View Full Version : Fireball - change recordcompany please!!!

22 Jun 2003, 23:55
Please Fireball change back to Virgin becasue Stockholm Records doesn't do their job :cry:

I have tried to get in contact with Emilie Rosenblad - Int'l Promotion manager at Stockholm Records - for over 3 monts now and yet she hasn't replied.
I have called many times every week and even though she is at her office she doesn't answer. I have left messages and my homenumber on her answeringmachine several times but she hasn't called back.
Two weeks ago I emailed her but - surprise - she hasn't even replied on that one either.

When you were at Virgin Records the people there was very nice. I talked with a guy who worked there several times and one time we spoked for over an hour and he even send me a memorablia hard to find relating to you.

Shall it be so hard for someone at Stockholm Records to give information to a big Meat Loaf fan when your concert is here in Sweden and which magazines you were interviewed by when you were here on promotion?

Please Meat go back to Virgin who treated us fans good... we are many fans here in Sweden who are very upset and angry at Stockholm Records who treats us like garbage :cry:

Please break up the contract with Stockholm Records and don't work with them again I beg you on my knees to not do that....

/Michael - a very angry and upset Meat fan

22 Jun 2003, 23:57
Unfortunately Meat seems to have been stiched up by a few record companies, but I guess they are all pretty much the same :(

How about we set up MLUKFC Records and try and sign him ;)

23 Jun 2003, 00:00
Unfortunately Meat seems to have been stiched up by a few record companies, but I guess they are all pretty much the same :(

How about we set up MLUKFC Records and try and sign him ;)

Yeah it looks like it but Virgin here in Sweden were good that I atleast know I have good relations with them.

That was a very good idea MLUKFC Records there he won't be let down atleast.

Shadows On The Wall
23 Jun 2003, 02:26
Yea i posted this beofre, meat should start his own record company. Like poeple such p.didy. p ditty , puff whatever his name is now (crap nayway). That way he can control the promtion etc. and hell get more money

23 Jun 2003, 02:29
Yes they certainly will and mainly that they would be nice to us fans. I mean if it weren't for us the recordcompanies wouldn't exist at all...

23 Jun 2003, 06:52
That takes alot of money and Meat probably doesn't have that much to invest into a record company.Think of what he has endured, bankruptcy,divorce etc.

23 Jun 2003, 07:49
That takes alot of money and Meat probably doesn't have that much to invest into a record company.Think of what he has endured, bankruptcy,divorce etc.

He would have alot of money if all the stupid recordcompanies as Stockholm Records didn't take his money.

And also I'm sure of that many Meat fans would support him in buying shares and invest in his company if it would come to that.

24 Jun 2003, 05:57
I have found that in New Zealand, when I call the record company (Universal), I get told different things depending on who I talk to. Generally, the person who answers the phone isn't as up to date with things as the people higher up.

For example, I rung them to find out if they knew anything more about the "day of promo" in New Zealand that Meat mentioned. She said that record companies don't handle that sort of thing (I thought they did). She then said that CHSIB was an album that they simply don't promote (I think she has old information).

You might have to ask to speak to someone else, like the person in charge.

24 Jun 2003, 06:15
I have found that in New Zealand, when I call the record company (Universal), I get told different things depending on who I talk to. Generally, the person who answers the phone isn't as up to date with things as the people higher up.

For example, I rung them to find out if they knew anything more about the "day of promo" in New Zealand that Meat mentioned. She said that record companies don't handle that sort of thing (I thought they did). She then said that CHSIB was an album that they simply don't promote (I think she has old information).

You might have to ask to speak to someone else, like the person in charge.

Thank you for your advice!

But when I come to the switchboard/operator and I say I want to talk with someone else she connects me to her (Emilie Rosenblad) anyway the one who doesn't answer. And I don't have any directnumbers to neither of them only to the switchboard.

One of my Swedish Meat friends said I should write to the board of directors to complain maybe that isn't so bad idea....

So if you have some more advice please don't hesitate to write them to me!

Thank you very much :)

24 Jun 2003, 06:31
What do you say when you call them?

I think it may be better not to say that you want to talk about the Meat Loaf album. I tried that and got the lady who knew nothing, as I mentioned above (of course there may be differences between countries). You could try asking for the person responsible for "Sales and Promotion" or "Marketing", without stating which album you want to talk about. If the person responsible for that is a different person than those you have already spoken to, perhaps you may find out some new information. On one of the times I called, I asked if there would be a single in New Zealand, and the person who answered my call (the lady I mentioned) didn't know, so she put me through to someone else who knew a lot more about Meat Loaf.

If the person you want to speak to isn't available, you could ask to speak to someone else.

24 Jun 2003, 06:47
What do you say when you call them?

I think it may be better not to say that you want to talk about the Meat Loaf album. I tried that and got the lady who knew nothing, as I mentioned above (of course there may be differences between countries). You could try asking for the person responsible for "Sales and Promotion" or "Marketing", without stating which album you want to talk about. If the person responsible for that is a different person than those you have already spoken to, perhaps you may find out some new information. On one of the times I called, I asked if there would be a single in New Zealand, and the person who answered my call (the lady I mentioned) didn't know, so she put me through to someone else who knew a lot more about Meat Loaf.

If the person you want to speak to isn't available, you could ask to speak to someone else.

When I call I say that I want to talk to somebody who is responsible concerning Meat Loaf stuff and that is Emilie Rosenblad International Promotion Manager they tell me that on the switchboard. I know for a fact that it is Emilie who took care of Meat when he was in Sweden so it is her I shall talk to.

But when I ask to talk to someone else who might know she only puts me through to Emilie again even though I have asked to be put through to someone else. So what shall I do?

Take a look att www.stockholmrecords.se and see for yourself that it is Emilie that I shall call. Or do you suggest someone else?

Thanx again! :)