View Full Version : tour programme wanted

26 May 2013, 21:55
was at the men last night 25/05/13 and thought that i would buy a programme on the way out to save me carrying it round and possibly ruining it but on my way out the programmes were not on sale anymore and most of the t shirts were sold out so if anyone has a spare programme and is willing to sell it then please drop me a line


The Flying Mouse
26 May 2013, 22:12
:twisted: Sorry to hear that :sad:
It's probably a good idea to keep an eye out on ebay.

26 May 2013, 23:12
or the official site here (http://www.fanfire.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Store.woa/wa/artist?artistName=Meat+Loaf&sourceCode=MTLWEB) as I know they're selling current tour stuff

28 May 2013, 21:39
hi thanks for your responses , i have already looked on the official website but they dont have them on there and there is one listed on ebay for £45 now i dont mind paying a little bit more but triple what they were at the venue is taking the urine a little i feel , guess i will just bide my time

duke knooby
28 May 2013, 21:48
i'm in the same boat as you as regards a tourbook for last at bat

The Flying Mouse
28 May 2013, 22:47
there is one listed on ebay for £45 now i dont mind paying a little bit more but triple what they were at the venue is taking the urine a little i feel , guess i will just bide my time

:twisted: I saw the one going for £45 :lawl:
Talk about taking optimism to a whole new level :nuts:

I dare say more copies will appear (in saner prices) in the fullness of time.

30 May 2013, 01:31
There's another one on auction, at £31 at the mo but it's a signed one

The Flying Mouse
30 May 2013, 19:29
:twisted: I thought the autograph discussion deserved it's own thread, so it's been moved here (http://www.mlukfc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19224) :up:

08 Jun 2013, 20:58
As suspected, tour programme on eBay - $77.00 :shock: