View Full Version : Very weird, but super cool!!!

23 Aug 2003, 15:25
Check out the link beneith it is super weird. But i really love it:


23 Aug 2003, 15:31
Hey Tim, :D this is sooooooo groovyyyyyyyy. :wink:

23 Aug 2003, 15:51
yes it is brilliant , its on the tv over here for the past few months
and belive me children of all ages love it and some of the noises
they make have to be heard to be belived :P
thanks for the link, didnt realise it was now on the net.
bigmomma :lol:

23 Aug 2003, 15:59
and there i was thinking you were talking about me Tim :lol: :D

very funny.

23 Aug 2003, 19:07
and there i was thinking you were talking about me Tim :lol: :D

very funny.

hahahah Testify.. .you only wish!!!

But i didn't know that this was a link from something that excist... i mean, on tv orso.

23 Aug 2003, 20:16
great Tim :D


23 Aug 2003, 23:21
Tim,belive me the amount of tv interviews it had was weird,
all because it is supposed to be a new kind of pre school programme.
Well all age groups love it, even my hubby when he sees it!
the kids want me to thank you for the link :lol:

24 Aug 2003, 02:15
Very Cool Tim :D

24 Aug 2003, 11:44
That was incredibly tripppyyyyyyy........ 8O 8O 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Flying Mouse
24 Aug 2003, 17:34
:twisted: I looked at this after work last night.I thought someone spiked my drink :lol: .

24 Aug 2003, 18:26
That reminded me so much of a certain day in 1968 :twisted: :lol: I love this programme, good job I have grandchildren - Thanks Tim

24 Aug 2003, 20:40
Very weird!!!!!!!

Dottie: What do you mena 1968? You must have been a babe-in-arms back then?? One can only presume someone told you about it!!!!

24 Aug 2003, 23:55
Very weird!!!!!!!

Dottie: What do you mena 1968? You must have been a babe-in-arms back then?? One can only presume someone told you about it!!!!

Actually Chris 18 then, lotsa of funny things about, and spiking your drinks wasn't in vogue then... but certain other things were :!:

original sin
25 Aug 2003, 16:30
That was incredibly tripppyyyyyyy........ 8O 8O 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

uuummm yes i had a look and nearly went back to Tescos to complain about their mushrooms 8)

25 Aug 2003, 18:00
That was incredibly tripppyyyyyyy........ 8O 8O 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

mushrooms 8) quite, but meant something a little less harmful Chris :lol:

27 Aug 2003, 01:29
I must admit, it did remind me of some of my university parties!!!!!