View Full Version : Amazon link

07 Apr 2010, 13:56
I can't see the link to Amazon on the front page any more. It offered a way to support the site through the AmazonAssociates scheme. Does this mean that the site is no longer participating? I did track down a link via the HCTB page, but that seems a bit obscure to me, and I'm not sure whether that link would identify any purchase as being part of an associateship with this site.


07 Apr 2010, 13:58
The link is there on the forums home page http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/index.php?#support where it always has been, just above the shoutbox ;-)

07 Apr 2010, 14:28
Thanks. I'd have sworn it used to be on the front page as well .. Searching the bottom of the forum page isn't something I tend to do ;)
