View Full Version : Have To Dash.....

28 Jun 2003, 09:18
Hiya Peoples,

Well, it's been quite a stressfull night here - i was woken up at 4am by my sister who was in agony - she had phoned the doc and was told there was only ONE docor on call for the whole of east Lancashire, and he wouldn't be able to get to her for at least another 4 hours.

For those of you that don't know, my sister was very ill recently - she has a gallstone the size of an egg, and it's blocking the bile ducts in her gallbladder. The hospital wanted to take it out, but because it was so badly infected they felt that it was too risky as it could have caused the infection to spread to her vital organs.

They sent her home earlier this week, with antibiotics and painkillers, but she was still in a great deal of pain, and it's been getting worse over the past few days, and this morning she rang me crying hysterically, so i called her an ambulance and shes now back in hospital. Far as i know they are waiting for the surgeon to come see her.

On top of all this, my niece maxine, my sister's daughter is 30weeks pregnant. She's only 14, and she is really stressing over her mum.
So i've decided that the best place for me to be is up in lancashire with her. I can't do anything from down here in Swansea, so the best place for me is up at my sister's where i can keep an eye on Max, and go visit Susan.

So i ain't gonna be around for a good few days - to be honest i've no idea how long i'm going to be away. As long as it takes, i guess. My sister doesn't have internet access, and where she lives is only a very small village so they don't have a cyber cafe i can pop into. If i can get on line at some point, i will do, but don't hold your breath.

Hope to see you all soon - i'll miss ya,


28 Jun 2003, 09:41
Heat, i wish you and your family will have lots of strength and i hope that they will be allright soon!!!

To bad to hear this! Keep up the positive thoughts and hopefully everything will be allright soon!

The Butcher

28 Jun 2003, 09:48
I also hope that your family will be allright soon.

28 Jun 2003, 10:12
My best wishes go with you to Heat.Hope everything will be ok.


28 Jun 2003, 10:47
hope everthing goes ok you will be missed seya when you get back

28 Jun 2003, 11:38
Oh, Heat! I'm SO sorry to hear about all this!

I know I'm not alone in sending prayers and lots of healing thoughts to your family and to you during this very difficult time.

Please try to get a message to all of us when you have the chance. We'll be thinking of you and hoping for the best!!

Love you,

original sin
28 Jun 2003, 11:48
Heat, we're rooting for you luv. Give me a call if you need to chat

28 Jun 2003, 12:04
Hi Heat,

So sorry to hear about this. I will pray for you and your family.

Send you all my love, will miss you!


28 Jun 2003, 12:51
Heat I was so sorry to hear of your troubles - I will say a prayer for all of you in our local church later - Think of these happenings as something that god wouldn't send you if he didn't think you had the tenacity to deal with - May your God bless all of you and keep you safe :)

You've always been there for me Heat and I'd like to add these words for you:-

They say it takes a minute to find a special person,
An hour to appreciate them,
A day to love them,
But an entire life to forget them.

God Bless Love


Rob The Badger
28 Jun 2003, 14:15
Faith is a sword that can stem rivers and cut the moon in half.

28 Jun 2003, 17:34
Sorry to hear this, hope everything sorts itself out.

All the best for you and your family, we'll miss you.


Sue K
28 Jun 2003, 18:30
dearest heat...

here's hoping the powers that be..watch over you and your family..and all get through their trying times...

know that you're in my heart...


The Flying Mouse
28 Jun 2003, 20:47
Sorry to hear about your sister Heat.
Hope everything goes well.
We're thinking about you.
Neil & Carol

29 Jun 2003, 03:45

My family will be thinking good thoughts for yours. It is so important for families to take care of each other, as you are obviously doing for your sister. Best wishes and healing thoughts.


29 Jun 2003, 20:55
i dont really know what to say in these situations so i'll just say erm... hope everything is better soon and my thoughts are with u n your family!! best wishes and everything i can possibly think of but cant put into words.


29 Jun 2003, 21:13

Hope your sister is OK


30 Jun 2003, 01:58
Hope your sister will be owk, galstones can be a pain.....My dad had those kind of problems(galstones + infection) he got operated on finally while it was still infected because the doctors didn't dare wait longer....gave us a great big scare they did by saying it could be a tumor(cancer). But on the bright site, my dad is feeling great only 2 months after intensive surgery, no cancer thank goodness, and he's as fitt as ever.

So Heat, all the best with your sister, niece AND yourself. keep your spirits up.


05 Jul 2003, 15:27
Heat I was so sorry to hear of your troubles - I will say a prayer for all of you in our local church later - Think of these happenings as something that god wouldn't send you if he didn't think you had the tenacity to deal with - May your God bless all of you and keep you safe :)

You've always been there for me Heat and I'd like to add these words for you:-

They say it takes a minute to find a special person,
An hour to appreciate them,
A day to love them,
But an entire life to forget them.

God Bless Love


God Bless Love.

Heat, we are thinking of you and your family!



08 Jul 2003, 00:03
Thought I'd bump this up for Heat - so that eventually she would know how much she has been in our thoughts. If anyone who hasn't already posted here would like to leave a few words for support and love for Heat and her sister.

God Bless,


08 Jul 2003, 00:09
you're right Dottie,
she's very much in our thoughts,i was sat here just now wondering how she was,and hoping all was well.
Thinking of you Heat

08 Jul 2003, 00:11
me to, im always askin if ne one has heard n e thin, n we talk bout her in chat, how we wish we could do more.

were with u Heat!! always!

08 Jul 2003, 00:50
Yeah was wondering about you too Heat.

Like everyone has already said we're all thinking about you and we hope you and your family are all okay.

Sue K
08 Jul 2003, 03:58
... yes..i too...have been thinking about heat ...wondering if anyone's heard from her....


08 Jul 2003, 04:32
thinking off you, hope everything is owk...
Hope to hear from you soon..

Best wishes and hugs

original sin
08 Jul 2003, 20:47
Ok - I was getting real worried here, so I just phoned and spoke to her "other half". I've leave it to Heat to fill you all in on what she feels she can tell. But she's ok, still not back home but hopefully will be back soon.

09 Jul 2003, 00:56
Thanks Sin

09 Jul 2003, 02:55
Thx for letting us know Sin.

Hope we hear from Heat soon.


09 Jul 2003, 02:59
Yeah thanks for letting us know Sin

09 Jul 2003, 15:51
Thanks Sin, very much!

11 Jul 2003, 14:37
:D Hiya Guys :D

Thanks so much for all your love and best wishes - it's been muchly appreciated, i can tell you. Well, im finally back home :P and my sis is out of hospital too.

In the end they operated on her - took 7 hours, and the gallstone is absolutely bloody massive - she's definately on the mend now shes had it out! she said she's gonna sterilise it and keep it for Max's baby to use as a teething ring!!! 8O

On the downside, while i was up there, Pat was ill - he went hypo from his diabetes - he didnt know anyone or anything - but he's fine now, thank god - forgot to take his bloody insulin, didnt he!!! Thank god me mum had the boys and a spare key - dread to think what would have happened otherwise :roll:

Also my uncle was diagnosed with colon cancer - not good news obviously, but as yet we dont know how far it has progressed, so its just a waiting game.

But i am glad to be back - i've missed you all loadses :D

Thanks again for your good wishes


11 Jul 2003, 15:17
Oh, Heat! It's SO lovely to have you back with us and it's wonderful news about your sister, after having gone through such an ordeal!!!

Sorry to hear about your hubby and your uncle, though. So, continued prayers and warmest thoughts are being sent your way!! Hope the babies are okay!!!

Welcome back!!! You have been greatly missed!!! :D


11 Jul 2003, 15:30
Hey Heat!! :P gald your back and good news about your Sis, hope shez fully recovered soon!!

sorry to hear bout your hubby and uncle, things will be better soon, i promise!

Love and very best wishes Me! hehe

11 Jul 2003, 15:51
Heat :D :D so glad you're back, i have missed your company.
Glad to hear your sister is out of hospital and on the mend, so sorry to hear about your uncle.
You must be exhausted with all that's been happening.Hope the boys and Hubby are ok.
Good to have you back

The Flying Mouse
11 Jul 2003, 16:29
:twisted: Hi Heat.
Welcome back :D .
Glad to hear your sister is feeling better :D ,but i'm sorry to hear ubout your uncle :( .
It never rains eh :? .
Anyway,good to have you back with us.

White of High
11 Jul 2003, 16:48
Good news!!!!
Will be happy forever!

original sin
11 Jul 2003, 17:23

Glad to have you back gal!!!

Sorry to hear that no sooner you are out of one problem another looms.

You know where we are if you need us :wink:

11 Jul 2003, 18:12
Hi Heat, Lovely to have you back amongst us again. Pleased your sister is now on the mend. Here's a prayer for your Uncle that everything turns out ok, and that Pat remembers the insulin in future! Hope the boys are ok.

11 Jul 2003, 18:17
Hiya Heat, good to have you back, some off us were worried.

Glad to hear your sis is gonna be ok.

Bad things always come in threes heat....
hope your uncle will be hearing some good news soon!
Did your hubby recover from his little mishap?

Heat, best wishes...
missed your conversation.

11 Jul 2003, 19:02
:oops: awww...shucks...you guys.... :oops:

i should go aways more often if this is the reception i get when i get5 back... :lol:

Love ya all :P

11 Jul 2003, 21:07
hi heat, so glad your back we missed you loads. its great news about your sister. sorry to hear about your uncle, we will be thinking of him.Hope Pat and the boys are well.
best wishes, Carolxxx

11 Jul 2003, 21:58
Hiya babe,

Glad to hear sis is on the mend and that Pat is OK. Presume Max has dropped it yet??

Hope everyone else works out ok.


EDIT - That was supposed to be presume Max has NOT dropped it!!

11 Jul 2003, 22:48
Presume Max has dropped it yet??


Has she heck as like, Chris, and here's hoping she doesn't for at least another 7 weeks or so 8O
Thats the last thing i need at the mo.... :wink:

11 Jul 2003, 23:27
Heat :D

Glad to see you back, good to hear about you sister, sorry to hear about the rest.


11 Jul 2003, 23:47
:D Good to have you back Heat,

Sorry to hear things aren't so good at the moment.
Hope things come good soon!
Great to hear your sister is getting better!

All the best
Terri :D