06 Jul 2003, 19:14
once again david driskell starts the flame wars , then locks the topic when it starts getting heated! and then says lets be positive and love oneanother! hypocrite springs to mind. i am entitled to my opinion and if i thought meats performance wasnt up to scratch i will say it. i thought things might have changed on here obviousley not. Look who started this one david it was you AGAIN! why the webmasters keep you on as a mod is beyond me.

06 Jul 2003, 19:22
everyone is entitled to their opinion n i dont have a problem with that, what i do have a problem with is ppl starting petty arguments!! which i think is totally un called for.

now this will probably get locked but hey.

so cant we just stop argueing and get along, were all one big family here!

06 Jul 2003, 19:23
I'm moving this one to Site Feedback.
As long as this is a discussion it won't get locked.
If the arguing starts again ... clink.

06 Jul 2003, 19:29
hey testify i havnt posted on here for ages because of davids antagonistic comments i come on here and say i think meat wasnt very good on pitp and i get a snidey comment ,i never started this flame war ,like i never started the last , by the pms i have recieved im not the only one who dosent like him. Once again check the thread PARTY IN THE PARK to see who started this flame war , none other than the holier than thou david driskell!

06 Jul 2003, 19:36
i dont wanna point fingers i just want ppl to get on.

06 Jul 2003, 19:45
so do i , but i aint going to let him drive me off the boards like he did last time as i said check the thread and see who started it this time, i have reported this to the webmaster , i am awaiting a reply but if last time is anything to go by im not confident!!

06 Jul 2003, 19:47
just ignore him then!

06 Jul 2003, 19:52
MLT wrote:

I have read recent postings but im sorry it has to be said meats performance was dire, he was off key [flat] he wasnt helped with the sound problems, chsib was passable but anything for love was AWFUL! all i can put it down to is he did a 2 hour show last night , and its not reccommended you sing at 1pm the following afternoon, those who thought he was good well all i can say is youre entitled to your opinion !! i felt embarrassed for him

I really think that's a post likely to upset people, and I can't help but feel that you won't have been oblivious to that. So frankly I didn't find David's reply to be any more inflammatory.

And I thought Meat was in great voice. You say he was off key .. not imo. Once I noticed a phrase was perhaps off, but that would not justify describing his performance in this way. As Meat says, he's an actor performing the song, and he acknowledges he will sometimes hit an off note. But this doesn't mar the overall performance for his fans, who are neither sychophants nor music teachers.

And there's a danger some of us might draw the conslusion that the reason you haven't been on the board for some time might be more to do with the fact you didn't have a performance of Meat's to criticise rather than that David had drven you away. I'm not saying this is the case of course .. just how it could well appear.

Sadly it would be off topic for me to say in answer to views expressed that I have seen Meat in several performances in the last few days, and that he is clearly completely recovered from his operation and in fighting and splendid form, and that this gig got his usual star performance ... so I won't :)))

06 Jul 2003, 20:03
well imo as well as a lot of others, meats performance of anything for love was BAD! I wouldnt expect any other type of reply from you caryl ! even meat said it was a little early for him , if you look at the band especially patti they all look like they are to say the least concerned imo it was the worst performance i have ever seen meat do

06 Jul 2003, 20:04
for gods sake
can you 2 not pack it in for a while
there seems to be a lot of bitching going on
yes mlt i caught the last 3-4 mins of pitp
and yes he was flat
as you say after doing a gig the night before dosnt help
at least he sung live like a true pro
can i just say to the other people who posted
come on meat is not perfect he is allowed the odd ,
slip up after all he is in the middle of a world tour unlike the other bands
plus he gives it all for each song unlike the other bands who turn up
and mime
r this is an open forum for all fans to say what they feel
so please give a little more room for opions
i know a lot has went on between the 2 of yous so
come on and bury the hatchet and be friends (this goes for the both of you )
for new members coming to the site for the first time it is not very nice to read the postings
if no one wants to make the first move pm me and i will
so please please come on and act like true gentlemen in this matter
i any of you feel i am sticking my nose in where it
dosent belong then tell me and i will butt out
thanks for reading this

06 Jul 2003, 20:08

06 Jul 2003, 21:17
And there's a danger some of us might draw the conslusion that the reason you haven't been on the board for some time might be more to do with the fact you didn't have a performance of Meat's to criticise rather than that David had drven you away. I'm not saying this is the case of course .. just how it could well appear.

And sadly Meat's first public performance was right in the middle of my work on the CHSIB US Promo Push DataBase. I have wasted a half a day on bad karma... I think what I need is to burn all of the recent performances I have from Meat on UK radio and play them very loud. This will remind me once and for all why Meat Loaf is, without doubt, one of the GREATEST performers of all time.


06 Jul 2003, 23:48

I - along with everyone else - completely understand and appreciate that everyone should be entitled to their own point of view, and I would imagine everyone can understand why you have taken such offence at the thread in question being locked.

However, if you think it's unacceptable for a thread to be closed due to you voicing your personal opinion on something, how on earth can you think that it's acceptable to publicly insult and humiliate another member of the forum in the way you have?

07 Jul 2003, 00:24
I don't feel that a certain "fan" has earned the right to criticise Meat - bug off :!: and leave us all to appreciate the great Meat Loaf

09 Jul 2003, 15:00
David, just burn the performances full stop.

Oh, and you're a tit.


09 Jul 2003, 18:10
Oh, and you're a tit.


I love people who have nothing better to do in this world than to spread the disease of hate by name calling. I just don't get people who constantly feel the need to throw sand on other's keyboards by throwing out insults and such. If you have a beef with someone, explain your problem. You get nothing in this world by throwing around insults. There is too much negative in this world to have it rear its evil little head in the Land of the Loaf. Had you come on the board and had a legit complaint about something or some one, you could easily have voiced your complaint in a rational and educated manner, explaining your points of greivance and laying out your case. Did you take this high road? No. You chose to come on here and display ignorance and immaturity by throwing out idle insults. Let us move past this and remember why we are really here. This is, after all, all about Meat Loaf!!!


09 Jul 2003, 19:37
all i can say is ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :twisted:

09 Jul 2003, 22:48
Mmm... is ML tribute back????? Again???? how the hell is that possible??? Maybe some one must stop him and his actions... a man like that can't cover the REAL meat loaf music.

The Butcher.

09 Jul 2003, 23:09
i agree tim
mlt id a waste of space

09 Jul 2003, 23:20
Whatever happended lately, it's over.
Dean has been banned again.
So, please - let this one R.I.P.

10 Jul 2003, 22:41
if the fella hates meat so much why doesnt he go and join the JS
site where it appears to be the norm to spread lies and hatred about our beloved meat?
take no notice of him dave every one knows your love of meat and he just obiously likes someone to pick on
big momma
ill go knowand try and find the part where i put what i think of the site!

10 Jul 2003, 23:10
bigmomma said:
if the fella hates meat so much why doesnt he go and join the JS
site where it appears to be the norm to spread lies and hatred about our beloved meat?

To be fair most of the posting there is not about Meat, and it's a small (although when they get going vociferously vicious) number of people who have a go. However, the fella you refer to has been chased off there too! .. one reason why I guess he has to keep reinventig his name .. it's probably best to treat him like a minor pest imo .. something to be brushed out of the way rather than shocked by ..

10 Jul 2003, 23:49
hi carylB sorry i must have got it wrong i thought he was giving out
about meat dissrepecting him and things but if i got it wrong,
i apologise. :oops:
as for reregistering i hope i will be okay i have reregistered twice as
the first one was messed up.
once again sorry for the confussion :?
big momma
by the way carylB are you the same one from ROL ? :??:

11 Jul 2003, 00:03
No need to apologise .. you didn't get it wrong bigmomma .. but like R says .. he's not worth getting bothered about :) Doubtless he'll try and re-invent himself again .. and R will ban him again .. and so it goes on .. Why am I suddenly reminded of Bart Simpson mooning in the hope of causing offence? .. :))

And yes, I am the Caryl of ROL :) Welcome btw :)

11 Jul 2003, 01:34
thought it would be you, ive not got back to your sight since the
computer got back on line {i got hubby a lively bug!!!} :(
so ill have to check it to see whats new and send you some new
kiddy pics if you still have that and niki is still cuddling her book.
talk to you again soon,
big momma
by the way loved the trick or treating !!! :wink:

11 Jul 2003, 04:29
take no notice of him dave every one knows your love of meat and he just obiously likes someone to pick on
big momma

Thank you VERY much big momma....loads of love to you!


12 Jul 2003, 15:05
wooooooooooooooooooo :lol: