View Full Version : RealMeatLoaf: Here's the last video until next week..... http://fb.me/V38hqZDM

27 May 2011, 08:57
RealMeatLoaf: Here's the last video until next week..... http://fb.me/V38hqZDM

More... (http://twitter.com/RealMeatLoaf/statuses/73990845447159808)

27 May 2011, 09:45
Johnny B Good with Bon jovi?

Damn it. I want access to his "little file"....

27 May 2011, 11:30
Johnny B Good with Bon jovi?

Damn it. I want access to his "little file"....

It probably has a note on it that goes a little like this......

"NEVER under ANY circumstances is Wario to come ANYWHERE near this file!"

Oh, and poor guy seems to have been waiting for his wife to finish shopping all day!