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31 Oct 2015, 18:58
Hi hope you can help I am a big Meat Loaf fan as you can maybe gather by the name of our music company.
Wondered if your memebers could help me.
I had a lad come in the shop yesterday who is also a big fan and someone close to him is too.
She is under going treatment and losing her hair and wants a Meat Loaf bandana to hide her thinning hair but they said they could not get one.
I tried our suppilers but could not find one.
Do you know if any of your members have one space to help out a fellow fan ?
We can sort postage out as they would be willing to pay that no problem.
I am not interested in making money from it as my dad died of cancer so it is close to my heart so if I can help someone else I will.
Really hope get help put a big smile on someones face.
Kind regards
The Neverland Music CompanyIf somebody can help out, pm me and I'll supply the contact details.

31 Oct 2015, 20:57
I'm pretty sure a lot of people will know who/what this is about...I recommend keeping an eye on eBay as the official ML bandana that was released often appears on there for just a few pounds.

31 Oct 2015, 21:12
Yes .. I don't have one, but checked eBay .. as of today none, but they do come up from time to time

31 Oct 2015, 21:20
On the move but I'll keep my eyes peeled. I've suffered both full and partial alopecia as part of a much larger condition, so I sympathize greatly! Bandanas were my friend for a long, long time!

01 Nov 2015, 00:16
Pretty sure I have one but will have to check first.

01 Nov 2015, 01:18
99% sure I have one but I'm away at the mo, back home Monday evening and will confirm

01 Nov 2015, 11:39
If they're not too fussed about it being official merchandise. They could buy a plain bandana (only cost £1) and take it to a t-shirt printing shop with a design they want and get it done there. Just thinking of it being a fairly cheap and affordable way of the poor soul being able to get one.

My thoughts go to them and I wish them a full recovery