View Full Version : Whats the temperature??

15 Jun 2003, 19:21
how hot is it where u are cos im boilin!?!?

White of High
15 Jun 2003, 19:24
In Hungary today only 25°C and rainy-sunny!
But the last weeks were 35-37°C and very arid!!!

original sin
15 Jun 2003, 19:34
dunno what the temp.....is but I do know it's hot and stuffy!!! and there's not a beach in sight :evil:

15 Jun 2003, 19:38
hehe. think its between 17-20°C

15 Jun 2003, 19:43
Accoridng to my talking mousemat (how posh is that??) it is

"five fifty two pm. 25 degrees celsius"

Did you know: The neighbours look at you as though you are a right wally if you go outside with a mousemat to check the temperature (cannot find outdoor thermometer!!!)

15 Jun 2003, 19:45

my fone said 26 but that sounded abit high to me in the lincolnshire area.

original sin
15 Jun 2003, 20:44
Did you know: The neighbours look at you as though you are a right wally if you go outside with a mousemat to check the temperature (cannot find outdoor thermometer!!!)

Really Chris! Can't think why :mrgreen:

15 Jun 2003, 20:50
well not sure what the temp if but i know its hot ive been even more hot to day at work as i work roung hot food im so hot poor me lol

15 Jun 2003, 20:53
I aint got a clue as to how hot it is outside as ive been in bed most of the day :D

And it was pretty hot there :lol:

15 Jun 2003, 21:06
Well, here it's 25°C, and no air-conditioning 8O *sweat* , but it's cooling down now luckily.