View Full Version : The Bat Out Of Hell Sessions Piano

17 May 2011, 11:32
Brian Fallon, lead singer of The Gaslight Anthem is in the studio in New Jersye recording with The Horrible Crowes at the moment, he's blogging about his experience and a recent blog featured a certain piano.

Brian's a huge Springsteen fan, and also lists Bat Out Of Hell as amongst his top albums of all time. SO the man clearly has taste ;-)

You can only imagine his excitment at finding that the piano in the studio was the same one played by Roy Bittan during the Bat sessions.

Look here (http://cassettesinthemailbox.blogspot.com/2011/05/studio-update-1.html)

17 May 2011, 11:43
Too Cool! I'm sure they don't lock away a perfectly broken in piano. Who else has used it I wonder!
I imagine there was never any filmed footage of the process behind BOOH album eh. Only photograph?

(Lucky guy!)

17 May 2011, 16:34
You can only imagine his excitment at finding that the piano in the studio was the same one played by Roy Bittan during the Bat sessions.

Look here (http://cassettesinthemailbox.blogspot.com/2011/05/studio-update-1.html)

JEALOUS!!! My god I would have DIED, any piano graced by The Professor would do me but that one would be immense!!!

On a side note, if anyone's not heard anything by Gaslight yet, give these guys a go. They really are phenominal, and definitely some of the hardest working blokes I've ever heard of!! :up:

***just read the blog post... "by a guy names Meatloaf" ?! Are we now of an era where people don't know what Meat Loaf and BOOH are and it needs explaining?! :shock: Sincerely hope not!!**

17 May 2011, 18:15
That maybe the same piano as in the 1978 music videos as well!

17 May 2011, 18:33
That maybe the same piano as in the 1978 music videos as well!

It maybe, but it's highly unlikely that a high quality studio piano would be used for a live show or a video shoot.

The Flying Mouse
17 May 2011, 19:46
:twisted: Nice find 8)

Elijah's way
18 May 2011, 03:24
that's so cool:D