View Full Version : Email reply from CH5... What they had to say...
I emailed them the minute they cut meat voicing my disaprovle at that had happened and they have just replied to me now with the following...
Subj: DO/84184/JC
Date: 08/07/03 18:52:32 GMT Daylight Time
Sent from the Internet (Details)
Your Reference: DO/84184/JC (Please quote this reference in all further correspondence)
Date: 8th July 2003
Dear Kev
Thank you for your recent e-mail regarding Party In The Park.
We were sorry to read of your comments regarding Meatloaf‘s act.
An eight hour broadcast is a marathon and it would be contractually impossible for us to show the whole set from every act and some of the performances had to be brought to screen ‘as live,’ in order to ensure the broadcast complied with ITC guidelines for taste and decency.
Thank you for your interest in Five.
Yours sincerely
Please note that the contact details for the Five Duty Office are as follows:
Telephone: 0845 7 05 05 05
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-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: 06 Jul 2003 14:11
To: Duty Office
Subject: Meat Loaf
I cannot believe you have totally screwed over Meat Loaf and cut to Craig David and not have Anything for love showing... what is that about???
Kev Iddon
This e-mail may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. It must not be used by or its contents copied or disclosed to persons other than the intended recipient. Any liability arising from any third party acting or refraining from acting on any information contained in this e-mail is excluded. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify the sender immediately and delete it and any copies from your computer and network. This e-mail has been checked for viruses but it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that the opening use or onward transmission of the e-mail and any attachments will not adversely affect its systems or data and no responsibility is accepted by Five in this regard.
08 Jul 2003, 23:02
An eight hour broadcast is a marathon and it would be contractually impossible for us to show the whole set from every act and some of the performances had to be brought to screen ‘as live,’ in order to ensure the broadcast complied with ITC guidelines for taste and decency.
Thanks, icwuke, for posting this! I can understand the first part of the response. As aggravating as it is, that makes sense.
But what in the world do they mean by the second part?? What part of CHSIB, AFL or BOOH (and Meat's performance of them) had to be cut for "taste and decency"??
Am I reading this section incorrectly (it's got some strange coding in it)?? Or did they just find another way of insulting him?? :x
Just curious about everyone's take on this...
Thanks again!
I too recieved a similar reply from Channel 5...
We were disappointed to read your comments regarding the coverage of this event, and have logged them for the attention of all relevant Five Personnel.'s hoping they play more Meat on the highlights show.
09 Jul 2003, 00:15
no i think you did read it correctly and it does say for decency that it was
cut and yet they dont feel the need to cut the girls who are barely
wearing anything it is just one excuse after another.
do youre self a favour and waste any more time and effort on them
just boycott them or if you feel the need set up an on line petition
im sure that from what i have read on here the past couple of days
there are hell of a lot of people who would sign it.
big momma
original sin
09 Jul 2003, 01:21
well at least you had a reply that's more than i've had so far!!!
If nothing comes tomorrow I'm sending another. As far as i'm concerned it's a double insult as they used his name for there advertising......." and later we have Meat Loaf" etc etc...........I mean the televised event is for the people at home not the people there!!! so why keep telling everyone he's on as your selling point if you're gonna cut him???? gggrrrr
Maybe they were worried about Meat Loaf swearing on TV? Something that the likes of Kim Marsh (who I believed was aired live) is unlikely to do.
As it was, he did use on word (which was aired) that this board won't allow us to use!
Just my guess.....
original sin
09 Jul 2003, 02:01
possible, however until its happened you don't know about it and its like the over running stuff, you don't know untill you're past the time.
They didn't bother e mailing me back neither :!:
Crystal Eyes
09 Jul 2003, 15:49
Channel 5 has sunk lower in my disapproval. Thinking about it still makes my blood boil! :x
09 Jul 2003, 23:20
there was review about the pitp program on virgin my isp basily all it was saying is that meatloaf was saying frieging in tv they didnt say anything like he did a grate prefomance i was mad if any one would like to read the review i can paste on here
09 Jul 2003, 23:22
yes plz!!
09 Jul 2003, 23:24
this is the review
Rock star Meatloaf has caused outrage by swearing live on a Channel 5 broadcast.
The star was being interviewed during the coverage of children's pop concert Party in the Park when he launched into a foul-mouthed tirade.
And despite being warned not to, the tubby singer repeated the word "fr***ing" three times within a minute.
The star was being interviewed by RI:SE presenter Liz Bonin when the outrage happened.
Recreating a character from his latest movie he said: "The cause of that fr***ing - cut - you can bleep me there."
Liz stepped in with an apology but Meatloaf countered: "I said fr***ing. Yes, you can say fr***ing."
Liz replied: "You can't say that - maybe in America. We do apologise."
Viewer Mark James said: "It was outrageous. There would have been millions of children watching.
"The concert was aimed at kids - the presenters should have stopped him and not let him say the word three times - that is just terrible and unprofessional."
A spokesman for Channel 5 said: "The presenter apologised on screen and that is all we have to say on the matter."
09 Jul 2003, 23:39
they need to get there heads out the ass!!
Strange thing... this censureship. In the Netherlands, it's far less strict. A person can say the F word on television and nobody give a F... :lol:
For Crying Out Loud...
what the heck is the matter with "fricking"?
It's a euphemism, don't think any kids were trerrilby traumatized.
Wonder if they allow "Gosh darn"?
If they are so worried about the kids, why don't they make some of those young female mimes wear more clothes? Blatantly sexualizing everything is a more serious issue re: kids than the use of that word.
That's ALL? he said "fricking" , not even "~~~~ing"?? Djeez...
edit: eh... between [...] was the word starting with fu..
10 Jul 2003, 00:19
i thought it was friggin?? either way it didnt bother me one bit
I'm gobsmacked 8O - not a word was said about what a great performance he gave, despite channel 5's big muck up with sound etc.
Call that a review - It stinks :x
But thanks for sharing it with us any way!
original sin
10 Jul 2003, 01:17
:lmao: That is hysterical..... children pop show indeed!...........walk in to any shcool playing field and they'll teach you some language that would need explaining............what a bunch of double standards.......about time they got down from their ivory towers and into the real world!!
I'm really lost for words...
Channel Five mucked up the performances even though Meat gave it all that he had and then some writer has the nerve to complain about so called "swearing".
Not happy.
The Flying Mouse
10 Jul 2003, 02:12
That is so hipocritical :evil: .
The amount of sexual references in pop music today is unbelievable.The way they dress is terrible considering they are supposed to be role models.Am I the only one who thinks that Britney Spears dressed in school uniform doing a provocotive dance is just a little bit on the sick side? :?
These people will phone up to complain about Meat's language then rush out to buy their kids the latest eminem album.
These people really need to take a look at themselves.
Completely agree.
Out of all the artists (if you can call some of them that) Meat clearly gave the most effort and this is the kinda thanks he gets :evil:
Exactly FM, Meat uses a euphemism, fricking or frigging, whatever. He gets bashed for that? But Brittany Spears can prance around in an outfit that appears to encourage pedophilia and the media says not a word!
Truth is the media uses sex to sell, so Brittany is OK. They want to pretend they are concerned about kids by bashing Meat...give me a break. What is this idiot's email, he needs to be told he's an idiot. Well, better his bosses need to be told. Yeah, like any of them listen or care :(
10 Jul 2003, 11:04
ok im so mad i agre with what you saying the flying mouse about Britney Spears ok so let me say this tv can let Britney Spears dance around close to men in im a slave for you but not let meat loaf say friggin on tv ITS NOT SWEARING :evil: im just mad im about redy to blow and go nutts
:lmao: That is hysterical..... children pop show indeed!...........walk in to any shcool playing field and they'll teach you some language that would need explaining............what a bunch of double standards.......about time they got down from their ivory towers and into the real world!!
Oh so true - I work in a school and have been on the receiving end of such language - its a natural "Queens English" for a great many young adults today - What really matters is that Meat gave the fans passion with his music and songs, at least he doesn't need backing tracks and electronic gizmo's to enhance his performance, what you see is what you get. Most of the other "artists" will be long gone and forgotten while Meat still rocks on and will live in our hearts forever. If they were to pull their heads out of theirs a..e's they might just understand where we're all coming from :!:
As FM said, given the soft-porn nature of many of the videos made to accompany popsongs now which all the channels play quite happily at any time of the day, this is preposterous.
And Channel 5's statement is both hypocritical and ridiculous. When Meat was on the Des and Mel show he asked, when he was referring to the false breasts he wore in Fight Club, what word he could use on daytime TV. On Channel 5 he no doubt considered that the word he used (which is commonplace, euphemistic and perfectly acceptable in the UK) would provide no cause for complaint given the first "competition" (clearly aimed at the young, given the admonishment to make sure when texting their entry they had the permission of the person who was responsible for paying the bill) was "Balls in the pants" .. and provided the "presenters" with much seized opportunity for double entendres like "She's going to get the balls out of his pants now" .. "I'm trying to grab the balls in his pants" and "I can now say to him you have no balls in your pants!"
As, according to SueW's report, they did not show Meat singing CHSIB live, but in a recorded piece just afterwards, and certainly AFL was obviously shown thus, there was no reason at all to curtail his performance for the spurious reason he might have contravened some imagined decency standard. And the reporting of the interview strays just far enough from the truth to be misleading and sensationalist.
All this to me smacks of paddling for the shore after they had treated Meat extremely badly and were trying to justify their actions in the face of many complaints received about that, rather than their concern about the use of the word in question.
I remember the dismissive response a few years ago to a friend of mine who had complained about the aardvaark puppet on a children's TV show saying he wanted to recruit a secretary "with big bazoomas". And now a TV company trumpet loudly that the word frig-ging is indecent? What a crock!!
10 Jul 2003, 15:02
another example aswell as britany spears and i think that she is worse than britany is christina aguilara (dunno how to spell her name) her video to dirrty!! is faul!! maybe not to some lads but what example is this setting?? i think its appauling!!
n meat cant even say friggin!! for christ sake, what is this excuse for a world coming to!! :evil:
original sin
10 Jul 2003, 18:53
My kids are 13 & 17, they watched the interview and never batted and eyelid. They have asked their friends who saw it and no one had a problem with it.
However interestingly enough they the supposed children this is aimed at described Beyonce as "soft porn"!
well there ya go!
Shadows On The Wall
10 Jul 2003, 21:06
At least they replied, they nevr bother when i send email
I remember Meat saying "No F***ing way" in concert at amsterdam, thinking he would get fined for it. Lol we soon convinced him this would not be the case!
Thank goodness the netherlands is more "liberal"
10 Jul 2003, 22:25
maybe if we put meat in a bra and mini skirt and sent him back they
wouldnt give two hells wether he swears or not ,oh sorry maybe
his boobs wont be big enough ...
i tell you it is so aimed at the men these concerts.
and yes i totally agree about brittneys video being aimed at the
perverts and yet there seems to be alot of swearing on childrens tv
these days or maybe thats just on the irish tv channels
channel 5 are just talking through there buttocks to try and save
there necks.
big momma
17 Jul 2003, 19:32
just throught i would let you know i was whatching tv and they said friggin ok so it wassent on channel 5 but i think it goes to prove that you can say it on tv
20 Jul 2003, 13:13
kids will pick up bad language from parents,school just about anywhere.its just the age old thing blame the rock star for being a bad a society where we have perverts,muderers etc and all they have to worry about is meat saying f***.i doubt meat has lost any sleep over this but i think its ridiculous.the problem with britain is that we are a nation of prudes,on sex,swearing etc,i just wish we could be more relaxed about it can have people smoking on tv when kids are watching so what is wrong with this world( or at least england).f*** c5,f*** the censors f*** em all.
I agree with most of what you say .. but the thing is that we're NOT a nation of prudes .. our TV has nudity, sex and very explcit swearing, our humour is full of sexual innuendo and double entendres, our soaps shown before the watershed feature strong and sexual storylines .. so why do a small majority whinge on about the use of words which have pretty much passed into the vernacular? .. PITP and their presenters decided to take offence imo .. and for no defensible reason .. and hypocritical given theie own game show "Balls in the pants" which was aimed at the youger viewers and in which the presenters exploited every opportunity for comments lime "I'll now reach into his pants and see how many balls he has"
They fawned over all the young singers/groups and seemed intent on finding fault with Meat imo .. just beneath contempt really
20 Jul 2003, 16:28
Its amazing thought in my opinion. I mean the fact Channel 5 can go on about Decency :lol:
I've heard worse stuff on TV during the day. I mean just watch wrestling or something and you'll see what I mean. But some people continue to be hypocrites and complain about the smallest things
20 Jul 2003, 16:30
hypocritical given theie own game show "Balls in the pants" which was aimed at the youger viewers and in which the presenters exploited every opportunity for comments lime "I'll now reach into his pants and see how many balls he has"
And let me just say that the thing you just mentioned is sick and wrong. And those presenter need several slaps with trouts.
jcm wrote:
... those presenter need several slaps with trouts.
Tricky one that .. with the silicone lip injections how could you tell what you were slapping from what you were slapping it with? :)) Never understood why anyone should voluntarily have treatment which makes them look like an aggressive turbot .. lol
20 Jul 2003, 20:48
maybe a nation of prudes was the wrong words.swearing has been around for centuries and if kids hear it they hear can walk down the street and you can here people swearing.what are you going to do tell them not to go out on the streets swearing until all the little kids havebeen cleared off the streets and sent to bed .this issue of swearing has been going on for years,and im sure it will carry on until we realise there is a lot worse things out there than saying f***.i would just like to say to c5 shut the f*** up.
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