View Full Version : What a sad day ...
Found this in my mailbox a few minutes ago (from DEAN.~~~~~~~~~~@BTOPENWORLD.COM):
once again you take d driskells side !! your non reply shows this to be the case i thought things might have changed on here , obviousley not!!, you are allowing him to antagonize people and he gets away with it . why i bothered coming back i dont know ! i retract my former apology youre all ~~~~ing arseholes!!!!!!!! and you all piss in the same pot , this has to be the most corrupt website on the net
Goodbye Mr. ~~~~~~~~~~.
Same procedure as a month ago.
This time the ban won't be lifted.
Good decision. He left you no choice.
06 Jul 2003, 21:03
now we can get back to normal lol
If only we knew what normal was lol :D
Bug off! When you see a bug you tread on it :evil:
What an appropriate title for this thread. It certainly is increadibly sad. I think what makes it worse is that we're not just a group of random people who talk on the net - we all share such a huge passion for Meat, for his music, and he's become such a huge part of all our lives. With such an important thing in common, it's a terrible shame that we can't all enjoy Meat together
With such an important thing in common, it's a terrible shame that we can't all enjoy Meat together
We still can... just forget the negative stuff real quick and move on.
I personally don't mind negative comments about Meat, as long as it is an opinion and stated respectfully. For me, often it's not what someone says but the way someone says it.
Let's move on and have fun again, sharing our mutual interest/passion. :)
Well I'm with ya there hon! :D
That's what we're about on this forum, enjoying the music and having fun! It's a sad loss to anyone who doesn't want to join us!
See you on tour!!!
Of course I may be wrong, but it seems to me that it's only since Meat didn't fall over with amazed and fullsome approbation when DT sang down the phone to him that this "tribute" artist has been regularly forgetting two things ..
Firstly that he is one of a group of people who make a vicarious living on the coat-tails of Meat's talent, drive, hard work and success
Secondly .. to take his medication!
Imo he forgets both at his peril
original sin
14 Jul 2003, 16:01
.. to take his medication
Hey thats my line! :mrgreen:
but ohhhh so fitting :mrgreen:
The hilarious thing is he's still browsing the forum hanging around waiting to be insulted .. I've just received an emailed page of rant .. perhaps the heat affects the dosage? :))
Oh Lord .. and now I'm being bombarded with pictures of house and garden to prove just how financially successful somebody is .. :)))) .. not a bad little house as it goes, and a reasonable enough little garden, although it doesn't have the woodland I have in mine :)
14 Jul 2003, 19:21
ahh from a man who started out as a elton john tribute
till he got to :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: fat
original sin
14 Jul 2003, 20:05
The hilarious thing is he's still browsing the forum hanging around waiting to be insulted .. I've just received an emailed page of rant .. perhaps the heat affects the dosage? :))
Best I go check my mail then :mrgreen:
What a strange person is that... has he a mental illness orso???
Are you familiar with the phrase "a few bricks short of the load" Tim? .. or "a sandwich short of the picnic"?
Of course sometimes all the sandwiches, the flask of coffee, the hardboiled eggs, the crisps, blanket and hamper appear to be missing ....
Heheh, funny way to describe it CarylB...
Thanks Tim .. though really we shouldn't make fun of the afflicted. I feel rather sorry for the person in many ways .. but I just can't abide someone who makes a living off the back of another's success and then exploits any opportunity to make negative comments, from a position of limited expertise, about the person they should actually be thanking!
He's now taken to posting on the OIFC board as Caryl and apologising to himself :)) If he could just crowbar some grammar, punctuation and the odd capital letter into his posts he might just stand a chance of being believed .. but then again .. the content would let him down ..
8O 8O He is now pretending to be you on OIFC??
That makes your "Of course sometimes all the sandwiches, the flask of coffee, the hardboiled eggs, the crisps, blanket and hamper appear to be missing ...." an understatement.
He was Guppie .. sad eh? Though not as sad as sending emails saying Meat's losing it .. and claiming that he sings better than Meat now!! Which would be :lmao: if it weren't so impertinent and deluded!! But the assault seems to have died down now ..
Sounds like a person you can't even get mad at anymore. Just feel sorry, pitty him. Very sad indeed. :(
The man filled out the feedbackform Paveway and I placed on our website:
realname: Dean
sex: man
I won't even bother to respond.
Good lord .. as you say .. best not to. Raving springs to mind!
Not worth another minute of my time. :wink:
The man filled out the feedbackform Paveway and I placed on our website:
realname: Dean
sex: man
I won't even bother to respond.
Hahhaha... my god... what a very, very, very sick, strange and man full of shit is this. :lol:
OMG this is amazing, how low can you go... Maybe he is in it for a price orso... The: "How-Low-Can-You-Go Show" :lmao:
Btw... it is sad that a person like this is a Meat Loaf fan. Well, to be directly... it is very sad that he tries to do an impression of Meat Loaf...
Dean... you suck big time! :lmao:
The Butcher, Tim
Tim there are times when your pithy posts hit the nail quite squarely on the head :lmao:
I'm also put in mind of a wonderful description of Charles Laughton in David Niven's autoboigraphy .. "Charles hung around the set, as was his usual habit, waiting to be insulted by people" .. for you know this is beog replicated right now :)
Carol... my english isn't that good... but is it good or bad what you wrote... (very ashamed to ask but.... i have to know) :oops:
:D Which bit Tim? .. "pithy" .. means concise, lean, short, succinct; crisp, curt, terse; effective, forceful; meaningful, significant, substantial .. and not a bad thing at all :) also can mean to the point .. and meaty :)) .. so it must be a good thing eh?
Hitting the nail squarely on the head .. again a good thing .. means dead accurate :)
And no need to be ashamed for heaven's sake .. my Dutch is limited to telling people the hat is on the table :lmao:
Hahhaha, Thanks CarylB... That is nice of you. Now i understand. :lol:
I speak as I find, Tim .. you're welcome my pithy Dutchie :)
Perhaps a medical assessment would help or a hoilday
I take it you don't support euthanasia then Rosie? :lmao:
Possibly if it's done with dignity or not depending on the cicumstances,
would you like a few ideas.
he he... Caryl has such a way with words... I had to look up "pithy" too... didn't know the word, which is a good thing, because I have yet learned another word.
My Longman-dictionary says: Pithy = (of something said or written): strongly and clevery stated without wasting any words. :)
The Flying Mouse
02 Aug 2003, 04:07
I take it you don't support euthanasia then Rosie? :lmao:
What division do they play in? :lmao:
Very good,
My offer of advice still stands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
02 Aug 2003, 18:26
Wow, I'm away for a while and the freaks come out to play!!! I do seem to remember right as I started to vist this site, that there were some problems with this same git......very sad individual.....
original sin
03 Aug 2003, 17:18
The man filled out the feedbackform Paveway and I placed on our website:
realname: Dean
sex: man
I won't even bother to respond.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I've only been away two weeks and look what happens!
The bit that makes me laugh is:-
sex: man
I thought the correct format was either male or female, however in this case I think the answer should probably be "not often enough" and that is the crux and cause of the problems! This is the way he vents his frustrations! :lmao:
Welcome back Sin :) A spot on diagnosis :lmao:
And Rosie .. one method might be .. hoisted from a tall lamp post by his own hyperbole!!
It takes more than long hair and a need to wear large trousers to imitate Meat .. who incidentally now has short hair, much smaller trousers, and can still sing some who seek to emulate him under the table! :))
Welcome back Sin :) A spot on diagnosis :lmao:
And Rosie .. one method might be .. hoisted from a tall lamp post by his own hyperbole!!
It takes more than long hair and a need to wear large trousers to imitate Meat .. who incidentally now has short hair, much smaller trousers, and can still sing some who seek to emulate him under the table! :))
Hehehe, couldn't have said it better myself!!
Nice way of putting it!
Thanks Tim .. pithy enough then eh? :lmao:
I think that can be arranged, but the hospital might miss some equipment.
He will certainly miss his!
Should help in hitting the high notes then .. and do wonders for his vibrato!!!!!! :lmao:
Vibrato? what size batteries?
I guess if you don't have much of a vibrato then you'd only need small ones Rosie .. :lmao:
Wondering btw if you had any luck with your ticket hunt?
Size does not always matter (well)
original sin
06 Aug 2003, 20:26
I've been surfing the web today looking at all related sites and what do i find??
Our dear friend taking his gripes yet again to other boards and continuing his insults of this forum and it's members.
If you what to check here's the link :-
It would appear that this thread makes him feel just as impotent on the net as he is in real life...........long may it continue!
He's not very pleasant is he? It obvious some deep seated insecurity exists in his personality or perhaps he's simply a knobhead
Just to clarify a 'knobhead ' is someone suffering from terminal galloping knob-rot.(a medical term).
Rosie, I think your contribution is grossly unfair and should be put in the context of the extreme usefulness of knobheads for a variety of purposes!
Unfortunately, having only drawn a second-hand (and obviously slightly skewed) opinion from the postings in this forum, I am unable to positively identify any use whatsoever for the originator of the offending rants.
Therefore, I am forced to complain on behalf of the many penile terminators on this planet that they are being likened to a seemlingly useless bag of wind.
Yours disgustedly
Tunbridge Wells
My apologies to bags of wind everywhere, almost!!!!!
You're apologising to Dean??????
No any knobheads that might feel they have been compared to him! like I said he has a medical condition we must pity the poor soul or do I mean a.......ole
I am greatly relieved!
Medical condition or not, it still does not justify him being (reportedly) an obnoxious git!
I'm glad you are relieved, I'm going for a lie down in a darkened room, some of us need our beauty sleep.
Rosie xxxxx
No any knobheads that might feel they have been compared to him! like I said he has a medical condition we must pity the poor soul or do I mean a.......ole
...and you took the words right out of my mouth...... lalallalala
Crystal Eyes
07 Aug 2003, 19:20
I'm only new here so I don't know exactly what happened with this guy or who he is. I only know what I've gleaned from this board. But even trying to take a balanced view I still have to ask what is up with this guy. He says he doesn't care he's been banned so why is he ranting about it on other sites?
His problem is that he likes hisself... he thinks he is good, cool, and think that he can make us blush by saying that he is performing Meat Loaf songs.... well... he guessed wrong.
He is a huge asshole, not nice, stupid, can't say things, can't sing, can't do anythring right..... you know.... It is a kind of a deciese....
The BUtcher.
original sin
07 Aug 2003, 20:44
Well there you go Crystal Eyes - if we knew the answer to that we'd probably be able to find the meaning of life also!
And I bet he drives a BIG car :lmao: :lmao:
anyone remember seeing "Private lives" with Julie Walters?
Big car................. :lmao:
Dean does a Meat Loaf Tribute. He is one of the three major Meat Loaf tribute artists from the UK (don't know if there are more) who did post or still post here. Recently Meat was complaining about one of these artists on the forums and this is how we got involved. However, Dean jumped on that train and started posting about that other artist in a nasty way. At that point, I told him to stop this or I would kick him out. I eventually removed Meat's original complaint with the nasty follow up. Please note, this was done with Meat's agreement. But that didn't stop the trouble. It went on and ended with some false accusations and nasty personal insults from Dean towards me. That's why he got banned for the first time.
Dean apologised some weeks later and I accepted it and lifted the ban. That was around the end of May. Everything was ok until PITP. Dean got into an argument with one of my mods. He complained about the moderators behaviour via email. I received 3 email from Dean with that complaint, but the last one was insulting me again. Well, I couldn't even answer his mails because I wasn't home. After reading his mails, I banned him instantly. This is NOT his website and I'm NOT his webmaster and he is the last one to tell me what to do. That's the story.
Since then I'm a two faced ~~~~~~~ and we all are a bunch of sycophants. I told him more than once that he wasn't banned for what he was saying. He was kicked out for how he was saying it. If he would have posted in a more decent way and if he had shown a little more attitude and respect towards other people, this wouldn't have happened at all. That's all. Nothing more to say.
Regarding the recent discussion on J's site:
After reading the whole thread again, it's quite obvious that he's upset about it.
But, because of the ban, our mailserver does reject and then drop all emails coming from Dean.
They all disappeared in cyberspace and I never received his complaints.
Having said that, this will be the final post on this thread. Let it rest in peace.
Blatantly stolen and adopted from Tink's post:
There's no sport in poking at someone if he can't poke back.
Thanks for your time.
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