29 Jun 2003, 02:02
Hey everyone. I'm new to these forums, so I think I should introduce myself...
I'm Ant, a 20-year-old from the north-west of England. I have listened to Meat's music since I was about 10, when someone bought me the Hits Out Of Hell compilation. Until recently, however, I kinda grew out of it, but thanks to someone on a coach repeatedly playing Bat Out Of Hell on the way to Barmouth (in Wales). My new-found interest in Meat Loaf was augmented by my recent purchase of the Bat Out Of Hell CD packaged with the Hits Out Of Hell DVD (I assume this was meant to be an Oceania-only product :)))
I think it's great that the man himself comes to these hallowed forums and contributes a number of posts to answer questions from his fans. Not many world-renowned superstars do that :wink:
Apart from rock music, I like listening to indie music like Stereophonics, Oasis, Coldplay, Travis and Ash. I also like Genesis and Pink Floyd. My main hobbies include video games, lager and helping out at a local youth club every Sunday night :bunny:
I'm Ant, a 20-year-old from the north-west of England. I have listened to Meat's music since I was about 10, when someone bought me the Hits Out Of Hell compilation. Until recently, however, I kinda grew out of it, but thanks to someone on a coach repeatedly playing Bat Out Of Hell on the way to Barmouth (in Wales). My new-found interest in Meat Loaf was augmented by my recent purchase of the Bat Out Of Hell CD packaged with the Hits Out Of Hell DVD (I assume this was meant to be an Oceania-only product :)))
I think it's great that the man himself comes to these hallowed forums and contributes a number of posts to answer questions from his fans. Not many world-renowned superstars do that :wink:
Apart from rock music, I like listening to indie music like Stereophonics, Oasis, Coldplay, Travis and Ash. I also like Genesis and Pink Floyd. My main hobbies include video games, lager and helping out at a local youth club every Sunday night :bunny: