View Full Version : The best Batman movie?

14 Nov 2010, 23:37
hey, I was wondering, with the reently released statement about the title of Batman 3 and the fact riddler is NOT the villain, whats your favorite previous Batman movie?

Mines: Batman Returns. Danny DeVito's penguin was so sinister. moreso then Heath's Joker.


14 Nov 2010, 23:40
Batman Returns is thoroughly enjoyable, maybe more so than the first one. I like the personal struggle (and the looks:bleh:) of Catwoman in this one.

Think my favourite is Batman Begins. I think The Dark Knight is the best, but I cant watch it as often...it's just too much of everything at times.

If you havent seen it yet, check out this video, featuring clips from Batman and Batman Returns to the music of Mr. Steinmans Batman musical demos.

Evil One
14 Nov 2010, 23:41
I have fond memories of Batman and Batman Returns, but they are not as good as my brain would have me believe. Batman Forever is average and Batman & Robin is utter shite. Batman Begins is really good, but The Dark Knight is better.

14 Nov 2010, 23:53
The earlier Batman's are wayyyyyy to cheesy, and got worse the more they made. The reboot of Batman series, Batman Begins and The Dark Knight are a lot better, very sinister, serious and not full of cheese.

15 Nov 2010, 00:38
I wanna say the first Burton Batman due to Jack Nicholson nailing the character of the joker but I'm gonna say Returns due to Catwoman she's purrrfect (I could not resist the bad pun!)

15 Nov 2010, 01:12
The Dark Knight is frickin' awesome and a far superior film, so I voted for that. Probably Batman Returns is the most fun though, and I also quite like Batman Forever (due mainly to Jim Carey and Tommy Lee Jones).

15 Nov 2010, 15:25
Dark Knight. Batman Begins as a close second.

Batman & Robin was definitely the worst, save for Uma Thurman

15 Nov 2010, 17:36
not sure if I ever made it all the way through Batman Forever... didnt even attempt Batman & Robin... (though I own the four movie boxset lol)

on a sidenote, I think the the title "The Dark Knight Rises" for the new one is kinda boring and expectable...

15 Nov 2010, 17:59
Having not seen The Dark Knight yet I can't comment on that one, so for me thus far it's Batman Begins.

Evil One
15 Nov 2010, 18:02
Pull your finger out. It's an awesome filum. :twisted:

15 Nov 2010, 18:04
Pull your finger out. It's an awesome filum. :twisted:

and it's an even better film!

15 Nov 2010, 18:05
It's not appeared in the bargain DVD bin at Tesco yet ...

15 Nov 2010, 18:05
on a sidenote, I think the the title "The Dark Knight Rises" for the new one is kinda boring and expectable...

Nolan is great at what he does but he'll have a tough task of making the film as good as, if not better than, the first two films.

Evil One
15 Nov 2010, 18:09
I wouldn't be surprised if the title gets changed before it's released. I also wouldn't be surprised if Nolan goes back on his word and decides to make a fourth one in a few years time.

15 Nov 2010, 18:14
I wouldn't be surprised if the title gets changed before it's released. I also wouldn't be surprised if Nolan goes back on his word and decides to make a fourth one in a few years time.

Money talks...hey at least it's better than the idea of a Spiderman 'Re-boot'

15 Nov 2010, 19:18
Money talks...hey at least it's better than the idea of a Spiderman 'Re-boot'

"idea"? sadly its true. they already cast spiderman and the vaulter

15 Nov 2010, 19:35
I wouldn't be surprised if the title gets changed before it's released. I also wouldn't be surprised if Nolan goes back on his word and decides to make a fourth one in a few years time.

if they're anything like the first two...bring 'em on

15 Nov 2010, 19:38
if they're anything like the first two...bring 'em on

my sentiments exactly

Of course this third one has now been confirmed to contain a female villain.

So that really narrows down the pot to two: Poison Ivy and Catwoman.

Not being sexist or anything but I wanna guy villain here too. I dont want this to be too romantic....

Evil One
15 Nov 2010, 19:47
Talia Al Ghul? Harley Quinn? :shrug:

The Flying Mouse
15 Nov 2010, 19:57
:twisted: Batman THe Movie (1966).
That's where the POWs are 8)

Must get round to seeing this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_to_the_Batcave:_The_Misadventures_of_Adam_and_Burt) at some point.

Out of the options available however, i'll go with 89 for Nicolson's performance of The Joker.

15 Nov 2010, 20:00
:twisted: Batman THe Movie (1966).
That's where the POWs are 8)

Must get round to seeing this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Return_to_the_Batcave:_The_Misadventures_of_Adam_and_Burt) at some point.

Out of the options available however, i'll go with 89 for Nicolson's performance of The Joker.

I was debating whether to list the 1966 movie, but i figured it would kill the poll.

15 Nov 2010, 20:14
I'd be surprised if the villain will NOT be catwoman!

15 Nov 2010, 20:46
I'd be surprised if the villain will NOT be catwoman!

I coulve sworn Nolan denounced catwoman being in it. The same interview he changed penguin's status from "No" to "a ittle tricky"

Im saying its, as evil one said, talia al gual and the penguin

15 Nov 2010, 20:59
The Dark Knight.


15 Nov 2010, 23:04
Well, obviously, it was this one ...



More seriously though, The Dark Knight first and Batman Begins second.

15 Nov 2010, 23:47
Meant to say that Batman Begins is my 2nd favourite - Chris Nolan's films are just awesome.

15 Nov 2010, 23:57
I'd be surprised if the villain will NOT be catwoman!

Me too - but I'm looking forward (if it is true!) to seeing how they work the rebirth of the woman into the more realistic Gotham of Nolan's films. They did it superbly with the Joker (that disappearing pencil trick - wow!) Cannot imagine how they will work in being revived by cats into this world though! One thing's for sure though - it will be better than Catwoman the film. It is pretty much impossible for it to be worse.

Money talks...hey at least it's better than the idea of a Spiderman 'Re-boot'

Yes I agree. I truly hate that idea. Rebooting a series that's only 3 films in and started in the last 10 years and took $100millions! Hate the whole prinicple of that. Especially when 1 and 2 were such awesome films, and even 3 was good. Much prefer the Pirates model of simply making a part 4 with some new team members and a new philosophy (lower budget, simpler story, more FUN).

I wouldn't be surprised if the title gets changed before it's released.

It is a tad uninspired, but I don't really care that much as long as the rest of the film is stunningly brilliant, which I am very confident it will be given his track record.

I also wouldn't be surprised if Nolan goes back on his word and decides to make a fourth one in a few years time.

Bring it on! If he keeps making films like this, I'll go and see every single one. Some more than once :shock::D

Evil One
16 Nov 2010, 00:06
The thing that bugs me about Spider-Man is that I only find him interesting after he's gone through the 'whiny youth' stage which is about where we had got to by the end of number 3. Now they've decided to go right back to the very start again and I can't be arsed with all the angst. It's pretty annoying as he has a great selection of baddies, but I don't really like the central character. :shrug:

16 Nov 2010, 00:15
Yeah. I just saw his origin story. Really don't need to see it again thanks. Even if it is inevitably slightly different.