View Full Version : Beer makes things good

The Flying Mouse
09 Sep 2010, 23:57
:twisted: NOT as predictable as you might think 8)
Make sure you watch to the end.


10 Sep 2010, 15:03
1:04 mintues of my life that I'll never get back :shake:

I'm guessing that's you Neil :hic:

The Flying Mouse
10 Sep 2010, 17:20
1:04 mintues of my life that I'll never get back :shake:

:twisted: In your case that's no great loss :mrgreen:

10 Sep 2010, 17:58
:twisted: In your case that's no great loss :mrgreen:

The video did tell the truth though. Ugly women are way more attractive when you're drunk. I feel sorry for them because it only lasts the night. I don't find myself attractive when I'm sober but when I'm drunk I'm a sex machine. :cool:

11 Sep 2010, 07:33
when I'm drunk I'm a sex machine. :cool:

So you are a dildo

Elijah's way
11 Sep 2010, 09:48
:twisted: NOT as predictable as you might think 8)
Make sure you watch to the end.



11 Sep 2010, 12:48
So you are a dildo

Maybe I should have said sex god. :roll: But no I'm not a dildo Pudding, but as Jim would say to you in this situation "a chocolate dildo is a Pudding's cousin". ;-)

Who finds the woman in the video attractive? I've seen better, but she would do for a poke when the telly is broke. ;-)

11 Sep 2010, 13:19
but as Jim would say to you in this situation "a chocolate dildo is a Pudding's cousin". ;-)

If you're going to quote Jim do it properly, he said:

First, I love Puddings Avatar. (That sounds like a "lost" Vonnegut or Pratchett book: "PUDDING'S AVATAR". It reminds me of MILTON sitting on a big wet hard chocolate dildo, and "romping" around while it thrusts & clamps& melts!

And it was in response to this avatar I used for a while http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c131/NZPudding/dancing.gif

I've seen better, but she would do for a poke when the telly is broke. ;-)

Charming :roll:

11 Sep 2010, 14:55
Well at least I took the "chocolate" dildo right. ;-)

Pudding if you weren't married would you have that woman in the video?

12 Sep 2010, 00:07
Pudding if you weren't married would you have that woman in the video?

No :nope: I don't 'have' women, I respect them.

12 Sep 2010, 01:16
No :nope: I don't 'have' women, I respect them.

You obviously don't respect your sisters anway..since you posted a picture of them half naked eating McDonalds. :yep:

12 Sep 2010, 02:51
WTF are you talking about? and why aren't the mods doing something about you?

12 Sep 2010, 03:37
Pudding chill out dude :moon:, this is the off topic thread :yep: and the video is about beer and a sexy woman. There's bound to be hormonal madness when discussing it. :weee::weee: But I'm sticking to the topic.. I was asking you about the woman in the video if you'd have her or not. I know I would she's sexy!!! :eyebrows::eyebrows: