View Full Version : EXAM RESULTS
Meant to post this earlier...
Just wanted to say good luck and well done to all those people who are getting thier exam results around now.
I know there are a few guys on here waiting for thier GCSE results next week, and i just want to wish them luck.
Hope you get the marks you are all hoping for.
Crystal Eyes
14 Aug 2003, 23:53
Thanks heat. Can't tell you how worried I am. My confidence is taking a huge dive at the moment. Trying to block it outta my mind.
Thanks Heat, you support means a lot.
Good Luck to everyone else who is getting results.
I'm getting very scared. The panic is beginning to set in now, I'm very worried. What doesn't help is that there are people going round saying that the exams are getting easier. Not a big help at all.
I'm going out of my head a bit worrying about this. Help.
I remember waiting for my exam results, Crystal. I was sooo stressed. But then i figured, that i've done the exams, i did my best and it's all in the hands of the markers now.
There's nothing you can do but wait - you can't change your results, all you can do is try to focus on the fact that whatever grades you get, you'll have done your best.
Very good luck to all of you. :wink:
Crystal Eyes
15 Aug 2003, 14:11
I know heat but I've had tests where I thought I did pretty well and actually did really badly. What if that happens? I know I shouldn't ask what if questions but it's so hard! I've just chewed my last nail down. Gotta keep calm. Think of peaceful lakes, swans gliding across the silken water, nightiningales singing as they soar through the sky... Not working. Oh well...
Good luck to everyone else! Hope you all do great.
original sin
15 Aug 2003, 14:16
Good luck everyone - are the results out yet?
Crystal Eyes
15 Aug 2003, 14:18
A-levels are but GCSEs are out next thursday.
original sin
15 Aug 2003, 14:24
OK i'll keep my fingers crossed a while longer
Good luck to you all that are waiting for results. I can't believe how year after year people say the exams are getting easier. I think the trouble with this Country is we cannot give praise. The Government went on and on about how education is the main thing how we need to get more people studying and passing exams and now that has been achieved they are saying it is too easy. Well I would like to see all those people sit the exams again and see how they do. I remember my son when he was doing his A levels how hard he worked, so to all of you who are waiting and who have passed good on you and don't let anyone tell you that the exams are easy. 8)
Very best of luck to you all
Crystal Eyes
16 Aug 2003, 02:04
Good luck to you all that are waiting for results. I can't believe how year after year people say the exams are getting easier. I think the trouble with this Country is we cannot give praise. The Government went on and on about how education is the main thing how we need to get more people studying and passing exams and now that has been achieved they are saying it is too easy. Well I would like to see all those people sit the exams again and see how they do. I remember my son when he was doing his A levels how hard he worked, so to all of you who are waiting and who have passed good on you and don't let anyone tell you that the exams are easy. 8)
Thank you plukie! I hate the way people go on about it. It just diminishes any achievement and makes those who didn't do as well as they had hoped feel even worse.
17 Aug 2003, 02:10
i passed my GCSEs 5 years ago and I was bricking it too. Its always the couple of weeks before the results are the worst.
Ignore everyone saying how the exams are worthless, no matter what exam they use, it will still involve going to college and uni afterwards. And it doesnt really matter what results you get either, there will always be a college and University that will accept you.
If you want it badly enough, then you can achieve anything you want...
So are there any results to share with us yet??? :wink:
So are there any results to share with us yet??? :wink:
Not as yet, Plukie - GCSE results come out on Thursday!!!
18 Aug 2003, 23:15
goood luck all!!
im gettin a lil scared now, only a few days to go.
just gotta think happy thoughts....... :lol:
I am so scared, getting very stressed very quickly lately. I've been in denial until recently that i even took them, it's come round so fast. help. thinking peaceful, happy thoughts...
oh hell.
Thanks for all the good wishes and support guys.
Shadows On The Wall
20 Aug 2003, 17:35
im into cardiff uni to study geology
i got, A, B,B,C
20 Aug 2003, 18:30
I am so scared, getting very stressed very quickly lately. I've been in denial until recently that i even took them, it's come round so fast. help. thinking peaceful, happy thoughts...
oh hell.
Thanks for all the good wishes and support guys.
Cathie, all will be fine. U'll do great. Give me a ring if ya need to talk, okay.
Good luck to the rest who will be getting their results!!!! :D
:D Cathie,
Try not to get too stressed out, keep......
thinking peaceful, happy thoughts......
wishing you all the best, I'm sure you'll do great!
:D Best of luck to all the others who will be getting their results.
Crystal Eyes
20 Aug 2003, 21:39
To everone getting their results tomorrow,
Just a last good luck! I'm getting mine tomorrow to so I know how you all feel. Hope you're not worrying as much as I am. So to everyone:
Good Luck!
im into cardiff uni to study geology
i got, A, B,B,C
Congrats, Shadowe...well done hun...though really...UWIC????? 8O
Shoulda come to Swansea... :lol:
Good Luck guys :D , were thinking of you :lol: ,with everything crossed. :wink:
The Flying Mouse
21 Aug 2003, 03:41
:twisted: Well done shadows.
I'm very pleased for you :D
To all our other members expecting exam results,all the best.I sincerley hope you get everything you deserve.
But if you don't get the results you're hoping for,don't forget,this ain't life or death.It ain't rock & roll 8)
Rob The Badger
21 Aug 2003, 17:37
I p-p-p-p-p-p-assed. . .
Don't congragulate me, that's praising acheivement in public examination, not in tune with my beliefs. Anyone else who did well and actually wants congragulations, Well Done.
Well I won't congratulate you then Eyeore...
But congrats and well done to all who do want it :D
Thanks to everyone who kept their fingers crossed and wishes us good seems to have worked for me anyway.
I didn't actually make it to a bed last night so the relief after getting the results practically knocked me out.
With the amount of pressure you get out under just sitting the exams it's a wonder anyone actually ends up taking them, so a GREAT BIG WELL DONE to everyone.
:D :D
original sin
22 Aug 2003, 00:15
:lol: sounds good cathie pleased for you
Thanks Sin. Can I post my results on here? Want to share because I'm happy.
Thanks Sin. Can I post my results on here? Want to share because I'm happy.
Go for it Cathie :D
Okay then...
English Literature - A*
English Language - A*
History - A*
Drama - A
Biology - A
Geography Short Course - A
Religious Studies Short Course - A*
Chemistry - B
Physics - B
German - B
Maths - B
I'm really pleased with them, drama i was predicted a C. I started off the year taking RS long course and dropped down after they predicted me a D and my teacher made my life hell. Geography I only took for an hour a week because I couldn't do complusary P.E. lessons for medical reasons.
I now have good results and a secure place for A Levels.
I've had a really bad couple of years with all kinds of problems, medical and personal. I been at school for about half of what I should have. This is why I'm so happy with the results.
Things are getting better now in all aspects of my life, now this is over I feel like I can put it all out of the way and make a fresh start next year.
Thank you for all the good luck and well done's. Congratulations to everyone else. :D
Cathie x
22 Aug 2003, 00:39
CG'S Cathie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Very well done!!!!!!!! very please for ya!!!!! :D
What fantastic results, hun :D You must be so pleased, especially with all you've had to go through to get there :D
Any ideas what youre gonna do for A level?
original sin
22 Aug 2003, 00:46
:wink: good on ya!
Knew you'd do great Cathie, well done :D
Crystal Eyes
22 Aug 2003, 02:04
Thank you to everyonr who wished us luck and gave encouragement! Really apreciated it. Well Done Cathie on your great results. I'm also happy with mine. Hope eveyr one else is and if not it's not the end of the world, don't let it get you down. Even if you didn't get what you wanted things can work out alright any way.
Crystal Eyes
It sounds all great, and i'm happy for the persons who passed the exams... congrats....
But... Don't you have a summervacation? Or am i stupid and see something wrong???
22 Aug 2003, 09:46
congrats to u all who have just got ur results
The Flying Mouse
22 Aug 2003, 12:45
:twisted: Congratulations Cathie and Crystal Eyes :D .
I'm really pleased for you.
Congratulations Cathie :D
congratulations Crystal eyes :D
and congratulations to everyone else
original sin
22 Aug 2003, 14:59
CG's Crystal Eyes
Cathie and Crystal you go girls, :D iam really happy for you both ,well done yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, :wink: also everyone else good luck guys. :wink:
Crystal Eyes and Testify :D :D
Thank you for all the congratulations you all sent, it means so much.
24 Aug 2003, 21:16
Congratulations to everyone :!: You guys did great :D
Crystal Eyes
24 Aug 2003, 22:23
Thanks to everyone for their CGs. I'm still sending mine out to everyone. :D
24 Aug 2003, 23:25
So many people to say it to!
lol, CG's to all!!!!!!!
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