View Full Version : Guess the movie
I post a quote, you guess the movie.
1st who guesses right continues ...
There are two kinds of people in this world.
Those with loaded guns, and those who dig.
You dig.
The good the bad and the Ugly
Owk here goes, starting off easy though:
This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Yes, easy like I said :lol:
Your go, Heat
Here goes...
Nobody puts Baby in the corner...
Dirty Dancing
You got it!!! your go...
Owk here's a more diffucult one, good luck:
You know, I'm not picky as long as it ain't meat loaf. That stuff gives me gas, something awful.
it's from a kids movie :lol:
Yes, your right R
Go for it!
Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. :))
White of High
18 Jun 2003, 21:40
It's so hard to me!
In Hungary all films are synchronized!
k, next, I think maybe a though one:
Are you crying? Are you crying? ARE YOU CRYING? There's no crying, there's no crying in baseball! Rogers Hornsby was my manager, and he called me a talking pile of pigshit! And that was when my parents drove all the way down from Michigan to see me play the game! And did I cry? NO! NO! And do you know why?
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 21:50
Wasn't that Tom Hanks in a "League of Their Own"?
Not so difficult then, great :lol:
Your go Evil nickname
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 21:58
An fairly easy one then to compensate:
I kinda liked you...
(yes it's short, and I hope my memory serves me well, but most of you will know this one)
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 22:03
White of High
18 Jun 2003, 22:06
Wayne's World?
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 22:09
Both wrong...
Hint: after saying that, the character drops dead...
And another one: it's also the only line of the character in the whole movie
Little hint maybe? tough one, I think more then 1 movie has such a line in it........
White of High
18 Jun 2003, 22:25
Is it a Clint Eastwood film?
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 22:28
Nope no Clint involved, Michael Keaton was...
White of High
18 Jun 2003, 22:31
I've seen it but I don't know the title...
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 22:36
Nope, nope, and just one more hint: Meat was featured on the soundtrack... (at least you could hear a song in the movie)
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 22:48
[mental question]would I make it too easy by saying that Meat was the one who said that? Let's see[/mental question]
By the way, here's the final hint: It was Meat's line....
Oh and Asha, nope...
The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 22:50
Out of bounds?
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 22:59
Whoohoo! Chris got it...
Remember the scene wher Meat dies? He's standing there, looking at the female lead (i think), with that lighter sticking through his back, he looks at her and says... "I kinda liked you..." falls down over the desk, and dies. First time I saw that I thought it was *so* funny...
Dunno if imdb is that detailed. :p
It is a very funny film in parts. Will ahve to dig the old VHS out sometime and watch it!!!
Anyway, Heres the quote
You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you
They'll never get caught. They're on a mission from God
White of High
18 Jun 2003, 23:17
It's a Mel Gibson movie when he is playing a Scotish hero!
The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 23:18
The Blues brothers?
Blues Brothers is a little different so I guess Blues Brothers2000
Mouse, you got it
You're next
The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 23:21
Yay :D .
OK nice easy one.
There can be only one.
The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 23:23
Highlander 2 :lol: .
Over to you Asha.
Maybe I should have said Highlander 1, 2 and 3 and the series aswell, lol
K, here's the next one:
My father has it. I have it. sister has it
The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 23:28
:twisted: Return of the jedi?
The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 23:32
:twisted: Ok.
From a classic comedy...
He's not the messiah,he's a very naughty boy.
The Flying Mouse
18 Jun 2003, 23:34
:twisted: Well done. :D
White of High
18 Jun 2003, 23:37
If I take a good answer you'd get a Hungarian film!!! :twisted:
I positivly LOVE monthy python
K, next
Oh, I have GOT to get me one of THESE!!!!
R's right.
You're go
Back to the future, part 1
This is Christopher Lloyd as Doc Emmett Brown in "Back to the Future".
Carry on Asha.
Let's face it. You've gotta be a man to wear tights!
evil nickname
18 Jun 2003, 23:57
Wild guess: Robin Hood, Men in Tights?
Easy one, i knew it..but had to do it, one of Mel Brooks greats...
You're go
evil nickname
19 Jun 2003, 00:00
A piece of dialogue this time:
"William H. Bonney, you are not a god!"
"Why don't you pull the trigger and find out?"
evil nickname
19 Jun 2003, 00:04
Young Guns II actually, but close enough... go ahead...
White of High
19 Jun 2003, 00:05
Young Guns 2!
And it's begginning of the song 'Blaze Of Glory'!
Owk, I think everybody knows this but I'm gonna do it anyway, because I love this line:
Hey, this is not a test! This is rock and roll! Time to rock it from the Delta to the D.M.Z.!
Sorry White, didn't see your post....
evil nickname
19 Jun 2003, 00:06
White, indeed it is...
Gooooooooood Mooooooooooooooorning Vietnaaaaaaaaaaaaam!
... and no shaggin' up there! :))
White of High
19 Jun 2003, 00:14
Ace Ventura?
Goldmember/austin powers???
Nope. 8)
am i not even close???? :roll:
Far away from being even close.
Hint: Liverpool
:? i sooo haven't got a clue...can you tell???? :P
White of High
19 Jun 2003, 00:31
A film with Phil Collins?
NO. :))
Another hint: A kilt.
Still lost..... 8O :lol: :lol: :lol: :P
evil nickname
19 Jun 2003, 00:37
51st State/Formula 51 or whatever its called
The kilt gave it away...
:)) Dog's Bullocks!
Carry on, Evil ...
evil nickname
19 Jun 2003, 00:42
From one of my all time favorite movies...
Phone call from God.... Now if it had been collect, it would have been daring!
evil nickname
19 Jun 2003, 00:44
damn thats quick... go ahead!
love that movie, think it's great, When i read your quote, I knew it :lol:
I think this one will be difficult.
Jesus wept.
Monty pyhton - the holy grail
(also in the Directors Cut of Brassed Off!!)
:lol: Yes, correct
Your next Chris
"I'm Invincible"
"You're a loony!"
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Correct. one of the greatest films ever made!!!!!
"We eat well in Camelot,
We eat ham and jam and spam a-lot"
Your go...
You idiots! These are not them! You've captured their stunt doubles!
Spice girls, the movie???
Give us a clue, then, Asha...pleaseeeeeee :D
it's a comedy....
That soooo helps... 8O
wayne's world????
I knew it would :lol: :lol:
Nope not wayne's world
it's a parodie (did I write that right?)
to be honest, Asha, i haven't got a clue....
Animal Farm????
It's by Mel Brooks...and it's not Men in Tights
nope, sorry heat not even close
Heat you got it 8O
You're go
Heat you got it 8O
You're go
AT LAST!!!! :D
try this..
Get down off that cross....somebody needs the wood...
original sin
20 Jun 2003, 00:43
sounds like it should be from "The Life of Brian"
The adventures of Pricilla, Queen of the dessert, Like R said
You got it hun... :D
I dunno, I didn't go into Burger King.
The Flying Mouse
20 Jun 2003, 20:46
Pulp Fiction. :D
The Flying Mouse
20 Jun 2003, 20:58
:twisted: OK,it's an oldie but a classic.
Your a big man,but your out of shape.For me it's a full time job.Now behave yourself.
No, it's from Get Carter.
At least it's in the remake featuring Sly Stallone, dunno about the original.
No, it's from Get Carter.
At least it's in the remake featuring Sly Stallone, dunno about the original.
Bloody hell, R.....You is a mine of information, do you do it??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Saw this one on TV a few days ago. :p
The Flying Mouse
21 Jun 2003, 03:20
:twisted: Well done R.
For everyone in the UK,Michael Caine says it to a character played by Brian Mosley(Alf Robbets in Corrie).
Yes it is in the original.Never seen the remake (also featuring Michael Caine I belive).Is it any good?
Your turn R.
Yeah, Michael Caine is in the remake too and Sly Stallone is playing Carter.
Here's one (from a great movie!):Confess my sins! I'm a sinner.
Minutes later in church: Forgive me for I have killed quite a few men. :))
Go on, Jen.
Okay, here goes...
How can it be armed robbery with a replica?
Why don't you go haunt a house? Rattle some chains or something.
What's this from??
Try as i may....i just can't walk in flats...
Just bumping this up...
C'mon aint that hard... :D
The Flying Mouse
24 Jun 2003, 03:11
Clue? 8O
It starred a VERY young Matthew Broderick...
It's not twin peaks is it?
Nah, neither of those...
Heres another clue -
Harvey Fierstein is in it too :D
The Flying Mouse
24 Jun 2003, 16:51
Ferris Beulers Day Off?
Nope...Matthew Broderick made this film before he made Ferris Bueller
24 Jun 2003, 19:37
Torch song trilogy??
Torch song trilogy??
You got it, Testify :D
It's a fab film, you seen it???
25 Jun 2003, 15:57
i canna remember any lines!! cant someone else take my go?
I'll go again then hun, if thats ok with you?
25 Jun 2003, 16:00
thats fine by me!! u can ask me anythin at the moment n i'll agree :lol:
I'm cold, i'm wet, and i'm just plain scared...
I know this, the thought of more folk dancing has the same effect on me.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Show
I know this, the thought of more folk dancing has the same effect on me.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
The Rocky Horror Show
You got it hun :D
Your go...
[quote[Steady as a rock
Yes, but this is the hand I shoot with[/quote]
The Flying Mouse
26 Jun 2003, 02:43
:twisted: Blazing Saddles.
Great movie.
The Flying Mouse
27 Jun 2003, 20:31
Your gonna need a bigger boat.
The Flying Mouse
27 Jun 2003, 20:39
Yes.Great scene. :lol:
Over to you R.
Do you know the emergency phone number for San Francisco General?
Well, why don't you call them right now and have them send down an ambulance.
Tell them there's two sorry-looking assholes here with multiple contusions and various abrasions and broken bones. 8O :mrgreen:
Exactly. Do you feel lucky now? Go on. :))
Excuse me. I don't mean to impose, but I am the Ocean.
The deep end of the ocean???
Is it a kids movie?? - something like the RugRats?
nope, it a very grown ups only movie
Oceans 11???
Or when you say grown up movie - do you mean a blue movie :lol: ?
nope and nope no blue movie :lol:
Is it a Monty Python??
The Life Of Brian???
nope, I came out in 2000 and it sure is a meaty movie :))
Is it Black Top????
Thats the only one i could find that came out in 2000
Otherwise, is it Salton Sea???
Do you always have two guesses in one post?
And Yes it's Salton Sea, your go Heat
:oops: only just realised that it's my go....
here goes...
I don't like men with too many muscles....
The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Spot on, Evan. Your go :D
Ok this is probably an easy one
The Quote is:
"What kind of a professional drives a motorcycle and wears a black leather jacket?"
evil nickname
16 Jul 2003, 22:03
A guess: T2: Judgement Day?
Well no, but the movie does star Rick Moranis, and has the word "horror" in the title.
Don't know, is it, Evan hasn't said so
Owk, have a go at this one:
Hold down the fort, Protect the women, I'll be back
21 Jul 2003, 14:12
Lord Of The Rings - The Two Towers???
Does Kevin Costner appear at all in this film? If so, it could be "Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves"?????
No, no Kevin Costner at all.
Is it 'The guns of navarone'???
The Alamo?
Is it 'The guns of navarone'???
Let me help you, it's a movie made in 1989. :twisted: :twisted:
No, it's not a western movie.
Nope, it stars a dutch actor
Is it The Punisher, with Dolph Lungren?
Any chance of another clue?? i'm completely lost...
It stars Rutger Hauer
You got it...
Your go Heat
Here goes...
One, two, he's coming for you...Three, four, he's at your door....five,six,grab your,eight, better stay up late....nine,ten, he's back again....
A nightmare on Elm street, less i miss my guess.
A nightmare on Elm street, less i miss my guess.
Spot on hun. I make these too darn easy, methinks...
i do remember the quote a little differently, but it could hardly be anything else. I remember it like this:
One, two, Freddy's coming for you! Three, four, better lock your door! Five, six, grab your crucifix! Seven, eight, better stay up late! Nine, ten, never sleep again!
Doesn't matter though, i like it, the only one off the 8 freddy movies made I do like.
Well for a new quote
The Indians win! The Indians win! Oh, my God! The Indians win!
i do remember the quote a little differently, but it could hardly be anything else. I remember it like this:
One, two, Freddy's coming for you! Three, four, better lock your door! Five, six, grab your crucifix! Seven, eight, better stay up late! Nine, ten, never sleep again!
There were actually two versions of this, mine and yours - yours is from the original NOES, mine is from the later ones.
was it a Meat movie???
The Natural ?
A Baseball movie?
Is Robert Redford In It?
No it's not the natural, it is a baseball movie and Robert Redford isn't in it
Hope that help Evan
23 Jul 2003, 21:47
is it the babe ruth story
or custers last stand lol :P :P
Let me give you a clue:
Hey dad..i found your visa card!!! Where was it??? your wallet...
I feel so left out...I never know any of these
24 Jul 2003, 02:05
Same here, Cathie! Never had a clue about any of these lines. Don't watch many movies, really just listen to music.
Sorry to go off topic :oops:
Is this a children's movie?
Is this a children's movie?
Most certainly, Evan :D
You're on the right track
Is it animated?
It doesn't sound like a Disney movie to me?
Is it computer animated?
Yes, computer animated, but no, it's not scooby.....
25 Jul 2003, 10:54
Stuart Little :??:
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