View Full Version : Chuck Berry collapses on stage

Julie in the rv mirror
03 Jan 2011, 03:58
I had no idea he was even in town until I saw a blurb in the free newspaper about it yesterday. I thought it was cool that he was still performing at age 84. Imagine my surprise when I came online today and found out about this:

http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/music/2011/01/02/2011-01-02_chuck_berry_slumps_over_piano_at_chicago_concert_after_feeling_weak _is_escorted_.html?r=entertainment

Though Berry picked up his guitar soon after his collapse, he was subsequently joined on stage by a bunch of burly men and was escorted off stage an hour into what the Chicago Tribune called a "rapidly-deteriorating concert."

An audience member said Berry was backstage for 20 minutes, though he returned to explain what happened to the crowd as his registered doctor stood nearby.

"I begged him to let me come out and say something to my fans here," Berry told the crowd. "When I was sitting at the piano and stopped playing, I was about a 10. I had to lay my head on the piano; I had no strength at all."

He added that after 10 minutes of "blood pressure and all that stuff," he felt like he was "about 65 or 70."

Berry then went to grab his guitar but someone apparently took it, causing the crowd to boo.

"They're afraid I'm gonna do my scoot, but I'm gonna try to do my scoot for you anyway," he said.

The octogenarian then proceeded to duck walk his way off the stage to cheers from the crowd. :cool:

I hope he's doing OK. I hope I have half his energy if I make it that far.

03 Jan 2011, 04:18
Yes I read about this on the BBC. Hope he's ok. Incredible he's still going at 84. Rock n Roll will never die.

Couch Potato
03 Jan 2011, 05:08
I just read about it too, the man is a legend, he really is. he keeps going, even though he as arthritis in his hands/wrists and knee joints, he does still know how to rock n roll. His first hit was in 1955 with Maybellene....can you believe how old that song is, 56 years old, and he is still rocking'

Hope chuck will be ok.

Julie in the rv mirror
03 Jan 2011, 07:36
I just heard an update on the local news, and they said he is resting comfortably back home in St. Louis.

Rock and roll probably wouldn't be the same today if it weren't for Chuck.

Apparently, Chuck doesn't travel with a band, he just hires a local band wherever he goes to back him up- he figures his songs are so well known.

One night, his backup was the E Street Band: :-)


The Flying Mouse
04 Jan 2011, 19:31
:twisted: Hope he's feeling better soon.

Thanks for posting that interview Julie, very interesting 8)

Julie in the rv mirror
04 Jan 2011, 21:32
You're welcome- glad you liked it! :-)