View Full Version : Host file changes

13 Jul 2010, 03:13
A while ago when there was some forum trouble I used the recipe presented here to gain access:


But tonight I had to remove the " www.mlukfc.com" from my host file to access mlukfc.

So maybe there are other users who's having similar problems?

13 Jul 2010, 12:09
That'll be me then, couldn't access yesterday afternoon or this morning from home but have got straight on from work's computer, I'll remove it when I get home.

13 Jul 2010, 12:29
You should never have such web entries in your hosts file unless is it for a temporary hack or you know what you are doing with hosts for web development for example. The problem is that if there are any DNS changes which there probably had been with mlukfc in the last few days they would be ignored by your local computer which will try to load the site from a specific IP address which may no longer be used.