so I will now say "And its a goodnight from him, and a goodnight from her" for tonight :lol:
Good afternoon playmates or should that be goodnight I getting confused here :lol:
Euh.. just to pick up an old topic again.
I'm off to bed... so goodnight you all, and see you soon again.
Sleep well!!
The Butcher, Tim
Farewell all.
"Time for bed" Zebedee Said!!!!!
I am off to bed now. Day off work tomorrow so will be stopping in bed 'til thursday!!!!!
Bye Bye
Sweet dreams, Chris, and don't let the bedbugs bite ya :D
Goodnight All, im off to bed now. very tired! :zzz:
Well, talk to you later all!! I'm offline... and later on to bed!!
Tim, The Butcher
Well, talk to you later all!! I'm offline... and later on to bed!!
Tim, The Butcher
Your clock states its 8.35pm - I'm getting confused here as its 9.31 in the U.K. is there a post somewhere that explains this :??:
Thanks Tim
I'm logging off now Night Nites - keep the covers tight - or the clown will get you :twisted:
08 May 2003, 00:11
That sounds like fun! :lol:
See you soon, Mega Loafer!!!
Mariella "Herself" :lol:
Mega Loafer, now i see.... Real fun.
But i'm back again. Hello!! Goodmorning... and it's here 8.08 am.
That sounds like fun! :lol:
See you soon, Mega Loafer!!!
Mariella "Herself" :lol:
Hi Mariella - Sorry didn't see you're post - Yawning so tired - invigilating sooooo boring :zzz:
To stay on topic........
Good nigh to all, sleep well
Time for me to hit the sack too. nite all.
I'm logging off already - haven't got much time today - hope I can catch up tomorrow or over the weekend :(
Nitey Nites
Night Dotster..... I'm just starting.... LOL
is anyone awake out there?
I'm off... gonna buy me some food and make a real good meal for myself!!! Yeah....
Talk to you later!!
I'm going to have my bonce (hair) cut and blow dry going out tonight again! c u later
I am shattered so will close for now - back tomorrow when hopefully sometime will have a couple of photos up for you all to look at :D
goodnight peeps, bed time!!
Hahha, i'm still awake... yeah, have had a beautifull day!!! but now it is time for bed, i think... my alarm will wake me at 7.00 am..... pfff.
I should go to bed, but I'm wide awake... :?
Night all, being chucked off the computer :(
Goodnight all.
Sleep tight
Well, i'm back... some time now... so i've got a little bit space to react on the topics... finally... think i'm going to bed early
well, its just about dinner time for me. be back later on peeps :P
15 May 2003, 19:26
Goodnight, im going to bedie byes!
Its 1.03am and I cann't sleep :zzz: maybe I'll try jumping up and down :lol:
The Flying Mouse
16 May 2003, 11:02
:twisted: Morning :D .
Did it work Dottie?
its all that excitement Dottie!!
:twisted: Morning :D .
Did it work Dottie?
Nope - I actually feel quite butterflyeeee... about tonight
its all that excitement Dottie!!
I know - now I'm tired :zzz:
its all that excitement Dottie!!
I know - now I'm tired :zzz:
maybe meat will come and sing you to sleep again dottie!!??!! :P
its all that excitement Dottie!!
I know - now I'm tired :zzz:
maybe meat will come and sing you to sleep again dottie!!??!! :P
Meat does in my dreams now :lol:
I'm so tired off working all the week....pfff.... glad to have some time for my self now!!
im off to bed in a sec, so gd nite all! :D
Nite ben...sleep well, hun :P
I'm going to bed now :zzz: sweet dreams of Meat
17 May 2003, 14:17
I never left!!
well, im off til later on, gonna get ready fot the footie! come on you saints!! :D
original sin
17 May 2003, 14:31
:cry: :cry: gotta nasty, 'orrible boring chores :cry: :cry:
oh woe is me........
17 May 2003, 15:13
me go now! :(
Talk to you all later... i'm still here... Wish it was evening and time for bed!!! I'm so tired.
I'm also here... but still sleepy... hahah.
Yeah me too had only couple of hours sleep last night - meant to be going to B.B.Q. soon - its pouring with rain - wonder if they will light the B.B.Q. inside the house :lmao:
AAAh, that is sad... raining and BBQing... well, just put up some.... oooh, how do you call that.....well don't know... so never mind.
I'm going to bed... talk to you all later... C U Soon hahaha, that new hypermodern language thing is nothing for me.. but funny to do. :lol:
original sin
18 May 2003, 00:51
night tim....think i'll be off soon the wine is starting to kick in now :roll:
me,but i'm going now...
The Flying Mouse
18 May 2003, 04:03
:twisted: Hi guys.
Just poped in to see whats new :D .
I'm usualy here all week,but the last few weekends have been really busy so I havent had much time to log in :cry: .
Catch up with you guys on Monday :D
Night night :zzz:
Hope you all slept well. I'm back for now!
Mornin hun :D
I'm wide awake and raring to go.... :P
Morning lovely Heat... and Lovely Bren... nice to see you both awake, and all the rest also hello.
original sin
18 May 2003, 17:52
gotta go back later..... :twisted:
Think i will be back later this evening and go in the chat... now i'm off.. done so many thing on the net... see you later all.
Going off now - lots of writing to do for Rear View Mirror - invigilating this week for GCSE's at school, so will just try to squeeze any time in on here.
love to you all
goodnight all one exhausted little bat here,i'm flying off into the night now bye
goodnight all one exhausted little bat here,i'm flying off into the night now bye
sorry i don't know how that happened :oops:
original sin
19 May 2003, 01:07
goodnight all one exhausted little bat here,i'm flying off into the night now bye
sorry i don't know how that happened :oops:
Oh don't you now Bren...after you claimed the title Mega Postwhore!!!
Just gonna catch up on what i've missed then gonna get some shut eye
goodmorning everyone,hope you all have a good day.
Good Afternoon Lovely Bren the Bat. HOw are you today???
Hello to all of you.
Hiya Tim, Hunnie :D
Hope you is okay today :P
original sin
19 May 2003, 21:27
gotta go write a report that i need to present tomorrow :evil: :evil:
May be back later - hope evry1 is doing good.
Hi, Lovely Tim, Heat and Sin :D
I, am fine thankyou Tim ,nice of you to ask. :D
I know this is a bit early to be saying goodnight but I have so much work on at the moment, that'll I'll not be around much over the next week.
Invigilating is so boring - but pays well :)
Love to u all
don't forget me :(
Right peoples...i'm off to bed..i is knackered :D
Night all...sweet Meaty dreams :P
I think that i'm going to bed also... i'm very tired.... lot's to do, less time...
See you tomorrow!!!
Tim, the butcher.
White of High
20 May 2003, 00:27
Goodnight and nice dreams for everybody!
Hmmm... I'll still write a poem...
good night Tim,
goodnight everyone,sleepy bat now,so i'll fly off into the night.
Sleep well all.....
See you in the morning.
The Flying Mouse
20 May 2003, 01:09
Night all.
Rock & roll dreams.
See you tomorow.
...Good mor ning everyone, good morning lovely Tim, hope you all have a good day.
Hello Bren the Bat!!! How are you today?? HOpe you are fine!!
I'm off for the complete day... so not around here. I'm very sorry. Well, maybe tonight i'm here sometimes, but don't know for sure.
So talk to you all tomorrow, i hope!
The Butcher, Tim
Morning Bren hun :D
Morning Tim :P
Sorry Heat, forget to say hello to you so here it is:
Hello my dear Heat, how are you???
ok Tim talk to you tommorrow.
Hi Heat!!!! :D
I'm all the better for seeing you this morning Tim :P :D ....You too Bren :D
The Flying Mouse
20 May 2003, 11:17
Morning all :D
Hello my good friend the Flying Mouse!!!
Hope you are fine today, slept well??? I did, well, almost gone. So talk to you soon!!!
The Flying Mouse
20 May 2003, 11:21
I slept like a log,and woke up in the fire place :mrgreen: .
Where you going today Tim?Why won't you be around?
good evening one and all,
i'm feeling stessed and to be honest a bit irritable which is out of character for me,so i thought i'd cheer myself up by coming here but no one's about. :(
Whats the matter Bren? Hope your feeling ok now! :P
good night all :zzz:
no one about so i will fly away into the night ..........see you all tomorrow,i hope.
Im here now....did i miss the party???? :D
I'm here bren!!
Presumably I am a nobody! or do not exist. If it turns out that i do not exist, can I claim a rebate on my memberhsip fees!
PS I upset a customer at work yesterday and he started shouting and swearing. Ended up with him announcing "Well at leats I don't look like the love child of Meatloaf and Jo Brand!!"
Chris - you ain't a nobody hun, i can see ya...or that may mean that the medications stopped working again..... :roll:
Would love to see a piccie of you to see if you are Meat's and Jo's love child.... :D
Trust me, you don't want to see that!!!!
Providing this works, I am the one on the left!
Where's your beard and long hair, Chris????
Oh well...i'm gonna head off to bed now....night all :D
good morning everyone,good morning lovely Tim,
Hope that the day is good to you all.
Hello you all!! I'm back!!!
Hi Heat!........Hi Tim :D
Hi Bren and Heat, and the rest.
Pfff, after a hard day working, finally on the forum.... let's relax.
I gotta go - c u all tomorrow - sometime.
God give me back some time please - I suffering withdrawal symptoms because I can't post whore like I should be doing :lol:
Night Dottie,..iwon't be able to postwhore for 10 days :( :(
Night Dottie,..iwon't be able to postwhore for 10 days :( :(
Oh Bren will miss u loads - have a great time luv.
Thanks Dottie,i don't go until friday though, then computer/forum deprivation will set in.....i'm going to miss everyone.
original sin
22 May 2003, 00:18
falling asleep at keyboard gotta go.. see you all tomorrow
Bren we're gonna miss you too
I'll miss ya too Bren...and as i won't be here myself, does that mean i'll miss me too?????
Heat dear I think the thought of forum deprivation is having an effect on you :lol:
Heat dear I think the thought of forum deprivation is having an effect on you :lol:
Thanks Sin,i'm still about 'til Friday evening.
Goodmorning everyone hope you have a good day.It's raining here.How is everyone?
That's covered a few of your new topic suggestions ,Tim. :lol:
And how is Lovely Tim today?
...mmmmm VERY STRANGE :roll: ...
Iwas editing my post( please note that Tim, i said EDITING my post in NOT being a post whore)......And i got logged out and it sort of split the post in ...two.NO,this is not a new form of postwhoring, the same thing happened yesterday when i was replying to your question about roosting......very strange. :roll: :?
I'll miss ya too Bren...and as i won't be here myself, does that mean i'll miss me too?????
i do worry about you somethimes heat!! :lol: :P
Ben - i worry about me too.... 8O
The Flying Mouse
22 May 2003, 14:47
:twisted: Afternoon everyone :D .
The Flying Mouse
22 May 2003, 14:49
Hi Ben :D .
How's the back today?
Hi Mouse, Hi Ben, couldn't stay away nipped back for a flying visit.going again now see you later :D
its ok th the mo thanks. but sometimes it really good and i feel great and then the slightest thing will set it off again like getting up too quick or sitting in the wrong posistion for too long etc. but is slowly but surely getting there!! ive got physio again at 1:50 today.
The Flying Mouse
22 May 2003, 15:10
:twisted: Hi Ben.
The solution is to not move :mrgreen:
Put your fav Meat album in the CD player,sit back with a good suply of snacks,drinks,books and magazines and chill 8) .
Also a handbell is useful to alert anybody near by that the CD needs changing :lmao: .
Cheers, great idea!!
defiently worth a try!! :D
gotta go now :( or ill be late for physio. talk to ya all later! :D
The Flying Mouse
22 May 2003, 15:19
:twisted: Later Ben.
Don't push yourself too hard :wink:
The Flying Mouse
22 May 2003, 15:21
:twisted: Hi Bren.
Sorry I missed your last post.You posted while I was still typing so I missed it :oops: .
Ben - hope physio went well, hun :D
How's all me POSTWHORING buddies today????
Hi Heat, trying to spend as much time here as possible to make up for the lackof ,next week!!!! :(
Tell me about it Bren!!!!!
I'm looking forward to seeing my sister and all that, but i hate the thought of leaving all my mates here on the board!!!!
What are we gonna do without them???
What are they gonna do without us????
Feel the same Heat...right pair aren't we?
Indeed we are, Bren :roll:
So when do you get back???
i get back the evening of the 30th, thats a friday i think :twisted:
Indeed we are, Bren :roll:
So when do you get back???
i get back the evening of the 30th, thats a friday i think :twisted:
late saturday 31st.
Just in time for chat on the sunday :D
Just in time for chat on the sunday :D
Most Definately :lol:
Hey Bren, did you see my post in general?? Rik Waller's Big Brother - go have a shufty and tell me what ya think 8O
that was a dreadfull thing for them to say and good for you Heat!
I can get on me soapbox with the best of 'em, Bren :D
see you later lovely people
Byes hun...see ya later..
I'm gonna head off too...better get this lot fed and bathed :P
Including hubbs :twisted:
original sin
22 May 2003, 22:31
gotta go play poker :twisted: wish me luck :twisted: see you tomorrow
Goodnight all,see you tommorroww for a bit at least.
the bat flies off into the night......
good morning,dear friends,and how are we all this morning?
hi bren, i fine thanks and you? bet your looking foward to your hol's aint ya?
yep! Ben cornwall
no Ben ,will be suffering frOM "FORUM DEPRIVATION"!!!!!!!!!! :( :lol: :roll:
worry not insanity setting in again
glad to hear the back's improving :D
im here all alone now!! :(
im here all alone now!! :(
Not quite
The Flying Mouse
23 May 2003, 20:33
:twisted: Ok guys I gotta run :? .
See you all later :D .
By Little Mousssssssie!!!
See you later... run away... or else... you get cought by the alligator hahaha :lol:
Hello to everyone else
Little Mousie is a very cool guy!!!
Hello all!!
Hiya Tim hun..... :D
Is it me, or have i already said hello to you today???? :roll:
good night and goodbye lovely people,will miss you all very much.....see you soon
bye from Bren The Bat
........Meshurp Werfifer
be good
See you all, have a safe trip and great time!!!! :D
original sin
24 May 2003, 23:26
time for a hot bath , bed and a read of me book...see ya all tomorrow
Well, time for bed???? Sin, the night is just starting hahaha. But i'm off to bed also.
Goodnight then people! :P
original sin
25 May 2003, 18:48
gotta go back later..... be good :twisted: :wink:
See ya later Sin... uhhh, be good, how does that go again? :wink:
talk to everyone later on, im off for a while!
Bed time now, im very tired! :zzz:
Not going to bed for hours yet....
Have to work till 7.45 am
But have a good nights sleep everybody
Sweet dreams Ben
Thanks :P
original sin
26 May 2003, 21:41
gotta dash back later
Gotta go now - c all u lovely people tomorrow
love dottie
26 May 2003, 23:24
night everybody. dont know u v well but hey!!
original sin
27 May 2003, 00:33
night everybody. dont know u v well but hey!!
Testify...soon you'll know us too well!!!
Night all need my beauty sleep!!!! :lmao:
Sleep well all.
I'm at work again, so no sleep for me yet....
27 May 2003, 11:46
Just thought i wud do this topic to be polite!!
Good morning everyone!!
Have a nice day :lol:
Morning Testify :D
Morning Everyone :D
27 May 2003, 12:30
well thats abit pants, only one person replyed.
im v dispointed, and i was bein polite!! :(
27 May 2003, 16:43
Morning, Testify! All of us in America are 4-7 hours behind you (depending on what part of the country we are in) so it's just now morning here. (Quarter of 10 at the moment). Hope you all are having a good day!
27 May 2003, 16:51
apart from my mum buggin me, i'm great. good morning to you.
Yes we only need a good afternoon topic. There has already been a goodnight topic (made by me) so...
And dotie, your in the wrong topic with your afternoon. :twisted:
Hi everyone,
good afternoon.
Testify, I am by no means ignoring your posts, but it's a jungle out here, I can't keep up, so I mark topics as read and then I miss a lot of posts.
It's impossible for me to read everything. :?
Have a nice day (what's left of it) everyone
Yes we only need a good afternoon topic. There has already been a goodnight topic (made by me) so...
And dotie, your in the wrong topic with your afternoon. :twisted:
Sorry Tim where should I be I'll get there post haste :lol:
OMG... this is out of control.... women....pffff.
Flying Mouse, Help needed here!!
OMG... this is out of control.... women....pffff.
Flying Mouse, Help needed here!!
Big ppff here I think :lol: sorry Tim I would go elsewhere but I'm am having to much fun, psst have seen your're photograph your're so young :)
Hahah, Dottie, thanks. I'm only 24. But i look younger hahah.
Hahah, Dottie, thanks. I'm only 24. But i look younger hahah.
Just like me 53 but only looking and acting 33 :lol:
hahah Dotie, i said nothing hahaah... But think you are right. You look younger.
The Flying Mouse
27 May 2003, 18:15
Morning, Testify! All of us in America are 4-7 hours behind you (depending on what part of the country we are in)
Some of us in the UK are also hours behind everyone else :lol:
Mouse, we will forgive you, right guys??? :lmao:
The Flying Mouse
27 May 2003, 18:17
OMG... this is out of control.... women....pffff.
Flying Mouse, Help needed here!!
Never fear,Flying Mouse is here.
Actually,that's probibilly more reason to panic :lol:
The Flying Mouse
27 May 2003, 18:18
:twisted: Thanks Tim. :lol:
I just got out of bed, so it's still morning to me.
Have a great day.
27 May 2003, 19:49
oooooo, got some replys. im a happy chappy now! :lol:
original sin
27 May 2003, 19:55
or is that yet another topicOMG... this is out of control.... women....pffff.
Flying Mouse, Help needed here!!
and by this you mean????????????? :evil:
anyway I missed out on good morning so it'll have to be good evening from me 8) or is that yet another topic :?
27 May 2003, 19:58
well i did this one cos there was a goodnight one, all we need now is an afternoon one which was said but they were prob just messina round cos its a stupid topic i made, bit like the zoo n the BBQ. :lol:
original sin
27 May 2003, 20:20
Gotta go feed the mob ......back later :twisted:
27 May 2003, 20:24
cya sin
The Flying Mouse
27 May 2003, 22:17
:twisted: Whatever next?
A happy 8.17pm topic :lmao:
:twisted: Whatever next?
A happy 8.17pm topic :lmao:
Could be arranged :lol: We need a firm hand here any offers :lol: :oops:
The Flying Mouse
27 May 2003, 22:20
:twisted: I wouldn't put it past you Dottie :lol:
Don't give them ideas Mouse :twisted:
Don't give them ideas Mouse :twisted:
Who us innocence is our virtue :roll:
:twisted: I wouldn't put it past you Dottie :lol:
Whats that a carton of milk (pastuerised) :lol:
Who us innocence is our virtue :roll:
...looking around...still looking around... nope no one's gonna believe :twisted:
original sin
27 May 2003, 22:51
Who us innocence is our virtue :roll:
...looking around...still looking around... nope no one's gonna believe :twisted:
8O Innocence :lmao: 8O Virtue :lmao:
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