View Full Version : Beanz Meanz Heinz

30 Jul 2003, 09:45
Has everyone seen the adverts for Heinz baked beans?? Well they are thinking of scrapping the logo - Beanz Meanz Heinz.

What do you guy's and gals think???

Keep it or Can it????

30 Jul 2003, 09:47
Sorry, don't know them...... So can't tell you. Is it something typical English???

30 Jul 2003, 09:50
You mean you don't have beans where you are???

They are a worldwide institution!!! They are basically just beans in a tomato sauce, but they are yummy :D

30 Jul 2003, 10:52
Keep the slogan - most definitely

It used to be said:-

Beans, Beans, good for your heart,
eat em quick, and there'll make you f..t :lol:

30 Jul 2003, 19:15
Keep the slogan - most definitely
think they should keep it also :D

30 Jul 2003, 20:33
It's bean around too long to even consider getting rid of the slogan. taht would eb like dropping the "glass and a half" or something!!

30 Jul 2003, 20:38
keep it , :D advertising beans wouldnt be the same with a new slogan. :cry: