View Full Version : You'll need a special name, if ...

04 Jun 2003, 21:19
... you want to be a superhero.
I'm Black Lord, who are you? (http://www.comicbookthemovie.com/superhero.php)

original sin
04 Jun 2003, 21:29
Black Warrior

04 Jun 2003, 21:40
Commander E

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2003, 21:45
:twisted: Apparently my secret identity is major Power 8O .
Although Carol believes i'm more of a Major Problem :lol: .
The Flying Mouse turns out to be The Sonic Kid :twisted: .
I'm off to put my underpants over my trousers :lmao:

original sin
04 Jun 2003, 21:48
:twisted: Apparently my secret identity is major Power 8O .
Although Carol believes i'm more of a Major Problem :lol: .
The Flying Mouse turns out to be The Sonic Kid :twisted: .
I'm off to put my underpants over my trousers :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: hope it's not a thong Mouse 8O

04 Jun 2003, 21:49
hehe, i dont wanna be a superhero!! i wanna be a erm erm i dunno what i wanna be!! :(

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2003, 21:55
:twisted: Apparently my secret identity is major Power 8O .
Although Carol believes i'm more of a Major Problem :lol: .
The Flying Mouse turns out to be The Sonic Kid :twisted: .
I'm off to put my underpants over my trousers :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao: hope it's not a thong Mouse 8O

No danger of that Sin :lol:

original sin
04 Jun 2003, 22:08
hehe, i dont wanna be a superhero!! i wanna be a erm erm i dunno what i wanna be!! :(

I do Testify......you wanna be a mega loafer postwhore :lmao: :devil:

but seriously go to the link and see what you get!!!

04 Jun 2003, 22:14
i do i do, i'll get there it wont take me long!! im doin well so far!!

04 Jun 2003, 22:36
Never fear,

CAPTAIN MOON is here!!!


04 Jun 2003, 22:37
lol, how you get them cool images???

04 Jun 2003, 22:42
i could tell you but then Captain Moon would have to kill you!!!


04 Jun 2003, 22:43
u gota find me first!!!

04 Jun 2003, 23:04
When I use my full name, I am Captain Sun!!!

Perhaps I could be the superhero with 2 identities!!!!! (sounds like a mission for Aunty Sin!!)


Oh and Testify, I'm looking!!!


04 Jun 2003, 23:43
The Yellow Borg :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: :!:

04 Jun 2003, 23:45
Oi R. i think its broken, it thinks i should be called...

Madame Courage!!!!??!?!?!?!?!?! :oops:

04 Jun 2003, 23:47
Well I'm "The Arrow"

04 Jun 2003, 23:48
Mine is very cool:

Green Laviathan

It sounds like a large green dinosaur!

04 Jun 2003, 23:51
Mine is very cool:

Green Laviathan

It sounds like a large green dinosaur!

dont worry sherrie, i sound like a "Star Trek" reject!!! (the yellow borg!!! i ask you...)

Mind you i dont think my sons too happy about his (Madame Courage heh heh heh :lol: :lol: :mrgreen:)

05 Jun 2003, 00:04
never fear Sergeant Justice is here, :lol:


05 Jun 2003, 00:23
Black baby?!
:??: :roll:

05 Jun 2003, 01:45
The Green Blob - charming not that sort from your nose I trust :lol:

05 Jun 2003, 01:55
Post Whore Man

05 Jun 2003, 10:43
Apparently...i'm Major Sun :?

Does that mean i outrank Chris, who's only a captain??? :lol:


The Flying Mouse
05 Jun 2003, 13:43
:twisted: Sorry Heat,only one Major per batallion :lol: .
You can be Major,2nd batallion of the Royal Meat Loaf Life Guards :lmao:
Is the officers mess open yet for Brandy and Cigars :mrgreen: .

By the way,what super powers have we got? :roll:
I'll take the X-ray vision.That way if I can't get tickets to a Meat Loaf concert,I can stand outside and watch 8) .

05 Jun 2003, 23:11
As a littel addendum to this thread, has anyone read about the Superhero of Tunbridge Wells?

Basically a chap has been donning a full superhero costume with mask, cape and underpants outside his trousers. He has then been patrolling the town centre streets preventing crime. In the first incident to make the national news, a pensioner had a handbag snatched and he chased down and rugby tackled the thief, returned the bag and then ran off before anyone could speak to him.

No one knows who the chap is or why he is doing it!!!

06 Jun 2003, 00:32
So if Mouse and Heat are Majors, Chris is a Captain and Asha is a Sergeant does that mean that I outrank the lot of you :D

(Commander is a higher rank right???)

The Flying Mouse
06 Jun 2003, 00:41
:twisted: Commander is a Navy rank between Lieutenant and Captain :wink: .
In the rank stakes,it's pretty much the equivelent of an army Major :lol: .
If memory seves right :roll: .

original sin
06 Jun 2003, 00:43
well as I'm a Warrior......that mean I can go freelance

06 Jun 2003, 01:07
freelance, as in renegade???!!! :twisted:


original sin
06 Jun 2003, 01:15
as in Rock 'n' Roll Mercenary :twisted: 8)

06 Jun 2003, 01:24
Meaning you're gonna kill Rock n Roll???? (j/k)

You know you'll have the whole squad after you don't you?


06 Jun 2003, 03:46
:twisted: Commander is a Navy rank between Lieutenant and Captain :wink: .
In the rank stakes,it's pretty much the equivelent of an army Major :lol: .
If memory seves right :roll: .

Had a look around Lieutenant Commander is the equivelent of Major
while Commander is the equivelent of Lieutenant Colonel which is higher rank than Major, so I do outrank you :twisted: :lol:

06 Jun 2003, 04:15
I'm not tall enough to be a superhero!! :lol:

Love and Laughs..

06 Jun 2003, 06:00
Gina, you are never too short to be a superhero! I'm only 5 ft 4 in (but I got them to put 5 ft 6 in on my drivers licence- it makes me feel better somehow!) but we can't let a lack of stature keep us from achieving Herculean tasks!

Sherrie (who can't reach anything on the top shelf......)

The Flying Mouse
06 Jun 2003, 14:12
:twisted: Commander is a Navy rank between Lieutenant and Captain :wink: .
In the rank stakes,it's pretty much the equivelent of an army Major :lol: .
If memory seves right :roll: .

Had a look around Lieutenant Commander is the equivelent of Major
while Commander is the equivelent of Lieutenant Colonel which is higher rank than Major, so I do outrank you :twisted: :lol:

Well I wasn't too far out,err,sir 8O

06 Jun 2003, 19:11
Sherrie.. lol I'm only 4'11" :D

Love and Laughs..

06 Jun 2003, 20:41
Well I wasn't too far out,err,sir 8O


06 Jun 2003, 21:01
Sherrie.. lol I'm only 4'11" :D

Love and Laughs..

You can still play witht eh rest of us. You could be "Captain Bite-'em-on-the-kneecaps"!!!!!

06 Jun 2003, 22:00
hey you found me yet???

07 Jun 2003, 12:25
well im.............

Sergeant E