View Full Version : 115. Blue Sky
White of High
07 May 2012, 15:28
Let's Go to Rock 'n' Roll!!!!!!!
Blue Sky (3)
Okay, I know, lot of people don't find Blue Sky a song but I do. I have ambivalent feelings with this song. The song itself is not bad, has a catchy melody, the lyrics is nothing special but okay. My problem is Meat in this song, and please don't kill me. Meat cannot sing this song at all. It hurts me because he was my greatest musical idol but Blue Sky (just like Cry To Heaven) shows me he lost his voice...
The intro of Mad Mad World is better than the intro of Fall From Grace, but both of them are better than the outro of the Australian album. The first time I heard the Australian version has totally destroyed me. I wanted to cry how Meat couldn't sing this song. The new version is better, that's what computer means in 2012, but Meat - I'm 100% sure - cannot sing this song live (and he won't do that).
Blue Sky is the only sounds-like-Steinman song and he ruined it. His voice is trembling wanly, he is suffering with the high notes and sorry guys, hurts my ear. I really don't understand why haven't they transormed down this song to Meat's tune.
So, Blue Sky would be good song, but sorry guys, it's one of Meat's disgraceful performance.
The chorus is perfect!
My score: 3
I don't think the vocals are that bad. In fact they are the only reason why I listened to the song. Sean McConnell's songs do nothing for me in general. They don't bother me but they don't grab my attention either.
07 May 2012, 15:39
I'm gonna sound so sickly sweet you'll need insulin after reading this but this song to me is brilliant, loved it first time I heard it and it's grown on me lol.
Not going to pick your post to pieces but lyrics are excellent and the way it's sung and recorded to me is perfect.
Amazing song........10
Mr. Happy
07 May 2012, 16:18
It hurts me because he was my greatest musical idol but Blue Sky (just like Cry To Heaven) shows me he lost his voice.. 3
Cry to Heaven honestly wasn't that bad - it sounded very raw (especially when compared with the rest of songs preceding it [was there less production done on the vocals?]), but it was definitely still a decent performance. It was just the very last note that was a little bit dodgy ;)
Blue Sky is my absolute favourite song on the album. Yeah, the vocals aren't perfect, but I've come to like those little discrepancies. Like Meat said, the recorded vocals were from a soundcheck and "it wasn't pitch perfect, but it was emotionally perfect." It fits the song - I sort of see it like the epilogue of the album. He's gone through everything the world has thrown at him, and at the very end he's finally just had enough. He's beaten, broken, and there's nothing left for him to do but plead for everyone to see sense. So the slightly jarring vocals fit perfectly, in my opinion. I didn't really care much about that at first and wanted the pitch-perfect vocal, but after having had the song in my playlists for a while I like this much better :P
Also...if you listen to the Blue Sky verse before Mad World, it's quite clear that he can "still sing," as that one is far more accurate in terms pitch. In other words, leaving those imperfect vocals on the record was a deliberate effort, not a lack of singing ability ;)
It gets a 9 from me. It loses the one point because of that jarring cross-fade from Stand in the Storm before it. I don't want to have to listen to Stand in the Storm before it just to have it have a smooth intro :angry:
White of High
07 May 2012, 16:28
Also...if you listen to the Blue Sky verse before Mad World, it's quite clear that he can "still sing," as that one is far more accurate in terms pitch.
I think it's no more than studio work if you know what I mean...
Mr. Happy
07 May 2012, 16:45
I think it's no more than studio work if you know what I mean...
I get you, but I don't think that's possible in this case, considering how they're different. On the Australian finale version the vocals are a little shaky, out of breathe and slightly strained. As far as I know, that sort of performance can't be transformed into something as controlled and polished as the verse before Mad World. It would have been re-recorded entirely with a brand new vocal that was far more restrained and technically 'better', for lack of a better term. Meaning he sang it pretty damn well on that second take :D
I could definitely be wrong, I've never recorded in a proper studio. It could be possible, but from what I know (working with far less expensive equipment :P) it couldn't have been done that way.
I'm gonna sound so sickly sweet you'll need insulin after reading this but this song to me is brilliant, loved it first time I heard it and it's grown on me lol.
Not going to pick your post to pieces but lyrics are excellent and the way it's sung and recorded to me is perfect.
Amazing song........10
I agree :-) Nothing sickly sweet about finding something perfect ;) A big 10 from me too!
Evil One
07 May 2012, 19:33
I would have loved to see it as a complete song, closing the album. The World release had more of the song but the Australian edition had it placed where it belongs, as the finisher. Anyway I really like the song a lot.
07 May 2012, 20:23
I agree :-) Nothing sickly sweet about finding something perfect ;) A big 10 from me too!
and from me too 10 out of 10 :D
Sorry White of high, but i totally disagree ! Blue sky is a great song !!Yes, for me is Blue Sky a song !! I love it as intro for Mad Mad World, i prefer it WITH the intro and not without like on the Australian one. Love the two Blue Sky songs on the European one. And... I couldn't imagine no one better for singing it than Meat !!!!!! I give 11 !!!!!LoL ;) A 10...!!!!
08 May 2012, 01:48
Let's Go to Rock 'n' Roll!!!!!!!
Blue Sky (3)
Okay, I know, lot of people don't find Blue Sky a song but I do. I have ambivalent feelings with this song. The song itself is not bad, has a catchy melody, the lyrics is nothing special but okay. My problem is Meat in this song, and please don't kill me. Meat cannot sing this song at all. It hurts me because he was my greatest musical idol but Blue Sky (just like Cry To Heaven) shows me he lost his voice...
The intro of Mad Mad World is better than the intro of Fall From Grace, but both of them are better than the outro of the Australian album. The first time I heard the Australian version has totally destroyed me. I wanted to cry how Meat couldn't sing this song. The new version is better, that's what computer means in 2012, but Meat - I'm 100% sure - cannot sing this song live (and he won't do that).
Blue Sky is the only sounds-like-Steinman song and he ruined it. His voice is trembling wanly, he is suffering with the high notes and sorry guys, hurts my ear. I really don't understand why haven't they transormed down this song to Meat's tune.
So, Blue Sky would be good song, but sorry guys, it's one of Meat's disgraceful performance.
The chorus is perfect!
My score: 3
If you don't get the message of Blue Sky in general, you might be part of the people who lost their humanity. Or maybe not.
But one thing is for sure. Your english is bad, the words you choose mostly don't fit the situation.
08 May 2012, 01:56
awesome thread so far, lots of opinions and I enjoyed reading them all. I'll give Blue Sky an 8/10 because I want MORE :D
Does leave one wanting more, to me I believe Meat really went all out with the words provided. And I would enjoy these vocals over Back Into Hell & Neighborhood. Taking away the magnifying glass away from the man's voice his passion is indisputable. I am not interested in the notes, but how he really feels what he sings in this case its the power and how in the moment these last two albums have been. And he's always given it alot when he sings. That's his reputation which is always consistant.
Your english is bad, the words you choose mostly don't fit the situation.
Disagreeing with a post is okay but slagging someone off for not speaking a foreign language perfectly is rather poor. In case you haven't noticed, the guy is from Hungary. Hungarian is not an Indo-European language but a Finno-Ugric one. It is less difficult for a German to learn English than it is for a Hungarian. German belongs to the same language family and has a similar structure. How well you speak a foreign language also depends on how much and in which environment you use it. Someone who often has to speak English usually speaks it better than a person who only occasionally communicates in that language. People aren't equally good at learning foreign languages, too. Some learn them fast and without much effort, others don't.
Whilst I agree in principle with your comments about criticising someone's use of English, I don't feel it was necessary for WoH to say so many times that Meat "can't" sing this song, nor to describe it as a disgraceful performance. So perhaps a case of the biter bit?
And to the comment (in reply to Mr Happy saying it's quite clear that Meat can still sing), "I think it's no more than studio work if you know what I mean..." I'd WoH reads Paul's descriptions of the recording of this album.
WoH may not like Meat's style of singing now, may mourn the passing of the Bat years, may not like any of his recent work; but to say he "can't sing" is not even a reasonable and reasoned opinion in my view, let alone a fact. Meat CAN sing. He may sound different now to when he was 34, his current style may not be to someone's taste, but he can and does sing, does hit the notes, does have great pitch. Paul has worked with Meat to give the album the sound of a live performance, and that's what we hear on it, NOT a studio engineered sound.
I love Meat's live sound, and I am not alone. I prefer that to a studio manipulated sound. That's what we got with HCTB and again with HIAH. It's real, it gives the sense of being at a live concert, which for me pips a "studio album" every time.
08 May 2012, 09:58
Thank you CarylB, you simply take the biscuit. :-)
I love 'Blue Sky' and loved it from the moment I heard it, the way it's sung, to me feels like it has come from the heart and is a genuine performance rather than an over-perfected studio version that loses some of that emotion. Sure Meat's voice has changed over the years and, no, he doesn’t sound like he did on Bat Out Of Hell, but I wouldn’t want him to. His voice reflects maturity, wisdom and emotion. It suits the theme of the album and is the voice of a man who can tell wonderful stories through song.
White of High
08 May 2012, 11:21
If you don't get the message of Blue Sky in general, you might be part of the people who lost their humanity. Or maybe not.
But one thing is for sure. Your english is bad, the words you choose mostly don't fit the situation.
Yes, my English is poor, por eso podemos continuar en espanol si usted quiere. ;) Okay, I don't say Meat cannot sing at all (and c'mon I got the message of the song) but his albums since CHSIB doesn't fit his voice to me. I'm not alone with my opinion (look at how many people voted with 3 - without opinion), I read everywhere negative critics of his live performance. Don't read only fan opinions.
Otherwise I still enjoy more his albums than any other artists' albums but I think he lost his power. Yes, he is 64 years old, so less energy is excusable but would be better if he changed his musical style. Forget heavy rock songs and deep ballads, do something easier and lighter...
08 May 2012, 12:50
Forget heavy rock songs and deep ballads, do something easier and lighter...
you've gotta be kidding!
White of High
08 May 2012, 16:03
No, I don't...
What I see on youtube (no in concert) in live performances (even full concerts), Meat is standing or shambling on the stage with his bent body. Okay, I know his knees are bad, but... why do you want to be a rocker if you are not able to be a rocker? The same story with all of old rock stars from Steven Tyler to Iggy Pop... It's just... you know... funny to see how he is suffering to be young.
If your sun is set try something new, something different. I don't find any new in HIAHB except The Giving Tree. I could imagine an acoustic album with strings, no guitars, no heavy vocals. I know we will never get the 70ies and 80ies Meat back, so go on!
No, I don't...
What I see on youtube (no in concert) in live performances (even full concerts), Meat is standing or shambling on the stage with his bent body.
To know Meat's style is to know he bends from the waist ... it's part of his performance, his passion. It doesn't mean he's out of breath as some journalists like to comment, nor does it mean he's not fit, that it's a sign of age, or any other such erroneous assumption. He tackles his shows like a footballer anyway, and that stance is one he would have adopted whenever he really means business, moreover he's done it for years and years. Nor does he "shamble" when he's on stage. He shows a lively and fit movement that would defeat many far younger performers for a show of the length and passionate effort he puts in.
I am sorry you never get to see him on stage, crackling with energy and strength, filling it with his presence, commanding audiences of thousands and owning the auditorium, I really am. But to describe him as you do, based on watching mainly poor bootleg videos made on mobile phones, really isn't a sound basis to make these statements.
Jenna wrote
His voice reflects maturity, wisdom and emotion. It suits the theme of the album and is the voice of a man who can tell wonderful stories through song.
That nails it imo. And he can still rock with the best, out-perform many of them, and leave the stage with thousands standing and cheering the vitality and passion of the man they have witnessed rocking it out for 2 hours.
Say you don't like his current style by all means. That is your perogative. But to dismiss him as an ageing performer who cannot rock? That is just so wrong on so many levels in my view. (And you say you find nothing much new in HIAH? I find it odd that anyone who mourns the days of BOOH and doesn't seem to like his current style, fails to see anything new apart from one track. It seems to me that it is precisely what is new and different that seems to disappoint you so much)
Those of us who are lucky, and who have seen many live performances .. particularly during the more recent tours, do NOT see someone who is ageing and should give up rock performances .. but rather see a man still filled with zest, energy, and passion for what he does, fill a stage show after show, with a strength of performance you see from few performers whatever their age.
He will limber up in the wings, stretch his muscles as if before a game, explode onto the stage with energy, and take command of every venue this tour as he has done in spades throughout his career. He has his creative mojo working at full speed, and his shows are as exciting as they ever were, and will be this year again.
08 May 2012, 19:21
Nicely put Caryl, and I agree 100%.
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Deena J
08 May 2012, 20:55
Nicely put Caryl, and I agree 100%.
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Elijah's way
08 May 2012, 20:55
blue sky is an awesome song :D
Meat Loaf_fan
18 May 2012, 23:58
I really love lyrics, but melody :roll: ... Still, I should be honest and give the song:
My score : 7/10
19 May 2012, 00:21
I really love Blue Sky. Its such a powerful song. My only small problem is that we didn't get the full song, because I'd love to hear the song in one piece, in its entirety.
Blue Sky is simply an awesome song, therefore I'll give a score of 8/10
19 May 2012, 00:54
9 - amazing song, my favourite on the album. Short, sweet, tender, stunning, and I love the way it closes the album on the original release
See "All Of Me" for explanation
The Flying Mouse
25 May 2012, 19:30
:twisted: I feel like an art student standing in The Louvre looking at The Mona Lisa, and thinking, "F*cking hell, I wish i'd painted that".
When you feel like that, that's when you know it's good.
Only thing wrong with it is that it's not nearly long enough.
The Flying Mouse
27 May 2012, 22:14
:twisted: I've scored it once, but i'm up to that point in the album so I want to score it again.
I love Patti's backing vocals and the music at the end.
White of High
05 Jun 2012, 23:08
Average: 7.94 (127/16)
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