View Full Version : My Final Poll: How'ya Like Your meat?

05 Aug 2010, 11:15
Yep, tis true. Gonna miss doing them, but things gotta come to an end.

What Meat do you prefer Singing-wise?

It was hard to decide but I went for the Storytellers Meat.

05 Aug 2010, 11:16
You need to add a poll to your thread ...

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 11:28
A) Those time periods are uneven and make no sense
B) You will make another poll
C) How can you prefer the Storytellers era? Meat was almost constantly full of cold and sounded like he was struggling. Heaven Can Way?:shrug:

05 Aug 2010, 11:31
Why is this your last poll?

05 Aug 2010, 11:33
If this is your last poll then you're ending on a spectacular low. As Evil says the phases you've selected are awful. 1985 to 1993 ... that period alone covers at least 4 different phases of Meat's career.

D- Must try harder :))

05 Aug 2010, 11:36
I guess you guys didnt read my first post:

What Meat do you prefer Singing-wise?

His voice was pretty much the same from 1985 to the Bat2 tour...

and i prefer his late 90's/early 2000's era voice because I do. its hard to explain.

A) Those time periods are uneven and make no sense
B) You will make another poll
C) How can you prefer the Storytellers era? Meat was almost constantly full of cold and sounded like he was struggling. Heaven Can Way?:shrug:

A) Explained above :))
B) meat toured after his 'last world tour', so maybe...
C) Explained Above

Why is this your last poll?

No reason :))

A Slice Of English
05 Aug 2010, 12:50
You forgot the "Best Of" tour.

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 12:52
A) Explained above
In which case Bat 2 and Born To Rock should be in the same bracket.

05 Aug 2010, 12:53
His voice was pretty much the same from 1985 to the Bat2 tour...

Most of us who saw him in those days would disagree with that statement.

05 Aug 2010, 12:59
I can't think of a single performer whose voice didn't/hasn't changed over a ten year period, especially Meat's.

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 13:05
Can someone with power make this poll a bit more accurate? I suggest:

Pre Bat 1 Meat
Early Bat 1 tour
Late Bat 1 tour-Dead Ringer tour
Midnight tour
Bad Attitude tour
Club tour - Born To Rock
Very Best Of - Storytellers
Just Having Fun - Hair Of The Dog
3 Bats
Casa De Carne - Hang Cool

Sue K
05 Aug 2010, 13:05
whatever period of time is covered by Bat 2 through to and including Jul 18 2010 ... THAT'S the period of time i like most... which button should i push ? ... :twisted: ...

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 13:06
which button should i push ? ... :twisted: ...
The big red one labelled 'DO NOT TOUCH' :twisted:

Sue K
05 Aug 2010, 13:07
Can someone with power make this poll a bit more accurate? I suggest:

Pre Bat 1 Meat
Early Bat 1 tour
Late Bat 1 tour-Dead Ringer tour
Midnight tour
Bad Attitude tour
Club tour - Born To Rock
Very Best Of - Storytellers
Just Having Fun - Hair Of The Dog
3 Bats
Casa De Carne - Hang Cool

where would the WTTN tour fit in there ?... i liked his voice on that tour ... i liked he sang LITD... ta !

Sue K
05 Aug 2010, 13:12
The big red one labelled 'DO NOT TOUCH' :twisted:

hmmm ? ... ***push *** ... :yikes: ... :faint: ...

05 Aug 2010, 13:25
OK, that's the options split a little more evenly I think. Have had to reset all the results as a result of the changes.

Happy voting ...

05 Aug 2010, 13:28
As the poll has been so much mod-ified (see what I did there! ;-) ), this in my opinion can no longer be classed as a Warioloaf poll, hence he owes us one more at least. :))

05 Aug 2010, 13:29
Strictly speaking it's been adminified ... you need more privileges to clean up after Wario's been around :))

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 13:35
I can't vote now. :panic:

05 Aug 2010, 13:35
I can't think of a single performer whose voice didn't/hasn't changed over a ten year period, especially Meat's.

Stephen Hawking :))

05 Aug 2010, 13:45
I can't vote now. :panic:

Let me know how you voted and I'll amend the results to include you vote.

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 13:58
Stick me down for LB&GG. Ta

05 Aug 2010, 15:31
I voted for Casa de Carne and HCTB. I really love how Meat sounds now.


05 Aug 2010, 16:09
welcome to the neighbourhood period for me, although I do like his voice from the late's 80's to just before Bat II.

and by the way Wario, I would imagine that your 'final poll' would be just like Meat's 'last world tour' so I would expect to see another 7 years of these*

* note I said I expect, not that I would like to see:D

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 16:13
In which case, who plays Desmond Child?

05 Aug 2010, 16:32
Stephen Hawking :))

Does'nt count, his is electronic?:lol:

Evil One
05 Aug 2010, 16:40
How is this thing meant to work anyway? I assume we're supposed to be voting on the actual noise coming out of Meat's mouth and disregarding every other aspect of the performance? If I am right then my top three would be:

Lost Boys & Golden Girls
Born To Rock
Bat 2

05 Aug 2010, 18:57
From what I've heard in tour recordings, my top three would be...

1 - BBIS/LB&GG Tour
2 - Free-For-All/Bat Out Of Hell
3 - Storytellers->Night Of The Proms

But then again, I would have loved to see Meat perform any of those years in the poll.

Julie in the rv mirror
06 Aug 2010, 00:46
I can't think of a single performer whose voice didn't/hasn't changed over a ten year period

Peter Frampton. He sounds exactly like he did in the '70's. And the guitar playing's even better, IMO.

06 Aug 2010, 01:15
Can I vote twice :??: :lol:
I picked Storytellers, because I love the format of the show ... but with the way Meat sounds now and the songs from HCTB :))

06 Aug 2010, 02:05
Jesus this is like the Da Vinci code:lol:;)
I can't vote on time period its more complex than that imo, although i expect when i have broken the code that Wario will be found to be a descendant of the Pope:lmao:

06 Aug 2010, 03:07
Jesus this is like the Da Vinci code:lol:;)
I can't vote on time period its more complex than that imo, although i expect when i have broken the code that Wario will be found to be a descendant of the Pope:lmao:

I am the pope :))

Evil One
06 Aug 2010, 10:11
I am the poop :))
One day you'll sort your spelling out! :twisted:

06 Aug 2010, 11:13
Peter Frampton. He sounds exactly like he did in the '70's. And the guitar playing's even better, IMO.

Cliff Richard as well!
But I always liked the fact that Meat's voice changed a lot. It's interesting, if you compare BOOH with something from CHSIB or HCTB it almost seems like two different people.

06 Aug 2010, 15:30
I am the pope :))


06 Aug 2010, 16:06
That is an almost impossible question to answer. I have been lucky enough to see Meat at least once on every tour he has done in UK and although his voice has changed in general what he has lost in ultimate and raw power he has gained many times over in the depth and emotion.

There have been times when I thought he was past his best but without fail every single one of these occasions has been followed soon after by news that Meat was coping with illness at the time.

With that in mind I answered on the basis of what concert or series of concerts did I prefer, My answer being the Just having fun for the summer" tour. I have never before or since seen Meat look so happy on stage than the concerts I saw then there was something very special about his energy on stage for me that moved what already was a very impressive bar for quality of experience right up to a whole new level

10 Aug 2010, 21:50
I'll go with Bat 2, but I thought he sounded really great at NOTP too.