View Full Version : Boyzone/Meat Loaf 98 sing No Matter What

17 Dec 2013, 23:38
I read that Boyzone and Meat loaf shared the same stage in 98 singing " No Matter what" . Does a you tube of this exist?
here is what wiki says under Boyzone
"Since the song was also recorded by Meat Loaf, Boyzone shared stage with him to perform the song during his 1998 live concert in Dublin and they also sang the song in Italy with Luciano Pavarotti. "

18 Dec 2013, 09:19
I read that Boyzone and Meat loaf shared the same stage in 98 singing " No Matter what" . Does a you tube of this exist?
here is what wiki says under Boyzone
"Since the song was also recorded by Meat Loaf, Boyzone shared stage with him to perform the song during his 1998 live concert in Dublin and they also sang the song in Italy with Luciano Pavarotti. "

bullshit. had anything like that happened i wouldve heard abou it or itd of been mentioned in reviews of the 1998 tour ive read.

18 Dec 2013, 14:09
Agree .. plus it was the hugely dramatic opener to the show. I the unlikely event that Meat would sing on stage with them (the rare occasions he has a one-off guest I think it has always been someone who can rock .. not a group of preppy sounding youths) I do not believe he'd ever sacrifice the opening of a show, which he has carefully designed to have maximum initial impact. Good old Wiki!

Evil One
18 Dec 2013, 14:22
Meat Loaf played Dublin twice in 1999 and neither show featured Boyzone. He didn't even tour in '98. :bleh:

18 Dec 2013, 18:36
well either if is worded oddly or needs correction. I thought wow if they actually did this I want to see this tape.

18 Dec 2013, 19:00
I doubt it but theoretically it could be possible. No clue when Boyzone played Dublin but Meat Loaf was in the UK end of October 1998 (remember the Empty Studio Concert from London, that was aired on TMF, that was from October 31st, 1998 )

18 Dec 2013, 19:34
taken from Boyzone's Wiki Page

Where We Belong (1998–2000)

" Their third studio album, Where We Belong, was released in 1998 and featured Boyzone's writing abilities, the album sold over 3 million copies worldwide. It contained the hit singles "All That I Need" (which stayed for six weeks in the MTV Asia charts), "Baby Can I Hold You" (Tracy Chapman cover) and "No Matter What". Originally written for the Andrew Lloyd Webber stage musical Whistle Down the Wind, "No Matter What" was the group's best ever selling single selling over 4 million copies worldwide and it is the biggest selling record for a boyband, it was also voted Song of the Year, 1998. Since the song was also recorded by Meat Loaf, Boyzone shared stage with him to perform the song during his 1998 live concert in Dublin and they also sang the song in Italy with Luciano Pavarotti. Their 1998 tour of Ireland broke all sales records when 35,000 tickets were sold out in four hours." ( source wiki)

18 Dec 2013, 20:13
I wouldn't believe everything you read on Wikipedia. ;)

19 Dec 2013, 04:19
I found this sometime ago but thought I'd post it, from Brittan's Got Talent lol funny
a spoof on Boyzone's singing No Matter What


19 Dec 2013, 18:11
I thought the story went that they were supposed to duet this song but Meat had to head back to the states due to some illness. While away Boyzone went ahead and recorded it on their own. This resulted in Meat pinning Steven Gatley against the wall by his neck... hah.

I remember making a mashing up at the time of the boyzone/meat track with them both.

Evil One
19 Dec 2013, 18:46
I don't recall that story, but I do remember that it was handbags at dawn. ALW or Steinman promised the song to Meat and the other gave it to Boyzone. I doubt each side would want to promote the other at that point in time.

19 Dec 2013, 20:26
Wogan, the aficionado, played Meat's version many times on his breakfast show and pronounced it superior.:yep:

19 Dec 2013, 20:31
The song was promised to Meat and he had come over here to record it. I believe Amanda had a bad fall rock climbing. He understandably felt he had to rush back to the USA, they wouldn't wait, and the song went to Boyzone instead .. Steinman had a massive hit with the teenies of course .. but to me they massacred the song .. high whiny preppy voices, with an odd sped up rhythm. I loathed it until I heard Meat sing it, with the Home By Now lead in ... then I fell in love with it.

Wogan, the aficionado, played Meat's version many times on his breakfast show and pronounced it superior.:yep:

Out of the bloody ball park superior imo

19 Dec 2013, 20:34
Out of the bloody ball park superior imo

The same ball park he whacked MATLAF out of? ;)

Evil One
19 Dec 2013, 20:54
I've never liked Boyzone's version. I think Westlife's Total Eclipse Of The Heart is better. Although that's like saying a kick in the bollocks is better than a poke in the eye. :lol:

If forced to pick a boyband song however, Take That's Never Forget trumps both of the above for sheer Steinman-ness.

19 Dec 2013, 21:19
I've never liked Boyzone's version. I think Westlife's Total Eclipse Of The Heart is better. Although that's like saying a kick in the bollocks is better than a poke in the eye. :lol:

If forced to pick a boyband song however, Take That's Never Forget trumps both of the above for sheer Steinman-ness.

But not the 'Nobody Else' album version. That's boring. The Steinman/Rinkoff remix on the single and the greatest hits packages is outstanding.

Evil Ernie
20 Dec 2013, 06:00
To be honest, while I enjoy both ML and Boyzone's (lol, sorry. It's the dumbest name for a group ever) version of NMW, I think that they both pale in comparison to the version from WDTW with the kids singing.



AKIATTW as well:


21 Dec 2013, 01:03
Indeed, I love to watch the children sing. One of my favorite parts is the little boy who says he had a glass (or jar) or fireflies, they make amazing light. They sure do and I did that as a kid. Running around at night with a jar of fireflies, good times, innocence.

The childlike faith and trust comes through perfectly when they sing that song- perfect b/c that is what the song is about.
As far as Boyzone and Meat Loafs version, ML is 100% better. His version shows reverence, something integral to this song and Boyzone's version is lacking in this.
It is one of ML best songs, it shows his range and I cry every time I hear it.
Bravo, well done Meat.

21 Dec 2013, 09:57
When I first heard Boyzone's version I quite liked it and at the time, assumed that they wrote the song and there were no other versions of it. I was about 12 and all my friends loved Boyzone. We were their target market I suppose and my friends probably would have bought anything by them even if it had have been rubbish.

A few months later I was given Meat's VBO album as a present which had the song on it and it was quite a surprise for me to hear the song by another artist. His version took a few plays to get used to how it sounded with a different singer.

21 Dec 2013, 22:28
Not one of my favourites. Just remember during a concert that strange rock thing Meat sat on before he started singing NMW

22 Dec 2013, 04:40
Not one of my favourites. Just remember during a concert that strange rock thing Meat sat on before he started singing NMW

It was the opening of the Very Best of Tour .. the arena was dark, so was the stage .. then as the deep opening chords from the organ swelled round the arena .. you could feel the sound vibrating through the seats .. Meat was sitting on a rock, lit by a single spotlight as he started singing Home By Now. It was only as he moved into No Matter What that the lights started to come up on stage to reveal the forest backdrop in shades of red and orange and black behind him. I thought it was one of the most impactful and amazing openings to a show I'd seen!

Then the backdrop was lifted, the lights went full on, the band ran on with bottles of beer, and they kicked into Dead Ringer .. and I guess the show started for you, you old philistine ;):lol::lol:

I was in the third row centre, and thrilled to have what I thought would be such great seats. That opening song was the last song I actually SAW Meat sing, as five blokes in row two, all about 6'6" and built like brick craphouses, stood up and blocked everything from sight for the rest of the night. A total eclipse of the show.

22 Dec 2013, 10:21
Ohhh Home By Now!

Home By Now opened my second ML show and was the first time I saw him sing after my first Meet and Greet. He'd looked after me wonderfully at the M&G, just the most charming man I'd ever met, then suddenly he was Meat Loaf, perched on his plastic rock (random!) belting it out!

No Matter What - by Boyzone or Meat - I can take or leave, but HBN still fills me with that brilliant nervous excitement, love it!

22 Dec 2013, 11:52
It was the opening of the Very Best of Tour .. the arena was dark, so was the stage .. then as the deep opening chords from the organ swelled round the arena .. you could feel the sound vibrating through the seats .. Meat was sitting on a rock, lit by a single spotlight as he started singing Home By Now. It was only as he moved into No Matter What that the lights started to come up on stage to reveal the forest backdrop in shades of red and orange and black behind him. I thought it was one of the most impactful and amazing openings to a show I'd seen!

Then the backdrop was lifted, the lights went full on, the band ran on with bottles of beer, and they kicked into Dead Ringer .. and I guess the show started for you, you old philistine ;):lol::lol:

Damn! By the sounds of it, that was ANOTHER great show I missed out on.

:( :( :(

Evil One
22 Dec 2013, 14:06
The Very Best Of show was superb.

22 Dec 2013, 17:57
VBO was pretty different...acoustic set, a few cover versions, it was fun!

Evil One
22 Dec 2013, 20:29
I didn't think much to the 'stump the band' section and Home By Now/No Matter What would have been better if the band played it instead of using the orchestra backing track. And A Kiss Is A Terrible Thing To Waste would have been nice. Minor niggles aside though, it was a top notch show.