View Full Version : Please NE advice I don't know which category this goes under

03 Aug 2003, 08:46
Hi, firstly i wanted to say is I don't really know where to post this, so I will post it here and hope for an answer.

Well long story short, its about my father. I really don't like this man. When he was living with me he used to be a real hassle, would always upset me, physically or mentally. He used to really hurt me, sometimes with a belt, he cut that a couple years back. Then he would beat me quite often. Why he would do this stuff, well back a couple times if he asked me to take my brother to the store, I said okay, could he wait half hour, I just got in the door and it was pooring rain. He just gave me one of his evil nasty looks, he always gives me, which means "your so much like your mother, why don't you just d!e." so i went down my room, put on a Meat Loaf record, to pass the time, And he was drinking and as usual under the influence of something. he stormed down my room 10 minutes later, and said when are you going to clean th F ___ing hall way. Puzzles I was, and said what do you mean you didn't tell me, but i guess i could do it. And he said your f ___ing right you'll do it, its your f ___ job as my son to do everything i say. so i said quietly, okay w\e dad i'll get to it there is just two songs left. and there were, marth & where angels sing. (first time hearing album, just bought it coming home from school) . and he left for like 10 secs, stormed in room, ripped the stereo off my hands, threw it across the room, I tried to grab my headphones so they wouldn't rip, and he threw me across my room, and when i tried to get up to leave, he just kicked me and threw me on my wall. not as worse as throwing me outside in winter with t shirt, but pretty bad, but NEways

my problem is that, this lying, mother beating, hurting me (in this board i will say ) really unkind person. he is out now, since i told someone, but now he is harassing my mother who he used to beat, and said he will get custody of us and she better watch out. but he puts up this kind identity, in front of everyone, what can I do, he tries to be this nice guy to me, but i don't want to put up with it NEmore. I'm afraid to tell him, and i don't want to stoop down to his level saying stuff saying i hate him. but i do, i'm so confused. i definetly don't want to be with him, but i don't want to say no. what can i do to over pass this guilt i don't want.

it seriously makes me very upset, cause he is my father, but he's not the one i like calling dad. i have role models, people who i look up too. he's getting worse by the day. please help, thanx. (PS my mom is the oppisote, and that is one thing that used to bug him) i was just like her

03 Aug 2003, 10:51

I'm really sorry to hear that you've had such a difficult time with your father. It must have been incerdibly hard for you to live in an enviroment like that, and it's amazing that you are still in one piece, and that can only be a tastiment to your stregnth of will.
Am i right in thinking that you now live away from your father? as you said that you had told someone what has been going on - all credit to you for doing that - it takes a great deal of courage and bravery to be able to talk to someone, usually a stranger about whats been happening.
You've said that your father now keeps harrassing your mom, and is threatening all sorts. It sounds to me that he is clutching at straws and saying these things just to intimidate and frighten you all. As you have told someone what was happening - i presume social services or some similar organisation were involved, it would be incerdibly difficult, almost impossible for him to get custody of you with his previous history of violence and alcohol dependance. I think he knows this and is just trying to frighten you.

Hope this helps, RSG. If you do need to speak to someone about what's going on, try a service like Child Line, or perhaps even your social worker. Take care, Hun.


original sin
03 Aug 2003, 17:39

I think Heat has given you some sound sensible advise. You and you Mum need to be getting some support and help. You may neeed to take some kind of action to keep him away so you can live in peace. I'm sure this will be a tangle of mixed emotions for all of you, but no one should have to live with that kind abuse.
Good luck to all of you and I hope you can find refuge and tranquility in Meats music

03 Aug 2003, 21:59

I totally agree with Heat on this one. She has given you some really good advice. Even try to get a restraining order or a peace bond against him. With everything you and your Mom have been through, I can't see a problem getting one.


03 Aug 2003, 22:06
Hi RSG I was so saddened to read your account of life at home, it bought tears to my eyes. I hope and pray that you and your Mum find peace now, and can move onwards with your life.

The advice given by above members is solid, and there are people and out there who will help you. If its offered take it,

keep :) ing


Crystal Eyes
04 Aug 2003, 13:49
Heat gives very good advice. Just remember not to be afraid. It's what he wants; it's his way of trying to control you. He is getting desperate by the sound of things.

It's hard when a close family member does something like that and even though they are close sometimes it's just better to leave them behind. If you ever feel down try justputting on some music and really feel it.

Just my thoughts.
Best of luck.

04 Aug 2003, 15:23

I was so sad to hear of your situation. You have already been given very good advice by other members here and I agree with all they have said. I hope that you are able to find the support you need a.s.a.p. and that you are able to find the peace you need and deserve to move forward in your life.

Luv Terri

08 Aug 2003, 03:27
thanx guys, :) I will try something, i don't know how much i can take this with, but it is its official, i don't like him no more. although that might sound childish, i don't know. but all i can say is, thank U all. i hope to. see yeas fr now. byez fr now


08 Aug 2003, 12:31
RSG, absolutely nothing about this is childish.

Take care!