View Full Version : Jim Steinman's new songs

White of High
30 Sep 2003, 00:23
I've read Jim Steinamn did the music of Wuthering Heights. There are some Jim song:

Erika Christensen - The Future Ain't What It used To Be
Mike Vogel - If It Ain't Broke (Break It)
Erika Christensen & Mike Vogel - More

Has anybody heard them?

evil nickname
30 Sep 2003, 00:56
First off:
The Future Ain't What It Used To Be and More are not new songs. TFAWIUTB was originally recorded for the Pandora's Box album "Original Sin" and More is written by Jim and Andrew Eldritch, frontman of The Sisters of Mecy. The original version appeared on the 1991 album "Vision Thing".
The only new song is "If It Ain't Broke (Break It)" and 2 Hewitt Huntwork songs (who is gonna release an album on Jim's Ravenous Records).

As you might have guessed: I heard them. More is a harder rocking, but shorter, remake. I prefer the original. The Future... is very much stripped down. The piano-track was lifted from the original, and as a whole, I like this version slightly better than the Pandora's Box version.
Now... If It Ain't Broke (Break It). It's very much not yer typical Steinman. As I recall correctly, this must be one of the few (if not the only) song not (prominently) featuring keyboards/piano. It starts off with a drum pattern, followed by a guitar riff (Pat Thrall!). After a relatively long intro (almost a quarter of the song) the vocals kick in. Pretty clever lyrics, by the way. The vocals sound a bit harsh, but that actually fits the song quite well... since the is absolutely the loudest song Jim has ever done... To me, it sounds a little 'nu-metalish' (Linkin Park on steroids). Main complaint I heard is that it is not very melodic. That's true, but I like it a lot... a sonic assault that lasts just 2.09

30 Sep 2003, 01:15
Yes, I've heard them. They're not new songs, unless you think that another person singing them makes them new. They're for sale on the MTV website I think. Jules was very kind to order on my behalf, because MTV only ships to US addresses.

White of High
30 Sep 2003, 15:20
I know they are not new! Which is better? The acapella or the original version of Future?

evil nickname
30 Sep 2003, 15:42
Neither. The acapella version is just 49 seconds of the new 'vocal and piano' version. I like that version better then the original, but just slightly. Make up your own mind, I'd say...