View Full Version : How populair is your name???

09 Sep 2003, 23:22
A very funny link. Here you can check out how populair your name is, and were it stands on a huge list. So check it out:


My name was at #170 in the male list.

evil nickname
09 Sep 2003, 23:41
Big surpise here: William hits #5

My last name is nowhere to be found, but the English spelling of it (at least, what my migrated uncle uses) hits #51549...

09 Sep 2003, 23:44
first name at #2485

Last name #10449

Rob The Badger
09 Sep 2003, 23:51
w00t! No. 3 1st name
No. 169 LAST NAME! Cool. . .

Sapphire Lady
10 Sep 2003, 10:45
Checked out "Meat". Not surprisingly it wasn't listed :mrgreen:

10 Sep 2003, 11:00
No, S.L.--Meat wouldn't be on that list.

He is truly ONE OF A KIND!!! :mrgreen:


10 Sep 2003, 12:50
No 10 - How about that :D Christian name!

Male name Dorothy very rare :lol:

10 Sep 2003, 12:53
#11 and #2519

Of course, Chris is a very popular name, the ladies are always screaming it!!!!

Sapphire Lady
10 Sep 2003, 13:03
Of course, Chris is a very popular name, the ladies are always screaming it!!!!

In your dreams Chris :lmao:

10 Sep 2003, 13:57
Michel is the #627 most common male name.

It's high if the names of every people in the world is used. :lol:

10 Sep 2003, 14:33
Tina is #92 in the list of female names... And it says that it is a very rare MALE name too!!!!! 8O 8O 8O I think I wouldn't give a boy that name, it sounds weird for a guy I think. :?

10 Sep 2003, 16:39
That was a really interesting site. My stats-

First name: #512

Last name: #3 (Williams- curse that common name- there are always a dozen Williams at the pharmacy, doctors office, restaurants- everywhere I go!)

Maiden name: no ranking, just "very rare"- it's Czech, most of the Czech branch was killed in WW2. Only the branch that came to the US survived and there are under 2 dozen people in the world with the name. How did I go from that to Williams? :roll:


10 Sep 2003, 18:17

My first name is # 53

My first last name is # 47044

My second last name is # 50

10 Sep 2003, 20:07
#517 most common male name

#180 most common female name

#1619 most common last name

wow i hav a mulituse name cool :lol:

10 Sep 2003, 21:12
First name is #6

Last name is #177 but is also #803 in guys names

10 Sep 2003, 22:40
My first name is number 46 most popular female first name. apparently very few men are called Catherine...suppose that's good really, but around 1250 people in America have the last name Catherine!!

My middle name is number 148 most popular female first names.

My last name is number 704 most common last names. Considering that I have never met anyone else with the same last name as me I'm very surprised!! :D

Edit: oops. my middle name is 148, not 48. :oops: look, no one said i had to be able to read numbers when i joined here.

14 Sep 2003, 12:36
My first name is #7 on the female list and my last name is extremely rare. What I found funny was that there is 6125 males in the US named Maria :D

14 Sep 2003, 18:12
First name is #54 on the female list.
8O Surprised as I don't like my name and really didn't think it was that popular!

Second name is #48

Last name is #10578

Great site, thanks for the link Tim!

17 Sep 2003, 02:46
Anthony at 22!! Thats so cool :D

Michael is at 4, my middle name!! Neater :P