View Full Version : cassette to cd???

17 Aug 2003, 17:38
Just a question about this.

I've got a couple of cassette tapes, and i want to put that on a CD, how must or can i do that??? This is one of the things that i don't know about computers.

Must i use the normal radio, and plug it in on the computer?? And then?

Or must i use a tapestreamer??

Can someone help me?

The Butcher.

17 Aug 2003, 18:56
(1) Connect your tapedeck as tape #1 to a stereo amplifier or receiver
(2) Connect your computer as tape #2 to the same amplifier.
(3) Adjust the amplifier for tape dubbing.

Hope that helps.

17 Aug 2003, 19:12
Thanks R.

But another question... what program must i use??
Sorry to ask so much... but i don't have any knowhow from this.

The Butcher.

17 Aug 2003, 19:28
Check the software that came with your soundcard. I'm pretty sure there is some recording software included.
Record the tape as 16 bits, stereo, 44 khz sample frequency.
Save the recording as a .wav filke and use Nero to burn in on a CD.

17 Aug 2003, 19:38
Thanks R. will soon give it a try.
Will also download the program Goldwave, and give it a show with that...

Anyway, Thanks.

17 Aug 2003, 19:41
That program should do it.
Remember, be very careful when adjusting the recording level, because you are doing a digital recording with your soundcard. If the level is set to high, the sound/music will simply be cut off and you will hear clicking sounds in your recording.

17 Aug 2003, 22:39
Thank you! I was also wondering if this was possible.



18 Aug 2003, 01:07
The only thing you will have to do is just ask Mariella!! :D

Renegade Angel
18 Aug 2003, 20:04
you got my tapes then?