View Full Version : Christchurch Quake

22 Feb 2011, 09:49
Christchurch doesn't seem to be getting any breaks lately, big quake last September, luckily with no fatalities and they've just had another one today with around 65 fatalities and over 200 people trapped. I kinda feel sick thinking about it. Luckily I'm 5 hours drive south from there.

22 Feb 2011, 09:58
That is really bad, 65 dead and still so many missing/trapped :shock:. Just read about it and saw photos of the mess left in the city on the Dutch Telegraph website (here (http://www.telegraaf.nl/buitenland/9086371/__Doden_bij_aardbeving_N-Zeeland__.html?p=1,1)). Glad to hear you are ok yourself. Wasn't the last earthquake bigger? It must have been in a slightly different location.

Was surprised to read this on the BBC:

The country experiences more than 14,000 earthquakes a year, of which only around 20 have a magnitude in excess of 5.0.

(only?!! The scale works exponentially from what I know meaning 5 is pretty big)

This puts the tiny one I've experienced in a completely different context.

Hope they can find those 200 people quickly and get them all out.

22 Feb 2011, 10:36
Yeah it's pretty bad. I was watching it live on the news this afternoon just after it happened. There was an amazing rescue of a woman on top of a buildng that had collapsed. My heart goes out to all those poor people affected.


22 Feb 2011, 11:09
Glad the Pud's are ok! It sounds horrific.

For anyone who wants to contribute to the disaster fund then click on www.redcross.org.nz/donate

22 Feb 2011, 12:21
The aussie womens cricket team is in christchurch at the moment to play the NZ girls, luckily they were 22km away from the epicenter at the time, training at lincolin university, they felt the tremors there. They won't be able to get back to their hotel in christchurch for some time now, but are being well looked after at the university, at least they are all ok.

22 Feb 2011, 12:28
My thoughts and prayers are with the people in NZ.

22 Feb 2011, 12:28
That's definitely a city that seems to have no luck at all recently...thoughts obviously go out to the families who have lost loved ones after this.

The Flying Mouse
22 Feb 2011, 13:19
:twisted: THoughts go out to those lost and trapped.

22 Feb 2011, 13:49
Some photos (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12533722) on the BBC site.

23 Feb 2011, 00:09
thoughts go out to everyone who has been affected in this terrible disaster

23 Feb 2011, 09:49
Can't really think of words to describe it, been following it on the news etc and it just seems to be getting worse all the time, http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific-12547853

23 Feb 2011, 11:30
It's terrible that it's happened to the same city so soon after the last one. I'm glad you're okay Pudding and my thoughts are with those people who have lost loved ones or still waiting to hear from them.

23 Feb 2011, 12:21
Death toll has risen to 75 now...very sad

23 Feb 2011, 13:54
Saw some footage on the BBC of people running away from a collapsing building, it looked absolutely insane. :shock:

23 Feb 2011, 21:04
you just cant even begin to think what they are all going through,it just makes you appreciate everything you have and to live each day at a time,thoughts go out to everyone involved

24 Feb 2011, 12:13
This is the accommodation 'The Stonehurst' in Christchurch where my wife her, Mum and my daughter would have been stopping at next weekend to see Dora The Explorer. Not surprising Isaac Theatre has cancelled that show as it was very close to Cathedral Square. The Cathedral by the way still has 22 people under the rubble and the death toll has now risen to nearly 100.


Rage Against
24 Feb 2011, 15:39
Glad to hear the Pudding Family is ok. Hey we can disagree on here, but life takes precedence over a fan forum. My thoughts go out to all those affected. Hopefully governments are banding together and helping out with the devastation.