View Full Version : Some people deserve to rot in hell

18 Sep 2016, 04:41

disgusting display of "journalism"

18 Sep 2016, 04:58
I saw this earlier today on FB .. and decided it needed no circulation. It's mean, petty, spiteful, just wrong at any level .. and deserves to stay in the gutter where it belongs. Why post it in General Messages which is where Meat most often reads.

18 Sep 2016, 05:00
I saw this earlier today on FB .. and decided it needed no circulation. It's mean, petty, spiteful, just wrong at any level .. and deserves to stay in the gutter where it belongs. Why post it in General Messages which is where Meat most often reads.

He can sue em for slander

18 Sep 2016, 05:08
They are like the Mean Girls at school. :evil:

18 Sep 2016, 05:28
He can sue em for slander

I doubt he needs that aggravation .. and it would simply upset him and just generate publicity he doesn't need or want. If he comes across it, so be it. But no need to lay it in his path imo

18 Sep 2016, 05:36
Was sent this last night and by a couple of people yesterday. I can't handle this stuff. It is very upsetting to see.

These two are the biggest idiots around.


Drop kicks.


Can't stand them.

Sorry..so very sorry from this Australian.

18 Sep 2016, 06:23
It's not your fault or responsibility. It IS horrid and vile :( Not something Meat needs to see. If he finds it himself, so be it. But it doesn't deserve attention :mad:

18 Sep 2016, 07:32
While we're on the topic of upsetting, I Just read this



A million thoughts swirling around my head...Is she full of it? It sounds like her nurses/caretaker instincts were kicking in, and seeing Meat up close made her very concerned, just like Jim Steinman has been, just like many others have been.

Thankfully Meat has looked better in the US since he returned, but I really hope, really hope things turn out for the best...

18 Sep 2016, 07:33
Katie Price is a media grabbing bimbo with the brain of a peanut

18 Sep 2016, 07:34
Katie Price is a media grabbing bimbo with the brain of a peanut

Good, because I knew nothing about her being from Canada. Glad to hear it :!:

18 Sep 2016, 09:10
Case and point as to why I have not paid any attention to reviews or media over BTWA... especially in my own country

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18 Sep 2016, 12:13
Ah ... the way that they string all of the lowest timbre vocals together and make out that the entire album's in that register, and the way that they put together a bunch of unrelated clips from other interviews/news articles and play them out of context in some sad attempt to make out that Meat's losing it. And then, the worst offender for me personally, the way in which they're 'Hiii, Meat Loaf, thanks SO much for being here!!!' and then as soon as the phone goes down 'well, he sucks!!'.

Jesus :roll:

18 Sep 2016, 15:16
"Hey Meat great to talk to you. Ah so you're back and that's great."
*Interview ends*
"Hey Amanda that's the worst album in the world and I challenge anybody to disagree with me"

So Jonesy you just had the main challenger on the phone yet you didn't DARE to say anything of the sort to him?

In Men at Work melody: "He's a big coward from the land down under..."

18 Sep 2016, 15:53
"Hey Meat great to talk to you. Ah so you're back and that's great."
*Interview ends*
"Hey Amanda that's the worst album in the world and I challenge anybody to disagree with me"

So Jonesy you just had the main challenger on the phone yet you didn't DARE to say anything of the sort to him?

In Men at Work melody: "He's a big coward from the land down under..."

Hey Andrew, what's 'achterbaks' in English? Because these people are the pure definition of it.

18 Sep 2016, 16:06
Hey Andrew, what's 'achterbaks' in English? Because these people are the pure definition of it.

Attestbaks in English is shithead

18 Sep 2016, 22:35
While we're on the topic of upsetting, I Just read this



A million thoughts swirling around my head...Is she full of it? It sounds like her nurses/caretaker instincts were kicking in, and seeing Meat up close made her very concerned, just like Jim Steinman has been, just like many others have been.

Thankfully Meat has looked better in the US since he returned, but I really hope, really hope things turn out for the best...

Considering on Loose Women she told him she thought he already was dead, it seems like the perfect follow up for her to get a bit more attention herself.

And nurse my arse. As far as i know she was modelling when she was 16 and topless in The Sun a couple of years later...so unless she counts wearing a not-there nurse uniform in her pictures, I think "nurse training" might not really qualify her to make an opinion.

Very shrewd businesswoman who knows how to keep herself in the media. Just not someone whose opinion on any matter other than herself is ever relevant.

18 Sep 2016, 22:51
Good, because I knew nothing about her being from Canada. Glad to hear it :!:

As has been pointed out, the nearest she got to a nurses uniform would have been posing topless in one .. "nursing instincts", my grandmother's ass! Her head makes me think of Blackadder's advice to Baldrick on the contents of his trousers .. "Nothing of any significance resides there"

18 Sep 2016, 22:56

disgusting display of "journalism"

I thought it was actually ok...then the last two minutes happened.

So why sit there and say "I have my opinion of the album but i'm keeping it to myself...but here is a song from the album".Cut to hacked up nonsense, then "It's awful. It's a joke. It's terrible"

Journalism. No. Trolling, quite possibly.

To me, there wasn't anything wrong with the interview by Meat. He often pauses to think what he's saying and it all sounded cohesive to me.

And the old video clip...that's not Meat being of ill health or being off. That is just Meat. I've seen him burst into rants like that on numerous interviews. It's part of his character and who he is and what he does. If they "care" so much about him and "love" him so much, they would know that and they certainly wouldn't have posted the comments they did.

Just shows anyone can get into journalism these days.

18 Sep 2016, 23:16
As has been pointed out, the nearest she got to a nurses uniform would have been posing topless in one .. "nursing instincts", my grandmother's ass! Her head makes me think of Blackadder's advice to Baldrick on the contents of his trousers .. "Nothing of any significance resides there"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

19 Sep 2016, 00:10
Wasn't that videoing remark by Meat taken out of context here?

What a bunch of ~~~~ers these guys with their gold paint malarky on their site. Total ~~~~ers.

19 Sep 2016, 01:48
Wasn't that videoing remark by Meat taken out of context here?

It looked like he wasnt serious....joking the usual meat way.

In fact he does this alot with camera men. During Took the Words on in the Neighborhood he tells the camera guy to "shake his head yes"

19 Sep 2016, 01:54
It looked like he wasnt serious....joking the usual meat way.

In fact he does this alot with camera men. During Took the Words on in the Neighborhood he tells the camera guy to "shake his head yes"

Exactly. :-)

And even if he was a little annoyed by the camera, it was obviously half serious. They're just out to get him at this point, being super reactive to everything in the context of them wanting to peg him as the "AFL Meat Loaf", instead of just the Meat we know.

Justin Bieber
19 Sep 2016, 01:54
While we're on the topic of upsetting, I Just read this



A million thoughts swirling around my head...Is she full of it? It sounds like her nurses/caretaker instincts were kicking in, and seeing Meat up close made her very concerned, just like Jim Steinman has been, just like many others have been.

Thankfully Meat has looked better in the US since he returned, but I really hope, really hope things turn out for the best...
kat Price is notorious for saying things that shock. She seems to have no empathy in her. The ultimate airhead. If she didn't have money, now her model looks have gone, I think she would be very very lonely.

19 Sep 2016, 02:24
He should take them all to the cleaners

19 Sep 2016, 02:43
Hey Andrew, what's 'achterbaks' in English? Because these people are the pure definition of it.

Attestbaks in English is shithead

I think 'backstabbing' comes closest ;)

Then you get 'Backstabbing shitheads' :-D

19 Sep 2016, 18:07
Not sure how this ended up in off-topic, but really no surprise (the radio part). Radio hosts thrive on being controversial. People like Howard Stern and Opie and Anthony have built careers off of it. They are smarmy, snarky, and condescending.

The fact that they played carefully selected clips (which really weren't bad) to critique says it all. Those clips sounded very echo heavy and not like the CD at all.

They said they challenge anyone to say it isn't bad, OK "Jonesey" I will say it. That isn't bad. Just because you have a microphone doesn't make my opinion any less than yours, you just try to influence people and saying Meat isn't quite "right" is just insulting. He rambles a bit at times and is in pain, which you mention but do not take into account when you critique.

I don't have a problem with anyone's views on an album, but this seemed more a bit personal than focused on the actual music to me.

He was nice enough to be a guest on your little show so at least common courtesy was due.

19 Sep 2016, 18:21
Good, because I knew nothing about her being from Canada. Glad to hear it :!:

I did not either but reading this:
"Meanwhile, cosmetic surgery enthusiast Katie - who has had eight boob jobs, a nose job and regular Botox and face filler injections"

Makes me wonder how she can talk about "dead bodies" when hers is plastic.

19 Sep 2016, 18:29
Those clips sounded very echo heavy and not like the CD at all.

It sounded to me like the held their mic to the computer and recorded the rolling stone stream (which did have a strange and distracting echo to it compared to the iTunes edit and the album.

Basically, they couldn't even be bothered to listen to or put together a clip from the actual record to me.

20 Sep 2016, 15:01
Speaking of 'deserving to rot in hell' -- I was forwarded a review which I've only just managed to get around to reading. I use the word 'review' pretty loosely, as it reads more like an assassination piece written by an angry roadie-turned-inter-blogger (or, dare I say it, 'socially wronged tribute act!).

Article here:


A truly sad and shameful piece of 'journalism'... either way you look at it.

20 Sep 2016, 15:11
Speaking of 'deserving to rot in hell' -- I was forwarded a review which I've only just managed to get around to reading. I use the word 'review' pretty loosely, as it reads more like an assassination piece written by an angry roadie-turned-inter-blogger (or, dare I say it, 'socially wronged tribute act!).

Article here:


A truly sad and shameful piece of 'journalism'... either way you look at it.

It's Australian media, what do we expect? Nothing against Aussies in general but we know what's happened with Meat in Aus, let's leave it at that and agree to totally disregard things like this.

20 Sep 2016, 15:37
Speaking of 'deserving to rot in hell' -- I was forwarded a review which I've only just managed to get around to reading. I use the word 'review' pretty loosely, as it reads more like an assassination piece written by an angry roadie-turned-inter-blogger (or, dare I say it, 'socially wronged tribute act!).

Article here:


A truly sad and shameful piece of 'journalism'... either way you look at it.

I think the guy seriously has a thing for large endangered animals.
I don't even know why he bothers going into a track by track "analysis" only to repeat himself over and over. Must be on commission from thesaurus.com to use as many different variants of shot as he can.

For me...just this...


Clearly by using the AFL video, he has pretty much removed whatever trickle of journalism is actually there and become Joe Bloggs who blagged a spot as a reviewer.

And what exactly is that title? Not that it would change much, but at least if he had just put "Flat Out Of Hell" and left it at that it would at least make it appear that he knows something about basic journalism and what a headline's purpose is.

Hmm...hang on there's something on my show. It looks like Cameron Adams...no my mistake. It's just sh-

20 Sep 2016, 15:49
Speaking of 'deserving to rot in hell' -- I was forwarded a review which I've only just managed to get around to reading. I use the word 'review' pretty loosely, as it reads more like an assassination piece written by an angry roadie-turned-inter-blogger (or, dare I say it, 'socially wronged tribute act!).

Article here:


A truly sad and shameful piece of 'journalism'... either way you look at it.

Saw that article at the weekend. I wanted to write that Cameron asshole on Twitter but seriously what is the point? :roll: His game is exactly that, to seek attention, using his (paid for) platform to tear things a new asshole. That's what the game is of most people on the net these days it seems. Attention seeking, trash talking, parasitic behaviour. One that destructs and not one that creates, amazes or informs. It's almost a form of verbal terrorism I think. Trying to showcase the worst of someone for his own personal gain. I guess he feels better about himself for posting it and repeat tweeting about it. He probably re-reads that one article more than any positive album reviews he ever wrote, it is my guess.

I like the album. Some parts I think are maybe a bit difficult to digest but other parts are true genius and beautiful. Mostly the album is good in comparison to Meat's back catalogue. Even if I were the only one who liked it, I'm still thankful Meat and Jim made this and that it exists. How much other people try to crap on it is not going to make me change my mind about that at all.

It is all very time wasting focusing on this sort of stuff I feel.

There are better things I can do and will do with my time. Such as feel inspired by the new music and try to use my time for things I can create myself or learn something new each day, very much like Meat himself said. At least in between other commitments. Using that time for something positive is always going to be better than think about Cameron and his verbal terrorism.

I actually thank Cameron for writing such an extreme negative piece. I know what I must and must not do now...

If I don't speak to some of you for a little while:
Cheerio in the mean time... ;) :wave:

20 Sep 2016, 16:17
I agree completely -- in fact, except for this forum, I don't use any form of social media at all, (no Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Vine -- whatever that is) for all of the above reasons (and more). I think that the 'you have to have an e-profile if you're an artist/writer/etc.' mantra of the last decade is finally starting to subside (whereupon it will hopefully slip off the edge of whatever chasm it was laid out upon and quietly drift into the endless depths of a black and absolute nothing).

Did I ever tell you how I don't like social media?

Sue K
21 Sep 2016, 00:50
Unbelievable ... :roll:

It's not bad enough a link to a nasty review of Meat's new album is posted and it's pointed out it should not have been as Meat visits here and it's likely to upset him...

But then another link to another piece of nasty is posted and just in case Meat doesn't have time to hit onto the link, an excerpt is pulled and posted ... How helpful ...

Unbelievable ... :roll:

21 Sep 2016, 01:38
But then another link to another piece of nasty is posted and just in case Meat doesn't have time to hit onto the link, an excerpt is pulled and posted ... How helpful ...

The piece posted isn't from the article...it is from someone who commented on the piece saying what a lot of us are thinking about that reviewer.

And I think the reaction that has been show to those two reports in this forum and the comments attached to the "articles", actually stands to show Meat all he needs to know. They are a sad, clearly unhappy minority, who probably need to look at themselves rather than the things they "review".

Sue K
21 Sep 2016, 01:42
The piece posted isn't from the article...it is from someone who commented on the piece saying what a lot of us are thinking about that reviewer.

And I think the reaction that has been show to those two reports, actually stands to show Meat all he needs to know. They are a sad, clearly unhappy minority, who probably need to look at themselves rather than the things they "review".

Had Meat hit on the link he probably would have seen the reaction (I didn't hit the link) and the reaction posted summarized the negativity.

21 Sep 2016, 02:39
We're fans, we know better. We also know the motives of these hacks. How about we just say '~~~~ these people' and move on rather than giving them the oxygen they so desperately crave?

21 Sep 2016, 12:12
Unbelievable ... :roll:

It's not bad enough a link to a nasty review of Meat's new album is posted and it's pointed out it should not have been as Meat visits here and it's likely to upset him...

But then another link to another piece of nasty is posted and just in case Meat doesn't have time to hit onto the link, an excerpt is pulled and posted ... How helpful ...

Unbelievable ... :roll:

Yeah, slight overreaction there, I think.

I deliberately posted the link in this thread just so that Meat would NOT see it. I checked, and either Andy or Monstro told me that Meat NEVER checks the Off Topic section -- so my conscience is clear! :cool: