View Full Version : Watched (most of) the Star Wars BluRay

14 Sep 2011, 09:18
and.... WOW!!!!!!!
(okay not the best review, but WOW!!!!!!)

I haven't had time to go through the bonus material and to be honest I skipped trough most of the prequel trilogy, especially TPM. Which btw is also the least impressing transfer for some reason. Even has some minor DNR issues :shock:

The original Trilogy is just a treat! Picture quality is just superb, sharp and very detailed. And a lot of the color issues from the DVD have been fixed. Although ESB seems untouched.

The sound -and damn me for having neighbours- is also a treat. They fixed the audio issues from the DVD too and the DTS-HD 6.1 will give you shivers.

As for Lucas daily changes. I was so overwhelmed by the quality of the original trilogy that they didn't bother me at all. Even the ridiculous NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wasn't an issue for me (although it's not an improvement either)

It's not going to happen but I still hope for the unaltered trilogy to hit BLu in the future. Maybe Lucas adds them to the 3D box set. But I doubt it. He's not a good sport about it.

Anyway this is definately worth the purchase:cool:

14 Sep 2011, 09:23
is jabba modified in ANH or is he the same shitty Phantom Menace model That's on the 2004 DVD?

14 Sep 2011, 09:51
is jabba modified in ANH or is he the same shitty Phantom Menace model That's on the 2004 DVD?

I guess you better skip ANH ;)

duke knooby
14 Sep 2011, 15:56
what's ANH?

14 Sep 2011, 16:43
what's ANH?

Episode IV - A New Hope.