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Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 11:21
about 15 of the songs we didn't do on this record we are going to record next year.

No one seems to have spotted this.

20 Aug 2010, 11:25
Well you did. ;-)

Cool, hope these are more like PFL rather than HCTB

20 Aug 2010, 11:31
Maybe good news shouldn't be provided in the middle of an argument. ;) I agree with Andrew, hopefully the stuff will be as equally cool as PFL.

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 11:31
Cool, hope these are more like PFL rather than HCTB
Yes. I have two trains of thought on this.

1) These songs are good and Meat really wanted to do them, but they didn't fit in with the Patrick nonsense so they got left off. I'm thinking Prize Fight Lover / Boneyard.

2) The songs weren't good enough to make it onto HCTB in the first place and should be left alone. :roll:

Let's hope it's option 1.

20 Aug 2010, 12:12
and Meat said the fat lady was gonna sing. Maybe one of these 15 new tracks is that song that they were rehearsing in one of the tweets.

20 Aug 2010, 12:14
Hurray! Maybe thats where the fables 'the hit' song featured in one of the videos will end up :pray:

20 Aug 2010, 12:23
Maybe one of these 15 new tracks is that song that they were rehearsing in one of the tweets.

The one James Michael and Rick Brantley were doing? It sounded interesting, I would like to hear that on an album.

20 Aug 2010, 12:45
No one seems to have spotted this.

First thing that leapt out at me this morning, and was amazed that in all the defence etc no-one had referred to this great news, but my post (being off-Lopez-topic I guess) was removed from the thread.

It's given me cause for huge celebration .. I love HCTB, love every song including Los Angeloser, love the concept, the storyline which Meat painted so clearly it leaps put at one from the disc, and Patrick's journey in the album. I was thrilled to read Meat's intention to record next year more of the songs that weren't included.

I won't speculate as to what the songs will be, nor advise him on how to promote it ;) I know I will love it because Meat's new sound is to me his best to date. He says he wouldn't change a thing on it, and nor would I have him do so.

Meat also asked what does being 62 have to do with anything .. in his case it seems to me simply that his inner drive to create something unique and marvellous still burns fiercely. I heard HCTB at the Playback and was blown away, have it to enjoy every day wherever I am, see it in his passionate performances this tour, and now I can hope to hear more of it on another album. Bloody marvellous news!

Don't need to wonder whether it will be this or that. It will be Meat, on fantastic form. And at a time when I was sadly contemplating that HCTB might be his last new album, that's wonderful news for any follower of Meat Loaf .. and I'm a Meat Loaf follower ..


20 Aug 2010, 12:55
This must be a record! 4 posts into a thread about a possible new album next year and the thread is dragged off topic. Please try and control the inner child!

20 Aug 2010, 13:07
i'd much prefer option 1 rather than dregs

If he wants to release it as part of a rarieties collection i'd be all for that

20 Aug 2010, 13:15
I am positively looking forward to this!!

20 Aug 2010, 13:18
I love HCTB, love every song including Los Angeloser, love the concept, the storyline which Meat painted so clearly it leaps put at one from the disc, and Patrick's journey in the album.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Can we please stop talking about Patrick? It's about a potential new album and I hope that guy won't be involved. :twisted:

duke knooby
20 Aug 2010, 13:21
the new album might be a concept album based on the realisation that he Patrick, was still on the battlefield, none of the previous flashforwards were real, and its based on his actual journey from being wounded on the battlefield, through rescue and recovery etc

or it might be completely unrelated

eitherway its exciting news :D

20 Aug 2010, 13:22
Maybe the new album will be about his long lost brother Robert or his sister Patricia?

20 Aug 2010, 13:22
Yes. I have two trains of thought on this.

1) These songs are good and Meat really wanted to do them, but they didn't fit in with the Patrick nonsense so they got left off. I'm thinking Prize Fight Lover / Boneyard.

2) The songs weren't good enough to make it onto HCTB in the first place and should be left alone. :roll:

Let's hope it's option 1.

well spotted!! but i would say no.1 is nearer the truth?

20 Aug 2010, 13:25
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Can we please stop talking about Patrick? It's about a potential new album and I hope that guy won't be involved. :twisted:

Not when I'm talking about HCTB because he's the main character and for me an integral part of the album as designed by Meat.

I don't anticipate Patrick's likely to feature in the next album .. Meat is endlessly creative and will I'm sure come up with something new. But I'd be happy for the underpinning strength of a storyline, which to me just served to enhance the pleasure of the HCTB.


20 Aug 2010, 13:38
Yes. I have two trains of thought on this.

1) These songs are good and Meat really wanted to do them, but they didn't fit in with the Patrick nonsense so they got left off. I'm thinking Prize Fight Lover / Boneyard.

2) The songs weren't good enough to make it onto HCTB in the first place and should be left alone. :roll:

Let's hope it's option 1.

I just now had the exact same train of thought. Are we related? :lol:

Given my feelings about HCTB, I really hope it's option 1.

20 Aug 2010, 13:44
Also hoping it's the first scenario...someone might be able to correct me on this (and I'm sure they will!) but am I right in remembering that when Meat first started filming the Twitter updates when they first went into the studio, he posted an update and he was laughing because they had about 30 songs to work with and at that moment they'd only recorded about 5 because they weren't good enough? I might be remembering that completely wrong - and I can't be arsed going back through all the Twitters! - but if that is the case I sincerely hope it's the tracks that didn't fit the HCTB story.

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 13:45
Are we related?
Yes grandad, has your memory gone again?

My main gripe with HCTB was the songs. So if these are better songs with the same production then it's something to look forward to. :twisted:

20 Aug 2010, 13:56
My main gripe with HCTB was the songs. So if these are better songs with the same production then it's something to look forward to. :twisted:

Yup I agree. :up:

20 Aug 2010, 14:06
Yes grandad, has your memory gone again?

Yeah, I thought I left it on the shelf with my teeth last night but it's nowhere to be seen.

My main gripe with HCTB was the songs. So if these are better songs with the same production then it's something to look forward to. :twisted:

Indeed. Better songs + more piano = happy Dave.

20 Aug 2010, 14:15
Better songs + more piano = happy Dave.

The new piano player seems to be very good. I would like to know what it would sound like if they made use of his skills on a record. Although I'm a guitar maniac, I also love piano-dominated songs.

20 Aug 2010, 14:24
The new piano guy was the first thing I noticed when I heard some of the new tour. I really like his style and it'd be great to hear plenty of him in this possible new album.

20 Aug 2010, 14:40
First thing that leapt out at me this morning, and was amazed that in all the defence etc no-one had referred to this great news, but my post (being off-Lopez-topic I guess) was removed from the thread.

It's given me cause for huge celebration .. I love HCTB, love every song including Los Angeloser, love the concept, the storyline which Meat painted so clearly it leaps put at one from the disc, and Patrick's journey in the album. I was thrilled to read Meat's intention to record next year more of the songs that weren't included.

I won't speculate as to what the songs will be, nor advise him on how to promote it ;) I know I will love it because Meat's new sound is to me his best to date. He says he wouldn't change a thing on it, and nor would I have him do so.

Meat also asked what does being 62 have to do with anything .. in his case it seems to me simply that his inner drive to create something unique and marvellous still burns fiercely. I heard HCTB at the Playback and was blown away, have it to enjoy every day wherever I am, see it in his passionate performances this tour, and now I can hope to hear more of it on another album. Bloody marvellous news!

Don't need to wonder whether it will be this or that. It will be Meat, on fantastic form. And at a time when I was sadly contemplating that HCTB might be his last new album, that's wonderful news for any follower of Meat Loaf .. and I'm a Meat Loaf follower ..


Yeah I noticed it too, and I commented as well. I'm really excited about having a new album next year. I'm sure whatever the songs are, they will be fantastic, simply because Meat is singing them. I too was worried HCTB might be his last album, although I hoped not. I agree it's wonderful news for any follower of Meat Loaf, and I too am a Meat Loaf follower. And hopefully a new album, will mean a tour will follow.


20 Aug 2010, 15:04
I'm sure whatever the songs are, they will be fantastic, simply because Meat is singing them.

Sorry, can't agree with that bit. Even Meat has limited capabilities.

Rage Against
20 Aug 2010, 15:06
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Can we please stop talking about Patrick? It's about a potential new album and I hope that guy won't be involved. :twisted:

Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick :lol:

20 Aug 2010, 15:12
Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick :lol:

You forgot.... PATRICK!!!!!

20 Aug 2010, 15:16
You sadists! :bicker:

20 Aug 2010, 15:55
I am positively looking forward to this!!

You and me both Mel :)) It's going to amazing !!

Sue K
20 Aug 2010, 16:25
No one seems to have spotted this.

Oh, I didn't miss it. I'm just sitting back and waiting for year 8 (how long it will be I've been visiting this site next year) of:

"Will there be Steinman songs on the cd as well ? What are you naming the album? You should call it... You should record ... You're having WHO produce it ?... He SUCKS !!... Will there be a duet with Patti? ... Why do you reFUSE to do a duet with CC ?" ...

And on and on and on and... OH ... and ... "Will you be touring to promote it ? ... WILL YOU BE COMING TO (fill in the blank) on that tour?.. I live there and you haven't come there in 55 years !! "

"And is that a dead bat I see up there in the corner ? NO, the OTHER corner. "

and so on on ononononononoooonononononon o noooooooooooooooooooo....

lol ... Let the games begin ... ;) ...

Sue K
20 Aug 2010, 16:27
Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick :lol:

And feck me. My fanship should be revoked. I didn't realize who the BOOH Patrick was... rolling ... I thought it was Rob C's nickname or something. :kickass: ... lol ...

Sue K
20 Aug 2010, 16:29
You sadists! :bicker:

Is saying "Patrick" three times a hat trick ? ... :twisted: ...

Sue K
20 Aug 2010, 16:31
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Can we please stop talking about Patrick? It's about a potential new album and I hope that guy won't be involved. :twisted:

When I see him on the LAL video, he looks more like a "Jonathan" than a "Patrick" to me.

duke knooby
20 Aug 2010, 17:26
he looks more like a "Jonathan" than a "Patrick" to me.

:shock: you're gonna have to explain that one to me please

Sue K
20 Aug 2010, 17:32
:shock: you're gonna have to explain that one to me please

Oh, you know. You see someone, learn their name and perhaps think, "He doesn't look like a "fill in the blank". He looks more like a "fill in the other blank". ie ... My given name is Susan, but I've been called either Pat or Carol by people that deal with me on a semi-regular basis, so I figure I must look like either a "Pat" or a "Carol" rather than a "Susan" ...

Topic, topic, topic. Good luck on the new album, Chiefie ... ;) ...

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 18:51
My given name is Susan
That explains things! :lmao:

20 Aug 2010, 18:52

Sue K
20 Aug 2010, 19:49

Shame on me? I actually get that ... ;) ... And NO ! NOT THAT ONE !!! ... :shock: ... lol ...

A Slice Of English
20 Aug 2010, 19:53
Personally, I won't be interested in anything new until I stop listening daily to tracks from HCTB. I'm happier to celebrate the now rather than wonder about new songs already.

Seriously people! Greedy? Much?

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 19:58
Shame on me? I actually get that ... ;) ... And NO ! NOT THAT ONE !!! ... :shock: ... lol ...
We have a lurker! :wave:

The Flying Mouse
20 Aug 2010, 20:38
:twisted: What the next album will be about is right there in the story for those who can follow it.
It's pretty self explanitory :shrug:

20 Aug 2010, 20:38
Seriously people! Greedy? Much?

I fail to see why people in this thread can be branded as greedy as it was Meat himself pointing out they will be recording 15 further songs next year. I think without that particular announcement many of us wouldn't even be expecting another full studio album within the next few years. If Meat is happy to do another project then I'm interested. If he didn't want to do it I wouldn't be bothered posting about it as it would probably completely suck if his heart isn't in it.

20 Aug 2010, 20:39
It's pretty self explanitory :shrug:

Is it? Well you could have fooled me mister.

The Flying Mouse
20 Aug 2010, 20:40
:twisted: You followed the story, right?

20 Aug 2010, 20:42
:twisted: You followed the story, right?

I heard some stuff about Patrick dying in a battlefield and that he experiences flash forwards and how each song is a separate story line of how his live could end up but that's about it. As my deluxe edition didn't come with the book I never read it.

The Flying Mouse
20 Aug 2010, 20:46
:twisted: I've not read the book either as I went for the SD.
I was just refaring to the story told in the songs.
I thought it was pretty obvious what happens next (i.e. in the next album).

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 20:47
Can we have 15 songs about how Patrick is brutally murdered and mutilated on the battlefield, buried, and never heard from again? :twisted:

20 Aug 2010, 20:54
Can we have 15 songs about how Patrick is brutally murdered and mutilated on the battlefield, buried, and never heard from again? :twisted:

Let's have one song about that and then 14 Prize Fight Lover type songs or at least of that quality.

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 21:11
Let's have one song about that and then 14 Prize Fight Lover type songs or at least of that quality.
Yes. 15 songs by T. Driggers and James Michael sounds good to me.

20 Aug 2010, 21:24
Yes. 15 songs by T. Driggers and James Michael sounds good to me.

Me too :-)

20 Aug 2010, 21:45
Me too :-)

Me thirds!

20 Aug 2010, 21:50
Fifteen more "Prize Fight Love" or "Boneyard" quality songs would be epic. Maybe even that Dianne Warren song he never used is included in there - the one she claimed was the best she'd ever written. And then I'm sure there are hundreds of songwriters out there that would die to write something for Meat.

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 21:53
Dianne Warren
Mind your language! :yikes:

20 Aug 2010, 22:13
Awesome news - always welcome to hear there will be more Meat coming my way :)

20 Aug 2010, 23:05
Everytime I hear Patrick being mentioned I can't help thinking of the Spongebob Square Pants best friend .

Who's to say that the leftover songs aren't the better ones :shrug:

20 Aug 2010, 23:14
Who's to say that the leftover songs aren't the better ones :shrug:

Indeed, considering PFL was left off and I almost think someone would have to be out of their mind not to use that song on an album. It's one of the best things in years imo.

Evil One
20 Aug 2010, 23:44
Indeed, considering PFL was left off and I almost think someone would have to be out of their mind not to use that song on an album. It's one of the best things in years imo.
Someone should have been out of a job for not only leaving it off the album, but giving it away for free. :wacko:

21 Aug 2010, 00:22
Well he did say that HCTB was going to be the last studio album he's going to do, but maybe that was just a heat of the moment reaction without any thought. I think Meat will keep releasing albums because he loves it, but I actually thought he wouldn't and he'd focus more on acting. It will depend on his contract with the record company.

21 Aug 2010, 00:39
Personally, I won't be interested in anything new until I stop listening daily to tracks from HCTB. I'm happier to celebrate the now rather than wonder about new songs already.

Seriously people! Greedy? Much?

Usually I would be the same, but Meat brought it up and it's got me excited. He did indicate recently when he was upset at the lack of promotion for HCTB that it may be his last, so this is good news. But I am still listening to HCTB daily too, in fact I'm listening to it right now.


21 Aug 2010, 01:24
I have the double disc HCTB. I keep it right on my table standing up. It's the only album there. When I get a stereo, I'll be playing it again and again. I think its great Meat wants to keep recording music. I will remain listening to what I have out of my ML collection. Which is all but one cd. 2 if you cound the very best of. I am all for Meat making studio music. I am one of those fans who would like to hear something with Steinman some day but I'm not waiting around for it. I will take what I have and support Meat. At the end of the day he is a very admirable man doing what he's doing. His music his big, his presence is big. The song 'Alive' from '06 describes the Meat I see him as. I look up to the guy more than I could possibly convey.

duke knooby
21 Aug 2010, 01:39
Yes. 15 songs by T. Driggers and James Michael sounds good to me.

wellllllllllllll, i'm gonna say NO to that...

i'm gonna say yes to 15 great songs..

as has been said before by others... it doesnt matter who writes the songs, it only matters if its great songs

Elijah's way
21 Aug 2010, 01:56
I hope they sound nothing like Boneyard because that's a shitty song IMO. I do hope that they sound more like Song of Madness, Peace On Earth and Lets Be In Love.

Rage Against
21 Aug 2010, 01:58
Everytime I hear Patrick being mentioned I can't help thinking of the Spongebob Square Pants best friend .

Who's to say that the leftover songs aren't the better ones :shrug:

Thank you for the idea!!!

21 Aug 2010, 02:07
I hope they sound nothing like Boneyard.

Boneyard does nothing for me either and the genral consensus seems to be if you don't like it don't listen to it. Prize Fight Lover is a great title for a song but over sounds like too many Meat and Springsteen songs combined into one, which is not always a good thing imo.

Personally i would've preferred Meat leave it with HCTB because he's done all he can do with a fantastic producer, great cast of musicians and strong songs.

but if he wants to do it, I only hope he's going to record these songs because he thinks they are good enough and not just because they are there,

“Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories. Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart.” - Thomas Fuller

21 Aug 2010, 02:42
but maybe that was just a heat of the moment reaction without any thought.
Unless Meat becomes an independent record company, I'm not sure who'd back paying for another CD being made based on HCTB sales :shrug:

but Meat brought it up and it's got me excited.
:shock: WTF?...too much information :faint:

I hope they sound nothing like Boneyard because that's a shitty song IMO.
I think Boneyard is one of the better songs...BWTFWIK :weirdo:

Thank you for the idea!!!
You're welcome :))

Elijah's way
21 Aug 2010, 03:26
BWTFWIK? What does that mean?

21 Aug 2010, 03:39
BWTFWIK? What does that mean?


Elijah's way
21 Aug 2010, 03:44


21 Aug 2010, 03:50
BWTFWIK? What does that mean?

"but What the F*** would I know?"


"Helping Three Frisky Santas in Kentucky?"

21 Aug 2010, 04:36
you can have 20 fantastic songs on an album? but if promo is not done the right way? well its not gonna sell. Meat is doing the right thing by keep going and making music [ yeeeee haaaaa ] , if he feels he still has more to offer? why not!! i really liked HCTB. it was fresh and something different.
deep down we would all love a final Jim and Meat album, but as stated above, who cares who writes the songs, so long as they are good.
600,000 copies sold of HCTB x 15 euro/pounds/dollars on average, the record company made money, dont worry about that.

21 Aug 2010, 05:12
600,000 copies sold of HCTB x 15 euro/pounds/dollars on average, the record company made money, dont worry about that.

So you have 600,000 (apparently) x 15 euro's(ish) =9,000,000 - that's a good figure. But what about minus the bands fee, the studio fee, Rob Cavallo's fee, the lawyers fees, guest artists fees, songwriters fees, publishing fees, pressing of the CD fee, shipping fees, marketting fee (that should be a low figure) and any other bills you could possibly think of, what figure do you end up with then?

21 Aug 2010, 05:41
It's usually only 10-15% of sales figures that will go to the artist, but that figure still gets split amongst the musicians, producer, engineers (I believe Ted Jenssen alone to do the mastering costs around $5000 from what I've heard), song writers etc. Considering you can now buy HCTB (physical album) for around £6 in the UK, or €9/10 in Europe that isn't very much at all. I think 600.000 is still great but considering the cost of HCTB which would have been quite high, I doubt they even made money out of it, at least not much. Perhaps even a loss.
I think there are several reasons for the lack of sales; the download age we live in mostly, the songs themselves (which I still don't think are as strong as on previous Meat Loaf albums but that is my opinion), limited marketing strategies/limited TV performances/lack of proper single releases and promotion of these and I also think the bad press surrounding Meat and his performances over the last 3 years haven't helped. Though on the other hand that has of course kept Meat's name in the media.

The reviews of the album have been VERY good so I'm not even sure my assumption about the songs themselves is actually correct. It's just that out of the many recent Meat albums I have, I would probably not recommend this one and also I usually buy two copies and give one to my mother but I didn't do that with this one as I know she won't like it as it's far too aggressive, offensive and loud for her (Like a Rose/Dick Pants song/Love is not Real). I'm not saying this one sale will make any damn difference (certainly not considering the cost of the deluxe version I bought) but I can imagine that similar events have happened and thus the targeted audience this time around is a bit different and maybe a bit smaller.

And still, seeing the album in all the shops on the main shelves when it was released still shows there is quite a bit of force behind the Meat Loaf brand in my opinion. No less than artists who have been around for the same amount of the same time in my opinion. I am not sure what justifies huge expectations anyway as the best selling artists these days all seem to be younger than 25, team up with several rap artists to make one song, use Auto tune to change their voice completely and don't do live performances, have a dance entourage on stage or are winners of a recent pop show contest. In the light of all this I really don't think Meat is doing too badly at all. Perhaps making an album in a slightly simpler way would be more profitable (so maybe no more guest musicians and just use the touring band).

I'm just throwing ideas in the mix and am not telling what Meat should do! I'm still surprised he wants to do another album, but am very happy to see that too.

21 Aug 2010, 06:16
I'm hoping lessons can be learnt from HCTB for HCTB2 and promotion and marketting are more fluent.

I'm also hoping that there isn't some daft-arsed story trying to link all the songs together. Although we could have the story of a boxer being hit to canvas and on each count by the referee it's a flash forward to a time when he's a champion and getting himself some poontang. Now you're all thinking Prize Fight Lover aren't you :devil:

21 Aug 2010, 07:30
Unless Meat becomes an independent record company, I'm not sure who'd back paying for another CD being made based on HCTB sales :shrug:

A lot of artists have founded their own labels and if you think that your record company hasn't done that much with regard to marketing, it maybe wouldn't be such a bad idea to organize production, promo and distribution yourself. :??: The reason for having a contract with a big record label usually is the fact that they have more means available to extensively promote an album. If that doesn't happen to the extent that you expect, you can as well try to do it on your own. Might be more work for you, will probably cost you some time and money and could be risky but at least you'd have more control over how things are being done.

So you have 600,000 (apparently) x 15 euro's(ish) =9,000,000 - that's a good figure. But what about minus the bands fee, the studio fee, Rob Cavallo's fee, the lawyers fees, guest artists fees, songwriters fees, publishing fees, pressing of the CD fee, shipping fees, marketting fee (that should be a low figure) and any other bills you could possibly think of, what figure do you end up with then?

Good question.

It's just that out of the many recent Meat albums I have, I would probably not recommend this one and also I usually buy two copies and give one to my mother but I didn't do that with this one as I know she won't like it as it's far too aggressive, offensive and loud for her (Like a Rose/Dick Pants song/Love is not Real).

My mom probably wouldn't like it either but some of my younger friends and relatives like most of the stuff on HCTB. I usually hear comments like "That's Meat Loaf? Wow! Sounds cool. Wouldn't have expected that he's in such good shape again."

I am not sure what justifies huge expectations anyway as the best selling artists these days all seem to be younger than 25, team up with several rap artists to make one song, use Auto tune to change their voice completely and don't do live performances, have a dance entourage on stage or are winners of a recent pop show contest.

You can be successful without belonging to that category. I think it depends on how an artist appeals to the public, if the music has anything special about it and how good the marketing is. In 1993, everybody I knew seemed to own a copy of Bat II although it wasn't the kind of music that was popular then. There are still bands who manage to remain on top of the charts for several months because they have been working hard, are different from others and due to good promo. I believe it's much harder to get people interested in good music these days though.

I'm also hoping that there isn't some daft-arsed story trying to link all the songs together.

Meat's misconception of what a concept album is is one of the very few things that bother me about HCTB.

21 Aug 2010, 10:01
I'm hoping lessons can be learnt from HCTB4 for HCTB5 and promotion and marketting are more fluent.

Just corrected you there ;-)

21 Aug 2010, 10:14
I hope they sound nothing like Boneyard because that's a shitty song IMO. I do hope that they sound more like Song of Madness, Peace On Earth and Lets Be In Love.

You better watch out. ;) :bleh:

21 Aug 2010, 11:10
A lot of artists have founded their own labels and if you think that your record company hasn't done that much with regard to marketing, it maybe wouldn't be such a bad idea to organize production, promo and distribution yourself. :??:

No it wouldn't. Nor would I be surprised if Meat decided he wanted to own the next album hmself.


21 Aug 2010, 12:04
Hmmm it's a tough one. Many older artists we work with do the albums themselves and then bring us on board to distribute the item. Unless the artist has the funds to put into the promotion as well it doesn't really work well an artist self releasing.

Of course, the plus side is that they don't have to sell as many units to break even etc.

21 Aug 2010, 12:52
Nor would I be surprised if Meat decided he wanted to own the next album hmself.

I would and I'd place a wager on it.

Sue K
21 Aug 2010, 13:28

oh DOT DOT DOT my DOT DOT DOT gawd DOT DOT DOT ... I've only read this far and know what words those two sets of letters represent ! ... It's time for a lie down ... :faint: Oh, DOT DOT DOT

Sue K
21 Aug 2010, 13:36
In reviewing thoughts on cost of creating the entirety of HCTB, I'm wondering if some cost cutting would have come in for the fact the studio was in Rob C's home. What do folks think ?

Evil One
21 Aug 2010, 13:56
I think that just means that Mr Cavallo can get paid twice.

Sue K
21 Aug 2010, 14:00
I think that just means that Mr Cavallo can get paid twice.

Oh, perhaps you're right. I guess the recording business could be like in The Godfather... "nothing personal, just business" ... ;) ... lol ...

Rage Against
21 Aug 2010, 17:05
You better watch out. ;) :bleh:

Hey Sarge,

How do you like the new avatar? :twisted:

21 Aug 2010, 17:23
I don't watch Sponge Bob, sorry. You gotta find something else to tease me. :devil:

23 Aug 2010, 16:54
I'm always excited to hear new music from Meat. (Personally, I hope that it's recorded just with the NLE and this time there are more duets with Patti instead of bringing in someone like Kara to sing.)

23 Aug 2010, 17:00
I'm always excited to hear new music from Meat. (Personally, I hope that it's recorded just with the NLE and this time there are more duets with Patti instead of bringing in someone like Kara to sing.)

Agree. When you have Ferraris in the garage why bother bringing in Ford Fiestas? :roll:

Elijah's way
24 Aug 2010, 06:11
I'm always excited to hear new music from Meat. (Personally, I hope that it's recorded just with the NLE and this time there are more duets with Patti instead of bringing in someone like Kara to sing.)

I'd like to here another duet with Pearl like Man Of Steel.

Fire Ball
24 Aug 2010, 11:17
I'd like to here another duet with Pearl like Man Of Steel.
I love Pearl but Man of steel was a bad bad song. Do you know anything about lyrics the second verse of that song is the worst thing I have ever sung. HCTB is a great great record and some of you need to get out of your little tiny box that you live in. Peace on earth got a standing ovation last night. HCTB is a screen play. The songs work so well . Really if I hear another person saying anything bad about HCTB , I will find you and paint your house bright green with yellow stripes. With the word Bum on the front in RED. Enroll in a poetry
class please and learn about the art of the written word. Acting class and learn the art of truth. Go out on the street and just look around , take off the blinders. Live people Live. Get out of your Hole, it's dark in there. Think of HCTB as a new Alice in Hollywood. Listen to the record, really listen. The only reason not to, is because it scares you. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO PLAY THE CD. WHO KNOWS WHAT LURKS IN THE DARK !! SCARED !! The only reason you like PFL is because it wasn't on the CD. It said the same thing as "living on the Outside" and that told you who Patrick was as a human being !! Yes Patrick !

Fire Ball
24 Aug 2010, 11:21
Agree. When you have Ferraris in the garage why bother bringing in Ford Fiestas? :roll:

We didn't bring Kara in . Learn the facts ! She wrote the lyrics , did the demo and it just happened.

Evil One
24 Aug 2010, 11:24
The only reason you like PFL is because it wasn't on the CD.
No, I like Prize Fight Lover because it's awesome. I think the lyrics and music are both superior to Living On The Outside. And yes, Man Of Steel wasn't the best.

24 Aug 2010, 11:25
The only reason you like PFL is because it wasn't on the CD.

I'd like it even more if it was on the CD because I would have the chance to listen to it in decent quality.

By the way, is it now even wrong to say that you like a song? Instead of being happy about that people think it's a cool song you imply that they only praise it in order to provoke you. :??: I don't get that.

24 Aug 2010, 11:27
Hey Meat. You can tell that PFL and Living on the Outside had a similar storyline. When are you coming to Perth Australia?

24 Aug 2010, 11:30
I'd like it even more if it was on the CD because I would have the chance to listen to it in decent quality.

The quality improves if you burn it straight to a CD-R after downloading from the website and re-ripping it onto your Itunes or such....

As for Living on the outside compared to PFL, most people wouldve assotiated it as a "Springsteen rip off" and doesnt fit the new sound album Meat wanted.

Song is less superior to LOTO IMO.

Living on the Outside feels like a modern-era Modern Girl. HCTB itself feels like a Modern-era Bad Attitude. That is whats so great about it.

PFL feels like a Springsteen wanna-bee. Its not bad, though. Being as i can only hold 8 GBs on my Ipod I replaced DYELS and LBIL with PFL and Boneyard respectively. That may ruin the whole concept thing but when its on an Ipod, its on shuffle 99% of the time...

The album's great and I love it. It has its high points (Elvis, California, LA, and IICHY) and, IMHO, its low points (DYELS, LBIL, and SOM) but its an experience.

Now about the new album...

24 Aug 2010, 11:33
The quality improves if you burn it straight to a CD-R after downloading from the website and re-ripping it onto your Itunes or such....

I doubt that it makes a big difference. There is not much you can do about a file that has been compressed that way.

As for Livving on the outside compared to PFL, most people wouldve assotiated it as a "Springsteen rip off"

That's one of the reasons why I like it.

24 Aug 2010, 11:38
I love Pearl but Man of steel was a bad bad song. Do you know anything about lyrics the second verse of that song is the worst thing I have ever sung. HCTB is a great great record and some of you need to get out of your little tiny box that you live in. Peace on earth got a standing ovation last night. HCTB is a screen play. The songs work so well . Really if I hear another person saying anything bad about HCTB , I will find you and paint your house bright green with yellow stripes. With the word Bum on the front in RED. Enroll in a poetry
class please and learn about the art of the written word. Acting class and learn the art of truth. Go out on the street and just look around , take off the blinders. Live people Live. Get out of your Hole, it's dark in there. Think of HCTB as a new Alice in Hollywood. Listen to the record, really listen. The only reason not to, is because it scares you. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO PLAY THE CD. WHO KNOWS WHAT LURKS IN THE DARK !! SCARED !! The only reason you like PFL is because it wasn't on the CD. It said the same thing as "living on the Outside" and that told you who Patrick was as a human being !! Yes Patrick !

Lol Meat i'm considoring saying something just to get you to my house! Not sure about the bright green with yellow stripes though......

Narr I can't say anything bad about HCTB, it's awesome and I can't wait to see it live in November here in the UK.

24 Aug 2010, 11:52
We didn't bring Kara in . Learn the facts ! She wrote the lyrics , did the demo and it just happened.

It was just a figure of speech, a harsh joke on my part and I do not mean to offend anyone. I didn't say anything about the song, just that I think Patti is a better singer than Kara and I'm gad Patti is touring with you. I understand you are trying to be as diverse as you can be with different singers, song writers and musicians and I do appreciate that. The new NLE just sounds great and would love to hear what they could do on an album. Justin seems like a new Roy Bittan, I am very impressed.

24 Aug 2010, 11:57
As for Living on the outside compared to PFL, most people wouldve assotiated it as a "Springsteen rip off" and doesnt fit the new sound album Meat wanted.

I disagree. I think PFL stands head and shoulders above just being branded as a Springsteen rip off. I think it's one of Meat's best songs and love his vocal on it. I don't like the song just because it's not on the album. I love parts of Peace on Earth (the vast majority of the song is perfect imo), Love Song of Madness, and the last few songs on HCTB I love too. Peace on Earth sounds fantastic live going by what I've heard, much more intense than on the record and can't wait to witness it live.

As for the new album I can't wait and I am not telling Meat what he should do and how he should do it.

24 Aug 2010, 12:23
Any new music by Meat is welcome by me. It's usually too long between albums anyway, so if we get one sooner rather than later that's good!

24 Aug 2010, 12:28
thing is this means a tour right after the other... not too good health wise

24 Aug 2010, 12:29
thing is this means a tour right after the other... not too good health wise

Who says he has to tour?

24 Aug 2010, 12:30
Really if I hear another person saying anything bad about HCTB , I will find you and paint your house bright green with yellow stripes. With the word Bum on the front in RED. M

ML...I love HCTB and can't say anything bad about it. I bought 4 copies and 2 from the M&G. Can I still have you come to my house and paint it? I'll buy the paint. This will be the highlight of my life. I'll even make you breakfast, lunch and dinner.


24 Aug 2010, 12:33
thing is this means a tour right after the other... not too good health wise

Not necessarily. If Meat tours down under and in Germany/Europe the first half of 2011 as he's said. Then I'd imagine he'd take a (well deserved) break after the tour and he'd be unlikely to go back into the studio until Q3 next year, which would probably put the next album on the same time frame as HCTB ... record through Autumn then mixing/mastering over the winter with a Spring release in 2012. If he decides to tour then realistically it wouldn't be till Summer 2012 I'd have thought.

evil nickname
24 Aug 2010, 12:36
The quality improves if you burn it straight to a CD-R after downloading from the website and re-ripping it onto your Itunes or such....

No, it does not. Quite the opposite actually: you download a (lossy) compressed song, and then you compress it again. There's absolutely no way that transcoding will improve quality.

24 Aug 2010, 12:36
Not necessarily. If Meat tours down under and in Germany/Europe the first half of 2011 as he's said. Then I'd imagine he'd take a (well deserved) break after the tour and he'd be unlikely to go back into the studio until Q3 next year, which would probably put the next album on the same time frame as HCTB ... record through Autumn then mixing/mastering over the winter with a Spring release in 2012. If he decides to tour then realistically it wouldn't be till Summer 2012 I'd have thought.

2012 tour huh?

As a December 21st performance he should do Surfs Up lol...

24 Aug 2010, 12:43
Can I still have you come to my house and paint it? I'll buy the paint.

I'm considering to say something really bad about the album just to see whether he sticks to his threat - and to see the reaction of my landlords when they discover that their precious investment has been turned into a weird piece of modern art. :devil:

24 Aug 2010, 12:57
If he decides to tour then realistically it wouldn't be till Summer 2012 I'd have thought.

Could be a Meat / Springsteen clash.

24 Aug 2010, 13:14
I'm considering to say something really bad about the album just to see whether he sticks to his threat - and to see the reaction of my landlords when they discover that their precious investment has been turned into a weird piece of modern art. :devil:

I hear you Sarge. ML doesn't have to paint my house, just come on over. Another HCTB cd would be more then welcome in my house. IMO...I really have to say that the UK version of HCTB is a hell of a lot better then the US version. I can't find anything wrong with HCTB but like Sarge said, I can make something up to see if you will come to my house. :D

24 Aug 2010, 13:41
Could be a Meat / Springsteen clash.

Thinking the samething. But they both toured at the same time in 1978, so its not that bad.

Springsteen performed two days after meat at both Agora's Ballroom in Cleveland, OH and at the Hammersmith odeon in 1978.

24 Aug 2010, 13:47
It is if you're a fan and you want to go see both, costs end up doubling! Not to mention the risk of concerts potentially being on the same night.

Devil's Son
24 Aug 2010, 13:49
is this about a new album - maybe or about painting houses? it's confusing to come back after such a long time ....

24 Aug 2010, 14:03
Did he say green and yellow? I'll take that, love green n yellow, I'll even take yellow and black and you can paint a seagull instead of a bum?

24 Aug 2010, 14:03
is this about a new album - maybe or about painting houses? it's confusing to come back after such a long time ....

if ever there was a back to topic request that was it...

so back to topic

24 Aug 2010, 14:10
I really don't get all those Springsteen references again and again and again.:roll:

24 Aug 2010, 14:27
I really don't get all those Springsteen references again and again and again.:roll:

Maybe you would if you would go to one of his shows. Just a thought.

24 Aug 2010, 17:15
Could be a Meat / Springsteen clash.

What a heavenly clash - as long as they are not on the same night. Two intense shows from two of the best live acts in my lifetime. I think it's 1988 since I saw both in one year. I'm sure that was Meat's 20/20 tour which I thought was completely awesome. For Springsteen it was Tunnel of Love which was definitely not a dark ride!


24 Aug 2010, 17:20
You missed Bruce on the Magic tour and/or Meat on Casa De Carne back in 2008 then?

24 Aug 2010, 17:23
What a heavenly clash - as long as they are not on the same night. Two intense shows from two of the best live acts in my lifetime. I think it's 1988 since I saw both in one year. I'm sure that was Meat's 20/20 tour which I thought was completely awesome. For Springsteen it was Tunnel of Love which was definitely not a dark ride!


1988 would be the legendary Lost Boys and Golden girls Tour. If you witnessed that you are a lucky duck.

LB&GG tour made the Born to Rock tour look like the 3 Bats Tour...

20/20 tour was 1987 (which is my second favorite tour)

and Andy, you're right. Bruce did tour in 2008. Wonder if that was the reason he didnt play the bigger venues in the US :(

24 Aug 2010, 17:29
and Andy, you're right. Bruce did tour in 2008. Wonder if that was the reason he didnt play the bigger venues in the US :(

I know, I was there for both :p

By "he" who do you mean Bruce or Meat? Not that it really matters since the type of tours they both did in 2008 wouldn't cause a clash over venues.

Anyway, back to the new album talk ...

24 Aug 2010, 17:41
You missed Bruce on the Magic tour and/or Meat on Casa De Carne back in 2008 then?

I didn't see any of the European shows on the Magic Tour - I saw him in Chicago in October 2007 (which amazingly co-incided with a trip to my office over there ;) ).

Saw Meat in Bath and Hampshire (I think) in what was an amazing long weekend in July '08. Some terrible weather and one or two sound issues but still an fantastic experience as usual.


24 Aug 2010, 17:45
Bath was a great show despite the weather, "why does it always ~~~~ing rain whenever I do an outdoor show?" ;-)
I wonder if the next tour after next after next after the next album would be outdoors, I hope not.

24 Aug 2010, 18:16
LB&GG tour made the Born to Rock tour look like the 3 Bats Tour...

Hey, I was at the Born to Rock Tour and to say that another tour (no matter how good it was) makes it look like Three Bats is an insult! :bicker:

24 Aug 2010, 18:19
Hey, I was at the Born to Rock Tour and to say that another tour (no matter how good it was) makes it look like Three Bats is an insult! :bicker:

You obviously didnt understand. I think that the B2R tour is excellent but compared to the LB&GG extravaganza it looks like the 3 Bats tour.

its like saying Godfather II made Godfather I look like a bad movie or something...

24 Aug 2010, 18:43
You obviously didnt understand.

I did. But I assume you primarily judge the quality of the performance by audio recordings and / or video footage and not by the actual experience.

24 Aug 2010, 21:40
It strikes me that the most likely reason that songs that did not make it to HCTB was probably because they did not fit into the concept or storyline of the album. Just because they were not on the album we can not assume it was because they were not good enough.

I feel confident in saying that PFL fits in the first catagory rather than the second.

Evil One
24 Aug 2010, 21:42
That again reinforces the thought that Patrick was a bad idea.

24 Aug 2010, 23:48

I love the whole concept album idea, think Patrick's story was an original and fascinating basis for an album, was genuinely excited to download parts of the story from the web, and love being able to listen to the whole album as if it was a musical of Patrick's imaginary future life.

I love all the tracks on HCTB, the diversity of music, the vocals, the production, and believe it features some of Meat's best songs. I like the fact that it was an album, not just a collection of singles.

I love the creativity behind it, the effort put in, and the courage Meat showed in making such a different and new sounding piece of music compared to his tradional style.

I'm thrilled to hear that we will be getting another album next year, which presumably means that the record company were also happy with how the album performed commercially.

So really, I'm just enormously positive about the whole thing.

But can you still come and paint BUM on my house please Meat - because that would be awesome?

duke knooby
25 Aug 2010, 00:41
Man of steel was a bad bad song. Do you know anything about lyrics the second verse of that song is the worst thing I have ever sung.

i must confess, i haven't found hang cool to be a deep lyrical/musical masterpiece of work, though i have not read any of the marketing story as its "suggestion" hence i fail to see it as a concept.

but i really would have thought that lyrically, "do it" was worse than the 2nd verse of man of steel.

however, i can't say a bad thing about hang cool either, as its a great current rock record.. which by definition, sounds alot like other great current rock records

then again... i could be wrong

25 Aug 2010, 00:46
i must confess, i haven't found hang cool to be a deep lyrical/musical masterpiece of work, though i have not read any of the marketing story as its "suggestion" hence i fail to see it as a concept.

but i really would have thought that lyrically, "do it" was worse than the 2nd verse of man of steel.

however, i can't say a bad thing about hang cool either, as its a great current rock record.. which by definition, sounds alot like other great current rock records

then again... i could be wrong

Hm, I really enjoy 'Do it' and I like the lyrics.:-)

duke knooby
25 Aug 2010, 00:52
Hm, I really enjoy 'Do it' and I like the lyrics.:-)

which is great, and thats the beauty of music... almost everyone enjoys it, (just different bits)

hence i said i could be wrong

back on topic!!!!!!!!!!!

Elijah's way
25 Aug 2010, 09:15
To answer your question Meat I don't know about lyrics as much as you do but I do know a little and I think Man Of Steel is one of your best songs. And I never said I don't like HCTB I love it. The best you've done in years the only thing I said about it was I'm not too keen on LA and LAR but they are good songs. I just wish you would execpt my apology and stop insulting me every chance you get it's starting too hurt my feelings. And the worst lyrics you've ever sang was Bad For Goog IMO.

Evil One
25 Aug 2010, 10:54
Yes, Bad For Goog is terrible. Bad For Good in the 80's on the other hand was one of Meat's best. The Bat 3 version, while still good, it wasn't as good.

25 Aug 2010, 10:59
Can't really think of many Steinman songs that have bad lyrics. If anything on Bad for Good could be considered containing weak lyrics it would have to be Stark Raving Love I would have thought and even then it has a kick ass guitar duel to make up for it. :shrug:

25 Aug 2010, 11:16
Can't really think of many Steinman songs that have bad lyrics. If anything on Bad for Good could be considered containing weak lyrics it would have to be Stark Raving Love I would have thought and even then it has a kick ass guitar duel to make up for it. :shrug:

Have you listened to the songs from the play More Then You Deserve? :|

25 Aug 2010, 11:22
Help - I need another new album - speedy
This morning I get in my car turn the music on (HCTB - of course) and waht did that shit car radio :evil: it eat and crashed one of my HCTB CD´s :evil:
I said "Spit it out" damn CD-player but nothing happend :(
Yeah I know your reaction -women and technical stuf-
Now I can only hear a old tape -yes right a tape from 1993 Bat II which is used up but I need good music it is particularly important when driving and the local radio station play every hour Lady Gaga with Alejandro :boohoo: that´s driving me crazy

OK and now back to the topic
On the official german fan side "songwriters" we could continue the story from Patrick (sounds interesting for Sarge?)
My story has a happy end in the hardware store where Patrick work :heart: aww soppy :lol: It would be wonderful to see and hear how the story continue. Maybe I´m a fan from the category who love everything what Meat Loaf do and I really love every song from HCTB it´s a perfect rock album with all what I expect from a Meat Loaf album -fresh rock music, good lyrics and emotion, emotion, emotion... that´s why another new album that continue the story would be the absolut clou:up:
I´m very curious about it.

PS: Meat, I dont can say any bad things about HCTB, but my house needs a mew coat of paint:D With your nonstandard creation it would be the hippest house in town.;-)

25 Aug 2010, 11:23
Have you listened to the songs from the play More Then You Deserve? :|

I don't consider bootlegs official releases so I don't expect much of that type of shit. I'm sure Jim's first songs were crap whenever he started writing, probably all writers will have to go through that to get good. Anyway he got at least 1 really good song I know of out of that early musical obviously. :up:

25 Aug 2010, 11:35
On the official german fan side "songwriters" we could continue the story from Patrick (sounds interesting for Sarge?)

I read the contributions and I have to say that I liked some of them much better than the original story. :twisted: As far as I remember you could win a M&G if you took part - what has become of that? Wonder where and when that is going to take place because at the moment we don't know if and when Meat will come to Germany.

25 Aug 2010, 11:42
That again reinforces the thought that Patrick was a bad idea.

PATRICK was a brilliant idea, Not only is PATRICK the central charactor in the storyline but the name PATRICK also has the effect of winding up some people who dont seem to like the name PATRICK.

Maybe we should start a poll on what Meat should call this new album

I suggest PATRICKs adventures in PATRICKland

hope nobody thinks I slipped the name in there on purpose

25 Aug 2010, 11:46
Obviously someone wants to be put on top of my black list? :twisted: ;)

25 Aug 2010, 11:49
I read the contributions and I have to say that I liked some of them much better than the original story. :twisted: As far as I remember you could win a M&G if you took part - what has become of that? Wonder where and when that is going to take place because at the moment we don't know if and when Meat will come to Germany.

Do you like my story :pray::D

The winner was the story where Patrick and Jenny are brothers and sisters :!: - I dont like this story, because I dont think that any brother had such feelings for his sister :??:

25 Aug 2010, 12:37
The winner was the story where Patrick and Jenny are brothers and sisters :!:

They decided for the most soap opera like ending, LOL.

There were also some rather dark versions which I liked. It was very interesting to see the ideas people came up with (whether soppy ;) or morbid) and I think there were stories that were more inventive than the one Universal picked as the winner.

I considered for a moment if I should take part, too, just for fun, but I'm lazy and my story would have probably turned out very morbid and maybe it would have contained a lot of black humor. I had to write short stories at university and the prof said: "That's awesome... but meeeaaaaaaan." Maybe poor Patrick is lucky that I didn't mess around with his fate. :devil:

I'm not impressed by the original story but if it triggers people's creativity I don't feel the urge to say something nasty about it at this point.

25 Aug 2010, 19:16
the main thing is we are getting a new Meat Loaf album!! he can call it what he wants? im just glad that he still wants to make good music:D

25 Aug 2010, 19:31
the main thing is we are getting a new Meat Loaf album!! he can call it what he wants? im just glad that he still wants to make good music:D

:D me too, can't wait to hear it, i really dont care about the specifics im just stoked that Meat actually wants to make a new album that soon!

25 Aug 2010, 19:38
I love Pearl but Man of steel was a bad bad song. Do you know anything about lyrics the second verse of that song is the worst thing I have ever sung. HCTB is a great great record and some of you need to get out of your little tiny box that you live in. Peace on earth got a standing ovation last night. HCTB is a screen play. The songs work so well . Really if I hear another person saying anything bad about HCTB , I will find you and paint your house bright green with yellow stripes. With the word Bum on the front in RED. Enroll in a poetry
class please and learn about the art of the written word. Acting class and learn the art of truth. Go out on the street and just look around , take off the blinders. Live people Live. Get out of your Hole, it's dark in there. Think of HCTB as a new Alice in Hollywood. Listen to the record, really listen. The only reason not to, is because it scares you. JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT WAS SAFE TO PLAY THE CD. WHO KNOWS WHAT LURKS IN THE DARK !! SCARED !! The only reason you like PFL is because it wasn't on the CD. It said the same thing as "living on the Outside" and that told you who Patrick was as a human being !! Yes Patrick !

HCTB is a great record, so get out there and book more shows so more people can know it exists!!! :-P They deserve to hear how amazing it sounds!

25 Aug 2010, 20:41
Can't really think of many Steinman songs that have bad lyrics. If anything on Bad for Good could be considered containing weak lyrics it would have to be Stark Raving Love I would have thought and even then it has a kick ass guitar duel to make up for it. :shrug:

Dance In My Pants. Surely the very definition of bad lyrics? Dont get me wrong, I love the tune, and the lyrics are fun. But good? No.

25 Aug 2010, 20:45
Dance In My Pants. Surely the very definition of bad lyrics? Dont get me wrong, I love the tune, and the lyrics are fun. But good? No.

I wouldn't say the lyrics are necessarily bad in that song, there are plenty of them. :D Perhaps the idea wasn't fantastic. Jim clearly tried to re-incarnate Paradise here, but with a more fun and less dramatic approach. I love some of the lyrics.
"And I don't ever want to be rescued
I don't ever want to be saved
I got a feeling that I'm gonna be alive forever
Dancing on the edge of a grave"

I actually think the song needed a more grand title / chorus line rather than "dance in my pants". Having the word "pants" in any title isn't a good idea imo.

Evil One
25 Aug 2010, 21:01
It's got the makings of a good song, but it's not the finished article. It feels like Jim ran out of ideas and went with what he had ready.

25 Aug 2010, 22:54
I don't consider bootlegs official releases so I don't expect much of that type of shit. I'm sure Jim's first songs were crap whenever he started writing, probably all writers will have to go through that to get good. Anyway he got at least 1 really good song I know of out of that early musical obviously. :up:

Bootleg recording or not he wrote those songs and they were officially published and forked with copyright as that is a must for a show to even begin production.

So in that case the songs were officially released, the recording is not :))

26 Aug 2010, 01:04
It's got the makings of a good song, but it's not the finished article. It feels like Jim ran out of ideas and went with what he had ready.

I agree. Great tune, rushed lyrics.

I wouldn't say the lyrics are necessarily bad in that song, there are plenty of them. :D Perhaps the idea wasn't fantastic. Jim clearly tried to re-incarnate Paradise here, but with a more fun and less dramatic approach. I love some of the lyrics.
"And I don't ever want to be rescued
I don't ever want to be saved
I got a feeling that I'm gonna be alive forever
Dancing on the edge of a grave"

Yes, that bit is quite good. And there are also other quite cool bits. But it's a collection of quite good bits with some embarassingly naff bits in between.

I actually think the song needed a more grand title / chorus line rather than "dance in my pants". Having the word "pants" in any title isn't a good idea imo.

Yes, that's what kills all the credibility of the song for me. It's just so dumb and naff.

I think these bits suck:

"When I woke up this morning and I looked out my window I could see that it was cloudy and grey." Oooh the drama.

"I got a dance in my pants". Creepy pervy. Yuk sick barf.

"No way Jose" and that whole spoken bit in the middle. Just make it stop, please.

The insane cackling at the end. No, NO, NOOOOO!!

26 Aug 2010, 01:35
HCTB 'story' sucks, unless you're a hardcore Meat Loaf fan, I don't think outside of Loafdom you're really going to give two tuppence about the Patrick side of things.

PFL is a really good song and if it's lyrically similar to LOTO then LOTO should have been given the boot from the album.

Rage Against
26 Aug 2010, 04:11
PATRICK was a brilliant idea, Not only is PATRICK the central charactor in the storyline but the name PATRICK also has the effect of winding up some people who dont seem to like the name PATRICK.

Maybe we should start a poll on what Meat should call this new album

I suggest PATRICKs adventures in PATRICKland

hope nobody thinks I slipped the name in there on purpose


26 Aug 2010, 04:31
HCTB 'story' sucks, unless you're a hardcore Meat Loaf fan

The trouble is that the idea with the story just does not work. I asked in another thread who saw Elvis in Vergas as it cannot be Patrick if you stick to the story. You have an album and you have a story - I regard them as two separate things that are independent from each other. When listening to the album the first couple of times, I was racking my brains how the hell the songs were related to the story, I could not find any relation, sorry.

Maybe it is also due to the fact that I listened to Brantley's original songs before - which I could enjoy without being told how they have to be interpreted. They took songs that already existed and wrapped the story around them. It slightly works on Peace On Earth but not on the rest of the album.

I am not saying that HCTB appears to be a random compilation of songs. That is not the case. The songs indeed have a connection to each other and it's exciting to listen to the whole album - but they don't tell the same thing as the short story which is absolutely superflous, in my opinion, and rather appears to be a marketing trick than the foundation of the album.

I suspect no one would have recognized the "concept" or the underlying story if Meat hadn't constantly talked about it.

An alleged concept album that requires to be explained is not a concept album. Listen to The Who's Tommy, for example. It's the songs that tell the story, they don't need someone to tell you what each song is actually all about and how the songs are connected to each other. Meat presses very good songs into a corset and actually restricts the freedom of the listener to explore the music by forcing the story on you.

Many of the songs on HCTB are covers or recordings of songs that had been written before Meat picked them for this album. The original songs were written and recorded before in a different context. Usually the concept is created before the songs are written, not vice versa.

I'm looking forward to a new album but I hope it won't be a "concept" album this time, unless it's a concept that really works. Good songs do not need such kind of crutches - they can walk on their own.

26 Aug 2010, 05:01
I am not saying that HCTB appears to be a random compilation of songs.

That's exactly what they are. You could get any random dozen songs in the Top 40 now, put them in a certain order and cobble together some sort of convoluted storyline.

26 Aug 2010, 05:04
I have a "what if" situation:

What if Meat never mentioned anything about the album being a concept album and never shared the concept/story? Do you think anyone would put two and two together on their own and say...you know, I think these songs tell a story?

I'm in the mindset that there are plenty of intelligent folks here and there have been some really good questions about songs, so it is very difficult for me to believe that no one in a days time, a weeks time, a months time etc, that would have asked ...is this HCTB an album that tells a story about something?

Meat provided that information up front, but it's not necessary to have the information to enjoy the album. So, if you are not "feeling" Patrick, ignore him.

26 Aug 2010, 05:39
What if Meat never mentioned anything about the album being a concept album and never shared the concept/story? Do you think anyone would put two and two together on their own and say...you know, I think these songs tell a story?

No. I think you'd have to be taking some bizarre herbal medications to suddenly get the eureka moment of "f*ck me, these songs tell the story of a soldier called Patrick who's dying and his life is flashing forwards not backwards. And his grilfriend in his hometown is called Jenny, but it's a different Jenny than he knows. Plus this Jenny with each song has different hair and different clothes and different make-up"

I'm in the mindset that there are plenty of intelligent folks here ?

Yes there are and most don't believe in the story as a convincing story. It's gobbledygook at best.

26 Aug 2010, 06:44
Maybe all this discussion whether it is or not a concept album is just a stragety to get enough talk about the album to sell the record ;)

I love the majority of this record. I do not get the story. Concept is clear on its own, but its not working when I listen to the record.

No offence to any body who sees this concept. No offence to everybody who worked real hard to give us an awesome Meat Loaf record. Just saying. This should be a topic on its own ;)

Julie in the rv mirror
26 Aug 2010, 08:33
What if Meat never mentioned anything about the album being a concept album and never shared the concept/story? Do you think anyone would put two and two together on their own and say...you know, I think these songs tell a story?

No, I agree with Pud. Even on a song-by-song basis; for example, California is supposed to be about a hooker? How does the song illustrate this? Bruce Springsteen's song Reno is about a hooker- it's obvious from the lyrics, no further explanation needed. (However, I won't even begin to compare the songs themselves because, IMO, there is no comparison. Reno is a serious song, for one thing)

As Sarge said, a true concept album tells the story all on it's own- Tommy, The Wall, Joe's Garage- those are concept albums.

Could be a Meat / Springsteen clash.

Steel cage match? Exxxxcelllent! :twisted:

Bruce could tag-team with the Big Man ;)

26 Aug 2010, 10:20
Maybe all this discussion whether it is or not a concept album is just a stragety to get enough talk about the album to sell the record ;)

The strategy doesn't seem to be working though does it ;)

26 Aug 2010, 10:51
No. I think you'd have to be taking some bizarre herbal medications to suddenly get the eureka moment of "f*ck me, these songs tell the story of ...

LOL @ Pud

I must say I have never given the idea of this story a second thought since my first listen! I prefer to determine the meaning of songs and the overall feel of the album myself (and that is often quite different from what the writer had in mind!).

I'd love the new album to have a certain consistent sound or "mood" to it - ala Bad Attitude (which remains my most played Meat album). I'd also like there to be a little more variety of pace and have two or three genuinely slow ballads. Meat's ability to convey emotion so clearly in his voice is never clearer than when he's singing a well written ballad which all of my favourite albums have. Combining this with the writing quality from HCTB would, for me, give a really exciting release.


26 Aug 2010, 13:30
The strategy doesn't seem to be working though does it ;)

maybe/maybe not? but bat 1 did f**k all for nearly a year? and then suddenly took off? he tried something new, and i liked it. then there are some who didnt. but i think its better to do a modern fresh sounding album, rather than get someone in to write songs like Jim Steinman? and then everybody turn around and say, hey there trying to sound like Steinman!!! Meats moved on, like many artists do? and sometimes the die hards get left behind, or fans who are still back in the 70,s? thats life!! at the end of the day if people dont get it, hey what can ya do? i have one brain cell, and can see how its a story?

26 Aug 2010, 13:33
No, I agree with Pud. Even on a song-by-song basis; for example, California is supposed to be about a hooker? How does the song illustrate this? Bruce Springsteen's song Reno is about a hooker- it's obvious from the lyrics, no further explanation needed. (However, I won't even begin to compare the songs themselves because, IMO, there is no comparison. Reno is a serious song, for one thing)

As Sarge said, a true concept album tells the story all on it's own- Tommy, The Wall, Joe's Garage- those are concept albums.

Steel cage match? Exxxxcelllent! :twisted:

Bruce could tag-team with the Big Man ;)

but in this modern age people dont make albums like that anymore? most people today would not know what a concept album is? i think Meat had to explain it? but some think it worked/some didnt.

Sue K
26 Aug 2010, 13:41
but in this modern age people dont make albums like that anymore? most people today would not know what a concept album is? i think Meat had to explain it? but some think it worked/some didnt.


This album came out in 2004, pretty much modern age. I've been following this thread regarding concept albums and a memory came forward. I haven't heard this album and the reason I even have memory about it is that when it was released it kept being compared to, Bat1, I think, but please don't quote me on that. It kept coming up on my Meat alerts.

That's it. It's all I've got for now... lol ...

26 Aug 2010, 13:54

This album came out in 2004, pretty much modern age. I've been following this thread regarding concept albums and a memory came forward. I haven't heard this album and the reason I even have memory about it is that when it was released it kept being compared to, Bat1, I think, but please don't quote me on that. It kept coming up on my Meat alerts.

That's it. It's all I've got for now... lol ...

did you see who produced it?

26 Aug 2010, 13:58
I don't think I would have gotten the Patrick story had I not have read the story (which I love!) but when listening to an album I try and think of a story to go with it

26 Aug 2010, 14:07
I don't think I would have gotten the Patrick story had I not have read the story (which I love!) but when listening to an album I try and think of a story to go with it

well thats ok, you paid for your album. it can be whatever you want it to be?
thats the great thing about music, it takes you off to where you wanna go?

26 Aug 2010, 14:19
most people today would not know what a concept album is? i think Meat had to explain it?

Yeah, sure... People, especially Meat Loaf fans, are stupid these days. :roll: Aside from the fact that I hope that Meat does not explain the term "concept album" to the presumably ignorant part of the audience (because he obviously has a rather funny conception of what that is), your assumption doesnt make sense. If no one knows what a concept album is why bother making one or selling an album as a "concept" album? In this case you could also take any concept / story and tag it to the album. Oh... wait a sec...

By the way, I just checked out Tom Jones' new album and I rather hear a concept on that than on HCTB.

Sue K
26 Aug 2010, 14:40
did you see who produced it?


26 Aug 2010, 15:02
hi tink :) really awesome to see you around. seen your name for close to 8 years. i heard the american idiot record produced by cavallo. i really like it. but it sounds like nothing from booh. i dunno what those guys were saying when they ma de that comparison. it was first green day album with variety of instruments with exception of the album that came before, "warning" was the album. but american did feature background vocals that green day never used before

26 Aug 2010, 15:12
Yeah, sure... People, especially Meat Loaf fans, are stupid these days. :roll: Aside from the fact that I hope that Meat does not explain the term "concept album" to the presumably ignorant part of the audience (because he obviously has a rather funny conception of what that is), your assumption doesnt make sense. If no one knows what a concept album is why bother making one or selling an album as a "concept" album? In this case you could also take any concept / story and tag it to the album. Oh... wait a sec...

By the way, I just checked out Tom Jones' new album and I rather hear a concept on that than on HCTB.

HCTB was targeted at a younger audience, that is as clear as day. i was not targeting Meat fans, it would be targeted at lets say a new audience? green days american idiot album was a concept album, do you think 14m people gave a shit about the story? how many of them ever heard of a story album?
but its what the artist chose to do, and if Meat wanted to explain what the album is about, hey its hes album? i remember in a part of behind the music Kasim saying its a Meat Loaf record, not a fans record? he took a risk, and some got it and then some didnt? if Meat says its a story, well then its my job to find it? if i dont, well whats the problem? but when the album was been put together thats the story that Meat seen, thats what he was trying to get across. it worked for some and not for others?

1. POE = hes laying on the battle field, hes life flashing before him?
2. LOTO = hes young, tearing down the highway, two fingers to the world?
3. LOSAN - he meets a girl, shes a gold digger, hes obsessed with her?
4. ICHU - she dont want him no more? hes been a bad boy!! he cant live WOH

i dont have time at the moment to go through them all, but the album makes perfect sense to me? everything Meat said about it makes sense to me?
and if nobody has time to figure out the story? hey cool!! just enjoy the great tunes. 10% of the time when i listen to the album i think of the story?
so i guess i dont think of the story alot? but i do see the story, i mean its as clear as day

26 Aug 2010, 15:22
if you read the book itll all make sense

26 Aug 2010, 15:34
HCTB was targeted at a younger audience, that is as clear as day. i was not targeting Meat fans, it would be targeted at lets say a new audience?

So where is that younger, new audience? Obviously the strategy you imply failed?

green days american idiot album was a concept album, do you think 14m people gave a shit about the story? how many of them ever heard of a story album?

Did you read and understand my question? Does the Green Day album come along with a short story, by the way?

but its what the artist chose to do, and if Meat wanted to explain what the album is about, hey its hes album?

What the hell are you reading into my post? All I'm saying is that it does not work and that I don't think that it's a concept album. Of course he can do whatever he wants but if he says something in public, people have the right to discuss it, haven't they?

if Meat says its a story, well then its my job to find it?

If it's your job, why do you need an explanation?

1. POE = hes laying on the battle field, hes life flashing before him?
2. LOTO = hes young, tearing down the highway, two fingers to the world?
3. LOSAN - he meets a girl, shes a gold digger, hes obsessed with her?
4. ICHU - she dont want him no more? hes been a bad boy!! he cant live WOH

Again, most of these songs existed BEFORE the story and / or were NOT written with the story in mind. Taking a story and finding already existing songs that could illustrate it or write a story you could read the songs into - that's not what a concept album is all about.

and if nobody has time to figure out the story?


26 Aug 2010, 15:35
if you read the book itll all make sense

In which respect?

Evil One
26 Aug 2010, 15:39
HCTB was targeted at a younger audience
I could be wrong, but I didn't notice a dramatic increase in new, younger members registering on this site when HCTB was released. Just out of interest, would anyone 'in the know' be able to compare this number to when Bat 3 and CHSIB were released?

26 Aug 2010, 16:07
@ nikox1

Just out of curiosity: Why the references to American Idiot? Maybe you should check how (and by whom) American Idiot and its concept was created and compare it to the history of HCTB. Maybe you'll realize how they differ from each other.

Addition: Just because a number of people bought Green Day's album regardless of whether it's a concept album or not that doesn't mean that "modern" people are too dumb to know what a concept album is. I'm sure in 1967 a lot of people bought Sgt. Pepper just because of the individual songs, too, and not primarily because of the concept. What you say is also quite contradictory. On the one hand you claim HCTB was meant to appeal to a younger audience who allegedly doesn't care about concepts. American Idiot was a concept album but sold well although or because the fans didn't care about the concept??? I'm confused. So again my question, why would he try to sell a concept to young people? Idealism? Education? Marketing strategy?

26 Aug 2010, 16:17
Just out of interest, would anyone 'in the know' be able to compare this number to when Bat 3 and CHSIB were released?

If anyone can then Rainer can, I certainly can't find any reports of rate of new members against time.

However, from memory I don't think there's really any correlation of the rate new members joining here to album release.

We usualluy get a slight increase in the rate of new people joining if Meat is on the news, or on the TV, or on tour. But that has remained fairly steady and hasn't really changed over time. The only big increase we had was in the few days after that show in Newcastle.

Sue K
26 Aug 2010, 17:53
[QUOTE=Sarge;514176]Sgt. Pepper[/I] just because of the individual songs, too, and not primarily because of the concept. QUOTE]

I bought the Sgt Pepper album (and btw ? I still have it ! ... lol ) because I was/am a fan of the Beatles ... :D ...

and sorries. I STILL can't the sh*ttin' quote thing right ... lol ...

26 Aug 2010, 18:31
I bought the Sgt Pepper album (and btw ? I still have it ! ... lol ) because I was/am a fan of the Beatles ... :D ...

:up: At least one member of this forum who appreciates the Beatles. Hm... let's see... maybe if Patrick was a Sergeant and his girlfriend was Rita, the meter maid, who has a sister who's "leaving home" to star in a Russ Meyer movie... Oh, I have an idea! :twisted:

26 Aug 2010, 18:40
Yes there are and most don't believe in the story as a convincing story. It's gobbledygook at best.

Why do I see a poll coming about? ;)

Devil's Son
26 Aug 2010, 23:15
... Oh, I have an idea! :twisted:
spirits help us, you hanging around too much with w:shock: :devil:

26 Aug 2010, 23:28
Who says that he has the monopoly on crazy ideas?

Julie in the rv mirror
27 Aug 2010, 01:31
:up: At least one member of this forum who appreciates the Beatles. Hm... let's see... maybe if Patrick was a Sergeant and his girlfriend was Rita, the meter maid, who has a sister who's "leaving home" to star in a Russ Meyer movie... Oh, I have an idea! :twisted:

At least one more here...Abbey Road is on my "Desert Island" list. :-)

Unfortunately, somebody beat you to the movie, although your story would probably be better than theirs: ;)


(I must confess, though, I loved the movie at the time because it came out at the height of my Peter Frampton obsession. :oops: :lol: )

27 Aug 2010, 03:17
@ Sarge.

i know Rick Brantley had written some of the songs before hand, he even recorded them i think? but that does not mean Meat was not looking for that type of song to fit hes story idea? Peace on Earth fits right in with it? as does Living on the Outside? so there was clearly an idea before hand?
didnt Rob Cavallo say that he only wanted to keep 2 from the original 15?
so maybe the original songs didnt fit the story, hence Meat got people to write some new stuff.

American Idiot and Hang Cool Teddy Bear are more similer than you think?
Meat usually never states any political views, well not in public anyway?
i believe American Idiot can be seen by everybody as an anti war record, less obvious is HCTB perhaps? but i feel there is a similer story dug very very deep into HCTB. it creeps into alot of the songs. i think HCTB is written in a very clever way, the lyrics are far darker than what is usually found on a Meat record.

and the modern cd buying public in general are not very bright imo, you only have to look at the charts:roll: ,, they download 2 or 3 songs off an album.
so no they wouldnt have a clue what a concept album is? but that said i know there is still 20% of the buying public who still care about music.

HCTB was directed at a younger audience, and if it didnt work, well what can you do? but it was a new sound and image for Meat, and he took a risk?
but if it sold 10m copies and had hit singles, the world would not say anything against it, it would be seen as a master stroke with or without bloody Patrick? but record companys will only promote something with a bat or hell in the title, and thats why im so happy for Meat that he enjoyed it, and 50% of hes fans liked it so much. he made a record that he loved and wanted to make.

27 Aug 2010, 03:34
I have a "what if" situation:

What if Meat never mentioned anything about the album being a concept album and never shared the concept/story? Do you think anyone would put two and two together on their own and say...you know, I think these songs tell a story?

I'm in the mindset that there are plenty of intelligent folks here and there have been some really good questions about songs, so it is very difficult for me to believe that no one in a days time, a weeks time, a months time etc, that would have asked ...is this HCTB an album that tells a story about something?

Meat provided that information up front, but it's not necessary to have the information to enjoy the album. So, if you are not "feeling" Patrick, ignore him.

very true!!! i mean i would never have imagined BAT 1 been based on songs from a future vision of Peter F**king Pan!!!! so it was kind of nice that Meat explained it, but alot of people would of got HCTB eventually in some way?
maybe not a Patrick, but perhaps a Joe or Ruth maybe?

27 Aug 2010, 04:19
Patrick actually was my big brother's name. He would have been 28 this year :) His birthday was last friday the 13th

27 Aug 2010, 04:32
Patrick actually was my big brother's name. He would have been 28 this year :) His birthday was last friday the 13th

thats sad news man, i will say a prayer, all the best.

27 Aug 2010, 05:13
i know Rick Brantley had written some of the songs before hand, he even recorded them i think? but that does not mean Meat was not looking for that type of song to fit hes story idea?

I don't think that he was specifically looking for that kind of songs from the beginning. I asked in another thread who exactly picked the songs / songwriters and why a particular song / songwriter was chosen. No one has been able to answer that question yet. It's also strange that he took songs that already existed, I already explained that that's usually not the way how a concept album is created. It's more like that ABBA musical - you take songs that have already been written and put them in a new context.

Peace on Earth fits right in with it? as does Living on the Outside? so there was clearly an idea before hand?

If someone had an idea, it was Brantley when he wrote the songs. Listen to his CDs and you'll notice that they sound more coherent than HCTB.

didnt Rob Cavallo say that he only wanted to keep 2 from the original 15?
so maybe the original songs didnt fit the story, hence Meat got people to write some new stuff.

Which would disprove what you said before about Meat allegedly already having a concept / story. At least it must have been a different concept in that case.

American Idiot and Hang Cool Teddy Bear are more similer than you think?

No, they aren't. Billie Joe had and idea and wrote songs supposed to convey it. Do you see one of the major differences now?

Meat usually never states any political views, well not in public anyway?

And he doesn't with HCTB either. HCTB ist not a political album. It doesn't hurt anybody. There is no political message. In fact, I think there is no message at all.

the lyrics are far darker than what is usually found on a Meat record.

I agree.

and the modern cd buying public in general are not very bright imo, you only have to look at the charts:roll: ,, they download 2 or 3 songs off an album.
so no they wouldnt have a clue what a concept album is?

Then I'm asking you a third time. Why bother to make a "concept" album, if you target a young, "stupid" audience?

HCTB was directed at a younger audience, and if it didnt work, well what can you do?

It didn't work because it hasn't been promoted in a way that appeals to young rock fans. There is no "coolness" factor, as The Doode would say.

but it was a new sound and image for Meat, and he took a risk?

Which is a bold move and I like that.

but if it sold 10m copies and had hit singles, the world would not say anything against it, it would be seen as a master stroke with or without bloody Patrick?

Maybe but it didn't sell that many copies. But I was not going to talk about sales or the quality of the album but discuss the question whether it's a concept album or not - and I stick to my opinion that it isn't.

27 Aug 2010, 05:29

:yikes: I heard about that movie but I didn't know that Peter Frampton was involved.

Is it one of these "it's so bad that it's funny" movies?

Julie in the rv mirror
27 Aug 2010, 07:11
:yikes: I heard about that movie but I didn't know that Peter Frampton was involved.

Is it one of these "it's so bad that it's funny" movies?

No, not really; in fact, I still like to watch it now and then. :-) Peter Frampton was the lead- Billy Shears. They got the story by combining a bunch of songs, mostly from Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road.

The music is great, of course, and Steve Martin is even in it- he plays Dr. Maxwell Edison. Aerosmith is in it, as well. It's kind of fun.

Hmmmm, maybe I'll go watch it! ;)

27 Aug 2010, 08:33
maybe/maybe not? but bat 1 did f**k all for nearly a year? and then suddenly took off?

The fact that you're trying to compare Bat1 and HCTB completely gives you a failed argument on many levels.

A Slice Of English
27 Aug 2010, 08:36
Whether or not the songs were written to fit the story or whether the songs already existed, Meat has mentioned before that the songs were tweaked to fit the storyline a bit so there was some re-writing of certain lines. I think that the concept is a good one, personally, and whether or not you can feel the story running through the CD is largely irrelevant as the songs do flow well from one song to the next and I happen to think you can sense the movement in the story as you play the CD in its entirety.

Whether other people pick up on that I neither know nor care. Quite a few concept albums don't convey their actual "message" to the masses because the concept is not the overarching thing making someone enjoy an album usually. More often than not, it's the quality of the tunes and in HCTB, the production of the music is fantastic and for me it's simply a case of whether you enjoy certain songs or not.

So again, I think its irrelevant whether the songs were picked before, tweaked after or made to fit the concept, I feel the concept is fairly loose and prevents us from being restricted to ONLY thinking of the story throughout the album. There's way too much going on in HCTB to ONLY focus on the concept and I doubt Meat's original intent was for us to think purely of the concept as the songs are played anyway. I view the concept as an addition to the music, not the one thing governing the entire album.

And to criticise album sales and suggest the album isn't successful? The album is a success on a personal level for Meat, who has never been about the money anyway. Sure, he would love the album to be a massive success and who's to say that still won't happen? I love it and prefer it to anything Meat has done since Bat 2. That makes it a success for me and that is what counts, IMO. I don't much concern myself with album sales because that has nothing really to do with me.

27 Aug 2010, 08:37
HCTB was targeted at a younger audience, that is as clear as day.

Old duffers doing younger music is kinda like knowing your parents are still doing the horizontal mambo next door to your bedroom, there's something quite disturbing about it.

27 Aug 2010, 08:39
The album is a success on a personal level for Meat, who has never been about the money anyway.

Sure, cos that's what pays the bills :roll:

27 Aug 2010, 08:50
And to criticise album sales and suggest the album isn't successful? The album is a success on a personal level for Meat, who has never been about the money anyway.

Didn't somebody post an article on here recently in which he complained about the promo in the U.S. and the fact that it failed to attract a younger audience? :??:

A Slice Of English
27 Aug 2010, 09:23
Sure, he would love the album to be a massive success

You missed this part. It'd be counter-productive NOT to be interested in album sales as the artist, but why everyone round her focusses on it so much when it's nothing to do with them or whether you personally enjoy an album is beyond me.

27 Aug 2010, 09:36
It'd be counter-productive NOT to be interested in album sales as the artist, but why everyone round her focusses on it so much when it's nothing to do with them or whether you personally enjoy an album is beyond me.

And you missed this part ;):

But I was not going to talk about sales or the quality of the album but discuss the question whether it's a concept album or not

Since when is nikox1 - who started a (Green-Day-related :))) discussion on sales - everyone?

27 Aug 2010, 09:59
It'd be counter-productive NOT to be interested in album sales as the artist, but why everyone round her focusses on it so much when it's nothing to do with them or whether you personally enjoy an album is beyond me.

I'll go with that thought for a moment. If it's nothing to do with anyone what the album does regarding sales, why the hell was/is there a fan campaign to promote HCTB so hopefully it'll get MORE sales? And why do people get all giddy when Meat is on TV saying that they hope more people will go out and get the album, even more sales?

Sue K
27 Aug 2010, 13:04
(I must confess, though, I loved the movie at the time because it came out at the height of my Peter Frampton obsession. :oops: :lol: )

OMG... wasn't he so CUUUTE in that film ? ... hehe ... I liked it, too, for what it was. I especially loved Billy Preston's rendition of Get Back, him in that suit dancing about ... HOTcha ... :D ... lol ...

27 Aug 2010, 13:24
Sorry for getting off-topic for a short praise of a weird masterpiece.

No, not really; in fact, I still like to watch it now and then. :-) Peter Frampton was the lead- Billy Shears. They got the story by combining a bunch of songs, mostly from Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road.

I just watched it! What an oddity of a movie! :lawl: One thing's for sure, neither the Bee Gees nor Frampton are actors - maybe that's why there is no dialog. (?) Never noticed how much Peter Frampton resembled Justin Hawkins before. :shock: (Must be the hair and the clothing...) The villain's vehicle with its Star Wars like interior - including singing (!) creepy robots! Steve Martin was hilarious, his character was a bit like the sadistic dentist he played in Little Shop of Horrors. Alice Cooper trying to strangle Robin Gibb! :devil: Aerosmith as the "Future Villains Band" or something like that. The logo of the record company is a big fat evil red pig! :twisted: The brothers Gibb doing a poor Bruce Lee impression! Billy Preston was probably the only guy on earth who could fly through the air and dance around in a golden uniform without looking ridiculous. :cool: Liked the ending when all those famous singers, actors and Dame Edna (!) show up.

How about putting Patrick in that setting? :))

27 Aug 2010, 16:56
Sorry for getting off-topic for a short praise of a weird masterpiece.

I just watched it! What an oddity of a movie! :lawl: One thing's for sure, neither the Bee Gees nor Frampton are actors - maybe that's why there is no dialog. (?) Never noticed how much Peter Frampton resembled Justin Hawkins before. :shock: (Must be the hair and the clothing...) The villain's vehicle with its Star Wars like interior - including singing (!) creepy robots! Steve Martin was hilarious, his character was a bit like the sadistic dentist he played in Little Shop of Horrors. Alice Cooper trying to strangle Robin Gibb! :devil: Aerosmith as the "Future Villains Band" or something like that. The logo of the record company is a big fat evil red pig! :twisted: The brothers Gibb doing a poor Bruce Lee impression! Billy Preston was probably the only guy on earth who could fly through the air and dance around in a golden uniform without looking ridiculous. :cool: Liked the ending when all those famous singers, actors and Dame Edna (!) show up.

How about putting Patrick in that setting? :))

Joe Perry from Aerosmith, said the industry joke about the soundtrack to that film was it shipped platinum and came back double platinum!

Aerosmith do a great version of Come Together but that's the most i've seen of it.

Anyway back to the new album...how about it as a tribute to Roadie and Travis? :D

A Slice Of English
27 Aug 2010, 18:49
I'll go with that thought for a moment. If it's nothing to do with anyone what the album does regarding sales, why the hell was/is there a fan campaign to promote HCTB so hopefully it'll get MORE sales? And why do people get all giddy when Meat is on TV saying that they hope more people will go out and get the album, even more sales?

There's fans and then there's people with way too much time on their hands, lol

27 Aug 2010, 20:09
Whether or not the songs were written to fit the story or whether the songs already existed, Meat has mentioned before that the songs were tweaked to fit the storyline a bit so there was some re-writing of certain lines. I think that the concept is a good one, personally, and whether or not you can feel the story running through the CD is largely irrelevant as the songs do flow well from one song to the next and I happen to think you can sense the movement in the story as you play the CD in its entirety.

Whether other people pick up on that I neither know nor care. Quite a few concept albums don't convey their actual "message" to the masses because the concept is not the overarching thing making someone enjoy an album usually. More often than not, it's the quality of the tunes and in HCTB, the production of the music is fantastic and for me it's simply a case of whether you enjoy certain songs or not.

So again, I think its irrelevant whether the songs were picked before, tweaked after or made to fit the concept, I feel the concept is fairly loose and prevents us from being restricted to ONLY thinking of the story throughout the album. There's way too much going on in HCTB to ONLY focus on the concept and I doubt Meat's original intent was for us to think purely of the concept as the songs are played anyway. I view the concept as an addition to the music, not the one thing governing the entire album.

And to criticise album sales and suggest the album isn't successful? The album is a success on a personal level for Meat, who has never been about the money anyway. Sure, he would love the album to be a massive success and who's to say that still won't happen? I love it and prefer it to anything Meat has done since Bat 2. That makes it a success for me and that is what counts, IMO. I don't much concern myself with album sales because that has nothing really to do with me.

:up: Great post!

Julie in the rv mirror
27 Aug 2010, 20:58
Sorry for getting off-topic for a short praise of a weird masterpiece.

I'm glad you liked it! :D Yep, I do think Maxwell Edison may have been Steve Martin's inspiration for the dentist character. :twisted:

OMG... wasn't he so CUUUTE in that film ? ... hehe ...

Yes...yes he was. ;) :oops: :lol:

Joe Perry from Aerosmith, said the industry joke about the soundtrack to that film was it shipped platinum and came back double platinum!

:lol: I don't know about that, but I played my copy at least once a day. I still have it- on vinyl, of course. ;)

One more bit of trivia, then back on topic. I read that they initially wanted Olivia Newton-John to play Strawberry Fields (Billy's love interest), but Olivia thought the charcter of Strawberry was too sweet (like Sandy in Grease), so she wanted to play Lucy instead. The producers said no.

The red pig logo, btw, I believe was a parody of the little red bull on the RSO label (which the Bee Gees were on) :mrgreen:

Now, back to our regularly scheduled thread!

28 Aug 2010, 01:03
Anyway back to the new album...how about it as a tribute to Roadie and Travis? :D

Rather to his dad, Art Carney was cool.

I wonder if the songs they didn't use were written by the same songwriters whose songs are on HCTB or if there's also material by other writers, if they are similar in style and if there's a good ballad among them. Would also be interesting to know if they would put only those songs on an album or if it would be a mix of some that they already have and some entirely new ones.

Evil One
28 Aug 2010, 01:05
I just hope there are no more Justin Hawkins songs to come. :nope:

Rage Against
28 Aug 2010, 01:34
I just hope there are no more Justin Hawkins songs to come. :nope:

Not a Hawkins fan?

Evil One
28 Aug 2010, 01:37
I'm indifferent towards him, but I don't think the songs he provided for Meat were the strongest on the album.

duke knooby
28 Aug 2010, 01:39
justin rocks!!!

28 Aug 2010, 01:42
I like Love Is Not Real. California is stupid in a funny way but the problem is that someone who just hears the song and hasn't heard Meat's explanation of what it is actually about can easily take it the wrong way. I have no issues with Hawkins as a songwriter, he's a very good musician, too, but I hope a new album will be more "mature" (which doesn't mean that it has to be devoid of humor). HCTB is a good album, I just don't know if it was a great idea to treat it like a movie and play a guy who's in his early twenties. If the concept was more obvious, maybe...

I would like to know how Meat sees himself, what kind of image he expects people to have of him. If you hire people like Hawkins or Nally who are known for their rather "crazy" style, record songs like Like A Rose and Los Angeloser, you move into a certain direction...

28 Aug 2010, 02:27
The fact that you're trying to compare Bat1 and HCTB completely gives you a failed argument on many levels.

how am i comparing them? i stated HCTB may by some twist of faith start selling? Bat 1 took time even. i never compared the two albums against each other, in any shape or form? i just stated that even the 40+ million selling Bat 1 took time.

28 Aug 2010, 02:33
Old duffers doing younger music is kinda like knowing your parents are still doing the horizontal mambo next door to your bedroom, there's something quite disturbing about it.

i would not class Meat Loaf an old duffer!!! and as to what your parents get up to? well you can keep that to urself please:oops:

Elijah's way
28 Aug 2010, 03:37
I just hope there are no more Justin Hawkins songs to come. :nope:

I really like his writing I hope Meat works with him again.

28 Aug 2010, 03:41
Most likely id seriously doubt Their won't be more Justin songs, in fact Im optimistic that most likley the majority will be Justin songs.

Hes very good.

28 Aug 2010, 08:01
i would not class Meat Loaf an old duffer!!!

What age would you put on someone who is an old duffer?

28 Aug 2010, 09:16
how am i comparing them? i stated HCTB may by some twist of faith start selling? Bat 1 took time even. i never compared the two albums against each other, in any shape or form? i just stated that even the 40+ million selling Bat 1 took time.

It took time before people knew about it. When they found out about it they bought it.

The reaction to HCTB seems to be entirely different.

28 Aug 2010, 10:20
The reaction to HCTB seems to be entirely different.


Bat1 stayed in the charts for over 450 weeks, HCTB dropped out of the charts after 4 weeks. Trying to compare what happened to Bat1 could happen to HCTB is a bit retarded :wacko:

Mr. Happy
28 Aug 2010, 10:23
I can see the Diane Warren song that didn't make the cut for HCTB showing up on it, if it was as good as Meat made it out to be :D

A Slice Of English
28 Aug 2010, 10:33
I'm a Hawkins fan and absolutely love Love Is Not Real and California on the album. Both songs are amusing but also LINR has a great rock sound and I love the guitar on it. Brilliant.

28 Aug 2010, 12:20

Bat1 stayed in the charts for over 450 weeks, HCTB dropped out of the charts after 4 weeks. Trying to compare what happened to Bat1 could happen to HCTB is a bit retarded :wacko:

474 for Bat and 6 for HCTB. i do not see a huge difference?:lol:
anyway its Patrick and the story we are talking about? or we can talk about Peter Pan?

28 Aug 2010, 12:22
I'm a Hawkins fan and absolutely love Love Is Not Real and California on the album. Both songs are amusing but also LINR has a great rock sound and I love the guitar on it. Brilliant.

very true, great rock songs!!

28 Aug 2010, 12:26
What age would you put on someone who is an old duffer?

well not on somebody who can sing and run around on a stage for 2 hours every second night? fly around the world for 3 -4 months promoting an album, and then still finds time to do a couple of movies? he really appears to be acting like an old duffer:roll:

Sue K
28 Aug 2010, 12:33
well not on somebody who can sing and run around on a stage for 2 hours every second night? fly around the world for 3 -4 months promoting an album, and then still finds time to do a couple of movies? he really appears to be acting like an old duffer:roll:

"Old duffer", imo, is a state of mind. I've seen young folks who act in that presumed way old farts are thought to behave and presumed old farts whose minds are active, youthful and open to change.

29 Aug 2010, 02:02
I'm a Hawkins fan

Me too. His theories about black holes and time travel are just mind blowing.

29 Aug 2010, 10:10
His theories about black holes and time travel are just mind blowing.

Are you talking about Stephen Hawking? ;)

29 Aug 2010, 10:22
He's a fantastic singer.;)

A Slice Of English
29 Aug 2010, 10:28
Are you talking about Stephen Hawking? ;)


29 Aug 2010, 13:23

Bat1 stayed in the charts for over 450 weeks, HCTB dropped out of the charts after 4 weeks. Trying to compare what happened to Bat1 could happen to HCTB is a bit retarded :wacko:

The 70s and the present days are total different. Nowadays, you have much more other entertaining systems such as Internet, TV and much more other music. The budget of people hasn't increased that they could buy everthing they want. In other words, we have a oversupply of enterainment in contrary to restricted budget and, free time and attention. In the 70s I assume you have had much less diversity in everything compared to today and less media channels.

I really don't expect an album staying in the charts for such a long time as bat1 in the present days.

29 Aug 2010, 14:10
Nowadays, you have much more other entertaining systems such as Internet, TV and much more other music. [...] we have a oversupply of enterainment in contrary to restricted budget and, free time and attention.

That's true, there are much more things music has to compete with these days. I'm a movie maniac and I just can't pass by the DVD & BluRay shelves and I love computer games. So a lot of my limited leisure time is devoted to that. It was just a few years ago that I rediscovered my love of music, one of the reasons was YouTube. When I was a teenager there was not much aside from listening to music, watching TV and going to the movies.

I think it's much harder to get people interested in music these days, it doesn't represent certain lifestyles and attitudes as much as it used to, it doesn't seem to be that important to people anymore. Plus we have a music industry that apparently rather wants to play it safe and promote talent show "stars" than invest time and money in establishing real and diverse musicians on the market.

I really don't expect an album staying in the charts for such a long time as bat1 in the present days.

Maybe not that long but an album can still remain on the charts for quite a while. As far as I know, Unheilig has been in the German Top 10 for about half a year now, most of the time on No. 1.

29 Aug 2010, 15:14

Wrong thread.

30 Aug 2010, 01:59
The 70s and the present days are total different.

Precisely. So when someone says "well Bat1 started off slow" they're not taking all the factors into consideration.

Bat1 is an album you can't easily forget, HCTB is an album that's easily forgettable.

Fire Ball
30 Aug 2010, 08:06
Hey Meat. You can tell that PFL and Living on the Outside had a similar storyline. When are you coming to Perth Australia?

Perth, March

Fire Ball
30 Aug 2010, 08:11
Precisely. So when someone says "well Bat1 started off slow" they're not taking all the factors into consideration.

Bat1 is an album you can't easily forget, HCTB is an album that's easily


Boy ,do I disagree with statement. It wasn't until we played the bat songs live the record started to sell. They are flying out of the shows after we have finished. It ain't over Dude and don't you believe it is . I worked 10 months to break Bat. If I hadn't you would have never it.

Elijah's way
30 Aug 2010, 08:11
I wish Meat would come to Nashville, TN or Birmingham, AL

Fire Ball
30 Aug 2010, 08:12
That's true, there are much more things music has to compete with these days. I'm a movie maniac and I just can't pass by the DVD & BluRay shelves and I love computer games. So a lot of my limited leisure time is devoted to that. It was just a few years ago that I rediscovered my love of music, one of the reasons was YouTube. When I was a teenager there was not much aside from listening to music, watching TV and going to the movies.

I think it's much harder to get people interested in music these days, it doesn't represent certain lifestyles and attitudes as much as it used to, it doesn't seem to be that important to people anymore. Plus we have a music industry that apparently rather wants to play it safe and promote talent show "stars" than invest time and money in establishing real and diverse musicians on the market.

Maybe not that long but an album can still remain on the charts for quite a while. As far as I know, Unheilig has been in the German Top 10 for about half a year now, most of the time on No. 1.

You can say that again.

Fire Ball
30 Aug 2010, 08:14
I wish Meat would come to Nashville, TN or Birmingham, AL

Coming to Ala. For Ghost Hunters sept 20th and 21st

Elijah's way
30 Aug 2010, 08:18
Coming to Ala. For Ghost Hunters sept 20th and 21st

Man I wish you would do a concert while your down here. Is there anyway you would do a record signing or something? I'd love to get to meet you. When Is it going to be on tv?

30 Aug 2010, 11:55
Boy ,do I disagree with statement.

That's OK, you're not the first to do so :))

A Slice Of English
30 Aug 2010, 12:15
Precisely. So when someone says "well Bat1 started off slow" they're not taking all the factors into consideration.

Bat1 is an album you can't easily forget, HCTB is an album that's easily forgettable.

You might find it forgettable, but the vast majority of people on this site do not. I'm one of those who do not.

30 Aug 2010, 12:21
HCTB is not forgettable imo. How can you forget such epic songs like song of madness or living on the outside?

A Slice Of English
30 Aug 2010, 12:32
HCTB is not forgettable imo. How can you forget such epic songs like song of madness or living on the outside?

Precisely, I wish people would qualify their statements to say "I find the album forgettable" and not "The album is foregettable" because it makes it sound like there's massive support for that view behind them.

What was it R said about reading your post twice through before you post it? Some of these posts are a little carelessly written.

30 Aug 2010, 13:03
Is HCTB being sold at the merchandise stands at the shows? I remember the CHSIB cds flew off the merch stands back in 04. I'm sure it would help/work. I am more convinced by the live performances of the songs.
The cds should be there at the UK shows for sure.

Sue K
30 Aug 2010, 13:35
Precisely, I wish people would qualify their statements to say "I find the album forgettable" and not "The album is foregettable" because it makes it sound like there's massive support for that view behind them.

What was it R said about reading your post twice through before you post it? Some of these posts are a little carelessly written.

Yes, imo, folks should use "imo" a bit more when stating their opinion ... ;) ...

30 Aug 2010, 14:10
Is HCTB being sold at the merchandise stands at the shows? I remember the CHSIB cds flew off the merch stands back in 04. I'm sure it would help/work. I am more convinced by the live performances of the songs.
The cds should be there at the UK shows for sure.

I hope so! I took my best friend last time and she didn't love Meat but she only knew the songs from Bat and Iwdafl and I'm sure after hearing the songs they would be more likely to be it after the show than at a cd shop after where it could be passed by

Evil One
30 Aug 2010, 14:15
Most people after a show are more concerned with getting out of the car park first, instead of wanting to buy anything.

duke knooby
30 Aug 2010, 14:17
Most old people after a show are more concerned with getting out of the car park first, instead of wanting to buy anything.

fixed that for ya ;)

A Slice Of English
30 Aug 2010, 14:21
I buy all my stuff before the show, it's true.

30 Aug 2010, 15:12
Perth, March

Oh I love you forever!!!! This has sooo made my day, I had to pass on U2 tickets today because I will be in the eastern states playing cricket, after I got all excited and bought the tickets! lol

Thanks Meat :)

Sorry one other thing.... will there be a M&G?

Sue K
30 Aug 2010, 16:05
fixed that for ya ;)

I'm "old" and I like strolling along after a show, still taking in the atmosphere and I'd love if there'd be booths still open selling meatie stuff, but the booths are usually closed down by then ...

30 Aug 2010, 16:51
Perth, March

Thanks Meat. Will see you then. We have been to every show in Perth since Bindoon Rock in 1991. Come over and I'll fire up the Barbie (BBQ)!!:D

30 Aug 2010, 16:56
Thanks Meat. Will see you then. We have been to every show in Perth since Bindoon Rock in 1991. Come over and I'll fire up the Barbie (BBQ)!!:D

I'm comin too!!!!

30 Aug 2010, 17:08
I'm comin too!!!!

If he comes. (Yeah right) you are definately invited.:D