View Full Version : Jun 17, 2005?

16 Apr 2010, 19:11
what happened on that date that caused 500 of you mlukfcers to be online at once??
this was before my time.

16 Apr 2010, 19:17
It's a bit like Fight Club, we're not allowed to talk about it to :p

16 Apr 2010, 19:20
It's a bit like Fight Club, we're not allowed to talk about it to :p

its obviously something to do with HOTD.

16 Apr 2010, 19:26
we agreed upon this set of requirements for joining MLUKFC:

All right, if the applicant is young, tell him he's too young. Old, too old. Fat, too fat. If the applicant then waits for three days without food, shelter, or encouragement he may then enter and begin his training.

i don't think we enforced it though:roll:

16 Apr 2010, 19:29
But we don't talk about it ;-)

16 Apr 2010, 19:31
interesting side note, and a meat fact, that i found on IMDB.

To ensure that Bob's (Meat Loaf) breasts and love handles hung correctly, his fat suit was filled with birdseed, so that it would 'spill' over his pants and give the impression of sagging flesh. Altogether, the suit plus the seed weighed over one hundred pounds.

The Flying Mouse
16 Apr 2010, 20:00
what happened on that date that caused 500 of you mlukfcers to be online at once??
this was before my time.

:twisted: It was the day the pope declared me officially AWESOME.

The catholic church was a bit slow on the uptake, everyone else had known it for years :bleh:

duke knooby
16 Apr 2010, 20:02
and while you were all here, i was watching meat

16 Apr 2010, 20:22
:twisted: It was the day the pope declared me officially AWESOME.

The catholic church was a bit slow on the uptake, everyone else had known it for years :bleh:

I should better call my boss about this lol

The Flying Mouse
16 Apr 2010, 20:25
I should better call my boss about this lol

:twisted: I don't know you know, the after AWESOME party was pretty wild.
He might not remember everything.

Or anything.

Or anybody.


16 Apr 2010, 20:29
ah well, as long as you havent been abused lol

(you do know I work for the catholic church, right? :bleh:)

A Slice Of English
16 Apr 2010, 20:36
And I work in Child Protection. I think he's safe...

16 Apr 2010, 20:37
That was shortly after the migration to vBulletin and the 1st time Google picked us up. Attack of the Google searchbots.

The Flying Mouse
16 Apr 2010, 20:53
That was shortly after the migration to vBulletin and the 1st time Google picked us up. Attack of the Google searchbots.

:twisted: Nope :nope:
Was when I was declared AWESOME! :yep:

Although you might be right :bleh:

Evil One
16 Apr 2010, 20:57
So what is the most real people online in one go then and what was it for?

16 Apr 2010, 21:05
One ... Me. none of the rest of you are real.

16 Apr 2010, 21:06
So what is the most real people online in one go then and what was it for?
I don't know, my guess would be between 80 and 100. A recent peak was 62. More would definetely bring the server down to it's knees.

16 Apr 2010, 21:55
One ... Me. none of the rest of you are real.

this is true

16 Apr 2010, 22:42
what is going to happen when we all come here on the 19th. will you people be able to handle all of us? we are crazy you know, but we are real also. :lol:

16 Apr 2010, 23:37
what is going to happen when we all come here on the 19th. will you people be able to handle all of us? we are crazy you know, but we are real also. :lol:
We'll have to find out, so bring it on!

duke knooby
17 Apr 2010, 03:05
first and only time i heard "only when i feel live" was that day!