View Full Version : Mousies 27th birthday on the 20th August

13 Aug 2003, 21:01
Hi Mousie hun, have a very happy birthday on Wednesday,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Mousieeeeeeee
happy birthday to you.
Altogether now everyone,
hip hip hooray,
hip hip hooray,
hip hip hooray. yay :wink:

original sin
14 Aug 2003, 00:13
Party? I have duty free :wink:
have a good one Mousie 8)

14 Aug 2003, 01:08
And what would Mousie like for his birthday?

Lets see Mousies don't generally eat cheese so maybe a nice lump of chocolate?? I'll leave ti on this wood and metal thingy behind the fridge :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

14 Aug 2003, 02:34
Happy Birthday Mousie :!:
I hope that you have a great one :twisted:

Crystal Eyes
14 Aug 2003, 14:29
Oops. A day late I'm afraid. Hope you had a great birthday!

14 Aug 2003, 15:31
Oops. A day late I'm afraid. Hope you had a great birthday!

Err....Crystal hun...Have a looksee at the date on the top of this thread.....His birthday aint till the 20th!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hope you have a great day Mousie hun :P

The Flying Mouse
14 Aug 2003, 18:37
:twisted: It's a bit early,but thanks guys :lol: .
27 years old :roll: .
hmm :roll: .
yep,that sounds fun :D .
I'll give it a go :mrgreen: .
Besides,being 26 is rapidly going out of style.It's SO last year 8) .

original sin
14 Aug 2003, 21:13
But what about the PARTY???

The Flying Mouse
14 Aug 2003, 21:25
:twisted: Party sounds good 8)
Who's coming?

Sapphire Lady
14 Aug 2003, 23:18
Happy birthday for Wednesday Mouse.

Count me in for the party :D

14 Aug 2003, 23:32
happy birthday mousie! :D

14 Aug 2003, 23:37
:twisted: Party sounds good 8)
Who's coming?

I'll come!!!

And i'll bring the Tequila 8)

Crystal Eyes
14 Aug 2003, 23:42
Oops. A day late I'm afraid. Hope you had a great birthday!

Err....Crystal hun...Have a looksee at the date on the top of this thread.....His birthday aint till the 20th!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oops again. :oops: :oops: Well err happy birthday for the 20th.

14 Aug 2003, 23:44
Oops. A day late I'm afraid. Hope you had a great birthday!

Err....Crystal hun...Have a looksee at the date on the top of this thread.....His birthday aint till the 20th!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oops again. :oops: :oops: Well err happy birthday for the 20th.

You been on the apple wine, again, Crystal??? :lol:

Crystal Eyes
14 Aug 2003, 23:50
Me? Never.

(Glug, glug, glug)

15 Aug 2003, 01:49
How about (and this may sound sad!!) a party?

Say 9pm UK time on Wednesday in the chatroom. If everyone wears a party hat or summat!! Could be fun!!!!

Just a suggestion!!

15 Aug 2003, 01:55
Hello Flying Mouse,

I want to congratulate you with your 27th birthday. Hope that year will be one of wisdom, proud, fun and lots of Meat Loaf.

I wish you a happy day!!

And about that party... can i come??? And what do you want to have for your birthday Mousie?

The Butcher.

The Flying Mouse
15 Aug 2003, 01:58
:twisted: Thanks Tim.
Of course you can come to the party :lol: .
The chatroom?
hmm,something to think about :D

17 Aug 2003, 16:37
Right i have thought about it ,im with everyone on this .The party is wednesday 9pm uk time, :lol: the place is the chatroom please feel free to bring a bottle not an empty one guys :wink: make sure you all have enough beer, nibbles and whatever else ,you are all invited dont be late lets all have a rockin good party for mousie. please all be there , as many of you as possible, also everyone has to have Meat playing on their cd players 8) ok guys c u there dont be late. :wink:, also thanx Chris great idea :idea: of yours mate. :lol:

17 Aug 2003, 19:47
Chuffing Heck!!!

One of my best amtes gets married in a weeks time!! Wednesday night I am supposed to be meeting the bride!!!!!!

Maybe if i pretend to have the plague or summat!!!

17 Aug 2003, 22:39
oops Chris :oops: it was your idea :lol: hope you can make it, :cry: if not dont worry we will have a beer for you :wink: .Have a nice time. :D

17 Aug 2003, 22:59
Right i have thought about it ,im with everyone on this .The party is wednesday 9pm uk time, :lol: the place is the chatroom please feel free to bring a bottle not an empty one guys :wink: make sure you all have enough beer, nibbles and whatever else ,you are all invited dont be late lets all have a rockin good party for mousie. please all be there , as many of you as possible, also everyone has to have Meat playing on their cd players 8) ok guys c u there dont be late. :wink:, also thanx Chris great idea :idea: of yours mate. :lol:

Oh boy, the chatroom! I Will try to make it, there is, after all, an exeption to every rule. But please know, I have only been in there once and gave everyone a group-hug, because I pressed the wrong button! :oops:



17 Aug 2003, 23:03
i know Mariella :lol: ,i still cant type quick anyway, :oops: so it is still new to me, :( everyone understands anyway. :wink:

17 Aug 2003, 23:04
Mariella, i can't cope with the chat room....
i'm hopeless, :oops:
have to see how brave i'm feeling Mrs Mouse


17 Aug 2003, 23:09
:lol: :lol: :lol: , ok Bren, i know what its like sometimes, i keep getting kicked out :( it is hilarious :lol: :lol: :lol:

18 Aug 2003, 01:43
9'o clock on wednesday... i hope i can be there... otherwise.. is it good if i will be later in the chatroom???

Anyway... hope you will have a good birthday little moussie friend of mine!!! Take care, and see you wednesday!!!

The Butcher.

The Flying Mouse
18 Aug 2003, 05:02
:twisted: Sounds like we got a plan here :D
9 O' clock in the chatroom it is :lol:
Don't forget plenty of beer and a silly hat :wink:

18 Aug 2003, 06:02
Hello Mousssssse!!!
Got the beer allready... only thing is the hat. But can't find it anywhere. How about some cake? or pie? Who is gonna bring it with him / her? :lol:

original sin
18 Aug 2003, 15:58
I'll be there!! fridge is stocked with beer, just hope it lasts til then :?

18 Aug 2003, 19:30
And i'll bake a cake!!!

Hope everyone likes Chocolate Buttercream Icing... :D :D :D

18 Aug 2003, 22:14
Can i lick the bowl out please Heat?? Pretty pretty please!!

Hopefully I will be there with beer!!!

19 Aug 2003, 08:33
Happy Happy Bday Mouse,
I never visit here on Off Topics, just usually check out the general and CHSIB forums. Glad I found you before the event. You folks talking about a chat on the 27th, GMT or whatever it is that sets the standard for the rest of the world?

I think I'm 6 hours off, might be 3 pm here, CDT. Sorry I'm mathematically challenged on these things. :oops: If someone could let me know, I'd like to try to join in, depends on work, but I have some flexibility if it's when I think.

Best wishes on your 27th. You aren't getting older, just wiser!

(and I also can bring good tequila, LOL)

19 Aug 2003, 17:15
One more day to go, one more day till the morrow, and Mousie will be 27 years old. I'm still old enough to be your mother Mousie,

Have a great day if I'm not around :D

19 Aug 2003, 18:09
can i go nanna??? i promise i wont drink. :lol: :D

mmmmmmm cake!! :lol:

Have a great b'day mousie!! 8)

19 Aug 2003, 18:11
can i go nanna??? i promise i wont drink. :lol: :D

Have a great b'day mousie!! 8)

Glad to hear it Testify, Um it will be legal for you to have a drink won't it soon Testify :lol: :??:

19 Aug 2003, 18:14
yup it will, few years tho. Driving soon!! hehehe :twisted:

so i'll bring the coke for all us underage ppl! :lol:

20 Aug 2003, 00:30
Yes, someone has to bring something for us teenagers!

I'm not around tomorrow night, but I hope you all have a great time. Happy Birthday for tomorrow Mousie!

Hopefully I will be able to pay a fleeting visit to the party, don't want to miss it! I'll just "borrow" my friend's laptop or something. You have been warned...

Have a fantastic time!