View Full Version : What shall we call dottie,or what should we do with her 2000
Well the titles self explanatory - Um lets have some suggestions, nice ones please, I don't want to banished from the forum or blasted into outer space, but there must be a title or prestigious award out there with my name on it somewhere. I wait with bated breath :!:
On the 1800 topic I already had some Ideas, here they come:
Dottie, I think we should give you a special title, something like being knighted (did you appear on the queen's birthday honour's list????)So instea of Mega Loafer under your name a different title.
Don't know what title it could be, but I think together we can work something out.....
Anybody any ideas?
then I wrote this:
MMhh, I recall I talked about a special title, not about a crown or tiara.....
How about:
Forum spammer
And last but not least I wrote this:
Maybe just spammer would do
Or Postwhore
Or Employee of June '03
Or Member of the month
or Forums Own .....(spammer, postwhore, Dotster)
Or maybe something really original, something I can't think of at the moment
So anybody have any ideas???
Fantastic Asha - you are so clever
Don't know about that Dottie, I wouldn't call myself clever, just though to give everybody a general idea as to what I was think about.
This seemed the easiest way to do it....
You do know, that we'll have to convince R to give you that, yet to be decided, title don't you?
That might not be to easy.......(maybe we should have a poll..)
A poll yes what a good idea, seeing as your in cahorts with me Asha you can choose your own title as long as its not classier than mine :wink:
Dottie,my offspring suggest,..Mini Postwhore :lol: because then it would give you something to aspire to!! :lol:
I thought Extreme Loafer
or simply ...The Best
...but the offspring say no good ,because there would be nothing beyond to strive for :lol: :lol:
they think that after ranks of Loafer should come ranks of POSTWHORING;
mini postwhore.. at 2000 posts
Semi post whore... at 3000 posts
Demi postwhore... at 4000 posts
postwhore.. at 5000 posts
Senior postwhore.. at 6000 posts
Super Postwhore.. at 7500 posts
Mega Postwhore... at 10000 posts
Dottie,my offspring suggest,..Mini Postwhore :lol: because then it would give you something to aspire to!! :lol:
I thought Extreme Loafer
or simply ...The Best
...but the offspring say no good ,because there would be nothing beyond to strive for :lol: :lol:
they think that after ranks of Loafer should come ranks of POSTWHORING;
mini postwhore.. at 2000 posts
Semi post whore... at 3000 posts
Demi postwhore... at 4000 posts
postwhore.. at 5000 posts
Senior postwhore.. at 6000 posts
Super Postwhore.. at 7500 posts
Mega Postwhore... at 10000 posts
Back to mini postwhore - I'd have a nervous breakdown trying to get up there again :lol:
Maybe we coudl cut that down and go:
2000 postwhore
3000 senior postwhore
4000 super postwhore
6000 mega postwhore
8000 Forums own postwhore
Maybe we coudl cut that down and go:
2000 postwhore
3000 senior postwhore
4000 super postwhore
6000 mega postwhore
8000 Forums own postwhore
Still to much hard work :lmao:
mmhh, well this is hard work Dottie, especially keeping up with you...
that's why you are getting, If it was up to me, this special title.....
So you had better prove you deserve it too...
original sin
15 Jun 2003, 19:23
uuummmm I still think it's gonna crash the board in shock so a name won't really matter...........unless it's the title " She who broke the board by Mega Postwhoring" :twisted: :lmao:
mmhh, well this is hard work Dottie, especially keeping up with you...
that's why you are getting, If it was up to me, this special title.....
So you had better prove you deserve it too...
Oh I feel a song coming "No doubt about it" :lol:
uuummmm I still think it's gonna crash the board in shock so a name won't really matter...........unless it's the title " She who broke the board by Mega Postwhoring" :twisted: :lmao:
Oh yes we're really getting somewhere now :lol:
You may speak to me now - and I might ordain to reply - honours flowing from all directions - Thank u, Thank u, Thank u for all putting up with me since January of this year - Love and Hugs to you all
this is 2001 post oddysey :lol:
Well as you're PA I'm glad that I can Congrat you with this most outstanding achievement...
Well as you're PA I'm glad that I can Congrat you with this most outstanding achievement...
Thankyou Asha for all your input, you shall go to the ball as a reward, just two ticks whilst I go and fetch, 2mice, a pumpkin and I'm sure I've missed something, the coach will probably only have 1 wheel, reminds me of a song "One wheel on my wagon" :lmao:
shouldn't there be a prince (even if we have to get him in a wheelchair??)
and a feary godmother.....
shouldn't there be a prince (even if we have to get him in a wheelchair??)
and a feary godmother.....
Oh yes I knew I'd forgotten something - have to go and fish frog out of my pond in garden first, won't be a sec. try to pick a large beefy one :lol:
a feary godmother - Edna Everage :??:
15 Jun 2003, 19:52
this is pritty lame but could we call you mobster poster? or tuther way round?? ok im gonna shut up now cos that was a poor attempt!!
Every attempt is very welcome testify, because it will give some-one else new inspiration, just DO IT.
this is pritty lame but could we call you mobster poster? or tuther way round?? ok im gonna shut up now cos that was a poor attempt!!
No Testify - I like that - has a I'm in charge feel to it :lol:
Has a Godfather/waking up with a horses head type feel to it!!!
Has a Godfather/waking up with a horses head type feel to it!!!
precisely Chris - If you don't want to wake up with one beside you I would suggest you grovel to me right now
What about Supreme Postwhoreing Loafer???? :lol:
15 Jun 2003, 20:06
nanna dottie answer my pm pritty pritty pritty plz!! :D :lol: :D :lol:
love ya!!
What about Supreme Postwhoreing Loafer???? :lol:
Oh Heat - this is superb - I really like this one - write in my little black book
Rob The Badger
15 Jun 2003, 22:02
I have a few suggestions:
Supreme Overlord Postmaster Dottie
Meat Loaf Despot
Your God
i see you have been given a title .Dottie you are now a Postwhore
Oh, Dottie Congratz....
You are now officially a postwhore :lol:
Congrats on your new title, Dottie :lol:
I have a few suggestions:
Supreme Overlord Postmaster Dottie
Meat Loaf Despot
Your God
Eyeore- All superb some more for my little black book :lol:
15 Jun 2003, 23:30
CG's on the name!!
i see you have been given a title .Dottie you are now a Postwhore
I've just had it pointed out to me by Testify - would've missed it otherwise - :lol: Love it - you may address me as supreme being postwhore :lol:
Oh, Dottie Congratz....
You are now officially a postwhore :lol:
Asha thanks for all your help in getting me there - second in command I knight you :lol:
Congrats on your new title, Dottie :lol:Guppie thank you its been a hard slog - I can rest on my laurels for awhile now can I :??: Whose coming up behind me :twisted:
CG's on the name!!
Testify my stalwart - with me when the going gets tough and giving me the incentive to carry on always thank you
dottie wrote:
Asha thanks for all your help in getting me there - second in command I knight you
*me* kneels before my lady and bends head. LOL
Thx Dottie, you're a great lady :lol: :lol:
dottie wrote:
Asha thanks for all your help in getting me there - second in command I knight you
*me* kneels before my lady and bends head. LOL
Thx Dottie, you're a great lady :lol: :lol:
thats what all the girls say :lol: Lady Asha :lmao:
:lmao: :oops: :mrgreen:
Thx Dottie, you are an inspiration.
Now I will have to get 2000 posts :lol:
:lmao: :oops: :mrgreen:
Thx Dottie, you are an inspiration.
Now I will have to get 2000 posts :lol:
Wonderful feeling LadyAsha - I've actually become a fully fledged nerd, according to my son that is :lmao:
how can you be a nerd when its Meat Loaf related?
how can you be a nerd when its Meat Loaf related?
Ellis means the amount of time I'm spending on here Keab42 - he's just jealous that now I am able to be involved with the forum, whereas he's always had the computer too himself
absolutly hit the nail on the head there keab42
R. A big thank you for the title of postwhore - I presume it came from you
how can you be a nerd when its Meat Loaf related?
Ellis means the amount of time I'm spending on here Keab42 - he's just jealous that now I am able to be involved with the forum, whereas he's always had the computer too himself
I have to fight Mum (Bren The Bat) for it, wheras i used to be able to use it whenever. She's hardly ever off it now, doesnt make her a nerd, and i think shes on here as much as you. nerd status would come if you spent your time looking at star trek websites etc...
how can you be a nerd when its Meat Loaf related?
Ellis means the amount of time I'm spending on here Keab42 - he's just jealous that now I am able to be involved with the forum, whereas he's always had the computer too himself
I have to fight Mum (Bren The Bat) for it, wheras i used to be able to use it whenever. She's hardly ever off it now, doesnt make her a nerd, and i think shes on here as much as you. nerd status would come if you spent your time looking at star trek websites etc...
Dare I say it - I like all Star Trekkie programmes :o
I'm gonna shout this, yes you heard right:
and I'm not ashamed, met lots of star trek star and they are great people, lovely to talk to.
BTW, star trek has emriched my live as did meat loaf
So there you go, I confess
Congrats on the title Dottie :D
...there appears to be quite a few Meat fans that are trekkies (including the man himself)...
Cheers Jen- its been a hard slog but I feel proud now :oops:
how can you be a nerd when its Meat Loaf related?
Ellis means the amount of time I'm spending on here Keab42 - he's just jealous that now I am able to be involved with the forum, whereas he's always had the computer too himself
I have to fight Mum (Bren The Bat) for it, wheras i used to be able to use it whenever. She's hardly ever off it now, doesnt make her a nerd, and i think shes on here as much as you. nerd status would come if you spent your time looking at star trek websites etc...
OI, Ypou do not diss the trekkies. There are more of us than you might thinkl!!!
16 Jun 2003, 12:42
never watched it b4, hmmmmm maybe i'll see if i can catch it, i problably wont understand it but hey.
R. A big thank you for the title of postwhore - I presume it came from you
Yes. ( :))
original sin
18 Jun 2003, 00:41
:lmao: :lmao: Love the new title Dottie.
And the laughter R. sent is fantastic I'm gonna be chuckling all night's the little snort that gets me! :lmao:
R. A big thank you for the title of postwhore - I presume it came from you
Yes. ( :))
Oh R. that is so funny ha, ha, ha :lmao:
:lmao: :lmao: Love the new title Dottie.
And the laughter R. sent is fantastic I'm gonna be chuckling all night's the little snort that gets me! :lmao:
Well I just died and went to heaven - could not stop laughing - had tears in my eyes with that snort - it was a snort and not a ....
Dottie: I think it was a snort, not what you think :lol:
Well I've passed the 4,000 mark, so what do I get nothing :cry:
28 Sep 2003, 20:22
Awww Dottie, Congrats. :D Well, you should be put up to a "postqueen". 8) :D
28 Sep 2003, 20:28
Well I've passed the 4,000 mark, so what do I get nothing :cry:
Along with the title of Postwhore, we should try to get you something. Maybe a crown and a scephter :D
28 Sep 2003, 22:20
nice one dottie!!!! :D u r queen postwhore :lol:
original sin
28 Sep 2003, 22:28
Well I've passed the 4,000 mark, so what do I get nothing :cry:
you have our admiration :wink: what more could you want 8)
29 Sep 2003, 05:03
I think you should have a very regal title now, perhaps "Most Esteemed High Queen of Loafdom"? Hey, after sharing a bed with Meat on national TV and surpassing 4000 posts we should give some kind of lifetime acheivement award, I think! 8)
I think you should have a very regal title now, perhaps "Most Esteemed High Queen of Loafdom"? Hey, after sharing a bed with Meat on national TV and surpassing 4000 posts we should give some kind of lifetime acheivement award, I think! 8)
Sounds like a great idea to me Sherrie :))
29 Sep 2003, 05:29
I think you should have a very regal title now, perhaps "Most Esteemed High Queen of Loafdom"? Hey, after sharing a bed with Meat on national TV and surpassing 4000 posts we should give some kind of lifetime acheivement award, I think! 8)
Sounds like a great idea to me Sherrie :))
What more can one person want :D
Post Queen sounds just about right Wild Honey.
Sherrie lifetime award too, I've lived long enough :lol: when you think I've followed Meat for 33 years :!:
Sin I graciously accept your admiration, and as such it will be returned on your crowning too :lol:
Crown and sceptre, now that sounds really good, with real jewels I presume, only the best, shadow 1000001.
Well thank you all my loyal subjects you will be remembered when the time comes :roll:
Testify my little protege, keep the good work up, your'll be next :wink:
29 Sep 2003, 16:41
Post Queen sounds just about right Wild Honey.
Sherrie lifetime award too, I've lived long enough :lol: when you think I've followed Meat for 33 years :!:
Sin I graciously accept your admiration, and as such it will be returned on your crowning too :lol:
Crown and sceptre, now that sounds really good, with real jewels I presume, only the best, shadow 1000001.
Well thank you all my loyal subjects you will be remembered when the time comes :roll:
Testify my little protege, keep the good work up, your'll be next :wink:
Dottie, you should pm R. then to change your name. :mrgreen:
Hi Wild Honey - Would you do it for me :oops: :lol:
Post Queen sounds just about right
Crown and sceptre, now that sounds really good, with real jewels I presume, only the best, Well thank you all my loyal subjects you will be remembered when the time comes :roll:
Just for you Dottie ,my little pipistrelle :lol: :lol:
couldn't resist...the temptation was too great :lol:
30 Sep 2003, 20:46
Too cute Bren :lmao:
Post Queen sounds just about right
Crown and sceptre, now that sounds really good, with real jewels I presume, only the best, Well thank you all my loyal subjects you will be remembered when the time comes :roll:
Just for you Dottie ,my little pipistrelle :lol: :lol:
couldn't resist...the temptation was too great :lol:
Oh Bren, what can I say, I love it darling, can I call you that :??: :oops:
And I will remember that you were the one my parent bat who made this possible, you shall sit at my right hand Bren, and be my most trusted personal advisor when the time comes and I am sitting on that throne :lol:
I am truely honoured , your Majesty,...postqueen Dottie :lol: :lol:
30 Sep 2003, 23:47
Congratulations Dottie!
I think that the top honour should be called "Hot Patootie" - what do you think?
Sorry TRex2003 but I have to stick with post queen, it has a certain ring to it (Koh-i-Nor diamond wouldn't go a miss),very queenly wouldn't you say.
Bren my parent bat, you too shall eventually receive your queenhood, knighted personally by me, in recognition of services to the Royal House of Wigley :lol: (almost Windsor :lol: ),
01 Oct 2003, 00:05
Please don't behead me for treason, but :P :lol:
Ah well. Please can everyone call me Hot Patootie to cheer me up! :cry: :lol:
Please don't behead me for treason, but :P :lol:
Ah well. Please can everyone call me Hot Patootie to cheer me up! :cry: :lol:
TRex2003 Of course we can call you Hot Patootie :lol: to each his or her own. :lol: and because you appear to think highly of Marc Bolan, I think maybe I could find you a position in the Royal Wigley Household :lol:
01 Oct 2003, 00:14
Why thank you ma'am...
I would like to be Lord TRex, if poss. :wink: :twisted:
Lord TRex2003 - Oh I feel a song coming on - "Anything is Possible" :lol:
Dottie, where will this end? :lol: :lol:
does this mean that Testify will be a "postprincess" ? :lol:
Eventually Bren I am sure Testify will be a post princess, after she is a lot younger than I :lol:
Now come on Dottie, don't do this 'old' thing on us....
You above all people should know that you are only as old as the person you are feeling.....
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I know who that might be Heat :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol:
But I know who I wish it was :oops: :oops: :oops:
Dottie is right. You can't feel always younger. Sometimes you have some physically problems, so you feel as old as your body, but often you feel young again when you are physically problems are over.
Congratualtions Dottie on your new title. Not exactly regal but hey that is one hell of a title. :lol: :lol:
Michel, thank you for those kind words, your absolutely right :!:
Plukie, Isn't grand I really like it, hadn't even though of that title neither :twisted:
A big thank you to R. for the new title - LOVE IT!!!! :D
01 Oct 2003, 23:12
oh cool!!! 8) v nice!!
01 Oct 2003, 23:36
I have only seen this now! ...Going to listen to Boyz II Men...a song for Mamma!
...Sorry, wrong topic! :lol:
Dottie, this is great!
Fab new title Dottie....
Wonder what bribes R will take to make me a 'Rampant Postwhore'.... :wink:
01 Oct 2003, 23:58
Nice new title m'lady Dottie - you were born to be my unicorn! :)
Rob The Badger
02 Oct 2003, 00:18
Congrats Dot! :up:
02 Oct 2003, 00:30
I've just read Michel's comments about getting old, and now I'm :cry: - haha not really!
Don't you worry Dottie,
Everything will be fine,
We're nothing but the best,
And we've got nothing but time...
[miss a bit]
I don't ever wanna be rescued,
and I don't ever wanna be saved,
I've gotta feeling that we're gonna stay alive for ever,
Dancing on the edge of a grave,
Dancing on the edge of a,
Dancing on the edge of a,
Dancing on the edge of a grave!
KEEP ON ROCKIN! your majesty.
Nice one Dottie :D
Nice one R. :mrgreen:
Thank you Testify for your kind words :D
Thank you Mariella for your kind words :D
Heat - Rampant Postwhore Eh!, actually just looked at your number I don't think you have far to go now, maybe a sly bribe to R. might get you that title a little earlier :lol:
TRex2003 - I'm your unicorn, not quite sure what that means, if its something queenly I will gladly accept this honour, love the ryhme to.
Thank you Eyeore for your kind words :D
Thank you Bren for your kind words :D
p.s. I hadn't even noticed until someone else pointed the name change out to me :o :lol:
Michel, thank you for those kind words, your absolutely right :!:
You're welcome. :lol:
I hadn't even noticed until someone else pointed the name change out to me :o :lol:
Nver mind Dottie - you'll be getting the free eyesight tests soon!!!! :wink:
I hadn't even noticed until someone else pointed the name change out to me :o :lol:
Nver mind Dottie - you'll be getting the free eyesight tests soon!!!! :wink:
Your right there Heat :lol: :lol: 8)
:D WOW! Great title 8)
Thank you terri :D
Great title, Dottie.
(I) Couldn't Have Thought It Better (Myself)
Michel are you thinking "Did I Say That" :lol:
Sapphire Lady
02 Oct 2003, 18:46
Well done dottie :D
Lynne x x x
Thank you Jen and Sapphire Lady, it is rather 8) isn't it :!:
Indeed it is, Dottie :wink:
Hey...i just got my 3000th post!!!!!!! :D
Indeed it is, Dottie :wink:
Hey...i just got my 3000th post!!!!!!! :D
Hey Heat, I think you are know due for a title change 8) better pm R. :lol: hope he can keep us with us :lol:
03 Oct 2003, 16:32
CG's Heat!!!
Yup time for a title change. but what shall we call you?
ideas anyone?
03 Oct 2003, 16:48
Way to go, Heat! :bunny:
Sorry, to go 'off topic', Dottie! :lol:
Thanks everyone :D
As for the title change....i wouldn't mind being a 'RAMPANT LOAFER'.... :P :lol:
And so it shall be (we hope)................
R. are you out there?
like the new title Heat :lol:
Rob The Badger
04 Oct 2003, 21:38
It's ace! CG's Heat!
Heat that is wonderful :!: :!: :!: :twisted: :lol:
Thanks to everyone for thier support for my new title....i love it!!!
I've always ben rampant - but now it's confirmed!!! 8O :wink: :twisted:
Congrats heat - well earned!!!
Congrats heat - well earned!!!
And you'd know??? :wink: :lmao: :wink:
05 Oct 2003, 04:33
Congratulations Heat!! That is too cool :D
Um! Um! What do I see! :lol: Look to the left - surprised me even :oops:
i'll believe you Dottie :lol:
Well you are aren't you, lol :lmao: :up:
Umm, Bren don't you think you need a new name, you've got more then 2600 posts.......
Well you are aren't you, lol :lmao: :up:
Umm, Bren don't you think you need a new name, you've got more then 2600 posts.......
2629 Bren to be precise :!: Its amazing how the posts creeps up on you :twisted:
21 Nov 2003, 11:33
heehee nice one dottie.
hmmm a new name for bren....... :P
hmmm a new name for bren....... :P
Don't even think of it.......
i already have a name i'm Bren..."The Bat" i don't want or need any other :D
5,570 and counting................. be warned :twisted:
14 Jan 2004, 03:24
We shudder in your presence, almighty mother of all postwhores! :lol:
Dottie Rocks!
We shudder in your presence, almighty mother of all postwhores! :lol:
Dottie Rocks!
Is that official Sherrie :lol: Better not be Brighton Rock :lol:
Methinks give R. plenty of time to think of another title :twisted:
Hummmmm . . . here's a couple for you dottie . . .
6000 . . . Grand Mother of all Postwhores
7000 . . . Royal Grand Mother of all Postwhores
8000 . . . Exalted Grand Mother of You Know What
9000 . . . Most Exalted Grand Mother of well, you know
10,000 . . . Her Grace
Just trying to think royalty here ya know. This is my 200th post 'cuz I don't get to stop in a whole lot so I don't know if it elevates me to anything or not. Kinda like the Senior Loafer title but we'll see what it brings me. My royal ancestry is way too far removed for me to claim any REAL titles so I just stick to an honorary one (thanks to Tink). (Besides, it keeps Bren the Bat & I from getting confused.) :lol:
Lady B ~ bowing to the floor to the great one . . . "I'm not worthy . . . I'm not worthy . . ."
Her Grace has a regal sounding ring to it. eally am going to give this a lot of thought :idea: only have 4 hundred and something to go :twisted: :lol:
Her Grace, Her Royal Highness, Saint Dot, Superwoman, The kindset lady in the world and how about the bestest friend there ever was :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well 184 to go you have been warned :lol: and thats without post whoring :lol:
thats without post whoring :lol:
Yeah right!!!! :lol:
thats without post whoring :lol:
Yeah right!!!! :lol:
Oh Chris that was only 1 and this is 2 :lol: in answering your first statement :lol:
I'll believe you darling.
Thousands wouldn't!!! :lol: :lol:
I'll believe you darling.
Thousands wouldn't!!! :lol: :lol:
Oh you are a chooch Chris -" but I like you" :oops: :)
Um wonder what will happen when I reach 6,000 posts maybe the Forum will explode :lol: Think I'll definetely have to have a party with all my Meatie friends 8) :lol:
28 Feb 2004, 01:19
hmmmm dont think i'll b catching up with you anytime soon.... :P
Rob The Badger
28 Feb 2004, 11:42
Speaking of titles, it's about time I got some recognition. Hmph :x
Speaking of titles, it's about time I got some recognition. Hmph :x
Quick Bump for Rob :oops: :lol: about time :!:
So folks... bout time for a new title for Testify don't ya think...
black dog
06 Mar 2004, 22:26
New titles for Rob and Testify would be nice
06 Mar 2004, 23:11
4000 posts hehehe :P
black dog
06 Mar 2004, 23:49
Well done Testify. That's an amazing amount of posts. Let's hope you get a nice new name
06 Mar 2004, 23:54
thanks hehe :P
me too... any suggestions?
Yeah congrats T
:roll: ...trouble? :twisted: :lol:
07 Mar 2004, 00:03
how rude :P :twisted:
.....and thanks J btw
black dog
08 Mar 2004, 21:36
See you got your new name Trouble, oops sorry, Testify :twisted:
08 Mar 2004, 22:12
apparently people think im trouble... dont know where they get it from :twisted:
Rob The Badger
09 Mar 2004, 18:41
Speaking of titles, it's about time I got some recognition. Hmph :x
Oh ha-ha. . .
I kinda like it :D Suits me.
09 Mar 2004, 21:25
lol.... hehe thats funny :P
black dog
09 Mar 2004, 22:41
You got you new name too Rob. Hmph. Yep it does suit you.
your new title made me smile Rob :lol:
Can i be either "The Cook" Or "Mrs Hmph"
Seeing as I am the cook in the Bat and Bellfry, and I am getting married to Rob!!! :D
10 Mar 2004, 23:49
Can I be called Eddie?
5904............... and counting :P
11 Mar 2004, 21:36
5904............... and counting :P
POSTWHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5904............... and counting :P
POSTWHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alas I was a postwhore many moons ago :( learnt the error of my ways, :lol:
11 Mar 2004, 21:44
5904............... and counting :P
POSTWHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alas I was a postwhore many moons ago :( learnt the error of my ways, :lol:
Who was your teacher? Testify or Andy? :lol:
5904............... and counting :P
POSTWHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alas I was a postwhore many moons ago :( learnt the error of my ways, :lol:
Who was your teacher? Testify or Andy? :lol:
In Dottie's case, she taught the rest of us!!!
Well I became Testifys mentor, and Testify has seen me proud :lol:
Chris your're so correct :lol:
Indeed, and we are proud to call her mum :D
Indeed, and we are proud to call her mum :D
I'm very proud!! :lol: I'm a budding postwhore, don't you think??? I don't like to post too much though, incase i get on peoples nerves!! :?
Did you get my letter by any chance Dottie, I keep forgetting to ask you?!!
one more post after this and i'm number 39 !!!!
Indeed, and we are proud to call her mum :D
Andy that quote made me feel all warm inside 8) :P thank you :D
Heli yes I did receive your letter, the brain switched off :lol: so glad I could help you :)
Rob The Badger
12 Mar 2004, 23:24
Rob I hope you don't think I'm an ass :lol:
Rob The Badger
12 Mar 2004, 23:48
No, dear. I'm being nostalgic. :D
Was you thinking about the young naive Eyeore who joined our merry bunch all that time ago!!
black dog
13 Mar 2004, 00:12
Was you thinking about the young naive Eyeore who joined our merry bunch all that time ago!!
That's a while ago now Chris. Do you think he's matured since then?
Rob The Badger
13 Mar 2004, 00:17
That's a while ago now Chris. Do you think he's matured since then?
I very much doubt it. . .ah, memories.
I very much doubt it. . .ah, memories.
I very much doubt it. . .ah, memories.
Rob The Badger
13 Mar 2004, 15:31
I don't get it!
Once upon a time I was Marge Simpson :lol:
Once upon a time I was Marge Simpson :lol:
You still are dear! Your the mother of a crazy yellow family!! :lol:
Once upon a time I was Marge Simpson :lol:
You still are dear! Your the mother of a crazy yellow family!! :lol:
Why thank you Heli, and I am so proud too :P 8) :lol:
Rob The Badger
13 Mar 2004, 21:28
Oh yes. . .good lord, those were the days. I think April 14th should be deemed 'Forum Rememberence Day', where we all use out old avatars/usernames for a day.
Oh yes. . .good lord, those were the days. I think April 14th should be deemed 'Forum Rememberence Day', where we all use out old avatars/usernames for a day.
Well I'm beggared then!!
Having never changed either!!!
Oh yes. . .good lord, those were the days. I think April 14th should be deemed 'Forum Rememberence Day', where we all use out old avatars/usernames for a day.
Well I'm beggared then!!
Having never changed either!!!
me neither!!
But then again i've only been here since the end of January!
Rob The Badger
13 Mar 2004, 22:06
Oh yes. . .good lord, those were the days. I think April 14th should be deemed 'Forum Rememberence Day', where we all use out old avatars/usernames for a day.
Well I'm beggared then!!
Having never changed either!!!
That's why we love you. . .
black dog
13 Mar 2004, 23:10
I've only had one user name too.
43 to go - will the forum explode? Will dottie explode? Stick around and you'll find out soon enough :lol:
Please Mr Moderator,
At 5999 can someone ban dottie for a couple of years so everyone else can catch up!!!!
The Flying Mouse
19 Mar 2004, 22:18
:twisted: I would do anything for a more balanced postcount, but I won't do that :mrgreen:
:twisted: I would do anything for a more balanced postcount, but I won't do that :mrgreen:
:lol: Mousie
Its the 6,666 that you have to worry about Chris :lol:
And Satan shall walk amongst us, unless of course The Archangel Gabriel
comes to my rescue :lol:
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 00:03
Its the 6,666 that you have to worry about Chris :lol:
And Satan shall walk amongst us, unless of course The Archangel Gabriel
comes to my rescue :lol:
Who me?
Its the 6,666 that you have to worry about Chris :lol:
And Satan shall walk amongst us, unless of course The Archangel Gabriel
comes to my rescue :lol:
Who me?
Um could be Rob :)
Its the 6,666 that you have to worry about Chris :lol:
And Satan shall walk amongst us, unless of course The Archangel Gabriel
comes to my rescue :lol:
Have no fear my darling child for I shall protect you from the forces of evil.
Its the 6,666 that you have to worry about Chris :lol:
And Satan shall walk amongst us, unless of course The Archangel Gabriel
comes to my rescue :lol:
Have no fear my darling child for I shall protect you from the forces of evil.
Now there's a coincendance -God just happened to stumble across this topic at almost exactly the same time as another certain person :roll: Your secret is safe with me God.
I feel safe now Oh righteous one for I fear no evil or backlash whilst I struggle to attain the magical figure of posts. :lol:
Some usless info:
I am the only person to have joined in 2004 to be in the top 40,
I am the youngest person to be int he top 40,
erm.......................grr....god damit there was another fact but i forgot it!!!
Oh well!!!
black dog
20 Mar 2004, 00:53
Some usless info:
I am the only person to have joined in 2004 to be in the top 40,
I am the youngest person to be int he top 40,
erm.......................grr....god damit there was another fact but i forgot it!!!
Oh well!!!
You Teenage Postwhore
20 Mar 2004, 00:56
Some useless facts about the rocky horror show
1: Meat when singing hot patootie crashed a chandelier by accident just by singing.
2: Patricia quinn took her baby to work with her when filming the rocky horror show
3: Susan sharadon had the flu and drove everyone mad because she was talking non stop about her flu all the time
4: when Richard o brien and patricia quinn came through the doors in the "I'm going home" sequence, richard o brien actually had part of a hanger on his head to put his hair that way.
5: Richard and pat didn't know eddie was under that tablecoth!
there you go. Where am i then in this list?
Dotties new name - Mega mother of all postwhores *don't think anyone can beat that one*
Heli's new name - Teenage Postwhore
:lol: :lol:
Mine - I'll never catch them up postwhore :roll:
Dotties new name - Mega mother of all postwhores *don't think anyone can beat that one*
Heli's new name - Teenage Postwhore
:lol: :lol:
Mine - I'll never catch them up postwhore :roll:
There there Caz!! You will catch up with me someday :) ............................well actually no you can't but your dooing ok!!
I guess!! :twisted:
22 and counting
It's like that apple tango advert,
"It's all getting a little... bit... tense!!"
Now thats a real apple drenching!!! :lol:
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 12:26
Is it pathetic that I'm jealous of people with exceedingly high post-counts?
Is it pathetic that I'm jealous of people with exceedingly high post-counts?
Not really!! :wink:
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 12:29
Is it pathetic that I'm jealous of people with exceedingly high post-counts?
Rob I think you are a lovely guy - and thats all that matters - I could help you boost yours if you like :lol:
22 and counting
It's like that apple tango advert,
"It's all getting a little... bit... tense!!"
Now thats a real apple drenching!!! :lol:
I'm just waiting for the ceiling to come down :lol:
22 and counting
It's like that apple tango advert,
"It's all getting a little... bit... tense!!"
Now thats a real apple drenching!!! :lol:
I'm just waiting for the ceiling to come down :lol:
*Post man walks up to the door and posts another few threads through*
Heeheehee, i'm soo sad!! :lol:
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 12:44
*ceiling collapses on RtB*
*ceiling collapses on RtB*
O Oh!!!!!! Are you alrigh you need some help?? 8O :?
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 12:49
Don't worry. Fortuitously I happen to be wearing Anti-Death underwear. . .
Don't worry. Fortuitously I happen to be wearing Anti-Death underwear. . .
Ahhhh! I see!! No wonder you always run around with those undies on your head!! :wink:
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 13:01
19 to go Dottie dear!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
20 Mar 2004, 18:38
Good old mr bean
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 19:04
Blackadder thank you very much.
20 Mar 2004, 19:05
Same person!!
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 19:08
. . . :roll:
20 Mar 2004, 19:10
Nya nya nya nya so there so there
They should bring back mr bean
The Flying Mouse
20 Mar 2004, 19:11
:twisted: Surely you mean Wubble :mrgreen:
:twisted: Surely you mean Wubble :mrgreen:
Jonathan Woss
20 Mar 2004, 19:16
Hi thith ith jonathon woth here and oim going get orn your nerveth tho there tonight we have thane witchie and oim going to put moi pantth on moi head ath a thign of ageing
Hi thith ith jonathon woth here and oim going get orn your nerveth tho there tonight we have thane witchie and oim going to put moi pantth on moi head ath a thign of ageing
I didnt know he had a lisp!!??? :lol:
Rob The Badger
20 Mar 2004, 19:20
Jonothan Ross is fantastic. I will not put up with this defamation of character.
20 Mar 2004, 19:24
He does have a slight lisp.
soory rob!
*hangs head in shame and snorts with laughter quietly*
This is what i did today!
I watched tin tin.
Jonothan Ross is fantastic. I will not put up with this defamation of character.
I love JR aswell!! But if he can joke about his speech impediment and if Meat can then so can I!!!! :x
:wink: :wink:
20 Mar 2004, 19:25
Doctor im a young postwhore oh boo hoo
Back on topic please :lol:
black dog
20 Mar 2004, 22:36
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
Back on topic please :lol:
18 to go Dottie!!!! :lol: :lol:
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
black dog
20 Mar 2004, 22:49
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
black dog
20 Mar 2004, 23:06
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
Are you sure you're not the one with a problem. I said you were on my wave length and I'm sure that's not a compliment to you :twisted:
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
Are you sure you're not the one with a problem. I said you were on my wave length and I'm sure that's not a compliment to you :twisted:
You said we're on the same wave lenght!! Tututut!!! :roll:
Who do you think you are trying to blame me!! :twisted:
black dog
20 Mar 2004, 23:45
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
Are you sure you're not the one with a problem. I said you were on my wave length and I'm sure that's not a compliment to you :twisted:
You said we're on the same wave lenght!! Tututut!!! :roll:
Who do you think you are trying to blame me!! :twisted:
You don't think I'm taking the blame Heli. I posted it first
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
Are you sure you're not the one with a problem. I said you were on my wave length and I'm sure that's not a compliment to you :twisted:
You said we're on the same wave lenght!! Tututut!!! :roll:
Who do you think you are trying to blame me!! :twisted:
You don't think I'm taking the blame Heli. I posted it first
Well I'll pst last!!!!! :twisted:
black dog
21 Mar 2004, 00:03
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
Are you sure you're not the one with a problem. I said you were on my wave length and I'm sure that's not a compliment to you :twisted:
You said we're on the same wave lenght!! Tututut!!! :roll:
Who do you think you are trying to blame me!! :twisted:
You don't think I'm taking the blame Heli. I posted it first
Well I'll pst last!!!!! :twisted:
No you won't :devil:
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
Are you sure you're not the one with a problem. I said you were on my wave length and I'm sure that's not a compliment to you :twisted:
You said we're on the same wave lenght!! Tututut!!! :roll:
Who do you think you are trying to blame me!! :twisted:
You don't think I'm taking the blame Heli. I posted it first
Well I'll pst last!!!!! :twisted:
No you won't :devil:
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you wont :twisted: :twisted:
black dog
21 Mar 2004, 00:21
Only 18 more to go and then you'll need a new name!!!!
woah!! how creepy was that!!!
We're on the same wave length Heli
Lol, thats not a good thing for you!! It's not healthy to be on the same wave length as Heli!!
:twisted: :wink: :lol:
Are you sure you're not the one with a problem. I said you were on my wave length and I'm sure that's not a compliment to you :twisted:
You said we're on the same wave lenght!! Tututut!!! :roll:
Who do you think you are trying to blame me!! :twisted:
You don't think I'm taking the blame Heli. I posted it first
Well I'll pst last!!!!! :twisted:
No you won't :devil:
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you wont :twisted: :twisted:
I will have the last post!!
Now please get back on topic
The Flying Mouse
21 Mar 2004, 07:12
Now please get back on topic
:twisted: Please do :lol:
BTW, we did the keep quoting quotes to get a groovy tunnel effect a while ago.It had a not so nice effect on the server as I remember 8O
Rob The Badger
21 Mar 2004, 11:02
Now please get back on topic
:twisted: Please do :lol:
BTW, we did the keep quoting quotes to get a groovy tunnel effect a while ago.It had a not so nice effect on the server as I remember 8O
Nice to see the word 'groovy' there, Cap'n.
Back on topic please :) :lol:
black dog
22 Mar 2004, 00:46
It's hard to keep on topic Dottie when you're already 3987 posts past the topic heading :twisted: :lol:
It's hard to keep on topic Dottie when you're already 3987 posts past the topic heading :twisted: :lol:
:lmao: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Oooh! I neede that :lol:
black dog
22 Mar 2004, 01:13
Only 5 more to go for you to get to 6000 Dottie
22 Mar 2004, 01:19
one more post dottie!
Oh Yes! I've done it :!: By jove she's really done it!
Um think I'd better leave the forum now hope its still on line, when I return tomorrow.
black dog
22 Mar 2004, 01:22
Congratulations Dottie. You've made the 6,000. Does that mean I can be your hand maiden now?
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