View Full Version : Bat Out Of Hell ~ Legalities Over Royalties Article

30 Apr 2014, 02:52
Some back history and closure perhaps.


30 Apr 2014, 16:28
Thanks for posting that. Very good read even though it had one line that I found rather disturbing. It is sad how these companies treat people.

Evil One
30 Apr 2014, 18:35
This world is full of ~~~~~~~s and they usually win :roll:

02 May 2014, 01:03
Ultimate Classic Rock's article. Looks like they tried get a hold of Meat for a comment, but he had travel commitments at the time.


02 May 2014, 19:12
Ultimate Classic Rock's article. Looks like they tried get a hold of Meat for a comment, but he had travel commitments at the time.


Best information I could find (could be wrong) says that Meat did not testify at all because the case never made it to court. It claims that he was "'expected" to testify. If this is true he never did so according to this source. Very interesting case, lots of interetsing court documents.