View Full Version : Livin' In A Box.
The Flying Mouse
04 Oct 2003, 01:51
:twisted: For the benefit of our forign members,i'll explain :wink: .
At the moment,an American "magician" David Blaine is performing an endurance stunt.
For 44 days,he is suspended in a clear plastic box high above the river Thames.
He is not allowed any food during this time,the one thing he is allowed is water.
Personally,I thinks it's a pretty dumb idea :? .It's not a stunt,it's a hunger strike :lol: .Although one that will earn him quite a bit of cash :wink:
Although he is becoming famous for having drunk people throw eggs and bannanas at him :lmao: .
Rob The Badger
04 Oct 2003, 01:59
I think it's stupid. As a friend of mine stated "He's getting paid to starve, people in Ethiopia have to starve for nothing". Case in point.
original sin
04 Oct 2003, 02:17
8) Took my lad to see him last saturday they were loads of people 8O
A lot of people were making dumb comments as they passed by.
Yep his gonna make a packet, however I think it's a demostration of the mental state overcoming the physical.
I can understand why people are talking about a God complex (it's not him posting here is it?) but the human race has always wanted to achieve the impossible, Climb higher, swim futher, go faster, reach the stars. It's just another peak to climb, so to speak.
I did hear that there were questions about the vadility of his water supply and i do think it's silly to try to prove something, if you are going to leave an element of doubt by not having the proper audit checks.
wow that was a long one :!: sorry
8O I heard that the security for this stunt is gonna cost an obscene amount :roll: .............wonder who will be footing the bill!
Rob The Badger
04 Oct 2003, 13:17
Should be Blaine.
04 Oct 2003, 13:29
I dont see the point in it to be honest.
evil nickname
04 Oct 2003, 13:37
That guy is so lucky that it wasn't me who locked the box. I would have misplaced that key by now :)
If he was doing this stunt for charity, such as Amnesty International or to raise money for the starving and homeless, then yes, great all power to him, but he's not. He is doing this for his own gains, for more publicity and money, why he has to do it here I don't know, what is wrong with America?
He might as well have a bulls eye target painted on the side of his box for all the support he seems to be getting from the British. lol
Well I admire David, he stretches the limitations of his mental and physical body to the extreme.
I feel that if we have to justify everything we do as a balance against something else, there wouldn't be any point in any of us striving for the impossible, would there?
oh no , 8O another publicity stunt, :? and for what even more attention. :roll:
Rob The Badger
04 Oct 2003, 18:21
I stand by my original point. It was fine when he stood on a pole for ages, but starving himself is somewhat tasteless IMHO.
The Flying Mouse
04 Oct 2003, 20:03
:twisted: My main gripe is that it's suposed to be entertainment 8O .
Surly it's much more interesting to watch a really good illusion,or a great card man at work :? .I've seen some guys work a pack of cards that would make you change your religion 8) .
Sitting in a box for 44 days just seems a tad,err,boring :? .
original sin
04 Oct 2003, 20:15
It's a challenge of human boundaries. Some think football is entertainment I would disagree :lol:
The Flying Mouse
04 Oct 2003, 20:16
Some think football is entertainment I would disagree :lol:
:twisted: now THAT,I can go with :wink: :lol: .
Some think football is entertainment I would disagree :lol:
:twisted: now THAT,I can go with :wink: :lol: .
HEATHENS!!!!!! :!:
Some think football is entertainment I would disagree :lol:
:twisted: now THAT,I can go with :wink: :lol: .
I do not watch football for entertainment!!! I am a Halifax Town fan!!! Is not entertaining when we play!!!
On Topic- personally i think he is a pratt!!! Some fot he stunts he does sucha s standing on the pole were good but this si just plain stupid!!
Also did anyone see the interview he did on GMTV where he refused to answer any questions or speak!! instead he just held up a hand with an eye painted on it!!!
Methinks the boy needs help!!!!
Kitty Kat
07 Oct 2003, 21:20
I'm sorry but watching David Blaine in a box is like watching paint dry or grass growing. If he's not careful they will be carrying him off in a box. At least there will be no more publicity stunts.
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