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The Flying Mouse
09 Aug 2003, 20:42
:twisted: According to the newspaper today,Britain could run out of beer in the next ten days due to an increase in demand because of the hot weather 8O :( .
Stock up to avoid sobriety :mrgreen:

09 Aug 2003, 20:48
Same here. http://www.mlukfc.com/chat/images/burp.gif

Rob The Badger
09 Aug 2003, 20:48

I've only just realised the irony of my statement...

White of High
10 Aug 2003, 00:12
36°C in London - yes, it's good! But not enough hot! I LOVE HOT!!!
When I was in Sevilla 8 years ago there was 47-48°C in shadow and we look around in the city. That was hot! I've heard at now there is 53°C!
And it's snowing in Reunion...

Oh, yes! I love this song by Bon Jovi! Fantastic! :)

10 Aug 2003, 01:04
Wow....out of beer????? 8O
My god....that is nightmare coming true! And now Moussie??? Import some beer??? :lol:

The Flying Mouse
10 Aug 2003, 02:39
:twisted: I believe that's the plan Tim.
There is talk of importing beer from Europe,but it will push the price of beer :? ,and I believe that Germany (the worlds third biggest beer producer) is having a problem itself keeping up with demand 8O .

10 Aug 2003, 02:42

Oh well, I'll have to ramraid a few off-licenses. Anyone with me?

10 Aug 2003, 07:13
My God :!: That is just horrible. We would never run out of beer in Canada. There would be an uprising :twisted:


10 Aug 2003, 07:19
Now running out of Beer i can live with.....But PLEASE don't run out of Tequilla!!!!! 8O

Or chocolate :roll:

10 Aug 2003, 22:32
Now running out of Beer i can live with.....But PLEASE don't run out of Tequilla!!!!! 8O

Or chocolate :roll:

Too right Heat.......now that would be disastrous :lol:

10 Aug 2003, 22:42
Now running out of Beer i can live with.....But PLEASE don't run out of Tequilla!!!!! 8O

Or chocolate :roll:

Too right Heat.......now that would be disastrous :lol:

Wouldn't it just???

Doesn't bear thinking about, does it??? 8O 8O 8O

10 Aug 2003, 23:46
Hehhe, about funny and a dry country.... here in Holland, the energy compagne asked people not to use much electric on monday morning... :? What has this to do with the heat and dry??? What about solarpanels?? 8O

10 Aug 2003, 23:57
Just please make sure we keep the supply of Guiness and Jack Daniels going!!!

11 Aug 2003, 12:23
Just please make sure we keep the supply of Guiness and Jack Daniels going!!!

and scotch, pernod and blue vodka :D

11 Aug 2003, 23:50
I think i may have to be magnanomous here, and offer to eat all Britans chocolate - before it all melts!!!

12 Aug 2003, 00:09
I think i may have to be magnanomous here, and offer to eat all Britans chocolate - before it all melts!!!

Can I help?...........please, please, please :lol:

12 Aug 2003, 00:11
I think i may have to be magnanomous here, and offer to eat all Britans chocolate - before it all melts!!!

Can I help?...........please, please, please :lol:

You can have the Terrys chocolate oranges, and any other choccie that has oranges in it - grim!!!! :evil:

12 Aug 2003, 00:22
I think i may have to be magnanomous here, and offer to eat all Britans chocolate - before it all melts!!!
Can I help?...........please, please, please :lol:
You can have the Terrys chocolate oranges, and any other choccie that has oranges in it - grim!!!! :evil:
:D You're so generous Heat..................when we start? :lol:

12 Aug 2003, 00:24
How about right now???

I have a big bar of fruit and nut that's just begging to be eaten....

12 Aug 2003, 00:30
How about right now???
I have a big bar of fruit and nut that's just begging to be eaten....
Well if it's begging, you've just gotta eat it then :lol: :lol:

12 Aug 2003, 00:42
It is, and i am!!! :lol: :wink:

12 Aug 2003, 02:00
heheh, typical women.... eating chocolat.... do you know that by eating chocolat, you are actually saying that you have not enough sex :P 8)

12 Aug 2003, 11:14
heheh, typical women.... eating chocolat.... do you know that by eating chocolat, you are actually saying that you have not enough sex :P 8)

Never a truer word spoken in jest... 8O :lol:

12 Aug 2003, 11:15
heheh, typical women.... eating chocolat.... do you know that by eating chocolat, you are actually saying that you have not enough sex :P 8)

Never a truer word spoken in jest... 8O :lol:

I rarely eat chocolate what does that make me Tim/Heat :oops: :??:

12 Aug 2003, 11:17
Guess it makes you...er...RAMPANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 Aug 2003, 12:32
Guess it makes you...er...RAMPANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Ye.........s! :oops: :lol:

12 Aug 2003, 12:36
Methinks a cold shower might be in order, Dottie :D

12 Aug 2003, 12:42
Had 3 yesterday!Methinks a cold shower might be in order, Dottie :D

12 Aug 2003, 13:12
Oooh, you guys!!!
See, you are all sex addict!! :lmao: I knew it, that is why Heat wants to live with me in 1 house :lmao:

12 Aug 2003, 13:17
Oooh, you guys!!!
See, you are all sex addict!! :lmao: I knew it, that is why Heat wants to live with me in 1 house :lmao:

You got me, Tim 8O

I really am this nymphomaniac of a woman that want's to keep you chained up till it's time to play.....

12 Aug 2003, 13:31
Oooh, you guys!!!
See, you are all sex addict!! :lmao: I knew it, that is why Heat wants to live with me in 1 house :lmao:

You got me, Tim 8O

I really am this nymphomaniac of a woman that want's to keep you chained up till it's time to play.....

hahahah, heat, now i'm rolling off my chair from laughing. Is that the truth... but will you give me some water sometimes??? Cause it is much to heat sometimes... And now i understand you name Heat :lmao:

12 Aug 2003, 14:39
heheh, typical women.... eating chocolat.... do you know that by eating chocolat, you are actually saying that you have not enough sex :P 8)

Never a truer word spoken in jest... 8O :lol:

I rarely eat chocolate what does that make me Tim/Heat :oops: :??:

This is a little worrying.....
I NEVER eat chocolate!! 8O ......hastens to add it's because i'm allergic to it :lol:


12 Aug 2003, 14:44
heheh, typical women.... eating chocolat.... do you know that by eating chocolat, you are actually saying that you have not enough sex :P 8)

Yeah I've heard that before, choc is a sub for sex.... :wink: Hmmm... is that why I eat it EVERY day??? 8O 8O 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

original sin
12 Aug 2003, 15:07
I really am this nymphomaniac of a woman that want's to keep you chained up till it's time to play.....

Definition of a nymphomaniac :- a woman who can trip a bloke up and get under him before he falls 8O

I am seriously worried about running out of beer and don't like melting chocolate and Tim you must have seen the piece reasons why chocolate is beter than sex!!

You can GET chocolate.
"If you love me you'll swallow that" has real meaning with chocolate.
Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft.
You can safely have chocolate while you are driving.
You can make chocolate last as long as you want it to.
You can have chocolate even in front of your mother.
If you bite the nuts too hard the chocolate won't mind.
Two people of the same sex can have chocolate without being called nasty names.
The word "commitment" doesn't scare off chocolate.
You can have chocolate on top of your workbench/desk during working hours without upsetting your work mates.
You can ask a stranger for chocolate without getting your face slapped.
You don't get hairs in your mouth with chocolate.
With chocolate there's no need to fake it.
Chocolate doesn't make you pregnant.
You can have chocolate at any time of the month.
Good chocolate is easy to find.
You can have as many kinds of chocolate as you can handle.
You are never too young or too old for chocolate.
When you have chocolate it does not keep your neighbors awake.
With chocolate size doesn't matter; it's always good.

12 Aug 2003, 16:36
but will you give me some water sometimes??? Cause it is much to heat sometimes... And now i understand you name Heat :lmao:

Only if you really really beg for it...and then i'll only think about it!!! :wink:

12 Aug 2003, 19:23
hahhaha, Heat, hun... i love you!! :lmao: you make me laugh!!!

This has turned in a very funny topic!!! And the things that Sin has written are very true and funny!!!

12 Aug 2003, 21:21
Thank you all!!!!

My customers now think I am a nutter!!!!

This morning i had a lady in who was having a stressful day and said

"Oo, Chris, I really need to get a big bar of Dairy Milk. Whats the largest size you do?"

She was quite mystified when I began laughing my head off!!!!!

12 Aug 2003, 22:50
The only chocolate I really like are MARS BARS straight from a fridge :lol: :lol: :lol: my middle name is Marianne Faithfull, hope you not all too young to understand what I mean. :lol:

12 Aug 2003, 23:06
Dottie - Eeewwww!!!!! 8O

Use a Cadbury's Crunchie - they Fizz!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

But do it soon, Crunchies are no longer being made and will soon be relaced by Dairy milk with Crunchie bits!!!

12 Aug 2003, 23:38
Thank you all!!!!

My customers now think I am a nutter!!!!

This morning i had a lady in who was having a stressful day and said

"Oo, Chris, I really need to get a big bar of Dairy Milk. Whats the largest size you do?"

She was quite mystified when I began laughing my head off!!!!!

Hahhahaha, Chris.... oooh, that is funny, strange situation that you're in. But i think it is very funny. Can imagine that you started to laugh!!

original sin
13 Aug 2003, 00:41
They cannot stop making crunchies!!!!! I'm going to protest

13 Aug 2003, 01:00
Shall we get a petition going???

They have already changed the caramels - so not a happy chappy as we have lost the bunny :evil:

13 Aug 2003, 01:15
Is OK Peeps,

Crunchies, Caramels and Wispa do not use pure cdbury's choccie. The glass and a half stuff!

They are now going to use pure choccie and be known as

Cadbury's Dairy Milk with Crunchie Bits
Cadbury's Dairy Milk Bubbles
Cadbury's Dairy Milk with Caramel

Coming soon to a newsagent near you

However, if any of you want to chain yourselves to my choccie display, you are more than welcome to!!!

original sin
13 Aug 2003, 01:15
I am just so devastated!!! I can not belive they are doing away with Crunchies. I blame the bloody EU

13 Aug 2003, 01:20
Heheh, now a petition is started about crunch chocolat??? hahaha, omg... this is funny!!! I agree with you.. it is a shame! :lmao:

My god, lmao

original sin
13 Aug 2003, 01:23
Tim this is no laughing matter!!!!
you need female hormones for a month and you'll release just how serious this is!!!

p.s. :lmao:

13 Aug 2003, 07:11
[quote="Chris"]Dottie - Eeewwww!!!!! 8O

Use a Cadbury's Crunchie - they Fizz!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Would a Sherbet Saucer do instead do you think Chris? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: Um must stock up on Crunchie's :lol:

13 Aug 2003, 17:08
Chrunchies were my favourite chocolate. :D .....sigh!....in the days when i could eat chocolate
sadly i'm now allergic to it :( :(


Crystal Eyes
13 Aug 2003, 17:25
My God! You people! I go away for a couple of days and discover you all raving about sex and making lewd jokes! 8O :lol: Now I'm only a newbie here and would dare to try and disrupt your discussions but think of the influence you're having! Think of the little people (and I do not mean aliens or pixies, elves or any other small creature) whose minds you are influencing! Really, it's disgraceful! :lol:

PS. I'm not lauging at any of your jokes.
PPS. Honest.

13 Aug 2003, 17:41
Chrunchies were my favourite chocolate. .....sigh!....in the days when i could eat chocolate
sadly i'm now allergic to it
:( Poor u Bren.......I can't imagine life without chocolate

17 Aug 2003, 01:18
Chrunchies were my favourite chocolate. :D .....sigh!....in the days when i could eat chocolate
sadly i'm now allergic to it :( :(


Aw that's sad Bren. :( But if it is of any comfort: Chocolate has really bad sides to it too.

17 Aug 2003, 01:28
Hahha, not laughing at all???

Mmm... that is bad, maybe you must eat some more chocolat then... hahahaha :lmao: