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View Full Version : If you were to be turned into a can of fruit, what can of fruit would you turn into?

24 Aug 2010, 17:58
I think Canned Peaches are the best, so Ill go that path.

24 Aug 2010, 18:12
Did you have any of these for breakfast today or what made you come up with this poll? :-)

24 Aug 2010, 18:17
This poll is a lemon

Evil One
24 Aug 2010, 18:32
This is a pointless poll. jesus.

24 Aug 2010, 18:37
I quite like peeled plum tomatoes out of a tin. Very nice on toast! Not in your poll options though...

24 Aug 2010, 18:52
I quite like peeled plum tomatoes out of a tin. Very nice on toast! Not in your poll options though...

Well even though this poll is as useless as a chocolate teapot I have learned something new today. i could have sworn tomatoes were vegetables but you're right. I will need to inform my local Sainsbury's next time I'm in. :))

24 Aug 2010, 18:54

I actually was an idiot and didnt think tomatoes were a fruit... but tehre is an "other" option

no "WTF?" option cause that'd kill the poll


24 Aug 2010, 19:41
Have we got custom Wario smilies now too?

24 Aug 2010, 19:43
Have we got custom Wario smilies now too?


Yup and theyll be used in my posts from now until the end of time


24 Aug 2010, 19:48

Yup and theyll be used in my posts from now until the end of time


Till the end of time eh? That sounds loooooooong. ;)

24 Aug 2010, 20:17
"forever is such a long, long time and most of it hasnt even happened yet!"

Evil One
24 Aug 2010, 20:32
Just like you weren't going to make any more polls ever?

Couch Potato
24 Aug 2010, 21:09
Honeydew?? Im a man that does not know my fruits, and I do not kow this one

24 Aug 2010, 22:03
I also was convinced tomato to be vegetable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjdBCeUdAmI

24 Aug 2010, 22:14
Honeydew?? Im a man that does not know my fruits, and I do not kow this one

I guess you're better on root vegetables? ;-) Maybe if your nickname was "Melon" it would be clearer?

Sue K
24 Aug 2010, 22:20
I also was convinced tomato to be vegetable http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjdBCeUdAmI

There was a time they were thought to be poisonous. And to cause cancer. I like stewed tomatos from a can, but when it comes to what I'm sure is a fruit, imma peach ... :twisted: ... lol ...

24 Aug 2010, 22:22
Where's the option for "Old Prunes"?

24 Aug 2010, 22:37

Brilliant! I've just become a fan.

24 Aug 2010, 22:43
Brilliant! I've just become a fan.

Orange is kind of addictive, I only hope not to get that laugh or my friends will kill me :roll:

24 Aug 2010, 22:49
Orange is kind of addictive

It is, I just watched what it did to the iPhone. :lmao:

24 Aug 2010, 23:31
I voted cantalopue. Not something I've seen in a can before. Very excited.