View Full Version : Chat
23 Jun 2003, 21:53
just thought that if i created this then ppl could arrange to go to da caves?? stupid i know but i think of stupid things so it fits!! :lol:
so now i've sed that will ne one be there tonite?
23 Jun 2003, 21:54
i will go now
23 Jun 2003, 21:56
ok cool, thats one n e one else wanna join??
23 Jun 2003, 22:28
im all on me own!! plz someone come and save me!!!
Yes, I am
Have trouble with the site though, loading is very slow, and stays slow even after rebooting.....
Ahh well, getting there in the end, most important thing 8)
Hi asha, same here my computer chainsaws like mad.It is doing my head in.Feel like screaming :(
I'm around too
Also having trouble with the site
Then scream........
I couldn't access the site earlier, maybe it got "overheated" :)
my computer either needs throwing through the window :lol: .Or a rocket thrown in the back of it :lol: :lol: :lol: .hi jen nice to hear you hows it goin matey?
Let me know if either of those work Carol, I'll give it a go with mine :wink:
Going good thanks... you?
yeah great, :lol:
been quiet tonight though :(
so there is life out there :wink:
will have to invest in my very own lap top. :D
Asha you still here mate?
24 Jun 2003, 10:16
got paniced last night, i could n't load up the site!! i could barely sleep, hehe. will anyone be in chat tonite at 9pm?
24 Jun 2003, 11:19
any one awake and wana join me in chat
24 Jun 2003, 23:56
ne one fancy a go in chat??
I'll have a wander in..see if you is there :D
25 Jun 2003, 00:31
ne one else wanna join us?
25 Jun 2003, 16:18
will anybody be in chat tonite bout 9pm ish??
25 Jun 2003, 19:04
i wont sorry but i can go in now
25 Jun 2003, 22:04
bugga thats one person down?? ne one else?
26 Jun 2003, 13:16
any one wana join me in the chat room in there now
Anyone gonna be around tomorrow nightish?
27 Jun 2003, 15:05
Yup me. u gota time??
i'll be here between 8-10pm i think, gota go shoppin tomorrow so i cant stay up too late, i takes me ages to get up in the mornin!! hehe :D
I'll be around tonight, might pop in see whos there...
27 Jun 2003, 22:07
im in chat if ne one wants to join me?? im all on me billy!
27 Jun 2003, 22:34
ne one else willing to come n join Jen, Sin n me?
I'm there all ready :lol:
hi jen,will be back on here about 12 dinner time , catch you then matey. :lol:
Just been a busy weekend :roll:
best wishes Carolxxx. p.s, hi everyone catch you all later.Hope you are well.
29 Jun 2003, 20:50
Anyone in chat 2nite??
30 Jun 2003, 19:47
would any one like to join me in bat caves
30 Jun 2003, 19:59
it wont let me in, i signed in but it wont bring up the page properly
30 Jun 2003, 20:01
lol ive been chatting to u it sayes your there
30 Jun 2003, 20:07
im not there. dont want ya to think im ignoring you.
Hi Cerys and Testify,
I'm in chat now, just thought to let you know :lol:
30 Jun 2003, 20:10
i'll try agen
Try logging on in save mode, might help
30 Jun 2003, 20:16
tried it. not workin.
im at my mates house so it might be to do wit there set up. i'll b on tonite.
dont miss me too much.
30 Jun 2003, 22:50
is ne one on chat 2nite??
01 Jul 2003, 00:13
peat please come to chat!!!
01 Jul 2003, 01:01
I would love 'to chat' with all of you. But I've been in the chat-room once.
Funny situation, had NO idea what everyone was saying. Pushed some 'buttons' and found out I had just have given a 'group hug'.
Don't know who was in there at the time, anyway, I had no idea WHAT I was doing! :lol:
But, I DO love you all (you just enjoy 'the chatroom' without me, okay!)
Mariella ,i sympathise, i don't go to the chatroom for much the same reason :( . I can niether type or read at that speed, especially when they use different colours. :lol: You are not alone.
same here no offence, but i always get kicked out :( or i cant type fast enough it is fun to chat, :lol: but it is also not for me :roll:
02 Jul 2003, 00:11
im still a novice n me n cathie go slow, dont be afraid!! come n join us!!
02 Jul 2003, 23:18
im in the chat room anyone wanna join me
02 Jul 2003, 23:26
im there
06 Jul 2003, 00:12
n e one wanna join me n Jen in chat??
hi all, just seen meat shaking his booty on p. i .t .p lovely :lol: :lol: :lol:
Who's gonna be in chat later????
I could use the banter....K,K i won't overreact but I could use some cheering up.
06 Jul 2003, 21:28
anyone else wanna join?
Anyone coming in to chat????
07 Jul 2003, 23:00
Is anyone gonna be in chat tonite?
11 Jul 2003, 23:42
does anyone wanna join us in chat??
damn i can't c the screen on the chat thingy even tho java is enabled!!!!!! :!: :cry:
Try safe mode,it helps sometimes...
Good luck
16 Jul 2003, 00:04
we shall take that as a no then :cry: :lol:
Alright I'm in there with T, anyone wanna come rescue me... erm sorry I meant join us :D
18 Jul 2003, 23:05
Helo! im in chat with moshachic if anyone wants to join us?
(i.e Jen) :lol:
Okay it's me and T again... anyone gonna join us???
19 Jul 2003, 23:45
theres a few of us in chat, if any of u wanna join us?
Shadows On The Wall
21 Jul 2003, 22:39
I get so angry when i go in the caves every1 logs out, is it something ive done?? jk, i met 4 peopel in there the other day and had great time, lets set a date
21 Jul 2003, 22:46
Me n moshachic are in there now if anyone wants to join us?? :D
Sorry Testify, couldn't come, was at work, very busy.
Love you r new avatar, really cool
22 Jul 2003, 14:00
i cant see it! :( it was here last night, but now its taking ages to download it!! :(
You having problems, Testify?
22 Jul 2003, 14:11
yeh i cant see my avatar!! :cry: i click on the link in ste feed back n it sed sumin about a gateway time out :? ?? and now i cant see it anymore!
What's going on :?
Hey, perhaps it's them there gremlins again!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
22 Jul 2003, 14:17
It says the server cannot be reached!! :cry: :cry: noooooooooooo im not a happy chappy!!!! :evil:
can anyone help me please?
:? Strange, I don't know whats going on!
Mine is doing strange thing's also, but not the same as yours.
It's just refusing to load certain posts!
:( Sorry can't help!
22 Jul 2003, 14:22
i think im gonna go n sit quietly in the corner and cry :cry:
:( Hey lil' postwhorette, don't do that I hate it when anyone cries. I end up joining them! :lol:
Chin up, it can only get better! :D
22 Jul 2003, 14:31
there sites not workin, so that could be why. It cant even find the site. may i should look for another one?? ok i wont cry i'll just look sad :(
22 Jul 2003, 14:33
any 1 wanna join me in chat
22 Jul 2003, 23:03
im in chat and im v lonely can someone come and join me?? :cry:
26 Jul 2003, 00:33
there is a few of us in chat if anyone wants to join us??
Yes people, come and say hello to us in the chatroom.
Honestly we don't bite... much :lol:
The gremlins do though... :wink:
Be warned.
But we're lovley...honest.
26 Jul 2003, 00:51
:lmao: hehehe well they are i aint :lol:
Those gremlins are mean, they kick us all off.
26 Jul 2003, 17:25
anyone wanna join me in chat? Jen's gone walk about! :lol:
28 Jul 2003, 23:22
hello!! dont suppose any of u wanna join the trouble some trio in chat?? well actually its more them than me :lol:
Course it is Testify...
Yeah, me and Jen are evil
Come on people, we're not that bad, come and join us.
Heat, :D happy birthday tomorrow ,for being a member of mlukfc, for a year :lol: ,also your first Meat Loaf concert. Yay, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray and a yay. :wink:it will also be a year since our first Meat Loaf concert tomorrow .yayyyyyyyyyyyy 8)
03 Aug 2003, 00:20
theres a few of us in chat if anyone wants to join us? :D
04 Aug 2003, 23:27
theres a few of us in chat if anyone wants to join us.
sambo's there heat by the way :D
06 Aug 2003, 22:36
:cry: well im all on me billy if anyone wants to join me? :D
22 Aug 2003, 23:20
wheres the evil duo??
Dont suppose anyone wants to join me in chat??
I've told you before...i don't do Chat :lol:
22 Aug 2003, 23:33
I've told you before...i don't do Chat :lol:.
So ur not half of the evil duo then??
Its only me and Terri, and we dont talk quik, please come and join us.
So ur not half of the evil duo then??
????? 8O ...who are you refering to by "evil duo"?
I don't do Chat Testify...sorry....The Bat she can't cope with it :oops:
22 Aug 2003, 23:43
So ur not half of the evil duo then??
????? 8O ...who are you refering to by "evil duo"?
I don't do Chat Testify...sorry....The Bat she can't cope with it :oops:
Cathie n Jen, but tis only a joke. :D they know i love em really. :D
right ok, fair enough :lol:
enjoy your chat
28 Aug 2003, 23:29
jen n i are in chat if anyone wants to save me?? :wink: :lol: i mean join us??
03 Oct 2003, 23:19
there is a few of us in chat if anyone wants to pop by :D
Rob The Badger
03 Oct 2003, 23:22
Damn dial-up! Grr. . .
original sin
04 Oct 2003, 02:41
Damn dial-up! Grr. . .
well said Eyeore
08 Oct 2003, 22:35
anyone wanna join lil ol me in chat? :D
08 Oct 2003, 23:27
Okay Testify! Going there now, that is IF I can 'find the place' again :lol:
5 mins, okay! And Bren, if you read this, I CAN do it (so can you!). Been 'there', had lots of fun! :lol:
08 Oct 2003, 23:28
woooohoooo happy chappy now, cya soon :D
Okay Testify! Going there now, that is IF I can 'find the place' again :lol:
5 mins, okay! And Bren, if you read this, I CAN do it (so can you!). Been 'there', had lots of fun! :lol:
Bren she smiles at that.............. :lol:
Just to let you guys know that i wont be in chat on sunday :evil:
But shall see you on Monday sometime :D
16 Apr 2004, 22:19
ne one goin in chat? im well bored :(
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