View Full Version : Cable down :(

26 Jul 2003, 00:50
Major probs here... I hope to be back in a few days. Dialing in with a 56k6 isdn modem right now.
I hate not having access to internet.
Be back in a few days I hope.

26 Jul 2003, 03:35
guppie nooooooooooooooooooo, come back soon please. :(

26 Jul 2003, 10:06

Hope everything is ok soon - we'll miss ya, hun :P

26 Jul 2003, 12:43

Sorry to hear that, hope it gets fixed soon!

26 Jul 2003, 21:24
My modem is online again... [bruce willis modus]Yippi ka Yee MF!! [/bruce willis modus] :lol:

26 Jul 2003, 21:25
Glad to see all is ok again, Guppie :D

26 Jul 2003, 21:26
Yeah... I was going cold turkey over here. :lol: I am SO used to internet-acces, is very weird if you can't be online when you want to.

26 Jul 2003, 21:27
Tell me about it - i'm used to constant access here too - only my niece has other ideas. I've had to bribe her with chocolate so i could be here now... :roll: :twisted:

26 Jul 2003, 21:31
lol... I hope she doesn't eat too many and pukes all over your keyboard :D

26 Jul 2003, 21:33
lol... I hope she doesn't eat too many and pukes all over your keyboard :D

Nah she wont 8O

Just in case have positioned her far far away from keyboard :wink:

27 Jul 2003, 09:06
UPC as provider??? Then you will have huge problems.... :lol:

But glad that you are back now. Myself, i have a 56k6 modem... it is working but not the best connection.

27 Jul 2003, 14:12
No, @home. And most days it works fine, is fast too, download speed up to 300 kbyte/sec. But there was something wrong with my modem and they replaced it, and it never came online. They weren't able to make the modem known in their system.
A 56k6: that's a dial up, very expensive, right? You have to pay by the hour :?

27 Jul 2003, 14:16
Thank god for broadband :D

27 Jul 2003, 14:19
Thank god for broadband :D
Yeah, I have broadband for over a year now. Finally got rid of the huge phonebills :D

27 Jul 2003, 14:51
Indeed, huge phonebills, don't start about that :lol:

Where i'm staying now, have also cable... download some stuff at over 400 kb/sec. That's huge.... and great.

27 Jul 2003, 16:34
I haven't got broadband. Got a dial up connection. 10 quid amonth gets unlimited 56k access.

If i have a really big file to download, i chuck a cable out of the bathroom window and into the window of the computershop/cyber cafe next door and plug straight into their network!!

27 Jul 2003, 21:37
Good downloadspeed, Tim.
And Chris: thank God for good neighbours :D