View Full Version : My Band

Rob The Badger
18 Aug 2003, 21:22
I mentioned this in passing in the Our Little Poets thread and thought I'd bring it to the attention of the forum in general.
Due to the recent break up of my last group, I am in search of new musicians to form a new South Wales based traditional rock group. I know there's a few peeps from S. Wales here. So if anyones interested or knows of anyone who's interested let me know.
Just for info, I'm looking for a bass player, and a drummer (I've already got a guitarist lined up).

original sin
18 Aug 2003, 21:26
don't suppose a recorder's any good?

Rob The Badger
18 Aug 2003, 22:42
Perhaps. :lol:

19 Aug 2003, 00:27
don't suppose a recorder's any good?

That's more than I can play :lol:

19 Aug 2003, 01:10
I can play air-guitar :lmao:

Rob The Badger
19 Aug 2003, 11:21
Sorry to be a downer but if anyone has a real suggestion PM me or put it here. Cheers.

19 Aug 2003, 16:28
Too bad you live in the UK, cause i can play arcordeon, the organ, piano and a bit drum.....

19 Aug 2003, 18:47
I can play the drums, Eyeore...but not very well.... :roll:

Rob The Badger
19 Aug 2003, 19:20
Hmm. 'Tis a shame indeed Tim. Looks like I'll have to put up an ad in NME.

19 Aug 2003, 21:15
I play a mean slide trombone, but think i am a bit far away for rehearsals. Sorry

I also play:

...Penny whistle
...the fool