View Full Version : The Final Two
04 Oct 2003, 21:58
As the final two of Fame Academy students have been anounced, i was wondering who you thought might win?
Rob The Badger
04 Oct 2003, 22:12
Eugh. Pass.
But Alex does have some amount of talent, so she's the lesser of two evils, pluss her ego is only as big as a Mini compared to Alastair's stretch limo.
04 Oct 2003, 22:27
i agree nanna!!!!!
Me confused!!!
04 Oct 2003, 22:42
u not watch fame academy?? if not dont worry ya pritty lil head, just another of my stupid topics :lol:
ALEX!!! ALEX!!!! ALEX!!!! ALEX!!! ALEX!!! ALEX!!! ALEX!!!
Rob The Badger
04 Oct 2003, 23:20
Good Lord it's taking over! 8O
05 Oct 2003, 00:23
the lines have closed.....and the winner is........................................
She sooo deserved to win it!!!!
I'd love to hear her do one of Meat's songs...maybe Good Girls Go To Heaven or Reed Em And Weep...
05 Oct 2003, 00:46
think read em n weep would suit her. :D
05 Oct 2003, 01:01
Rob The Badger
05 Oct 2003, 01:41
Oh Hell, does that mean she's going to release an album!? 8O Save us from the manufactured morons!
But seriously, if you rearange the following sentence you'll get my opinion of her: Moron, Talentless.
05 Oct 2003, 01:44
not your cup of tea then? :wink:
The Flying Mouse
05 Oct 2003, 04:02
I'd love to hear her do one of Meat's songs...maybe Good Girls Go To Heaven or Reed Em And Weep...
Right Heat,you've called me a heathen once tonight,so right back at ya...
I can't stand these "talent" shows.The first was sort of interesting due to curiosity value,but it's all getting very tiresome very quickly :zzz:
I am in complete agreement with ya Mousie - not about the Heathen bit though!!!
But seriously - have you heard this girl sing??? I personally thought she was fanf**kingtastic!!! :lol: :twisted:
Rob The Badger
05 Oct 2003, 12:09
It was the last straw when she buthcered Yellow on TOTP and THEN she slaughtered Imagine with a pick-axe. . .GOOD LORD!
As a musician, I have an inbred hate for these peole.
Besides, neither of them can write a decent song. . .
Give me Annie Lennox anyday. . .
Alex is unique, she has a wondererful quality to her voice. I don't believe she will ever become one of these manufactured artists :!: Alex can also write lyrics, did you hear and see her own song last night - fabulous, sent a shiver up my spine, I for one will buy her first album without even listening to any tracks, such is my faith in Alex.
Rob The Badger
05 Oct 2003, 15:17
I really HATE the record industry. . .
05 Oct 2003, 21:29
Alex is unique, she has a wondererful quality to her voice. I don't believe she will ever become one of these manufactured artists :!: Alex can also write lyrics, did you hear and see her own song last night - fabulous, sent a shiver up my spine, I for one will buy her first album without even listening to any tracks, such is my faith in Alex.
i agree, i thought her song was fantastic. I never watched the first fame academy, but theres summin bout her. she'll go far. :D
Rob The Badger
05 Oct 2003, 21:38
but theres summin bout her. she'll go far. :D
I strongly agree, she's going the same way that Sneddon bloke went, in the bargain bin and up the record company's ***. To put it bluntly. I'm bet on that.
Eyeore...I'm gonna hafta disagree with you on this one..
She is one of the few artists that can make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up - to quote someone rather famous...
She's got a voice like a horny f**king angel...
05 Oct 2003, 23:07
Eyeore...I'm gonna hafta disagree with you on this one..
She is one of the few artists that can make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up - to quote someone rather famous...
She's got a voice like a horny f**king angel...
who said that??
im gonna definatly get her album when it comes out, shez great :D
Rob The Badger
05 Oct 2003, 23:07
Yes. She has got one helluva voice. But in the hands of the record company, she's going nowhere. Is it a shame? Yes. Is it innevitable? Unfortunately, yes.
Anyone here also see Alex on Top of the Pops, she was fab. knocked that manufactured lot into a ~~~~ hat :lol: Can't wait to buy that single, she penned that herself,and then the album.
24 Oct 2003, 23:24
she was great!!!!
u can watch a small clip here, n totp is repeated at 1.55am :D
was a great performance, really want the single n album now! :P
Your are an angel Testify - thanks a lot for posting that clip, thnaks to for the chat tonight :lol:
love nanna
24 Oct 2003, 23:39
if u go to and become a member for free u can look at no end of media. :D
Rob The Badger
25 Oct 2003, 11:14
I thought she would be the epitomy(sic) of manufactred pop. The whole 'writing songs herself' thing is a gimmick. They tried it with that Sneddon bloke and well, he didn't get anywhere. Won't last. Sorry.
Cheers Testify for posting the link, very good site, lots of information
Testify, Heart Radio have been playing Alex today, love that song, on the brain all the time now. Going to buy next week
Rob The Badger
25 Oct 2003, 21:53
Oh how I hate to admit this. . .Just heard that song, well half of it on the radio, didn't hear the name. . .and um. . .yes. She can write a semi-decent tune. Props to her for that. Shame really. Record company's gonna milk her (no pun intended) for all she's worth. . .
25 Oct 2003, 22:55
Testify, Heart Radio have been playing Alex today, love that song, on the brain all the time now. Going to buy next week
i aint heard it on the radio yet! :cry: i have been listenin to radio 1 as much as i can to hear it but no luck. ahhhh well, just have to buy the single!
the vid should be on the box on the 31st Oct and the single on the 17th Nov. :D
27 Oct 2003, 22:32
for anyone who is interested Alex will be on top of the pops saturday at 11am BBC1
Jonathan ross 7th Nov 10.35pm :D
Sapphire Lady
27 Oct 2003, 22:44
Looks like I'm the only person who prefers Alistair :oops:
I think Alex's song (If That's What It Takes I think it's called?) is very downbeat and depressing. Give me Alistair's Bring It On any day. Much more upbeat and cheerful. Sky TV are using it as a theme for some football programme. Would make a great single. :D
27 Oct 2003, 22:49
Alister is ok, hez ended up with near enough the same record deal as Alex, and is bringin 'Bring It On' out as a single near christmas i think, the song by Alex is called 'Maybe thats what it takes' think it is a hit it will get to number one me thinks with the right promotion, it got a very good reception at Top Of The Pops and with her doin more apperences a number one shouldnt be a problem, so is Alisters maybe.... not too sure bout his, its got the patential to be a hit. :D
I disagree wit it bein down beat, tis just me tho :wink: hehe.
28 Oct 2003, 02:06
Album is out on the 24/11. :D :D
same day as meats new single is released?? isnt it?
Thanks Testify for the above tv dates, have made note on my calender
I don't understand this poll, can somebody please tell me what I'm missing thanks :P
31 Oct 2003, 13:22
It was about the Fame Academy programme in UK. Was just a poll to see who people thought would win fame academy tis all. I did it abit b4 the results were in to see who the winner was.
For anyone who wants to watch the vid u can do here
Oh thank you so much Testify, cann't stop watching this video - big kiss to you
03 Nov 2003, 17:25
:lol: lol
no problem. tryin to finds some more stuff :P
05 Nov 2003, 13:18
Alex is on Today With Des and Mel. Its not an interview but she performs when they come back from the second set of breaks.
She is also on loose lips on the 12th november.
and is on pop world Channel 4 on the 9th at 9.30 am :D
Cheers Testify, my little protege - I taught you well :lol:
07 Nov 2003, 15:34
Alex should be on BBC morning breakfast news (or whatever its called) on Monday 10th nov.
....dont forget shes on johnathon ross tonite at 10.35pm :D
Thanks Testify - hurry up tonight :D
08 Nov 2003, 23:14
top of the pops saturday 17th Nov.
noted testify on my calendar - cheers my little protege
09 Nov 2003, 15:38
awwww crap! i missed it this morn, i didnt wake up :cry: :evil: :x hpmh!
awwww crap! i missed it this morn, i didnt wake up :cry: :evil: :x hpmh!
Guilty as proved me to :!: :twisted: :(
09 Nov 2003, 15:52
ahhh well, just have to wait to get the performance or whatever off the alex site. :D all is not lost....
12 Nov 2003, 13:32
Alex is on Smile on BBC2 in the morning, there should be a performance at 10 but she is on throughout the show.
got my dates mixed up, she will be on TOTP saturday this saturday so look out for that. :D
12 Nov 2003, 13:39
FRI/21 C.I.N BBC1 7.30PM
SUN/23 TRURO HMV 4.30PM (free entry, although to be able to get the album signed you need a wrist band, you can get those from hmv before hand)
Trafford Centre Manchester Mon24/Nov - 12pm-3pm
Edinburgh Princes St. Mon24/Nov - 6pm-7.30pm
Oxford Circus London Mon24/Nov - 6pm-9pm
(clash of two times, waiting for more information)
14 Nov 2003, 00:03
Alex will be on children in need, signin 4 songs.
two good reasons to watch now! meat n alex :P
Cheers Testify my little protege allways there with the news first, thanks my friend :)
24 Nov 2003, 00:02
anyone got the new album? what u think?
Got it... very good.
Will be good to hear the next album with all her own stuff if the ones on this one are anything to go by. Some good covers too.
Sapphire Lady
28 Nov 2003, 11:34
As I seem to be the only Alistair supporter here I just thought I'd mention that his single will be out on 29 December. :D
Don't all rush at once now :mrgreen:
28 Nov 2003, 19:01
i dont know if anyone saw but alex was on des and mel yesturday
u can see here
black dog
01 Dec 2003, 23:31
Thanks for the website Testify. Looks like a good sight.
I bought the album on Saturday so we've been listening to that.
So Alistair's single is out on the 29th (Thanks Sapphire Lady). Will probably get that as I kept finding myself singing it.
19 Dec 2003, 22:16
Next single release is on Feb 9th. It will be 'Cry'.
Dates 2004-
4th January - Smile BBC2
11th January - Smile BBC2
January 17th - Nightingales PA appearance.
January 18th - Smile BBC2
January 23rd- TOTP BBC1 (Performance)
31st January - TOTP Saturday BBC1
1st February - Popworld, Channel 4, (Behind the scenes video piece)
8th Feb - Smile BBC2 - Interview and Video
February 9th- Cry released
15th Feb - Popworld, Channel 4 (Performance)
21st Feb - TOTP Saturday BBC1 (Performance)
Thanks Testify for the information - still have not been allowed to listen to Alex Park Album CD, not long to go now, 4 more days, although the temptation is there :twisted:
18 Jan 2004, 23:34
for anyone whos interested Alex Park's new video for her next single release is ready for selection on MTV Hits
Rob The Badger
18 Jan 2004, 23:54
James is a cool name.
I just love CRY a brilliant song, and what a singer Alex is :)
19 Jan 2004, 17:19
also on the box, smash hits and flaunt.
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