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View Full Version : Paradise: Leap of Faith or Regular Music Video

04 Jun 2011, 01:41
I prefer the LOF Music video. so much is going on, and its just more fun to watch:

Regular Video:

LOF Video:

The Flying Mouse
04 Jun 2011, 20:00
:twisted: The original is a classic, but the LOF is a lot of fun.

I can't choose between them.

Still say they should have put the LOF version on the DVD as an extra :bicker:

04 Jun 2011, 21:38
:twisted: Still say they should have put the LOF version on the DVD as an extra :bicker:

There's probably a rights issue with sony music :shrug:

similar to why batman the 1966 tv series hasn't been released cause of the bitch-fest between WB and Fox

The Flying Mouse
06 Jun 2011, 18:20
There's probably a rights issue with sony music :shrug:

similar to why batman the 1966 tv series hasn't been released cause of the bitch-fest between WB and Fox

:twisted: But they musy have worked together to put the vid together.
It's all a bit puzzling.
Personally, i'm inclined towards the opinion that they didn't put it on as an extra because they just couldn't be arsed :shrug:

06 Jun 2011, 22:40
:twisted: But they musy have worked together to put the vid together.
It's all a bit puzzling.
Personally, i'm inclined towards the opinion that they didn't put it on as an extra because they just couldn't be arsed :shrug:

You never know. The whole copyright law is so complicated.

But then again, I personally agree. They couldn't be arsed

06 Jun 2011, 23:04
I have never seen anything like that. Needs some more popcorn!

I really liked seeing the Leap Of Faith one, but my vote went toward the original. Ooh la la Karla :)