View Full Version : The Blanks (aka The Worthless Peons)

The Flying Mouse
08 Feb 2011, 15:57
:twisted: Best known from the comedy series, Scrubs, they do a great selection of popular hits and cartoon theme tunes :cool:

I'm so pissed off right now because I found out they are only 15 miles away tonight, but it's a private student gig :doh:

Here's a couple of vids.
Check them out 8)

*It's a shame you don't hear more of them in this first clip, as the actors talk over them at parts, but it's a great version of a great song*

*Not too much talking in this vid thankfully 8) *

08 Feb 2011, 17:01
They're a real band! Ohhh that is immense!!! I love them!

The Flying Mouse
08 Feb 2011, 17:18
:twisted: They are 8)
Sam Lloyd (who plays Ted) brought his friends (who he'd been singing with for some time) with him to perform at a party for Scrubs cast and crew, and they made such an impression that the other three were up signed up for regular apperances in the show.

They have an album out, Riding The Waves (which sadly ommits some of the songs that they are well known for such as Carry On My Wayward Son, Somewhere Over The Rainbow, and She's A Maniac).

And this (http://www.theblankswebsite.com/) is their website 8)

Sam also plays bass for The Butties, a Beatles trib band.
We've got to get these guys to The Cavern :mrgreen: