View Full Version : Was RAH gig officially filmed/recorded??

duke knooby
13 Apr 2010, 00:45

13 Apr 2010, 00:48

From memory there was a film crew who worked for Notion (who made the software that was used to beef up the sould of the orchestra) who had limited access and filmed some of the show and the rehearsals for promo for their product, which is what this clip is.

13 Apr 2010, 00:50
Nope is the answer. Going by that just a very few fragments from proper cameras by the looks of it and that only from Revved Up /Paradise and more clips from the NY venue I think.
Doesn't mean to say there is no soundboard. And a crime it is that no cd has materialised yet.

There was no space for enough cameras. We were all bunched up against the stage. There were rumours though that it would be filmed a month before the show I remember.

duke knooby
13 Apr 2010, 00:50
thats a shame, wish i couldda been there

Evil One
13 Apr 2010, 00:51
A shame they weren't allowed to film the whole show. I'm surprised some kind of deal wasn't made.

13 Apr 2010, 01:12
Its a shame, but its just one of many where live documents are concerned.

The AWC Project
13 Apr 2010, 12:28
If I remember correctly, no real camera crews there, but from having the joy of Meat giving a tour of his trailer during the HOTD Tour, he showed us the recording area of the trailer and informed us that he records every concert, to judge his performance. So maybe the man himself would have a recording shame that it was not filmed as one of the very best performances Meat has given [IM0], My own thought is that if Pattie was performing, it possibly would have been filmed.

Evil One
13 Apr 2010, 12:55
Do you mean he records every concert as in keeping the soundboards or as in films video of every concert?

13 Apr 2010, 13:10
From what I've heard him say before, he has soundboards of all the shows...wasn't there the scene from In Search of Paradise where someone from the hotel had thrown the cd out from the previous night's concert?

13 Apr 2010, 13:22
We know Meat keeps and listens to every concert soundboard recording. At the majority of the arena concerts there are cameras to put film on the screens at either side of the stage, but at many venues where seating is close to the stage, and there is no exclusion zone between it and those horrid metal barriers, you don't see cameras. The RAH was such a venue, and more special because of it imo.

Having listened to the commentary on the MSO dvd I'd venture the thought that Meat gives himself enough to angst about listening to the board tapes after each concert ;) More seriously, I sense his major concern is always how it sounded .. his stagecraft is so well honed and executed


Evil One
13 Apr 2010, 13:34
That's what I thought. I know he keeps the soundboards. AWC Project's post was ambiguously worded and could have meant keeping film.

13 Apr 2010, 14:02
Actually I don't know if when they're filming for the screens they make and keep tapes or if it's just a live feed. If it's the former Meat might watch them I suppose .. but I spent a day with the camera guy for the Bat3 tour; he never suggested it and I think he would have done when talking about what he did etc


Evil One
13 Apr 2010, 14:54
I guess they might not keep all the film, but I'd be surprised if Meat didn't keep at least one show from a tour, for reference material if nothing else.

13 Apr 2010, 15:22
Good find !!

Nice memorys of first gig coming back watching that and shame, would of been nice to of had it immortalised :lol: !!

13 Apr 2010, 16:25
Brilliant memories X

The AWC Project
13 Apr 2010, 20:01
Do you mean he records every concert as in keeping the soundboards or as in films video of every concert?

Yes sorry posted via WII controller, (never do that again )
meant to say the recordings were audio on reel to reel tapes,

Sorry for the confusion.