View Full Version : Bat Out Of Hell 96khz/24bit FLAC

13 Dec 2014, 01:21
Hello! Does anyone have this? Is it worth the upgrade? I would only bother for special albums, and this one is certainly that...

Evil One
13 Dec 2014, 11:45
The short answer is no.

The longer answer is it sounds exactly like most other releases of Bat Out Of Hell. The human ear can't hear much above 40khz and due to the recording techniques of the time there is no sound above 48khz anyway. It's just a marketing gimmick and a case of the emperor's new clothes.

The way to make BOOH sound better is for someone to take the original studio multitracks and clean them up with todays technology. All the current versions are all taken from the same set of masters so they're all going to sound the same.

13 Dec 2014, 12:08
The short answer is no.

The longer answer is it sounds exactly like most other releases of Bat Out Of Hell. The human ear can't hear much above 40khz and due to the recording techniques of the time there is no sound above 48khz anyway. It's just a marketing gimmick and a case of the emperor's new clothes.

The way to make BOOH sound better is for someone to take the original studio multitracks and clean them up with todays technology. All the current versions are all taken from the same set of masters so they're all going to sound the same.

Ah okay thanks. I hope Sony does that at some point maybe to mark another anniversary of the album. It's certainly made them enough money!